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How do you feel about the ever-increasing prevalence of omegaverse in BL works?
Personally, I can't stand it and wish it'd never found it's way to the Japanese.
I know the trope (genre?) inspires a lot of contention, so I'm curious about opinions on it from the posters here.


I prefer my bl semi-realistic.


I genuinely hate it. I'm going to sound like an SJW here but to me omegaverse feels like the most extreme version of when a fujo writer basically just writes the uke as a woman and also transplants cringy female stereotypes onto the uke.


I like the power dynamic stuff in concept but I absolutely despise mpreg.


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it's a guilty pleasure of mine. i love the power dynamics – chiefly the idea that a guy can just randomly go into heat before another, and be carted off to some kind of sex dungeon, and this is all normal and encouraged within their society. i'm rather ambivalent towards the mpreg. i don't care about it so long as i don't have to see anything resembling a "seahorse dad". keep all the actual pregnancy shit off screen, thanks.

…that being said, impregnation is actually hot. maybe i have a mild breeding kink.


>i don't care about it so long as i don't have to see anything resembling a "seahorse dad". keep all the actual pregnancy shit off screen, thanks.
Pretty much how I feel about Omegaverse myself. I love the idea of the omega bottom being forcibly impregnated and bred against his will with the defiling kink attached to it and everything but the entire seahorse dad ass baby pregnancy thing is so offputting and so much of Omegaverse seems to focus on that mechanic alone. If anyone can give recommendations that have breeding shit but not the whole detailed pregnancy and childcare shit I'm all ears.


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I absolutely fuckin' love it and it's one of the best things that I have ever found in regards to BL. It's a genre where a society can actually exist without women which is great because I hate seeing women in BL. I also really love how guys get uncontrollably horny just by smelling another man. I think there's a specific name for this fetish, sex pollen, and this may fall into that category, but basically I just like when men get some sort of aphrodisiac and get horny against their will. I like the pregnancy talk as well as long as I don't see the actual pregnancy.

Pic from Sayonara Alpha


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I don't like it but I make an exception for Omega Vampire because it was hilarious and Genma a cute.


I know what you mean. I especially hate it when omegaverse is used as a blatant metaphor for women's oppression. I don't read BL to be reminded of how poorly women are treated in the real world.


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Omegaverse has everything I like, unpopular opinion to many replies here but I'm a big mpreg enjoyer ever since I was little. I want the full experience where an omega gets bred and knocked up then pregnant with his Alpha or Beta's baby. I want to see two cute guys have a family together!
My favorite type of omega is the sassy spicy Yankee omega! Abarenbo honey really delivered on that and even gave a follow up to the next generation too!
It is sad that most omegaverse manga just focuses on breeding and not the pregnancy that follows afterwards but I think that'll be a relief to many here. Pregnancy is still a big taboo in Japan it seems so not many BL mangas will have mpreg in them.
One day I'll find another mpreg enthusiast here but that means that I'll never shut the fuck up then.


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I'm a mpreg fan since my early teens, and I'm still stunned that I saw a trope go from the west back to Japan.

In a meta context it's because I like putting through male characters through the suffering of female reproduction, because it always seems like pain or discomfort is taken more seriously when it happens to a man. In a degenerate fujoshi context, characters losing control over their urge to fuck and breed is hot (also a sex pollen fan).

Pic related is the Omegaverse I've read


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To me mpreg is really my thing, because we get to see male characters being sweet and carrying to others like mothers, which we rarely see in most other genres.


I really like mpreg. But I give you the reason for that part, I hate when the authors make their story a kind of speech about the oppression of women but changing the woman for the omega man. I want an entertaining story, not a annoying speech. I also hate when they label as "misogyny" when there isn't even a female character present. completely unnecessary. I just want to enjoy my hot guys and mpreg


I hate it, I do think people have a right to read it but it should be considered its own separate category from BL
How is it this hard for omegaverse-fags to comprehend that oppression on the basis of reproductive ability is the literal foundation of misogyny and patriarchy, omegas are basically women in all but name


Well, what started as a power dynamic became the self-insertion of many authors who continue to cling to the same thing with stupid ideas. But I still like the genre and I try to avoid all that obese speech crap.


