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A board for 2D Western-style content (comics, cartoons, etc.). This includes self-made/original content, as well as Western-style fanart for Eastern media (think Tumblr noses on Danganronpa characters).

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Post about transformers and transformers ships
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I'm trying to teach myself how to draw on my phone starting with Hot Shot because I love him so much. He's super cute in Armada and RB and I want more art of him. The downside is, I don't have many tools to get started and I've been working on helms first, and trying to get a sense of his body. Do you have any advice?

I've never been a fanartist beyond the kid stuff I drew in class ages… 5-9.

Looks like shit, currently. But I got no intention of giving up.

But back to the brainwashing, I agree. As a Megastar fan, I like the idea that he brain raped him to submission. But as a Scream fan- I'd have liked to have seen him at maximum SS. I don't think he has it in him to be "good" outside of being a different character. As seen in Armada, who's entire cast is nothing like the American side. How characters are drawn all depend on which country is drawing them, and America and China are the leading force of OOC. Not always a bad thing, because some of their art is mind blowing. But as incredible as it is to see, I would happily look at a shitass quality picture of him turning a town into a hellscape


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I could never draw on phones I think, if you have a PC you should try it there, I swear it's easier. Or if you have spare money you can buy a Surface Pro one day. They are as good as ipad pro but cost less and you can draw onto the tablet like a canvas. I think you can get the Surface Pro 6 for a few hundreds by now. I use a desktop PC and/or Surface Pro 7 though so I don't know how good 6 is but it shouldn't be very different.

ANYWAY, I don't have many tips. For me it helped that I always drew anime-styled stuff and that the IDW characters look like fancy mecha.

But in general what new artists should do way more often is: tracing for training.
Tracing is looked down on because people associate it with artists faking their proficiency. But tracing as training can help, I did it all the time when I was a little kid and it made me get a gist of how proper lines and proportions are drawn. You need to get a feeling for the bodies you want to draw, especially if they're huge like the ones Transformers have.

Also when you start drawing your own poses don't despair if the first sketch looks wrong or even if you notice 50% in that the pose looks off. I think it's normal to repose and redraw parts all the damn time especially with complex characters like TFs. Don't do outlines and details right away, I always make one VERY vague sketch first (basically just the dynamic it should have or the "shape"). Then a sketchy shape of the body like pic related. Then detailed lines which is where I do most of the changes by selecting and transforming bodyparts with the lasso tool and only after that do I start with the actual outlines kek

But maybe other TF fans have other methods. It also depends on the series too. Some series have twinkier designs so you can basically draw anime body types and add armor.


Drawing with a phone is really, really hard. Because the screen's so small even with my stylus.

Not impossible, just hard.

But while I can do 'art' (painting) I abhor working with pencil and paper. Digital screens are awesome and I wish I invested in one when I had student discounts. I'm not aiming for Chinese digital art quality, I honestly just want to do cute sketches like yours. Just getting a single helmet right would make my week. Which is what I've been practicing. So many of the cast have Roman armor shaped heads at their base which has helped me understand what they're going for with some designs. But an actual tablet seems to be the way.

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 No.449[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Discuss boys, episodes, and the rest here
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While my preference is the boys I'll take literally any adult besides Randy he has never been my favorite and it doesn't even feel like they are setting him up for anything it's just the same "dude weed" jokes.
>I downloaded the other seasons so I'll just rewatch those.
Where do you think the show peaked? Personally I think 4-10 is the best run.


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Yeah I don't even mind the Mr. Garrison and PC Principal episodes, they can be funny at times. Randy just seems like a lame stand-in for the middle aged male viewers, which is my issue.
>Where do you think the show peaked?
Agree with your assessment. I enjoyed a lot of episodes from 10-15 as well. Everything past season 20 is definitely irredeemable though, maybe Matt and Trey are just out of it because they're family guys now. There's supposed to be more stuff coming out in the second half of 2025 but I don't have high expectations for them, apparently one heavily involves Kendrick Lamar.


