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A board for meta-discussion of BL and fujoshi.

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why do people always claim fujoshi hate female characters? most of the fujos i hang/hung with had tons of female favorites and only ever despised women that didn't do anything (orihime of bleach, for example).

i don't get the whole yumejo vs. fujo war either, is that just a psyop by moids?
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I really don't understand how people could hate characters just because of their gender. It's the same thing I feel towards yuri fans who hate all male characters. I usually only hate characters if they do terrible things to the protag or are annoying as fuck. Other than that, I'm usually neutral towards most characters. I'm a huge fujo, but I can still like characters outside of the context of shipping.


>I'm a huge fujo, but I can still like characters outside of the context of shipping.
Same. I wouldn't be able to enjoy fiction otherwise. The dudes I am into are almost always side characters or antagonists. It seem to be a common thing though to solely read or watch a series for a single character. But I wasn't aware of this until a few years ago. I even see fujos sometimes drop a series when the fav stopped appearing even if the pairing isn't cancelled and the other half of the ship still getting screentime. I cannot even like pairings if I don't like both characters individually too.


It’s funny how people generally agree that the reason fujoshis hate female characters is because they get in the way of their ship. Whether that’s true or not, it’s a widely accepted statement at this point.
What’s ironic though is that everyone hates characters who interfere with their ship yet fujos are the only ones constantly accused of it. A recent example would be Aira and Jiji from Dandadan, it’s obvious they’re hated because they disrupt a popular ship yet people pretend their dislike stems from some other reason since they can’t admit they hate those characters only for shipping reasons

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 No.6255[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post cringy anti-fujos takes to laugh at or even discuss.

Old thread >>4731
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There is this specific type of men who will act extremely holier than thou when they see a woman acting similar to a man.
Oh, so a female serial killer appeared? They would say women are actually more cruel and sadistic than men and ignore how the other 99% of the demographic are not only way more male present, they wil also twist information to try making the criticized female group appear more aggressive than the male demographic.
Oh, a woman actually isn't getting off on being desired, but actually in desiring a hot man? They will somehow say how women objectify way more than men and then cite examples of "wholesome/cute" male pandering fantasies (most of the time just retarded mommy fetish shit).
Maybe It's just me being over the top, but this kind of male exudes the energy of those kids that enjoyed making fun of others, but when someone made fun of them, they would run and whine for a teacher to defend them.


Exactly. It's indeed telling how men are allowed to draw nothing but endless amounts of fetish porn of the female characters with no other purpose than to just goon to but when it comes to female fans we're expected to rewrite the entire character into an actually good one and then create a ton of fan works for that fixed version because that's definitely sticking it to the man or else we're being misogynists. Free emotional labor being milked again, just like you said.


They project onto them. Most of them can only relate to being killjoy mommies or nice girls, so they can't handle a female character being different and if you're not interested in a female character for being that, they take it as a personal rejection. They don't want actually evil or morally gray female characters to be portrayed as that. They know how to use vague feminist sound bites like calling her a girlboss and saying they love evil women but they don't want to see female characters who are flawed because it makes them feel bad about themselves. They think all fictional characters should be about coddling their egos, not telling good or interesting stories.

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 No.6984[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Life's not fair, especially for fujoshi. Post your frustrations and things that are on your mind, no matter how harsh it sounds, about advantages everyone else has that fujoshi don't get.

Previous Thread
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>not interested in being explicitly pandered to
>less of a sandbox to play with
For me it's definitely these two. Joseimuke just seems like idolshit and browser/mobileshit with irritatingly piecemeal and/or shallow stories. Getting into them feels like homework instead of playing a game (or even reading a VN).

Back in the day part of the beauty of being in a JRPG fandom was that it was a one-and-done (or you got a direct sequel pretty quick because of the faster dev cycles) and you usually didn't have to worry about EoS or some lore drop 10 years later that would shatter your perception of blorbo or the series as a whole (I follow a girl who is into Enstars and she was mad over something somewhat recently, some kind of retcon?). Doesn't seem like it's worth the investment even if I do find something appealing.


That's the problem. Fotm/mainstream anime will never be friendly to fujos anymore. And joseimuke isn't as popular for fandoms even though they're the only games that won't abandon the audience to chase incel dollar. It's the double edged sword of more fujobait canons never being popular so people have to settle for scraps from shounen or omni gachas.


>they're the only games that won't abandon the audience to chase incel dollar.

Not for a lack of trying, though. Just look at Broccoli, Utapri prints money and yet they keep trying to make girl bands that nobody cares about.

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 No.79[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Old or new, post any stupid yaoi memes you got
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For all the "BE GAY DO CRIME XD" cringe shit the queers always clamor about, they sure hate seeing gay villains in their media


… look, nonny, I love myself some good old gay-coded villains, but irl gays have a problem with those characters because they're often written like that not because it's fun or sexy, but because creatives think that makes them more intimidating to straight audiences.


Nothing in the world is ever going to get them the lead role gay/lesbian character they want so bad, especially not with the TQ+ chimping out over every perceived bad thing about a LGB character

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 No.13[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

as a counterpart to the hate thread. sperg about things you love.
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Based me too. I noticed that even the characters that aren't drawn with them look better on fanart if you hint the cheekbones. It just gives the shape a more three-dimensional and slightly more angled face which makes them sexy.
On a related note I also like when they have a chin and nose opposed to a point and a dot with little shadow.