>omegas are basically women in all but name
I wasn't into omegaverse at all until I tripped over a fic where it was alpha/alpha haha. To me it seems the genre is less about mpreg and more feral needs being kinda hot.


Don't like MPREG and the only way I can enjoy this style of content is if the characters in question are anthropomorphic animals or monster boys. It's too weird on otherwise normal humans.

I will say most a/b/o fans actually tag their works and art correctly so I don't hate anyone who enjoys it.


Based furry/monster boy MPREG enjoyer. Have you read Boku Wa Anata no Ko o Haramu?


I haven't but this artsyle looks adorable. Thanks for the rec I'll check it out!


as i've gotten older i've begun to like it more mainly because i like seeing dudes being pathetic and like the sluts they actually are. heterosexual or lesbian omegaverse doesn't make sense imo. mpreg however is horribly disgusting to me. too close to seahorse dads and the likes ugh.


Honestly this, I don't like omegaverse because the womb in ass thing grosses me out but the older I get the more I want to see men being degraded and used and being asserted control over. While the "omegaverse is misogynist" angle makes sense to me I still don't see it as a "making women obsolete" tranny tier power fantasy but instead an alternative world where men have to bear the negatives of being reduced to broodmares. And in some cases it's just two guys living a cute domestic family life. It's fairly inoffensive to me.


See >>1952 how is this hard to understand, you are basically getting off hetro rape smut


I'm childfree and not planning to have children so the entire "women = sacred birthers" thing just doesn't hit me the way it could. Omegaverse is comparable to wish fulfillment crap like futanari yet people never get so up in arms about that because men love it.


Where did I say that childbirth is a sacred feminine act, I am literally a virgin and I never plan on having any children of my own, my point is that pregnancy is linked to womenhood and only something women can do, also Futanari is basically anime shemale porn


Can you fucking insane lolcow radfem tourists not fucking enjoy anything for one second without thinking you're being threatened holy fuck you're in the thread and board about anime boys lubricating their assholes and getting pregnant. It's called FANTASY for a reason.


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Who gives a shit? Lots of women are into hetero rape, I doubt they're the main consumers of a/b/o and mpreg but if it scratches that itch as well I couldn't care less.

Also seconding >>1963 it's gay shit 90% produced by women. Not gay guys, not trannies, women. You're reading too much into it. Just call it gross and move on.


I never said that mpreg should be all banned or even that people should feel ashamed for reading it, I just think it should be its own separate category, its just fundamentally I believe omegas are just women in all but name


Well you're on a board specifically for it, that sounds like it's in its own sperate category to me.

I agree it appeals to a different crowd than the average yaoi consumer, but I don't think it's divorced from yaoi as it is still a female fantasy involving men. If anything it has more of a yumejoshi/self-insert appeal than regualr bl, but its still yaoi.


And a penis and ejaculating is something only men do and it happens in futanari in which women have both a vagina and a penis, what's your point?

Kek, I'm a "lolcow radfem" and I think the people repeating the "omegaverse is misogynist" narrative are doing it because they saw someone else say it, thought it sounded deep and started parroting it without really understanding why. I personally think being so hurt over it is largely misunderstanding the entire genre. Being grossed out by asswomb babies and mpreg or thinking that the idea is morbid is valid, going on elaborate spergouts how misogynist you are for enjoying it because "ABO is really just women being raped" is a waste of time. That energy would be better utilized with calling out men and their *actual* graphic heterosexual rape porn.


Shit, I did not realize this was the mpreg board, I was using /all/ and I thought this was the fandom sperging board


the fujo hate is insane on lc atm so i get the 'insult', but yeah, let women fucking have one thing. i swear ppl get so butthurt and enraged when it's "men" who's the 'victim'.


oh come one, you know that's not what's being discussed in this thread, no one is saying men are the victims, rather they aren't men in the first place, its not hard to grasp


No problem anon, I use /all/ as well and thought this was in /bl/ at first too.


i might have formulated it badly, rather that men in this scenario are treated like they're being uwu victims, when in reality none of this are real and only the most extreme mfs think that the trauma of women can be applied to omegaverse and yaoi of all things.

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