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/wes/ - Western & Alternative Style

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 No.63[Last 50 Posts]

Since fujochan is still a bit slow…

Post pics or discuss about random ships (that still doesn't have a thread or you think doesn't warrant one yet).


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My western OTP, please no bully! I've read many deviantart fics of them and even have fanart of them having a baby together.


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I still like GumLee and idc if they're just part of Ice King's genderswap fanfic. They are as canon as Bubbleline which I also ship. I also like shipping GumLee with Fionna as well.


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Old yaoi meme but I still think of these two, I wish there was more art if these two strangers.


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Who /trikey/ up in here


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God yes. For a while Trevor was my husbando kek, but I've been warming up to trikey recently. I love aged down fanart of them, around when they first met


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I remember there was (not sure if it's still there) Deadpool x Spiderman /wes/fujo fandom base, I ship them and I still save some of their fanart whenever I find it.


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I used to ship this and Cable x Deadpool so much back in like 2013. I'm not into it anymore, but if they do actually end up in a Marvel film together I'll probably go and watch it for the fujo nostalgia.


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I really wish more western BL could be published explicitly stating "this is sexual content for female gaze" without having to use diversity marketing so the author doesn't get canceled being female with a sex drive.

Captive Prince is one of the few Western Series that feels like Asian BL


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>Captive Prince is one of the few Western Series that feels like Asian BL

Oh yeah, I've been meaning to read this. I was told the author was explicitly influenced by japanese BL works so I guess it'd makes sense it feels like asian BL. Also I think it's interesting that for the japanese edition it even came with illustrations by the artist who drew for Togainu no chi and Lamento beyond the void.


>I really wish more western BL could be published explicitly stating "this is sexual content for female gaze" without having to use diversity marketing so the author doesn't get canceled being female with a sex drive.
this. i look for good gay books and i keep running into lgbtqiamogai shit. so tired of it


He'll yeah


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How much impact did this episode have on you gyns? Did you like this ship too?


Captive Prince really was my jam back in the day. Cut and Run too.


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Try and prove me that they're not in love (you can't)


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>make Jon bi
>But not set him up with damian(who was the only one he was shipped with), instead some OC SJW
What is the fucking point then


It's so the fujos won't shit these too, it's a shitty woke move


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why not a hot OC, the bf they gave him looks like a FTM ayden


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related but sorta ot, I had really hoped the success of super-sons would have gotten the western comic industry to get it's shit together but sadly that didn't happen, for the non comicfags here, super-sons was a monthly comic series featuring damien wayne and jon kent(son of superman and lois lane) and their self contained adventures together with in the main DC universe, the series was incredibly popular, out selling even batman titles(which is very rare) it wasn't just the shota fujo aspect that made the series popular, It had so many other factors that appealed to normies like good and consistent art-work, no dumb crossovers every 3 issues, clear story arcs and so with all that you'd think that DC would follow this success by publishing similar titles or even just continuing the series but instead they ended it and aged up jon so you can't have him as a cute kid ever again in the main DC universe, other then a flashback, prequal mini-series or an elseworld story….. sigh, this is why I don't blame anyone for trashing on western comics or being a weeb, comics are entirety dictated by dumb boardroom corporate bastards


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Dan and Chris are so cute together and I also ship them both with Elise and as an OT3


It sucks that there's so many FTM headcanons for dan


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I know! I try to stay away from it as much as possible, but why can't they leave my perfect little sharp-toothed angry man alone?


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I meant it was inevitable really for Dan more then any other character fiction, he's a short physically weak male with anger issues and can't grow a beard


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This hurts me nona, please no. I just want normal cute Dan art where he has a normal cute penis.


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Also the sheer amount of rage makes him pretty damn powerful.


>Tranny flag
Someone edit it out


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It needs a lot more editing than just that.


man what the fuck is wrong with westoid fujos


Female masturbation and sexuality are more taboo than being trans is in the west


can't separate fiction from reality imo


Idk, we (westoid fujos) used to be pretty chill and normal for the most part when I was growing up. I don’t know what’s going on now, but the kids are not alright.


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In awe at the fujo who still does male Kim Possible to this day.


shouldn't this be considered OC at that point


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I love them so much it hurts sometimes <3


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Who are they?


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Oh yeah………….. i like this


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Ricciardo and Charlie from a russian web show "Criminart!"


I'm sorry I just don't see the appeal of this, maybe its cause I'm a filthy weeb but the characters look like fucking blobs
This is hot though


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Totally understandable opinion to have, but while I won't speak for everyone ITT, the appeal of western stuff isn't the design as far as I'm aware.
Most cartoon characters aren't physically attractive, it's more the personality and dynamic they have with each other.

I mean, shows like South Park, The Simpsons, Rick and Morty, all of them have pretty ugly art-styles imo. Still they have massive fujo audiences and I think that is because people aren't looking at the characters appearance they like them for who the character is.

I'd be interested in anyone else chiming in on this, especially if you're more a fan on the cartoon side of things and your opinion on why shows like South Park attract such a large crowd.


