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A board for meta-discussion of BL and fujoshi.

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 No.6984[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Life's not fair, especially for fujoshi. Post your frustrations and things that are on your mind, no matter how harsh it sounds, about advantages everyone else has that fujoshi don't get.

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I have such a love/hate relationship with what has been deemed 'dead dove' or dead dove spaces. What is considered proship/dead dove space in theory should be what old fujoism used to be, shipping without caring whether something was immortal or not, just…simply shipping? People who shipped the Ed brothers or the hitachiins didn't need to throw an essay about how they were raped by their brother as a child and how they're projecting their trauma into the ship now leave them alone. You just shipped them because brothers hawt and that was it.
Now almost every space that is for a standard fujo, a proship/dead dove space is:
- Full of gender politics, for some reason? Less shipping, less how shipping dadson shota rape actually helps victims overcome trauma and how it's very revolutionary feminist core
- Horny people 24/7 in such a moidy way that it becomes offputting. Imagine the obnoxiousness of cunnyfags on 4chan but 20x with somehow even more creep vibes than it should. Mind you, I like shota rape incest age gaps whatever else but I don't go "It'd be so fun if this character was such a pedo rapist ♥ I love when my fav is a PEDOPHILE!!!" that is said so unironically
- Basically no media literacy and no real interest for actually wanting to *care* about the ships. This is just a petpeeve of mine but if I like a ship it's because I like the characters and want to discuss shit, I don't wanna hear how you forgot your T-shot today or if you wonder if Character X would get their T-shot. I don't care to listen about your trauma through a ship, I'm not gonna play therapist for you when I want these characters to fuck without thinking that I'm enabling someone's 'coping mechanism'.
I just wanna ship shit, be a weirdo maybe but not have "I LOVE CHILD RAPE!!!" as a badge of honor


I think there are a few reasons for western art usually looking different even when it is anime-esque.
>Disney and cartoon influence
>Wanting your own unique style instead of copying anime 100%.
>Japanese people grow up with manga clubs in school, they learn the real techniques for making manga look like manga and they practice by copying art they like. Most western artists don't have this background. The colouring, rendering and linework style used by western artists on a pro level is usually really different. Meanwhile more amateur ones like to do that low contrast soupy brown/red palette. Even Korean and Chinese manhwa/manhua style usually looks different from Japanese because the techniques learned and aesthetic culture are different.
>Homestuck fandom popularized the trend of racebending, making characters fat etc because the characters were 'aracial' and blank canvases (despite the fact that you can see nobody is fat or has textured hair). Then it trickled down and became the norm.

I understand wanting a unique style because I don't want to completely copy anime either, but anime also has a very wide variety of styles. For example, I don't like thin lines and thin lines are very common - but there are manga styles with thick lines too.


THIS, all of this especially the second point. I thought I was the only one who noticed how weirdly offputting so-called "profic" spaces had become. I want to have a generally "normal" fandom experience but it's like anyone who self-IDs as "problematic" wants to be as edgy and off-putting as possible. I like my shota incest ships too but is it too much to ask people to treat them like they would vanilla ships? With regular discussions, fanarts, fics and without feeling like everyone's trying to outedge each other? The hornyposting is the worst too. It really does feel like they're trying to imitate lolicons for some reason.
>tfw you're too normal for the freaks and too freaky for the normals

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 No.2521[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Discuss the current state of modern fandoms with the anti/pro discourse.
>What is pro/anti discourse?
Pro and anti refers to two stands in current fandom culture of what is acceptable or not to show in fiction. Anti is someone who is against anything that can be considered problematic (incest, age gaps, abuse,etc) and pro is someone who is in favour of anything problematic. But the labels can usually be something bigger, like discourse with headcanons, whitewashing, etc etc… The problematic things are just the more common ones.
>Where do these discourses usually take place?
Usually on places like Twitter, Tumblr and Ao3, but they can also be seen in other places like Discord servers, TikTok and so on.
>Are there any reads about this?
Here's a few, feel free to post more that you find!
https://note.com/orangiah/n/n437e262ce2ce (Japanese artist explaining the whole anti/pro thing)
https://www.themarysue.com/fandom-has-a-purity-culture-problem/ (general article talking of purity culture in fandom spaces)
https://www.cbr.com/cartoon-fandom-has-a-puritanism-problem/ (article about puritanism as well as a debunk in another article saying children's media has a porn problem)

Last thread
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Reading this made me realize how my baby boomer father felt when I wouldn't shut the fuck up about Pokemon as a little kid in 2000.


I didn't even know you could write sentences on titcock. I never had any interest in that site and the fact that everything has to be video based is so fucking stupid IMO.
It reminds me of instasgram where people post crappy images with fat white font on black background to make a textposts instead of just using a place that allows text to post their thoughts.


So you hate youtube then?

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 No.13[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

as a counterpart to the hate thread. sperg about things you love.
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I love violence. I loved the first volume of Sneaky Red. I want to draw men getting beat on and crying and hurt. Reading about it turns me on so bad, and I love the way the author of that draws the bruises just right. I wish she would do more manga on the same subject, but oh well haha


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Overpowered monster x human or the other way around has always been my fetish but I just saw this screencap going around and hnnngg


Same nonna same king kong and the ang lee hulk movie changed me as a kid

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 No.4907[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post shit in BL that you hate.

