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/ffs/ - Fujo Fandom Sperging

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ok. let's talk about this. do you guys ever "kyaaaa~!" at a bl, unironically?

i personally find myself reading bl not necessarily for sexual interest, but to "kya". it's a sensation like fireworks in my brain. kind of like a tingle? am i just insane?
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anon you don't know how happy it made me opening fujochan like the morning paper and seeing "hello fellow style shipper" under latest posts
Absolutely! I love angst and it can definitely also make me kyaa just as well as fluff it has impacted me enough


At times, usually when a surprisingly bl moment (or an incredibly good male fanservice scene) happens in a nonfujo series.

It does happen with actual bl, but it depends on the content. Its more the surprise of something, you know? Like, "oh fuck! This is it! Its happening!?!" Otherwise its very much relying on my preference.

Though, most of the time not much ends up happening…

More of a "uwaa, oh shit oh shit" than a "kyaaa" though.


That's how I felt the first time I read Edgeworth's "unecessary feelings" line

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I really hope this thread won't cause too much infighting since its a bit political but do you think Fujoshi and Feminism are compatible? I personally think yes. Nothing about being a fujoshi benefits men and feminism has always been against men. Radfem circles tend to be a bit hostile against fujoshis and throw around the word "fujo" as an insult for some reason. I wonder what a regular fujo's thoughts would be on that.

PS: i wanted to use >>>1297 image from the memes thread but it wouldnt let me so i made another one
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I think this came to be somewhere around the post-gamergate era


I am from a lefty part of the world. being a feminist is a cool and awesome thing for middle class women, who tackle middle-class non-problems with the magic of bullying and ostracisation. They don't really care about stuff that affects lower-class women. A lot of culture clubs are 'feminist' in this way and will not tolerate members or associates who are not.

Seeing someone use the term 'feminist' in circumstances that are not related to activism makes me remember their bullying and the toxicity of the atmosphere around those circles.

I absolutely think feminists can write interesting papers on fujo, and that that would be good to make other women understand fujo and not blanket condemn it.


God I hate seeing "lower class" people complaining everywhere. They don't care because you don't matter. Get over it.

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Similar to >>164 but we post reactions from fujoshis from all over the internet
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Have two comments that made me laugh from when mangadex still had a comment section


Such soul, take me back to those days!


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i like this highly conflicting reaction

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 No.362[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What do you think of the modern BL scene?
I see a lot of users on this site express nostalgia for the yaoi fandom of old, and a lot of images and art you see posted are very circa 2008, so to speak.
Things have changed a lot in BL over the years for sure - for example, Chinese BL making a big splash in the west, and reversible couples becoming more common.
Do you think things have changed for the better, or do you miss the way things used to be?
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these content are pretty cringy, but as long as they grow up to be proud fujos who make cute art and we get back that 2000s era of fujoposting and kicking some sense into the nu-wave of FtM's that it was just a fad they got fooled into and that they fucked up their bodies just because of feeling guilty over being called out for cartoon porn in the recent years im all up for it


>a common thing to throw around at age gap pairings regardless of how they actually act.
This reminds me so much of how people viewed the relationship between Hank and Connor.


>Comiket was practically elevated to the status it is now by BL enthusiast women because it was fujos who kept the whole event alive with their endless bishie comics and a very tight-knit community active in providing for each other, just like today. It wasn't until men were triggered by this change and wanted comiket only for themselves and "kick the fujos out" by doing what moids do best - drooling over literal little girl porn in the form of a lolicon anthology called Cybele. Comiket now has separate days for male and female audiences.
I didn't know this but it's nice to learn that this is mirrors what happened in the west re: fangirls, Star Trek, and Kirk/Spock. Would love to read more about it.

>These people are the reason you see so many fujos having to cough up a half-hearted f/f ship just to keep them off their backs.
I feel called out.

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Not sure if this is the right board, but I'm willing to tl small pages or single images, if it's not walls of text or very messy handwritten stuff (lol). I could use the practice.
I'm not interested in typesetting or putting the text into the images though, so just raw text will have to suffice. Porn is a-ok, too.


Moved to >>>/ot/1729.

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 No.904[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

irrational hatred against astolfo, femboys and femboy culture and how the majority of people think it aligns with yaoi
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That was one of the endings, and context matters, so I wouldn't say that necessarily counts, but in the end I think the producer did finally cave-in to western demand, unfortunately. But he's still a normal crossdressing boy in all of our hearts.


"yassifying" twinks into submissive and breedable moeblobs with dicks is cringe
>But he's still a normal crossdressing boy in all of our hearts.
Headcanons are all you'll ever have


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I've come to like Bridget about as much as you guys like Asolfo, Felix and Hideri. That is to say I want to punt them in their family jewels.

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Thoughts on incest?

Do you like it?
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Yes but why is this on /ffs/ and not /bl/ or /ex/? /ffs/ is essentially for drama


good point.


Moved to >>>/bl/1242.

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There's moralfagging but actually hitting someone without their consent can get you sued and possibly ruin an entire convention, its not worth it


there’s still hope

someone made a version of the yaoi paddle for hors d’oeuvres spreads called fujoboard.com

you can put sausages on it


Let's hope. I really wish I could own a yaoi paddle T-T

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Post SFW cute traps, ignore shitposting and anti-trap spergs. If you don't want to see this, simply hide the thread. Positivity in this thread only.

Questions to get the thread started:
Who's your favorite trap?
What do you as a female weeb love about traps?
Have any trap related merch?
Any recommendations of anime/manga/manhwa with cute traps in it?


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I'll start!

>Favorite trap

Hard to say because there's not that many but Hideri from Blend S. Sad he didn't get much screentime but I like his backstory. I want to rewatch Blend S because it was a very cute and comfy series.
>Love about traps
I like how I can look at very pretty boys without having to look at a female anime character. I can enjoy all the qualities of a cute anime girl without having to look at an anime girl because anime girls just aren't my thing. Traps have very cute small penises when I'm not in the mood for shota. I also love how they still have at least one masculine feature that sets them apart from anime girls so they're still enjoyable to me.
>Trap related merch
Unfortunately no, but if I ever find some I'll be sure to share it here! I'd like to find at least one figure or own a physical doujinshi someday.
Himegoto is really funny! I was recommended this anime by a friend and I really enjoyed it! The bulge bouncing was ridiculous but I enjoyed all the wacky scenarios the boys got involved in. I'd like it if there were another season.


i love that astolfo pic OP


Moved to >>>/ex/286.

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Let's play the fujoshi broken telephone! Genres edition.
>How to play?
A fujo recommends a BL/Yaoi and gives it's main 3 genres. Then another fujoshi replaces one or two of the given three genres and places the manga they belong to. Example:
>Horror, drama, tragedy
>Horror, drama, comedy

I'll start with Gesshoku Kitan
>Horror, historical, supernatural
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Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
>Horror/ Mystery/ Supernatural


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Shikabane to Hanayome
>Mystery / Horror / Drama


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Who's Your Daddy?

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