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R: 12 / I: 0

Fujo music #2

Music from BL franchises, songs about boys loving boys, fan-made music etc.
Previous thread https://fujochan.org/bl/res/1725.html
R: 295 / I: 141

BL games thread 2

A new bl game general after the last one was locked because of the missing thread pic. What's your favourite? Did you play one recently that you'd like to talk about? Is there a BL game localisation you're looking forward to?

last thread >>361
R: 67 / I: 40

BL manga discussion #2

Previous thread https://fujochan.org/bl/res/16.html

Where to find BL manga raws?
R: 114 / I: 42

/BL/ general 2

let's bring this thread back, last thread was >>1060

Tasogare out of focus is getting an anime adaptation soon, i've only read the first volume but i remember it being cute, what current series are you fujos interested in?
R: 31 / I: 14

Favorite gay myths?

I'll start with Hyacinthus.

He was so beautiful that three Gods fell in love with him at once: Zephyrus, the God of the West wind, Boreas, the God of the North wind, Apollo, the God of the sun, and some random human named Thamyris.

Anyway, Hya-kun had great taste and decided to roll with Apollo, clearly the most attractive seme. Apollo loved him so much he hung out with him on Earth. Presumably they screwed a lot. One day they were playing with a discus and Apollo threw it so hard he split the clouds, and when Hya-kun went to catch it, Jealous Zephyrus blew a wind to send it off course; it killed Hya-kun. Probably instantly.

Apollo wept. He had a flower bloom from Hya-kun's blood, the hyacinth. Later on, he resurrected him, but I think that ruins the story.

Anyway, post gay myths. They don't have to be Greek.
R: 81 / I: 32

BL anime general

Previous thread:
R: 67 / I: 52

Incest BL 2.0

Let's bring this thread back!

Best incest ships?
Brothers or Father son?
Inseki: Is it ever good or is it always a cop-out?
Is twincest wincest?
R: 56 / I: 32

/bl/ Doujin General 2.0

Alright time to make a new one.

>Share Doujins you've read.

>Discuss doujin trends
>Franchise with the best doujinshi?
>Do you ever read doujins for series you're unfamiliar with?

First order of business. Why the fuck is MyReadingManga so hard to up to? I want to cross archive doujins to both sadpanda and MRM, but it's hit or miss and then they accept furry garbage instead.
R: 41 / I: 43

Figures and Merch #2

Post pictures of BL merch or anime boy merch in this thread, discuss prices and buying of merch/fanmerch.

#1 https://fujochan.org/bl/res/27.html
R: 45 / I: 36

Monster Boys thread 2

New Monster thread, old one was locked because of the dead OP image. Post whatever strange boys you love, half animal? mythological? Paranormal? Eldritch? Terrifying? Anything else? All welcome!
Old thread >>972
R: 74 / I: 20

Fic Thread #2

A thread for fanfic discussion. Recommend stories, talk about tropes, and post your own work!

Old Thread: >>3
R: 15 / I: 5

Best Setting for BL

What is the best setting for a BL series and what do you want to see more of?

>Time Period

>Sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary
>Character Ages
R: 33 / I: 32

Age Gap

How do you feel about age gap popular ships?

Which do you like?
Do you openly ship it?
What it your favored age gap?
R: 8 / I: 0
A thread dedicated to Fanzines, share projects that interest you, discuss purchases, vent, ect.

I'm making this thread though because I've just been notified a No. 06 zine was recently released for free. Free zines of course don't have the same quality a paid one would have but it's nice to see the No. 06 fandom is still alive.
R: 11 / I: 7

Impactful BL

A thread for discussing BL manga/anime that have deeply effected you. Not necessarily something you would recommend to another person, but a BL that months or years after reading you still think about or return to.

Stories you relate to, world building or character development you can't stop analyzing, character designs you love, art styles that have influenced your own art, a book that triggered the start of a kink, or the best rendering of your kink you've every seen. Was a strong memory formed by reading it with a friend, or being one of your first? If for any reason a BL has left a large impact on you, go ahead and share!
R: 25 / I: 18

BL Recommendation thread #2

>Ask for suggestions by listing what you're looking for (tropes, plot, characters etc.) in a BL manga/anime/doujinshi/fanfic/game/etc.
>Recommend something you really like by telling a bit about what it's about and what are the themes featured in it so that others can pick it up

Previous: https://fujochan.org/bl/res/1217.html
R: 32 / I: 35

Danmei thread

Chinese BL novels and their adaptations!