Previous >>2
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I hate CEO AU’s too, but this particular fandom has a few characters that own businesses.


I have legit never seen a CEO AU so far. Sounds better than mermaid, genderbend or coffee shop AUs but that might be because I think of Fukumoto series when I think of CEOs.


I only ever see it when one character is already designated as the school "rich kid" it's basically just an aged up AU from my experiences, though like the other nonnas said it's usually written by people with no life experience and comically unrealistic.

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What are some characters that you find are misunderstood or changed by the fanbase? Either being bent to fulfil ships or just a critical lack of understanding from readers. Are there any fandom portrayals that got you to check out a series only for the ship/character to not be what you were expecting?
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I really can't like any Hoyo ships, even the super praised yaoi like the ship in that picture. They're all so boring to me, it feels like they want to hit the popular tropes but the game can't really give them the time to show why they're interesting. It's fine for fandom, people making something good out of a mid canon is what fandom is all about. But in canon I don't care about any of these ships including this Sumeru yaoi that gets such praise. My problem with all their ships is only one character feels fleshed out and the other one is just there and they're only shipped because the fandom treats it as "canon". I have a hard time being interested in a ship when only one character has some development and the other has no purpose outside the ship.


These people pretending to be nerds are always so funny, because you can spot them instantly by asking a few questions. I am into a series where the main character starts off as a huge asshole from the early acts to midway, but the fandom portrays her as a mindless generic bubbly girl, and I hate it. They ruined her for mass appeal


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R/AO3 can be a little obnoxious at times but I do like threads like these:
Because I can get a glimpse of the state of things in fandoms I otherwise would never have glanced at. It's pretty fascinating to look through. Especially the ones like picrel where they go on about a specific incarnation of a character that ultimately lead to a sort of spiral downward.

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So this has been confirmed by all my Chinese mutuals, who have told me how hopeless things have become there and it's only getting worse. In 2014 obscenity laws were passed in China that mainly targeted mainstream porn sites, but gay content was also included and targeted, forcing Chinese BL authors to use more 'flowery language' if they were writing something intended for an 'audience' in public, but on foreign sites (Western but mostly Taiwanese) they could be more free, still it was gradually building up to this, starting from 2022(according to my mutuals) the underground sites were removed en-masse, now the Chinese government even forces foreign companies to meet their standards. If you are a Chinese citizen who even writes anything about gay romance, you will go to jail for it

Here's the article for more information
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No really, that's a super common sentiment among them, especially radblr. I remember that one middle aged radfem who even made a fucking video about the topic.
>They're probably the ones that certainly shlicking to yume art kek.
Oh, you bet. The Lolcow radfem variety in particular absolutely hates fujos and has multiple threads dedicated to complaining about how fujos are misogynists cucked into trooning out for frying their brains with gay porn while they themselves goon to Otome Game #453435 and its abusive main love interest Rapey McCageman.


>Yeah, think about all the obscene moid coomery hailing from China with its numerous gacha games that are straight up porn made for men yet they always go unpunished
tbf a Chinese porn artist (gore, child rape) was sent to a literal labor camp for the next 10 years of his life, and the entire Chinese internet celebrated it


Yeah men have to draw mauled children being raped in order to be punished while women can just draw two normal men kissing and get their asses detained.

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 No.79[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Old or new, post any stupid yaoi memes you got
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she's literally me fr

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 No.6255[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post cringy anti-fujos takes to laugh at or even discuss.

Old thread >>4731
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Since you posted Zelos, I really love Zelos.

He's visually very girly. Long hair, pink and is very cute at a glance. But his character is so rich in trauma and shipping fuel he's been at the top of my tales of shipping charts since I played. Symphonia OVA really made him shine in the fight between he and Regal. And I know if the game was released within the last 4 years as a new title, he'd be transwashed the most.


NTAYRT but I also love Zelos, he's probably one of my favourite characters ever. His character is so well written and I seriously hate how the fandom flanderized him into just a dumb playboy when he's drenched in tragedy and trauma.


I stg these people overanalyze gender more than people from the 50's.
>this physically weak male character is TRANS and ill say he needs to get pregnant 200x a week while suggesting he's very submissive, GET IT? isn't that so gender?!
it's not that deep stfu aiden
AYRT symphonia is such a comfy game with a rich world and characters. I'm very glad I played it. Zelos was so funny and well-written and made me smile throughout my playthrough. I also loved Lloyd and Genius and Colette and Rain and entire cast really. The aesthetics and character designs were on-point.

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 No.4266[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread for ships that often get brought up as 'super gay' or are at least popular that you never got the vibe for, doesn't even have to be ships you dislike just ones that you never really got.

Starting off
>Only scene I thought was fujo was the rain scene with the foot polishing
>And it's not even in the manga
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Soriku is a yaoi staple anon, it will find you. soon.


Okay but Sora is generally agreed to be uke right?


Yes, I’m not even a kingdom hearts fan and I know that.

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