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Not only that but it also gives the characters more of a world-worn look, not necessarily old, but mature. Personally also like some form of stubble and or facial hair as well, a small goatee like in your pic is great.

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 No.4907[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post shit in BL that you hate.

Previous >>2
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Personally I think it's very different when the source material included fucked up content than when a fanwork does. Not sure how to articulate but Aoba being turned into an amputee hits completely different than if someone wrote a fanfic where one of the Free boys was disfigured. I think it's just that a lot of dead dove fanfics are so detached from the tone of the main work it no longer feels like a "fan" fic. Grimdark or super serious interpertaions are one thing but if it's not in line with the world then it's just edge for the sake of edge.


Nitro+Chiral tends to specialize in bad endings so the story naturally lends itself to allow such endings to flow better compared to anime in general.


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True, all their worlds are fucked up it doesn't seem out of place.

Another thing leading off of that point, and maybe it's just a bit judgmental of me, but while I get the appeal of whumps or nasty things happening to a character who is canonically pushed around. When someone creates a super fucked up fanfic that doesn't have a plot beyond being goreporn I also just wonder what someone sees in the character. If your entire fic is just X character getting dismembered by character Y then what's even the point of making it a fanfic? Do you even like character X? Again if it's a stockholm fic where a character is beaten but slowly learns to love their capture that's one thing, or if they are trying to escape a murderer that makes sense. It' particularly fics that are 4000 words of nothing that make me raise and eyebrow.

Sorry for being a moralfag.

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How did you become a fujoshi?

Last thread: https://fujochan.org/bl/res/102.html
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i watched the kirby anime when i was like 11 and i ended up shipping dedede and escargon so hard lmao


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I used to ship them too! It's a shame Escargoon never got to appear in any other Kirby media to my knowledge. The villain/sidekick dynamic is always great and I especially like the contrast of pompous and jaded.


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I was 11-12 years old and had just discovered Saint Seiya, one day I was searching something about Shun (my favorite character) and discovered also what fanfictions were.
I thought It was so cool to read stories made by other people about the things I also enjoyed and then… Some descriptions and cover images caught my eye, featuring men having relationships with other men.
I remember I didn't quite admited to myself I enjoyed It, suddenly, I was obsessing with searching things that would led to yaoi in a cryptic way, like searching for fanart about certain characters that were popular with fujos (because then yaoi pairings would also appear).

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So this has been confirmed by all my Chinese mutuals, who have told me how hopeless things have become there and it's only getting worse. In 2014 obscenity laws were passed in China that mainly targeted mainstream porn sites, but gay content was also included and targeted, forcing Chinese BL authors to use more 'flowery language' if they were writing something intended for an 'audience' in public, but on foreign sites (Western but mostly Taiwanese) they could be more free, still it was gradually building up to this, starting from 2022(according to my mutuals) the underground sites were removed en-masse, now the Chinese government even forces foreign companies to meet their standards. If you are a Chinese citizen who even writes anything about gay romance, you will go to jail for it

Here's the article for more information
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>It's making me ever more scared if trump might do the same for us Americans?
I agree this sucks, but if we act like SJWs who set unrealistic goals, it will lead to us not being taken seriously. The most likely path is that porn and erotica will be banned, but anything to do with "LGBT" will be dealt with more severely and you can be fined for hosting "porn" sites. But we'll undoubtedly be seeingg free speech activists protesting this, which is the side we might end up having to side with, for better or for worse


TFW I recall siding with free speech activism in the first damn place as an OG fujo in the early 2000's


I don't mind certain types of porn getting banned. Lord knows numerous exploited kinkslop pervading these sites but I also believe we should go all or nothing on the topic of human sexuality. It's a constant for most of us and seeing so many countries scrutinize those outside the norm fills me with such rage that can't tamed. I hate it here.
And you know what's fucked? some "radfems" are complacent with this while their ssa sisters are getting dragged in the streets all over trannies turning the kids "gay".

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 No.2521[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Discuss the current state of modern fandoms with the anti/pro discourse.
>What is pro/anti discourse?
Pro and anti refers to two stands in current fandom culture of what is acceptable or not to show in fiction. Anti is someone who is against anything that can be considered problematic (incest, age gaps, abuse,etc) and pro is someone who is in favour of anything problematic. But the labels can usually be something bigger, like discourse with headcanons, whitewashing, etc etc… The problematic things are just the more common ones.
>Where do these discourses usually take place?
Usually on places like Twitter, Tumblr and Ao3, but they can also be seen in other places like Discord servers, TikTok and so on.
>Are there any reads about this?
Here's a few, feel free to post more that you find!
https://note.com/orangiah/n/n437e262ce2ce (Japanese artist explaining the whole anti/pro thing)
https://www.themarysue.com/fandom-has-a-purity-culture-problem/ (general article talking of purity culture in fandom spaces)
https://www.cbr.com/cartoon-fandom-has-a-puritanism-problem/ (article about puritanism as well as a debunk in another article saying children's media has a porn problem)

Last thread
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why they talk like that? why is talking like you have a age regression fetish somehow cool now


whats up with gege writing bum characters that hoe themselves out to women for money kekk if i had a coin for everytime that happened Id have 2 coins.


Maybe that was Gege's dream career, who knows at this point?

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