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/ffs/ - Fujo Fandom Sperging

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I really hope this thread won't cause too much infighting since its a bit political but do you think Fujoshi and Feminism are compatible? I personally think yes. Nothing about being a fujoshi benefits men and feminism has always been against men. Radfem circles tend to be a bit hostile against fujoshis and throw around the word "fujo" as an insult for some reason. I wonder what a regular fujo's thoughts would be on that.

PS: i wanted to use >>>1297 image from the memes thread but it wouldnt let me so i made another one


i think so too. the hostility towards fujos from radfem circles comes from the lack of insight into individuality, because women aren't a hivemind as much as people would like us to believe, so they too just see us as "pornsick degenerates just as bad as males".

i, as the personal anecdote of a radfem fujo, highly regard female over male sexuality, because the worst thing a "pornsick", as in just a normal fujo, woman can do is keep it in the bedroom, while the worst thing an actual pornsick male can do is rape and kill women and children. not even the lesser of two evils here, it's backed up by stats.


A female coomer will never be as bad as a male coomer.


Well said nona, that's exactly my thoughts too. Female coomers are painfully harmless. I don't like how the hate for fujoshi from radfems reinforces the myth that female and male sexuality is the same, as in male sexuality tends to evolve into more and more depravity and at a much higher + faster rate. Men have a much harder time to dissociate 2D from 3D ect etc… I've never seen a female coomer be as dangerous as a male coomer. Especially when it comes to number. For one dangerous female coomer there's probably a hundred or even more dangerous male coomers. Stuff like that.


I could write an essay about this topic and how fujoism goes way deeper than sexy cartoon men fucking and how it's a form of sisterhood and a sorority for women free of male gaze but I'm sleep deprived to the point it would be an unintelligible mess. Maybe I'll come back to this and elaborate my thoughts better, but as for radical feminism the entire radfem community has turned into the next cool reactionary thing to people who just hate troons and want to complain about men without ever following through with their big words. They only hate fujos because they see BL as a gateway to trooning out and because it's not dedicated to chaste straight sex since a whole lot of neo-radfems are just a different shade of conservatards who, like I said, only joined due to being tranny repulsed.

The "fujos are just pornsick" moral outrage is grating specifically because even the worst terminally cumbrained fujo will never rape a kid or sexually assault a person inspired by porn brainrot, unlike the vast amount of examples of all the males who started out with loli rape and proceeded to groom 14-year olds. The reason why pornsickness is bad to begin with is because it infers with an individual's real life actions such as nonconsensual violent acts during sex (real stats regarding the rise of those correlating with the accessibility of online pornography) but with fujos there is no such threat. The worst they can do is post horny tweets about a cartoon character and that harms no one.


>The "fujos are just pornsick" moral outrage is grating specifically because even the worst terminally cumbrained fujo will never rape a kid or sexually assault a person inspired by porn brainrot, unlike the vast amount of examples of all the males who started out with loli rape and proceeded to groom 14-year olds.
This is because for some reason people think female sexuality works in the same way as male sexuality. It's just mysogyny tbh.


No because feminists are all dykes and I'm not a dyke. They all hate fujoshi anyway.


low iq post


This post is why this site shouldn't allow the trap threads


I think keeping politics and ideologies away from anything regarding fandoms is the best course of action, regardless of personal beliefs. Not gatekeeping and keeping 2D '2D' is the reason why the western side of things are so terrible nowadays. Things were much more chill years ago before politics infested everything.

On another note, gatekeeping men for female oriented boards and things is a thing I am all up for honestly. Radfems annoy me with their absolute autism and paranoia, but they are useful in keeping unwanteds (men, aydens and their ilk) away, as long as they don't sperg too much.


You are incredibly fucking bitter about threads that don't even get a lot of posts. I doubt moids are coming to fujochan to post in them when there are hundreds of faster male-spaces. That anon is an edgelord, hide and don't feed the trolls.

I definitely agree that gatekeeping is important, anyone who claims otherwise has probably been (rightly) excluded from a community. But while I agree with the overall idea of keeping things fun and politics free I also think that there is a place in every fandom for thoughtful critical analysis. People shouldn't impose their readings of a work on others though, and there should be an earnest attempt to engage with the piece, not just an excuse to slander the author and demonize fans.