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I am aware of South Park shipping but people actually ship Rick and Morty and Simpsons Characters ?


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Yeah Rick x Morty was the hottest (and most hotly debated) thing for a while. People of course like shipping them with alternate universe versions of themselves as well. On tumblr in particular there was a trend of Shipping Rick with Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls and Morry with Dipper.

Simpsons scene isn't as big and a lot of it revolves around Smithers since he is canonically gay. Burns/Smithers and Moe/Smithers are pretty popular. You also get people who really like Bart and ship him with Milhouse or Sideshow Bob.


But they are all so fucking ugly and nauseating to look at and the humor is just cringe coomer jokes


Not that anon but all people are different.
I personally find anime muppets fucking ugly, but I won't stop anyone from liking them.


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>dislike anime
>on a website where 95% of the content is anime related


I assume she's talking about the Osomatsu sextuplets.


that I agree with, those mfers are ugly asf


if i saw one irl i would push it down the stairs


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I have watched so, so many terrible kids movies because they had a couple of hot guys in them.


I don't eat here but there is nothing worse to me than "winning" a confirmed not-straight only to have them not be with the person you ship them with. I honest to god would prefer unconfirmed and single to that. I'm expecting this to happen with a character in World of Warcraft soon and am lowkey dreading it despite no longer playing.


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Walter x Jesse yes


i am eating so well with the recent tumblr brba revival


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The fact that they crowdsourced the yaoi from actual fans is so heartwarming to me.


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I started reading the books in 2018 and stopped in the middle of the second volume out of sheer laziness. I should read it again from the start someday. At the time it reminded a lot of the fucked up shit you'd find in kink memes so it felt very nostalgic somehow. I know the writer did some comic about fencing and some YA novel but if she or other writers decide to write similar stories aimed at an adult audience I'll try to get back into reading.


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>the final season of GoT was one of the biggest fails in the recent TV show history that everyone wants to forget
>new book never
>didn't get into it until the fandom was dead
Twisted Thramsysters… The dream is over…


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I always liked it, even before that episode
It's kind of nice they picked it for the show, I think it was a good choice since it's always been pretty popular but does not involve any of the main boys
Though I kind of preferred their dynamic better before it was canonized


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i love these two aswell nonas, really good dynamic.


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Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask but does anyone know if there exist a booru or booru like site dedicated to South Park art? There used to be one called Soft Pork but I only learned about it's existence after it closed down which I'm extremely bitter over but whatever. I don't even know why it closed down since no one talks about it and it's all just kinda weird I suspect there was some fandom wank involved but I don't wanna jump to conclusion.
I just want some kind of archive to look at older South Park fanart. I have been scrolling trough old tumblr and deviantart accounts but I'm greedy I guess and, still a booru site would be nice


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I don't know of anything like that but I'll dump some older art. I got it off of /rs/ 1000 years ago so hopefully there's some you haven't found yourself. Don't forget there's also pixiv.


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cute! I haven't seen any of these before so thank you so much!


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Glad to hear! These come from an era where I didn't really understand the importance of sourcing so I don't even know if the artists are still around. I remember some of them were from personal websites rather than a fanart hub, which dates them quite a bit.


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Another dated aspect is the presence of Damien/Pip. Still kind of butthurt Pip died and they didn't even have them chilling in Hell together.


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>some of them were from personal websites
That's the exact kind of fanart I am looking for! Stuff that people posted on their (now defunct) blogs. Booru sites sometimes hosts these since they are pretty hard/rare to find
>Another dated aspect is the presence of Damien/Pip. Still kind of butthurt Pip died and they didn't even have them chilling in Hell together
I feel ya. Pip was really funny but apparently unpopular amongst fans? which is a shame Great Expectations was a good episode and I will die on this hill.
I have also noticed that people really don't draw Gregory and Christophe anymore. It seems they where popular around 2009-2011 or at least I have seen lots of fanart of them around this time even though the movie came out in 1999. Fuck, honestly the movie is so good I should rewatch it…


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They don't even show hell anymore, it has so much potential too
I miss the old fandom, it feels like the current fans don't even watch the show since they call everything problematic, I prefer the old autistic ship wars over the twittertard arguments.
Matt and Trey themselves don't like Pip and killed him off so the fans would stop asking about him.


>Matt and Trey themselves don't like Pip and killed him off
Matt and Trey dislike a lot of the early parts of the show in general, which is fair enough I guess. Artists tends to be a lot more harsh towards their own works but still…
It actually happens quite frequently that when I watch an episode that I like I find out that Matt and Trey strongly dislikes that episode lol also the other way around when I dislike and episode they are proud of it. Guess my idea of the show is different than the one of the actual creators


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Happy to see so many South Park anons here! Any other Stylefags ITT? I love my boys…
Gregstophe and Dip were my absolute jam in the early 2010s alongside kyman but that's unrelated to this discussion. They've never been huge ships, but they're definitely a lot less popular nowadays than they were back then. My hat goes off to all rarepair enjoyers, you people deserve so much more.


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>Any other Stylefags ITT? I love my boys
Me! Beside Style I also like Kystophe which is a super rarepair OTL they sang a parody of A Little Fall of Rain how could I not see it as romantic?