R: 6 / I: 3

Hurt/Comfort thread

A thread for discussing the hurt/comfort trope

>What are your favourite h/c scenarios?

>What type of characters do you love to see suffering the most?
>What relationship dynamic do you like best in h/c content?
>Any h/c scenes from media which you enjoyed?
R: 28 / I: 10

Harada general

I don't know if it would be weird to have a thread for a sole mangaka, but with how popular Harada is and how many fujosisters mention her as one of their favourites I think it would be nice to have a thread to discuss her series. Harada (はらだ) is a Japanese BL manga artist who first grew popular through her Gintama doujinshi and her circle called Paraiso, and later on became known for using a lot of dark humor mixed with dark themes in her works such as Color Recipe, Nii-chan, Yata & Momo, Happy Kuso Life, the Song of Yoru&Asa, One Room Angel and many more.

>How did you hear about Harada?

>What was your first manga you read from her?
>What's your favourite manga from her?
>Who's your favourite couple from her mangas?
>How about least favourite?
>What do you like best about her works? Do you think there's something to improve?
>What was your favourite character moment?
>Have you read any anthologies she took part in?
>Do you own any merch?
>Do you know any similar manga artists?
>Are you familiar with her older works?
>Are you going to watch the One Room Angel live action?
R: 15 / I: 33

Flamboyant Villains/Masc Heroes thread

a thread for shipping flamboyant, gay-leaning Villains who will have an outright flirtatious relationship with the Hero, think Batman/Joker for example
R: 17 / I: 16
Spring cleaning in action? Time to remake the bad yaoi anatomy thread!

Post all the best yaoi hands!
R: 4 / I: 10

boys fighting/hurt

post boys fighting each other and/or physically hurt, bloody, bandaged etc. better if that's implied as the the aftermath of fighting with another boy. playfighting is okay, as is actual hate or rivalry spurred violence. also please post pictures of boys tending to each other's wounds after fighting. no /ex/
R: 109 / I: 70

Rarepair thread!

Remaking this thread >>1479 since all the pics are gone. Please let's share the obscure ships you have! OP pic might not be super obscure according to some so definitely share your ship.
I'll start the thread with a question to help stirr conversation.

>What is it about your rarepair that you like so much, compared to the more mainstream ships in your fandom?
R: 7 / I: 7

BL art thread #2

Post any BL fanart you like!

#1 https://fujochan.org/bl/res/480.html
R: 41 / I: 13

BL Positions and Pairings

I thought I would make a thread on seme or uke roles since I didn't see one in the catelog
>Are you okay with riba or only fixed positions?
>Do you usually like the uke more or the seme?
>Do you like ships where the roles are obviously defined? Or pairings where they are more ambiguous?
>Are you a Snake, Slug, Frog, Snail, Geeko, or Turtle fujo?
But most importantly, I want this thread to be about discussing which character should be seme or uke in certain pairings. Picrel is a classic
R: 6 / I: 5

Alien Stage thread

Do you have any theories or hopes about how the story will progress?
Which boy is the cutest?
And more importantly, who do you ship?
R: 3 / I: 4

Live-action BL

TV series & films.
R: 17 / I: 37

Crossdressing/trap thread #2

#1 https://fujochan.org/bl/res/1230.html
R: 33 / I: 28

Spooky season ~ Halloween on Fujochan!

Hello fellow fujos~
Since October is coming soon I've thought of making a Halloween thread for us, so that we can post anything that focuses on BL and Halloween. If you have spoopy BL recs please tell us about it! This isn't /ex/ though so let's keep things jolly!
R: 14 / I: 10
Since the last thread >>989 is locked i thought it would be nice to start a new one
Anyone else here a Danganronpa fan? Remember the epic homo reveal with Juuzo
R: 1 / I: 1

Amateur BL

Be it art, animation, fics or whatever…. Amateurish stuff is fun to look for. There's something charming to it and sometimes it's so bad its good.
R: 22 / I: 4

Video gays thread 2

Continuing from >>1074
There's a visual novel general so it only seems fair to have one for video games in general as well, I just started playing octopath traveller 2 and I picked the twinky looking healer boy and I'm already getting gay vibes from him and his knight pal
R: 8 / I: 0

korea and BL

Does korea ban or dislike overt M/M relationships in its fiction?
I know they have weird ruels around censoring knives and genitalia.

Here's why I have this question.