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Answering these too while I'm at it.
>Favorite character?
>Top 3 episodes?
Woodland Critter Christmas, Casa Bonita, Tonsil Trouble
>OTP? And why do you love them so much?
Kyman. I love their antagonistic relationship and even without shipping goggles they riff off of each other well for comedic bits. I hope their mutual obsession with each other gets brought back, or one-sided from either end, I'll take anything.
I like Creek a lot too as well as Style under a specific masochistic scenario that he has a one-sided love for Kyle and has to watch him fall for Cartman over time. All the pairings are fun though, hard to hate any.
>Have you played any of the games? If so, what did you think about them?
I played SOT but don't remember any of it. The Creek easter eggs in FBW were super cute.

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A thread about superheroes from Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, etc. and things related to that (supervillains, shared universes, etc.)
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>Wade introduced Wolverine as "Logan" to Blind Al
Oh I didn't even catch that! That's so cute now that you mention it.
Another scene I liked was when they were fighting all the other deadpools from the different dimensions and wolverine never mistakenly attacked "his" deadpool. Like he just instinctively knew which one was "his". Kek or it could be the fact that this deadpool was the only one not attacking him, but a fujo can dream anyway.


I relate! I just got back from the movies, and during that scene I turned to my friend and said "That was so homoerotic" hahaha. Wanna draw loads of Wolverine tearing deadpool to shreds


I love all Batman rougue gallery ships, especially ones taking place in Arkham Asylum. I never get sick of "villian befriends other for safety but grows attached" cue jailbreak. Hattercrow has always be a favorite ever since I read Long Halloween, the nursery rhyme interpretation of Jonathan works well off of Jervis and his Carrol quotes. Combine that with both being interested in emotions and human patterns of behavior and I can buy them as natural friends. There are a lot of great Batman villians I'm patiently waiting to appear in something more "mainstream" so people will write more fics like Clock King or Ventriloquist.

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 No.63[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since fujochan is still a bit slow…

Post pics or discuss about random ships (that still doesn't have a thread or you think doesn't warrant one yet).
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I remember it being everywhere in libraries back then, but did anyone actually read Heartstopper? If so, was it good? Was it actual western BL or just LGBT literature? I remembered randomly it existed today.


I read the first volume and I thought it was really cute. I would consider it LGBT lit rather than actual BL though.


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I admit that shipping fanart was that absolute last thing I expected to emerge from the Conclave fandom and yet here we are.
Has anybody else watched this religious old man thriller?

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It surprises me there's no thread for this show and the game it's based on. The final episodes dropped today!
>What did you think of Season 2?
>Favorite character?
>Any storyline/plot you liked? One you hated?
>Any champion you want to see next in the series?
>Favorite ship?
>Are you excited for the future projects Riot has for this series?
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New cinematic for Noxus. Not much potential fujobait so far but I'm sure barafags are happy about the Darius vs. Trundle fight.


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oh the plushie are sooooooooo cute but with my currency it would triple the price…maybe in the far future i can get a hold of one, tho i doubt by then the arcane fandom will even be this alive anymore lol


>What did you think of Season 2?
I enjoyed it but I didn't like it as much as season 1.

>Favorite character?


>Any storyline/plot you liked? One you hated?

Unpopular opinion, but I actually really liked the dictator Caitlyn arc. It was so interesting seeing her become all dark like that. I found everything having to do with the Black Rose boring.

>Any champion you want to see next in the series?

I don't know much about LoL, so I can't state specific champions, but I would love to see future series taking place in Ionia, Bilgewater, and Demacia.

>Favorite ship?

Vanco and Caitvi. I like Jayvik too, but I find it a bit boring.

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Merry X-mas nonas

Now to the topic at hand: Books. Literature from before 1970's. Preferably with homo undertones or shipping material.

>What books have you read recently?

>Fav character from book?

>Fav book?

>What kind of homo tension do you enjoy in your books?

>Fav period for books to be written in?

>Books you wanna read?
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Not really? Basil isn't as outspoken as Henry but he basically spends the entire book lusting after Dorian. He's the painter of the portrait and totally-platonically appreciates his beauty "I worshiped you too much and now I'm punished for it." Henry is their bitchy friend who spends the entire first part of the book complaining about women but also poisons Dorian's mind to cynicism and vanity. Henry and Dorian have more in common with their ethics and ideals, but Henry also basically exits the novel for the second act since Dorian has alienated everyone including him. Both Henry and Basil are positioned as negatively impacting Dorian just in different way (through both positivity and negativity.) I agree Henry is the more proactive character, but Basil is the one who gets the 1800s love confession and as a fan of one-sided pining I'm here for it.