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Yeah but it feels like current south park is just a spinoff to the old one, not the same show or a continuation.


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Aww, Kystophe is cute! Chris dying in Kyle's arms was definitely pretty gay lol


bless you anon for the art dump. Did the show even have fujo fans when the movie came out lol? Not that I'm going to let that stop me from shipping Kystophe…


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Definitely. I've seen a few SP slash fics from the late 90s and early 2000s. Though none of them contained Christophe iirc, they were mostly about the main 4. I'm sure a super old Kystophe fic exists out there somewhere, though!


Is it something that would still be possible to find today? I did once manage to find some old South Park fanfics from back when the show was new but none of them where slash. Also they where all written in a script format. Apparently people thought they could scouted as writers on the show by publishing script based fanfics on the internet
I did manage to find one Style fanfic from around 2001 though but that's because the author had reposted it to ao3.


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From what I remember, most of them were on now defunct fansites. But I'm sure you can find some on FFnet and LiveJournal if you look hard enough!


I have tried watching the south park based on the fan art and I really just don't appeal of it, it feels like something only a male white gen-xer could possibly find funny


For me it's brain candy. It's good to put on when I want to watch something light. Even the political episodes are pretty shallow imo and doesn't require much thinking. The fanart is just a bonus.
The first seasons humour is kinda absurd and random. It has this odd atmosphere which is very enjoyable. The characters actually behaves like kids and combined with their chibi like design just makes them endearing even though they are kinda fucked up. I would go as far an compare it to something like K-on (just more crude), you get to watch cute looking characters in their daily lives and sometimes they will do something that reminds you of your own childhood. Tbh I don't care much for the BL aspect in this era of the series aside from Kystophe since they behave so much like kids so it's hard for me to imagine them aged up and in relationships.
The seasons from 5+ gets more grounded but it does start to feel more like a conventional comedy in it's pacing.
There also is the nostalgia aspect. It was really popular in my school back when I was around 11-13. Tbh I found the show super obnoxious back then (and to some degree still do) but I would still occasionally watch it back then.. dunno it's just nostalgic. The show isn't for anyone though.
I only got really into South Park around summer when I noticed all the JP Hetalia artists I follow are into it as well lol. Fanon and canon definitely feels different and I kinda do treat them like two separate things but I enjoy both


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it's a weird american slice of life show, which is why I love the early seasons. It's just kids being kids and experiencing the absurd.
If you're talking the newest seasons, yeah I agree with you.


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To each their own, personally I liked it as a kid and it's almost nostalgic to me despite still running
I like the interactions between the boys, they're cute below the realistic shitty brattiness
It's a bit of an Osomatsu-san situation maybe?


>It's a bit of an Osomatsu-san situation maybe?
I have noticed there is a overlap between Osomatsu, South Park and Hetalia fans in Japan. All 3 franchises does have similar appeal


most fans agree that seasons 8 to 18 were the best, during those seasons while there were political episode the series was much more focused on the day to culture of that time period, you don't get that with modern south park, I believe Matt and Trey and the rest of the writers have been convinced that they have to make serious political commentary when that was never their forte, also really fucking hate the focus on Randy these past few seasons


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I just started playing Phone Destroyer today even though I told myself that I would stop playing gacha games(does this even qualify as a gacha?) and it's kinda cute. I really like the cards and how they stay true to their original designs and the show's simple artstyle while still being detailed. They really managed to find the golden line where it doesn't get too detailed and uncanny. I wish I had started playing it sooner since they are not going to add more cards. I would honestly had love an idol theme with Fingerbangthey could even cash in on hallyu by having some of the characters dress up as kpop groups that are known in the west such as BTS and Blackpink but I highly doubt that Trey and Matt knows anything about those groups or care about them


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I miss PD a bit, but honestly I don't think I'm going to pick it back up again any time soon. I respect the game for providing Creekfags with this cool official art, though.


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I hate that whenever I talk about South Park with people irl I really have to bite my tounge so I don't start fujo sperging. I like the show for more reasons than just BL of course but still it just feels odd that I can't talk about pairings. Sometimes I just think "they don't know that I ship these characters" whenever I talk about South Park, or any other mainstream show for the matter, with people I know irl
It's really funny how they acknowledged their fujo fans. Like, I have seen plenty of Japanese franchises acknowledge their fujo fans and maybe throw in some fanservice once in a while. But to have an American show acknowledge their fujo fans and actually use the word yaoi? Beautiful. South Park also went ahead an made a pairing created by fujos canon which hasn't happen in an anime. Anime writers likes to make subtle nods to their fujo fans but they don't really make any pairings canon.
I can't believe that it's been years since creek became canon it feels like yesterday tbh.
I'm personally kinda neutral on creek but I'm so happy on their shippers behalf. Hope they are living their best lives(*^^*)♡


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>I hate that whenever I talk about South Park with people irl I really have to bite my tounge so I don't start fujo sperging.
This. Talking to casual fans can definitely be fun, but it just isn't the same as talking to people in fandom.
Not fujosperging, but I remember this one time when I was a tween. Was watching Tsst with two of my family members. At the time I was fucking obsessed with Dip, so naturally when Damien made his (really quick and almost unnoticeable) cameo, I pointed it out.
>oh look, damien pops up real quick here!
They looked at me like I had ten heads because they had no idea who the fuck Damien was. It's really dumb, it happened so long ago and it wasn't even that big of a deal, but it still embarrasses me so much whenever I remember it.