These 2 side characters (sinu and jake) are from lookism, one of webtoons more popular translated manhwa.

I'll be blunt Lookism isn't really a BL. In general, romance definitely took a back seat, and the story has been completely derailed recently while it turned into a shonen fighting manga.

But there's clearly romantic tension between some male characters. Like its all but outright stated that one character Jay Hong, is in love with the main character Daniel Park. Jay Hong also was apparently disowned by his father for being gay, but this isn't explictly stated but only heavily implied.

But in contrast when a male and female like eachother, the story spells it out much more explicitly.
R: 4 / I: 1

Yaoi Day!

Happy Yaoi Day! What are you doing to celebrate?
R: 355 / I: 120

BL games

Just a BL game general thread. What's your favourite? Did you play one recently that you'd like to talk about? Is there a BL game localisation you're looking forward to?
R: 19 / I: 18

This is a Teru thread

In which we talk about how great Teru is.
R: 156 / I: 124

seasonal / recent anime thread

what are you watching? what have you watched? also: by "recent" i'm thinking shows that aired from 2021 - to now.
R: 14 / I: 11

Manhwa Or Manga?

When it comes to reading BL do you prefer Japanese Manga or Korean Manhwa? I noticed that after Killing Stalkings huge success that Manhwa has become incredibly popular in the BL scene. I personally prefer Manhwa. I just like colors if I’m being honest.
R: 219 / I: 105

/bl/ general

a thread for misc. bl stuff and idle, semi-on-topic discussion. if you just want to talk about a one-off ship in that manga you thought was going to be entirely lolib8 or sperg about something that either,

>doesn't really deserve its own thread

>doesn't fit into any thread on the catalogue
>doesn't pique your interest enough to go through the motions of making a new thread

then put it here.
R: 35 / I: 63

Monster Boys thread

Do you prefer monster x monster or human x monster? Which species are your favourites? Do you prefer them cute or scary or both?
R: 133 / I: 59


Thoughts on incest?

Do you like it?
R: 127 / I: 89

BL manga discussion

This thread is about BL manga, as in, official releases and original works. Talk about whatever you want, like new releases, the manga you like and dislike, your favorite artists and what they're up to, etc.
R: 467 / I: 77

fic thread

discuss fic
share your favorites
shit on certain tropes
shill your own work
R: 19 / I: 7

Fujo music

Anyone got any favorite BL related music they like to listen to? Whether it be music from BL games/anime or music centered around two boys I'd love to hear it!

Starting out with a song about Kagamine as a fujoshi and Hyadain's always classic BL stuff!
R: 11 / I: 8


So anyway, I'm reading Devilman. Have any other nonnas taken the plunge?

My boyfriend pointed out that the art style reminds him of Popeye. Actually. I can kinda of see it.
R: 55 / I: 49

Unexpected BL

what are some series you like that are not explicitly BL, but might as well be? i know sports anime is like that but there's a whole other thread for that

pic rel, i love relationships where it's a huge will they won't they and the fics that follow also there's nothing more gay than dying in the arms of another man
R: 49 / I: 94

art finds

post any cute pic of art or fanart finds you have
R: 20 / I: 1

/bl/ - Text Thread

Text thread for /bl/

R: 44 / I: 31

Sports Anime and Manga General

Thread dedicated to BL (canon or ships from series) of sports anime/manga/manhwa etc
R: 15 / I: 16

Bad/Funny BL art thread

Post so so bad, it's good or so bad, it's horrifying in Yaoi/BL
R: 10 / I: 0

Let's make a video game.

Hi Fujochan.
In honour of Paul-Frank and the 1920's story where the shorter rich dude topped (sadly eaten by recent update), I have decided to try my hand at making a BL video game.

I have at my disposal:
-RPGmaker MZ and the chipset contained therein.
-A character maker that can do a decent amount of customisation.
-Ability to make Fantasy or Modern games (Also historical to some extent, think 1800's countryside).

What I need from you guys:

-Character Design
-What kind of game? Mystery game? Dungeon crawler?
-Setting ideas

I can't make something super long, so let's aim for a cute short game.
R: 20 / I: 11

old school/classic bl (Restored)

a thread for older shit. what are you watching/reading?
R: 110 / I: 92

Muscular boys

>How do you feel about muscular boys in bl?
>Do you prefer them as tops or bottoms?
>How much muscle is too much?
Since there is a lot of discussion about traps, we might as well discuss the opposite side.
R: 10 / I: 13

Medical thread

A thread for images and discussing BL with medical themes. Characters that are doctors, nurses, patients receiving treatment, medicine or drugs being a central part of the story, hospitals and infirmaries being featured, medical procedures etc. I've noticed these themes becoming more popular especially after Slow Damage that maybe there could be a thread for it.