>I also think that there is a place in every fandom for thoughtful critical analysis. People shouldn't impose their readings of a work on others though, and there should be an earnest attempt to engage with the piece, not just an excuse to slander the author and demonize fans.

I agree wholeheartedly 100% as I like to read people's opinions on blogs. You make a valid point.


A blanket ban on "politics in fandom" is what made the "fujos are disgusting fetishizers" discourse become mainstream because it was the only voice being heard and people listened to it, if we were vigilant enough to discuss the psychology behind fujos it would've been nipped at its bud because people would've been aware of how this is not the case at all. The same goes for self-hating fujos thinking they're trans4trans gay men (i.e. lesbians) because nobody was there telling them that they're literally resonating with fictional, completely made up male characters written by female authors. Sure you can say "but I just come here to have fun" but that fun can and will be taken away from you because the status quo fucking hates it when women have something to themselves that's not about being subservient to men. That's why yuri fans never get harassed in the same fashion fujos do.


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Yeah that's how i feel about all of this tbh. I genuinely understand the people that want to completely stop mentioning politics. It's tiring and brings out drama and uncomfortable discourse. But I do think that outright banning it and preventing its existence isn't good either. It makes it so that fujos do not verbalise what they like about yaoi. It erases why bl spaces have always been a place for women to form genuine relationships free of men's gaze, it diminishes the sisterhood you can see in the fandom etc. It paints the female coomer on the same position as a moid coomer. It also shames women's sexuality in the long run, something I've never ever seen happen to men (and no; a few callout posts on some degen moid doesn't change the reality that men's sexualities and sexual interests are coddled and excused no matter how depraved they are). Plus the less fujos verbalise how they feel about bl spaces/fandom/yaoi/etc the more likely that the whole perception of the space becomes distorted for both the fujos and the outsiders which leads to so many problems as you have mentioned. Hope my post wasn't too messy and understandable.
In an odd way, what I'm trying to say as much as politics are unfun when used right they protect the fun in fandom. This thread should be a containment thread for this type of discussion of course. Plus…as cheesy as it sounds…. BL and yaoi are freedom for women because it is the only places where they are free of men so it is important to protect those spaces.


I see your point, though that has to do with general gatekeeping than politics. But I don't think explaining the psychology behind fujos would have saved anything since aydens and the rest of the alphabet crew would have just cried about bigotry. The moment to stop this nonsense was a long time ago but people just went along with it just to be politically correct and now look at the state of things now.

>That's why yuri fans never get harassed in the same fashion fujos do.

Yuri fans are a much smaller 'group' than fujoshi, and by that I mean those who are actually yurifanatics instead of just randos that like to consume 'purest form of love' content. But yeah, I understand. I feel like male spaces tend to last longer than female spaces in terms of resisting subversion because women tend to be much more accepting of others, but that brings on troubles as we have seen. So looking at it now, I really understand where you're coming from. We need to be much more aggressive in gatekeeping and keeping boundaries.


>But I don't think explaining the psychology behind fujos would have saved anything since aydens and the rest of the alphabet crew would have just cried about bigotry.
It would have. Once people realized that this shit is becoming real (around the Voltron fandom drama in 2017-2018) and that it's affecting them (including Aidens) and not just the imaginary fetishizing yaoi fangirl boogeyman they started scrambling writing essays about the feminist essence of the BL fandom and why fujo circles remain so active for decades slowly turning the tide to the point we have plateaued with the issue and the "fujos are fetishizer" discourse has become something mostly teenagers are guilty of. The thing is that it should've never been allowed to happen and it would've been prevented by doing what they initially did years ago. I know a lot of anons on this board think that the people sperging out about the politics of being a fujo are boring nerds but they're the ones protecting your favourite content creators from the mob.

>Yuri fans are a much smaller 'group' than fujoshi

Yuribaiting is everywhere but it's not seen as "lesbian" stuff and more like sexy female characters performing for male sexual pleasure like most of lesbian porn. Women who enjoy lesbian media that isn't simply scrote pandering garbage get harassed just the same for being "feminist SJWs".