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Had something similar happen to me. It isn't related to my fujo interests but I like Simpsons so sometimes when I'm watching an episode with someone I will spontaneous say some random trivia about a background character, a showrunner or the production of an episode and people look at me like I'm insane.
There just aren't many people at my age who watches Simpsons yet alone knows so much about it.
It's kinda embarrassing to like something popular. At least with fantasy and sci fi shows a "nerdy" fanbase is expected so people don't think I'm weird for knowing lots about it.
But when it comes to comedy people don't expect you to know much about it. South Park a least has a younger viewers compared to Simpsons so I'm less embarrassed to admit that I like it… but also I will never admit my fujo tendencies towards South Park…


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Timezones be damned!!!! It's Stan's and Trey's birthday!! Say something nice to him!!!


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It IS only about 20 minutes until the 19th, so! Happy birthday, best boy!!! I love you so much Stan you're so cute!!!!!
kek we've really turned this into a sp thread, haven't we?


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>kek we've really turned this into a sp thread, haven't we?
You could probably make a SP thread. Looks like there is enough interest on here. Probably helps that the JP fandom is so big, I wish more cartoons had an active fujo audiences who could churn out content for decades.


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Happy birthday to the young drunkard and his maker!


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Stan is very cute and underrated!


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I'd personally love having a SP thread on here! I have no problem making one, but I'd like to get the opinions of other SP anons before doing so. What do you all think?
>I wish more cartoons had an active fujo audiences who could churn out content for decades.
Me too, nona, me too…


I wanted to start one but couldn't find a really good picture for OP
Still if you won't make one I will


I think a picture with a good chunk of the characters who gets yaoi shipped would be good. That or just a creek picture since I feelvlike they are a good representation of the show's yaoi fanbase. Not that the picture is too important good luck nonnie(´ ∀ ` *)


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I wish Arthur de Pins wasn't such an unbearable ass because I'm really into his capitalist bloodsuckers and I think they should kiss, but no one ever bothers to pirate the damn comics and I don't want to give him money.


This is a weird request, but does anyone remember that twitter artist who drew Dracula and Johnny from Hotel Transylvania? I can’t find them anymore. The pictures were usually purple or used purple lineart. I think there was the use of “daddy.”


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Ultra crackship, but I like these two dads.


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westfags truly have no taste


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Why are you in the west thread then? Or better yet why not post stuff you actually like?


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Because people that whine like this don't actually like stuff, nonnie, they just want to complain.


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>get out of /wes/


Aren't those two from the short Dexter skits? Or maybe they were a completely seperate animation? I know them! I know they were on Cartoon Network, but from where? I remember something with bees, and the long haired dude getting sacrificed or something… What are their names???


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They are Valhallen and White Tiger from Justice Friends, a segment that ran between Dexter's Lab episodes. Valhallen is the (viking) god of rock and sleeps in a mix of a bed with an altar, that's what you might be remembering!


I just have an issue with shipping of characters that are rather blobs than humanoids, even monsterships make more sense to me


tf are you on about


I agree that some stuff like Steven Universe's style makes everyone look shapeless, but "they look like blobs" is a weird response to someone saying they like de Pins' art LOL (specifically the men, the women are in fact blobs).


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I could not care less if people ship literal geometric shapes like Wheatley and Bill Cipher. I fully support them.


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I think this is a really dumb way to look at characters. Reducing a character to only their physical design is what I associate with dumb cumbrains not fellow fujos. The fact that there is a very active South Park thread should show that how "hot" somebody is has no bearing on shipping. I don't even think Alex's art looks like blobs, the characters have very clear forms, Zombillenium is the only thing I've read by him though.


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Thankfully I'm not obsessed with this ship or anything, but good god it's incredibly difficult to find anything for it. None on Pixiv, Danbooru, AO3… If Half-Life 1 came out today G-Man would be a Tumblr Sexy Man.
AO3 has some good Gordon/Barney but Gordon/G-Man hits different.


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Fuck didn't mean to sage this


>This hurts me nona, please no. I just want normal cute Dan art where he has a normal cute penis.
Literally made me laugh out loud.
I agree, a scrote should have his scrote.


G-man is hot as fuck, I saw a mild resurgence of interest when the VR game came out, but yeah Half-life has the smallest fujo fandom of any Valve game.


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I don't have the hots for him but here's some food for you nonna.

The fujo fandom is small, me thinks, because Alyx is a respectable and prominent character in a series with an already small cast. Most fandoms with strong Fujo lean either have a near non-existent Female cast (TF2 comes to mind) or the Female characters are just complete shit (no Valve games are guilty of this thankfully but so many popular franchises have this issue). Most fanwork creators who played through all of HL2 want to see her kick ass more. Very respectable on Valve's end but my Fujo heart yearns.