>This is not an /ex/ thread and should not be treated as such, i.e. no guro or ryona (graphic violence or extreme abuse).

>Do you like medical themes in BL? If yes, what's the appeal?
>Do you find medical themes common in BL?
>What kind of BL has had such themes? Have you read any fics or seen any related art? Any darkfic themes you like?
>What about it do you like the most? Any particular thing you find appealing?
>Anything that crosses the line for you?
R: 0 / I: 0 (sticky)
Board for Yaoi and BL, share and discuss your fujoshi interests.
R: 13 / I: 4

Looking for an Eruri image

Does anybody have the other half of this doodle? I'm looking for it :(

Sorry if this is the wrong board.
R: 23 / I: 22
Boys love elements in videogames thread?
R: 32 / I: 33

Figures and Merch

Post pictures of BL merch or anime boy merch in this thread, discuss prices and buying of merch/fanmerch.
R: 5 / I: 10

Unhinged brat correciton thread!

Nonas that like brat taming! My sweet sweet based nonas! Please post here! I want to read more!! I love you all. The conversation started with Holy Scara, as such he will be the thread pic. Of course we can discuss any other characters. Just keep it /bl/. Don't want het stuff.
R: 64 / I: 30

Fujoshi origin story thread (restored)

How did you become a fujoshi?

For me I used to only read shoujo and josei manga. I thought yaoi was weird and couldn't understand why other girls liked it so much. Then I read a BL doujin and it was a slippery slope from there. I don't read shoujo or josei anymore. All I read is BL.
R: 35 / I: 42

Obscure ships thread!

Do you have any ships that you're obsessed with but that are barely known to warrant any fanart or even discussion online? share them! Obscure boys need more recognition! Picrel are Kyupita and Kyousuke from 100% Orange Juice.
R: 57 / I: 34

Hetalia General

Discuss about hetalia, post pics/videos/fics/fangames about your favourite ships, moments, etc.
R: 8 / I: 0
Fellow fujos, how do we all feel about the new game Lies of P? The MC for the game is really pretty, and I feel like this game could build up a good fujo fanbase if there's another guy to ship him with? How are we feeling about this? What do you think of the MC?
R: 21 / I: 13


Post a single page of bl manga in this thread
R: 12 / I: 1

Is sex important?

Is sex in BL important? If so then why?
Any detailed answer would be appreciated!
R: 59 / I: 28


webtoons / webcomic thread. should be pretty self-explanatory.

picrel's from 'where the dragon's rain falls'. it's a pretty good historical-fantasy bl, if you're into that.
R: 25 / I: 19

book thread

discuss books here. recommend them, bash them, etc.
R: 14 / I: 22

crossdressing/trap thread

a thread for cross-dressing. post traps, femboys, etc. whatever works for nonas to read. be sure it's bl (or otherwise, a m/m "slash" work).

op picture is amachin wa jishou.
R: 4 / I: 2

Writing Request Thread

A thread to ask or take BL writing requests!
I'll start: I am absolutely dying for and would really appreciate some cute fluff with Shinon and Gatrie from Fire Emblem. ^_^
R: 18 / I: 6

/shelf/ thread (Restored)

Not to be confused with The library thread. Post your collections, whether they are comprised of BL manga, doujins, figures, acrylic goods, itabags…anything goes!
Some topics to discuss about:
>what do you prefer to collect?
>what was the first BL manga you bought?
>how large is your collection?
>any doujinshi you'd like to collect (or already collect)?
R: 2 / I: 0

BL Recommendation thread

Can we have a recommendations thread for people to recommend BL based on what we're looking for?
>Ask for suggestions by listing what you're looking for (tropes, plot, characters etc.) in a BL manga/anime/doujinshi/fanfic/game/etc.
>Recommend something you really like by telling a bit about what it's about and what are the themes featured in it so that others can pick it up

Some examples:
>What kind of couples are you interested in? Enemies to lovers, size difference…
>What kinks do you like included? Which ones not? NSFW or SFW?
>How long do you prefer it to be?
>What kind of a setting do you like? School, fantasy, crime drama…
>What kind of art style are you looking for? What about tropes?