>I feel like male spaces tend to last longer than female spaces in terms of resisting subversion

That's because they have no outsider threats, the entire world protects whatever they like while women have to deal with both men (who hold all the societal power) and their handmaidens coping by doing their bidding. Like fuck it's pretty apparent when men get to post straight and yuri coomshit without NSFW tags but throw a tard rage fit when they see two anime men kissing without a warning that they never have to deal with feeling uncomfortable.


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>That's because they have no outsider threats, the entire world protects whatever they like while women have to deal with both men (who hold all the societal power) and their handmaidens coping by doing their bidding.
Couldn't have explained it better. Fuck this world. I'm tired. So so so so many times female spaces get raided (not just imageboards). Moids are actual animals, they can't stand women having their own "thing". Think back on the whole 4chan trolls tumblr moments so that you can understand it isn't completely new. Or art groups that turn from female only to moid only on sites like deviantart. Discord servers with a majority of female users that quickly end up turning with a majority of male users simply cuz moids flock to any place in which women are present. Overall libfemshit over and over again, think of it in music industry too or in media in general. Think about how normalised porn is, and by porn I mean 3DPD porn which is basically filmed rape of women. Simply think about how moids talk about women! You've all seen the threads on 4chan or any other alternative chans. I feel like most women I meet is a handmaiden simply because of how much "moid feminism" is the norm; and there's handmaidens around fujo circles too since fujos aren't all a monolith. I don't want to hate handmaidens either since they're victims in a way but I can't be nice and holy forgiving to them either. Moids don't deal with this shit that's why their spaces are so well protected: cuz they don't need that protection to begin with. Their entire life they've been coddled. Seriously, all of the internet (and real life ofc) is pretty much moid pandering. I've seen moids post unironic realistic touhou lolicon art while women get cancelled and called out for liking a random picture of shirtless len kagamine. It's MUCH easier to call out women too, since you're more likely to run away and hide as a woman in a society in which women aren't VALUED. Plus it's simply what makes sense. Even if it isn't the right thing to do. Sadly. It's tiring. I hate moids. I love bl and yaoi and I want this space to stay safe from moid torments.


I've noticed this too. Antis always go after female artists, while ignoring male ones like Shadman.


It's sort of catching up to them with the whole loli debate that still seems to be going on. Last year a lot of people were shitting on Shadman, but that's the thing, it's a debate.
People will stick out for artist like shadman, even though they don't even like the content to begin with, but the same never happens with fujoshi, at least from what I've seen.
Don't really have a point to make with this post, just wanted to point that out.


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I mean I'd stick my neck out for anyone. Loli or shota. We had a female artist get caught up in the whole debacle awhile back with Sakimichan drawing the kid from SpyXFamily aged up.

Also fyi Shadman is a terrible example since he has drawn porn of real-life kids, something neither party in the debate will normally defend.



He should be cancelled because his drawing style alone is still so ugly and for only that reason until he gets good he can return to the interwebs


I'd rather not make my hobby into a political statement


Twitter cancel culture has a lot to do with leftist expectations. The higher the expectations of you, the easier it is to get cancelled. For example, if you paint yourself out to be "liberal" or a "progressive ally" people are far more inclined to freak the fuck out at you over something trivial and stupid. Then on the flipside excessively saying "ochinchin" is literally part of Tarantino brand. It's all about how you present yourself and what expectations you set people up with from the get go
The assumed default political position of males online is assumed to be natural, while all women are expected to be allies and woke in all social issues


You're right but why hasn't this been questioned before then? It's obviously quite the bias


I think this came to be somewhere around the post-gamergate era


I am from a lefty part of the world. being a feminist is a cool and awesome thing for middle class women, who tackle middle-class non-problems with the magic of bullying and ostracisation. They don't really care about stuff that affects lower-class women. A lot of culture clubs are 'feminist' in this way and will not tolerate members or associates who are not.

Seeing someone use the term 'feminist' in circumstances that are not related to activism makes me remember their bullying and the toxicity of the atmosphere around those circles.

I absolutely think feminists can write interesting papers on fujo, and that that would be good to make other women understand fujo and not blanket condemn it.


God I hate seeing "lower class" people complaining everywhere. They don't care because you don't matter. Get over it.

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