G-Man and Gordon have a strange dynamic. G-Man is this besuited monster dude and he has Gordon under his control whenever he desires. He pretends to give Gordon choices about his faith but never actually does. Why Gordon? Who are the aliens G-Man alludes to working with in HL1? Is he not as all powerful as he alludes to being? What would Gordon really think of him if one where to put on the Fujo glasses? If he's more of a uke, would he hate himself for wanting his G-Penis? If he were more of a seme, would he want to dick G-Man down and overpower him with his newfound strength? Can G-Man change his form at will and mess with Gordon's sense of reality? G-Man has no sex drive but is he even aware human sexuality is a thing? Fanfiction is always unpredictable when writing it, but if I were to ever write G-Man/Gordon fic I don't know where I'd begin and where I'd end up.


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Better quality version of that first photo


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When I was new to being a fujo I was a big fan of Blacksad.
I used to ship John (the cat) with Weekly (the ferret) and I was pretty invested in their relationship.
Sadly, Blacksad is extremely heteronormative and the author hooks John with a different woman in every volume and spends a lot of pages building the relationships John has with said woman, but then scraps it and throws it all away in the next book. It makes me wish these pages were used instead in building the bond between him and his friends.
Weekly deserved better.


Fuck yeah! Blacksad is criminally underrated the art is so expressive, one of the nicest looking comics I've read.

I agree with you about the women element. I know it's meant to replicate old film noirs but its still an annoying trope regardless.


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For some reason, I have recently been obsessing about the idea of picrel (Micheal from the Godfather movies) being lovingly topped hard by his older, adopted brother, Tom during the late 1940's-early 1950's.

Guilt of 'But we're brothers' mixed with protectiveness of 'He's my family, it's better he gets fucked by me than anyone else'.

There are like 2-3 decent fics and only one has full-on buttsex. Roses to whomever digs up fanart.


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And wouldn't you know it, after expressing this thought, I went straight to Pixiv and was blessed by this fujo godess

She even drew doujinshi and translated to English, all hail this amazing fujo. Very tempted to create a thread just for dumping Godfather film series art now.


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>Blacksad is criminally underrated the art is so expressive, one of the nicest looking comics I've read.
Exactly! A lot of pages and panels have so many amazing little hidden details, that you can look at them for minutes and still find new things you haven't noticed before. The faces are also extremely expressive, I love it!
>I agree with you about the women element. I know it's meant to replicate old film noirs but its still an annoying trope regardless.
Good to see I'm not the only one, I've never seen anybody else point that out.


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I watched both parts of Critical Role's latest two shot and something's been bothering me

Main f/f couple: gets lots of screentime with flirting and domesticity

Main m/f couple: same as above

Main m/m couple: gets a couple of name drops, and one scene at the end of episode two with a flirtatious line and one kiss

For the unfamiliar, Critical Role's cast has ties to the Western Animation industry, and there's a perception that creators in that sphere of influence are fine with every shipping combo expect m/m, which gets minimized. Why?

And why are the fandoms ok with getting the bare minimum so long as it's canon??


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Forgive me, I know nothing about Critical Role except that it's a DnD podcast but are the players who play the slash pair just not as outgoing as the others or is most of the romance facilitated by a DM who is ignoring them?
I'd argue f/f is more in right now for the /wes/ sphere. Lots of cartoons feature it prominently while m/m content is regulated to passing dialogue.

>And why are the fandoms ok with getting the bare minimum so long as it's canon

Honestly I couldn't care less about canon status. Fandoms tend to write the romance better anyway since they're able to take risks studios wouldn't. They can also dedicate more time to development than a piece of media that doesn't have romance as one of its primary genres.

While I find it incredibly frustrating when media originally had plans for canon gay romance that was cut or censored, I've never understood people who dedicate so much time trying to prove their ship is secretly canon.

Most shows can't write good romance if their life depended on it, doubly so if the media is aimed at


>doubly so if the media is aimed at


Whoops, sorry it was 8AM after staying up all night didn't even realize that was incomplete.


I think it's a few factors. For some reason modern western fans heavily weigh "rep" over quality. Traditionally f/f has been the safer gay "rep" because it doesn't cut into the male audience or encourage those nasty m/m fetishists.

>couldn't care less about canon status.
Same boat. Unpaired ends are better 99% of the time.


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Surprised Scott Pilgrim shipping never really took off considering the large amount of canon gay characters.


them being canonically gay ruined it.

For most fujos it's more fun if they're not.


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God bless Brian Azzarello, whenever he writes for Batman he depicts him as unhinged musclebound neoteric with an oedipal complex, he also is fond if shipping Bruce with Constantine but can only ever hint at a potential relationship


That last page with the cigarette is sexy, which graphic novel?

Always shipped Constantine with Dream of the Endless, but this pairing intrigues me.


Batman: Damned


Thanks anon!