Sorry for the awful thread pic but it cracked me up too much kek
R: 8 / I: 5

/bbt/ - BL Boys Tropes

Thread for talking about and discussing BL boys and their many types.
R: 28 / I: 24
Fav body parts? mine is midriff
R: 12 / I: 10

BL Read Along!

I'll post the link in OP. It's a really good BL and very short, maybe takes about fifteen-twenty minutes to read.

Summary: A man is stalked by the boy he bad touched as a child. The boy has now grown up and is romantically obsessed with his abuser. Unfortunately, his abuser isn't into him anymore.

Tell me what you think? :) I kinda wanna liven up this board. Also it has a minor moment of shota, but it's not graphic, it's only alluded to.

Kiseki to Amedama

R: 8 / I: 10

cute /bl/

post CUTE and CUTE only no lewd, only cute comfy cozy and CUTE
R: 14 / I: 26

/bl/ fashion thread

post beautiful outfits on beautiful boys
R: 1 / I: 1

Any omegaverse works that have a beta as an main character?

I'm fascinated by the idea of an omegaverse manga that has a beta who is in a relationship with an alpha or an omega.
I love imagining a beta trying to help their omega partner go through his heat or a beta that must work through the problems of having an alpha in a rut. Beta x beta is also okay.
Are there any such works that exist? The closest I've seen to that idea is in an infamous osomatsu doujinshi.
If there are none I'll take the matter in my own hands to create it.
R: 9 / I: 14

Furry/Kemono thread.

This is a thread about recommending and discussing furry/kemono BL/Yaoi. Talk about anything related to it here!
R: 6 / I: 3

What's the lates BL you've read?

Lately I started Silver Diamond, and I got curious what you Anonettes had read lately.
R: 47 / I: 17

feminine ukes

what are your thoughts on feminine ukes? or josou semes. mostly ukes though
R: 0 / I: 0

What are some good 2022 shounen ai animes?

I can't seem to find any. Recommendations will be appreciated.
R: 1 / I: 1

Manga/mahwa discussions

Similar to the manga discussion thread on /bl/ but for ABO/Omegaverse manga and manhwa (webtoons) combined.

Please make sure to spoiler mpreg or mention if there is any mpreg included in the works.
R: 10 / I: 14

Emo boys appreciation thread

For all the nonnas who love emo boys. Post 2D emo boys and their boyfriend's, recommend manga/anime with these type of characters, etc.

Does anyone here remember "Honeydew Syndrome"? It's worse than I remember, but I found it somewhat charming when I re-read it recently. The MC and most of the supporting characters are somewhat emo.
It might be a stretch to call the MC of "Sweet Heart Trigger" emo, but he got the bangs and he self-harms. He's a weirdo but I like him. I'm patiently waiting for the new volume's release.
Anyone here got any recommendations? I'd love to hear.
R: 33 / I: 8
How do you feel about the ever-increasing prevalence of omegaverse in BL works?
Personally, I can't stand it and wish it'd never found it's way to the Japanese.
I know the trope (genre?) inspires a lot of contention, so I'm curious about opinions on it from the posters here.
R: 24 / I: 47

BBG - Brown Boys General

A classic tradition from the old /fujo/ threads.
Post and share pics of cute brown boys, discuss shipping and ideas. Go wild.
Solo boys are also welcomed.
R: 0 / I: 0

Translation Thread

Let's have a thread dedicated to requesting, discussing and sharing English translations of BL content.
If you've got fanart of your OTP that you love but can't for the life of you read, post it here and a kind anon might just tell you what it's saying.
R: 4 / I: 2


The message will be displayed once the post has loaded.
R: 2 / I: 2

Hot Bastards

Bastards, mfers and whore shaped individuals. post 'em here.
R: 5 / I: 3

/3P/ - threesome

Three is better than two. Please share images and recommendations on 3P manga/fics/ships.
R: 1 / I: 5

BL from Yesterday

Share and recommend BL manga and content from our early days as fujoshis and let's bask again in the styles of yaoi hands, questionable storytelling, seme/uke tropes and much more!

>posting earliest manga from 2010 but preferably older

>art and manga quality doesn't matter as much as the impact it had on you
>shill your favorite mangaka's old works and doujinshis
R: 10 / I: 4

/og/- omega general

General thread for Omega posting
R: 11 / I: 4

Tags thread

What do you think about the popular MrM tags? What would you add or take out to improve them? Any underrated tags that you like? Thoughts about other website's tags? Discuss and share your opinions.