What I'm saying is I accept your ship suggestion as a valid option but Basil/Dorian is my preferred dynamic.


Should I read the censored version and then the uncensored version?


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The censored version is longer since it's the version that was actually published as a novel, the uncensored version is the magazine run of it.

I've read them too far apart to know if you should read both or just one, but here's an article with a comparison of the text so you could decide which one to start with at least.

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Recommendations or discussions for series with gay subtext or historical gay media (like The Picture of Dorian Gray or Giovanni's Room). But also older media where you can easily view with fujo goggles since the writers didn't even think of gays at the time. Ancient mythology is good. Media that you can easily interpret as gay is also very good.

I have an interest in "gay" media that came before homosexuality was depicted in mass media like sitcoms. I would also like to discuss topics like:
>canon vs fanon
>homophobia and realism, especially in historic settings
>how much do older series hold up? especially by themselves
>death of the author and postmodernism
>how much do we misinterpret and distort how being gay really was back then?
>different roles and ideas of male friendship historically
>do you enjoy older series? especially things without an active fandom?
>the role of mass media
Lesbian stuff is VERY welcome to me too but this is FC
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I want to nominate Brideshead Revisited, for having pretty much canon homo in the 1920's. And I mean that as in 'The pretty boy is explicitly referred to as a sex case' and 'The mother in law knows exactly what the boys are doing as is ok with it as she sees it as the male version of LUGs . The gay part of the plot is also based off of the author's lover in uni.

The TV version just ran with 'They're homo, but we're not allowed to say it outright. But they're homo' and added a bunch of cute visuals, to translate the homoerotic writing to film.

It doesn't end happily and it's the most catholic book I've ever read, but I don't mean that in a derogatory way, it just makes more sense if you're familiar with catholicism as a philosophy.

Fuck the movie version. It can go hang. They fucked it up by a) Making Sebastian a brunette, and b) Despite it having the homo explicitly spoken of in this version, they treat it as a one-sided crush, and turn the homo into a love triangle with only one homo. >:( THERE WAS A RELATIONSHIP. THERE WERE TWO HOMOS DAMMIT.


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Midnight Cowboy is a favorite of mine, having both a gay author (It was based on a book) and a gay movie director. Nothing is explicit in a way modern audiences expect, but honestly? Both characters deeply cared for each other and the story is filled with small hints here in there acknowledging how cowboys went from manly archetype to be perceived as a gay thing.
Dr. Strangelove also slightly amused me, kek, but it's very weak on It, just thought Jack Ripper to be very touchy with Mandrake and wanted to mention here.


I had Midnight Cowboy on my to-watch list forever and finally saw it because of your post. What an incredibly depressing film, totally agree that the movie seems to be clearly pushing for the main characters to be subtextually gay with each other. Mainly the scene where Joe is asking Rizzo when the last time he had sex was and the scene where the woman asked if his "performance issues" was due to him being gay.

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Post about sanic and sanic ships

>favorite sonic game(s)
>favorite sonic character
>favorite sonic ship(s)
>favorite song featured in a sonic game
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Eh, it’s sometimes a thing in the west. Like with mha, western fans do use the name order often to indicate top/bottom.


I know sometimes people do it with anime fandoms, but have never seen it for something like Sonic.


I haven't either but I agree Shadodic would but the correct order even if we all call it sonadow. I can't image Sonic topping. Though every pairing with him Sonegg, Sonilver, ect uses Sonic's name first regardless of actual ship order.

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Post any non-human characters here who don't fall into the Kemono or Monster-boy threads.

No characters originating from furry webcomics or anything with a furry-exclusive fanbase.

>What makes an appealing non-human?

>Do you have trouble finding non-male oriented content?
>Favorite shows and ships?
>Do you mainly have a nostalgic attachment to these types of characters or is it an actual physical attachment?
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i miss those little guys,hopefully they make a comeback in some form of media


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50 people max know who these are, but the old Van Bueren Tom and Jerry shorts have the two sleep in the same bed and are very touchy with each other in a way that doesn't feel comedic like old Looney Tunes shorts. Not sure if I would recommend them or anything, I just don't have anywhere else to post about it lol.


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Same but I hope it's mostly black and white, the in color ones don't feel the same

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