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its a fun ship, but will never come close to rivaling batjokes


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NTA but as fun as the canon tension is I've never been able to fully ship it since I don't think Batman would ever back down on his morals and I don't think Joker would ever reform.

Really like one-sided pining on Jokers part though. He already flirts with Batman enough it's easy to extrapolate that into sincere feelings, especially given how many authors readily admit to writing him as gay.

Is there any particular iteration that made you ship Batjokes, or do you like it equally across all Batman media?


I mean the actual meta reason Batman won't ever kill the Joker is cause Batman comics sell better then the entire western comics industry and Joker is batman's most popular enemy so he can't die either


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I agree as well, anon. Batjokes will forever be #1.


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The thing is, for every writer trying to make Joker vaguelly gay in canon there are others who explicitly show Joker is motivated by his hatred of Batman & Batman’s apparent incorruptibility compared to himself (as was intended by Moore). The only correlation between these depictions is that show that The Joker is obsessed with Batman, he derives meaning & purpose from Batman, without Batman his life is so empty that he has no reason left to be The Joker.


All reasons to ship it kek


I remember Batjokes being really good/big in that Telltale game.


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Randomly remembered lornester and, like, what a banger of a ship. i'm surprised they didn't get a bigger fandom around them. They just had that tension ya know?


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It's a shame that we will never see these versions of Batman and Joker ever again. They were probably the most unique depictions of both


why do I love both of them so much


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Are enough people here interested in DC for a thread?


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I'd be interested but I'm admittedly more a Marvelfag (loved Dan/Ror though). A combined DC/Marvel thread, maybe?
(Also anyone here remember scans_daily?)


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Used to be big into X-men and Daredevil comics so I'd be ok with a mix. How does "comics general" sound? It could cover the two big ones and boys from Image, Dark Horse and other smaller companies as well.


Yeah sure. Though I'd say maybe keep it a superhero general and let other genres gather here so we don't drown them out. …I only read supes.
(I think first post should have a 'reply to pitch your ship with recs for issues/runs' thing)


Thinking about Reverse Flash molesting young Barry while constantly in this mode


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Needs more Donald
>We're Three Caballeros
>Three Gay Caballeros


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Didn't have any trio art with human Donald, thank you! Honestly surprised how popular this movie is in Japan, I think it's more popular over there than it is here in the states. Or maybe it's just uniquely popular with fujos, lol.


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I like Mizrak and Olrox. Maybe most will be bored by them since they are the typical gay side characters of a netflix "anime" but I have a thing for knights and strong devote dudes so I already liked Mizrak since he appeared at the start. Olrox felt flatter at first but I like the story we learned about him so far. I also just love their designs, especially the faces. Eyes in this series are generally so damn pretty.
My only fear is that they will both be killed, they seem like the types of characters that are destined to get that end. Despite Olrox's oneitis for his dead lover he seems to actually worry about Mizrak so I hope that they will at least become friends (with benefits) and not just stay random sex partners, regardless of what type of ending they will eventually get.


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I know it's got a reputation for being cringe but I'm excited Hazbin Hotel is finally getting a proper series. The basic premise and setting intrigues me so I'm hoping it turns out good.

The size of the Fandom based on the pilot is insane. 5000+ m/m stories on Ao3?! Though I'm so picky with canon compliancy I'm sure most of them won't be my cup of tea when it finally comes out.


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Ok since we're all in a fandom history mood right now I have a question I need to get off my chest. Do any of you actually remember the Once-ler fandom? Because I was on Tumblr in 2011 and I sure DON'T. Yes I remember art of him existing and I remember selfcest art, but I don't remember it being a big Tumblr shaking thing. The big fandoms I remember from the time were the original Avengers movie, Pacific Rim, Sherlock, Night Vale, and people who shipped Jack Frost with Elsa.
I feel like I'm going crazy when people describe this fandom that I don't remember being massive.


The thing I remember about onceler was it seemed that husbandofags and yumes seemed to like him. So if you were almost exclusively into weeaboo or fujoshi content, you would not have seen the onceler a lot. I only saw him a bit, and they were yumejo/self inserters.


Lmao I had the EXACT experience lately. I've come across some onceler stuff and looked it up, and he was made out to be this big tumblr sexyman of the golden era, and I was like, who? When? I've never seen the guy lol. He sounds like a fun character to ship but afaik there wasn't really anyone to ship him with. He's kinda like the Warden from Superjail. Fun, evil character, but no good ships for him.


I remember it but also remember blocking the tag/s and that being the end of it haha. A lot of western cartoon/Homestuck artists I followed at the time got into Oncest seemingly overnight so maybe you weren't in the right spaces to see it take over.
>afaik there wasn't really anyone to ship him with.
His most popular ship was with different versions of himself!


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Glad I'm not the only one then, I keep seeing people bring it up and I'm just like ??? that was a super big thing? Funny you mention Superjail, it was my only exposure to Once-ler since I used to be big into it and they occasionally got crossover ship art. btw most popular Superjail ship ended up being Warden/Stingray though a few brave souls shipped him with Jared.
Must have been that then, wasn't into Homestuck at all, guess it attracted a certain audience I wasn't a part of. Though this is a testament to just how big Tumblr was in it's prime that people had vastly different experiences with it.


I googled him too because I never heard of it. Never heard of homestuck either until someone on 4chan complained about it in 2015 or something.

It genuinely makes me wonder how other people's timelines work. I am using tumblr since 2012 and I never came across anything but the fandoms I followed people for. Most of the acc I follow(ed) were topic-centered side-accounts so they never posted anything else and the few that were more general rarely ever mentioned other series, so I experienced a decade of tumblr without ever stumbling upon any of the popular shit.
Same with every other place. On 4chan I only click threads of series I like so I have zero knowledge about the rest.


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Homestuck was BIG I do remember its massive fanbase. You remember Undertale's Tumblr fandom? Basically the same group of people with the same intensity. I tried so many times to get into it since the art was awesome, but the way it's written makes it a chore and it takes way too long for anything to happen.

I kind of get where you're coming from, though I see most of the big fandom content through crossover and cosplay art mainly. I also have the opposite experiences sometimes where I'm like "X was so big back in ___" only for people to have no idea what series I'm talking about.


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In a big OtGW mood right now. Forgot how much crossover ship stuff the was with Wirt and Dipper. Personally though I'm sad there aren't more darkfics with Wirt and Beast. Why'd BillDip get so much traction and not WirtBeast?

Oh well, definitely planning to write something for the series.


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Into davekat for like a while now, I can't really explain why but these two are having a huge chokehold on my brain rn .Supposedly it was like a crackship back then and now its somewhat canon. How cool.


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Coming back a year later to say I'm happy to see such a burst in gay SP content due to the new Netflix show.

Not done with it yet 4 episodes in, but my expectations were subverted and I'm happy its trying to do something different than retell the same story a forth time. Not as good as the comics, but refreshing.


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>Why'd BillDip get so much traction and not WirtBeast?
Probably because OtGW got only 1 season and GF is a long running show, so there's more lore going on/get ideas for shipping.

Also I too, am a Beast x Wirtfag.


Sorry Idk a better thread for this. Anyone read shousetsu bang*bang stories? I don't normally like OC m/m but some of these older stories have a more fanfic vibe than of published m/m, which is up my alley so far. The newer content may be more, uhh, qweer and progressive, but the older stuff is pretty readable. Their site is https://www.shousetsubangbang.com/ but I think they archive on livejournal too


This is taking me back. I vaguely remember a lot of the fic authors I followed in the 00s dabbled or swapped to original m/m only. http://mchandler.org/ this is the only one I remember off the top of my head (formerly known as "mooncalf/.org") because they were my gateway into SSB*B!


I wish this thing was still around, and I blame the trannies for it no longer being so.


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>>234 based-est
>>323 based
>>468 based
>>626 based
>>802 based
>>808 based
>>812 based
anyways here's a drop in a 174 drop bucket of images i feel genuine shame over having on my desktop


>i feel genuine shame over having on my desktop
Me thinking "what's so shameful about danny phant–oh. oh…"


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Sometimes I wonder if the few other Penny Arcade fans left can sense somethings wrong with me, that they can smell my fujo.


Hehe I don't even think it's wrong so I hope you don't feel ashamed, but realizing what it was made me feel like I got slapped. ALL FUJOS ARE BASED FUJOS.


No because why is this actually kind of cute..


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And done, cute show. Not as good as the original comic, but as a supplemental "what-if" its good. The boyfriends in particular were fun and I liked that it gave characters like Matthew time to shine that they didn't have in the original story.


It's out, anybody watching? Episode 4 in particular was pure Huskerdust pandering.


the new Ted series makes me wish those movies had a fandom. there's a couple ancient fics but I was really disappointed to find out no one really shipped John & Ted.


I’m watching, I’m not a fan of angel dust though he’s pretty obnoxious.
Good songs all around however.


Yeah Angel Dust was obnoxious, didn't like him in the pilot and his VA is worse here. But episode 4 greatly improved my opinion of him, he feels less like a walking sex joke. I feel like I should have a ship already because there are so many fanworks and pairings with a ton of content, but no one has enough chemistry right now for my tastes.

As in the Teddy Bear McFarlene movie? I didn't know that was a franchise and not a stand alone film, much less with fanfics and a fandom.


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I agree, Angel Dust is so much cuter for it, I like broken slut characters / sad jokers who are a bit self-aware. I'm more open to HuskerDust now than I was in the past.

Hazbin really struck a nerve I thought died with anime fandom. I've decided to just go on Pixiv and not do any social media searches for Hazbin and it's already improved my experience 2000%. I don't have to pretend obvious women are men, I can just enjoy pretty art and nice doujinshi.

Also, does anyone know where Alastor's human form comes from? I've seen some JP artists draw it consistently.

Also love that the whole JP fanbase seems to have latched onto Alastor being an uke/on the bottom. I'm so used to seeing guys like him being drawn as the top when I just want his ass to get drilled, I feel blessed.


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I'm not sure, I honestly might be a case of a lot of people adapting his design in the same way. By the by I went perusing the Wayback machine to see if it was based on any old art Vizie made and found this old ref-sheet from when he was still planned as a Zoophobia character. It's incredible just how different he is, but the bones are still there. Would be awesome to see more of the deer motif.

Definitely and uke. Hope he gets beat by Vox and/or Valentino later. Characters who seem all-powerful are at their best when they have a "oh shit" moment and and brought down.


Hazbin hotel hasn't been on my radar since the pilot released back then so it was quite a surprise when I suddenly saw JP fanart on my twitter feed. Maybe I should give it a shot.


the scary thing is how on-model all of this is.


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Anyone here into Young Royals? New season this march! ^_^


I've never heard of this show but the backlighting in this picture is so pretty!


It's basically like a western BL, would 100% recommend it. It's on Netflix.


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Rasputin/Corto is my otp of the month. They're sexy (well, mainly Corto) but Raspa is fucking crazy so they're well balanced. They do cool stuff and (don't really) get along. Also, Ras tops.


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Based taste, nona. I wish there was more art of them, unfortunately the one good artist decided to invade the tag with tranny shit.


Westaboo fujos always make such good art.


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Oh no, I didn't know. Aww. and there's already like almost no art for this. Not even a crumb on pixiv. At least the few fics there are haven't been trannified yet. I'm sad it's not bigger since the mood between them is unique


Fuck, I'm sorry. There used to be some chick on Twitter who did a lot? I can't find her stuff in my harddrive sadly :(


Was she on tumblr too? Tho I don't remember any real trans stuff for them on tumblr either (thankfully). I browsed the rascorto tag recently on twitter and didn't see much action at all to be honest. Wonder if Chinese fans may have more fanwork for them in other corners of the net


Based fellow Ben x Rook shipper


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Yeah that was me and I wasn't joking about the baby. Good to see another Ben x Rook enjoyer heart


Nope, she was only on twitter from what I recall.


I love her art so much, too bad she's a TiF and can't help but make them cuntboys. But she really nailed the style while adding her own touch


I was obsessed with them when I was younger and the show was airing. It was nice to have someone to shil with Ben who isn't Kevin, since I actually liked Kevin x Gwen. And Rook being a bit of a Ben fanboy and everything makes it extra cute. And Ben learning about Rook's alien culture is so sweet.
Not surprising considering Ben already had an mpreg episode and had like 3 alien babies already. Bro layed EGGS.


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I love this way too much


>Watching Game of Thrones for the first time years after the hype is gone
>Really graphic onscreen gay sex with two characters in a relationship relationship
>Suprised since I didn't even realize there were gay characters in the show
>One half of the couple dies the next episode they're oncreen together
>Remaing gay guy is forced into a het relationship the next season

Indeed. Show is fine, nothing to write home about and I wouldn't rec it, but I thought this was really funny for being a step above "bury your gays."


no offense but i don't remember this happening anona, wasn't it Renly being in a false and unconsummated partnership with Loras's sister whilst loras got to avoid the pressure to get married as he's a knight? also the only explicit scene they got as far as i can recall was an offscreen blowjob whilst all the het couples (the incest one included) get ball slapping sex, sad Renly got killed off so quickly as he and Loras were adorable and hot together
GOT is really good television, i remember the first couple of seasons being amazing


I just finished season 3 so maybe I don't have all the details but I was under the impression their relationship was romantic in nature but they had to hide due to the pressures of the time. Renly was using Loras'sister as a way to get close to him and they were in a unconsummated marriage due to the fact that he couldn't get it up for her. The forced het is that now Loras is being forced into a relationship with Cersi, don't spoil for me if that actually goes anywhere.

Again The fact that there was anything gay suprised me.

Renly and Loras got 3 gay sex scenes only one of them was softcore porn though with the thrusting and was interrupted by the sister. The blowjob, ambigous naked kissing, and interrupted anal. Loras also has gotten a few other post-Renly sex scenes with a few men but they are incredibly brief.


oh ngl i completely forgot about the Cersi thing, i won't say anything else
ah my GOT knowledge has dwindled it seems, i remember Loras having action with other characters though, in the books Loras becomes celibate after Renly's death stating no one could replace him, i like him getting more action though, i always remember really liking his sister too


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> start show
> ships seems promising
> it fucking gets cancelled

Every single time.


What show is this? I assume blue boy is an angel of some kind?


Little Demon, it was a show about Satan reconnecting with his teenage daughter after her mother separated them so she wouldn't become the anti-christ.

The archangels have a long-standing rivalry with Satan, in part because they kicked him out of Hell to delay his plans, and in part because the archangels are modeled after a boyband and Satan hates it.


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It's tough shipping this when the fandom is dead and nobody cares about the characters anyway. Oh well.
While I don't ship on the basis of canon (and don't want to police what other people ship, why else would I use fujochan), it's kind of funny how everyone is constantly screaming that Ryan and Min are canonically together without a hint of irony nor any genuine proof while Sieve and Mace have multiple members of the official crew shipping them and making art (picrel) and got so much more chemistry in the show than rymin did.
I guess it makes sense because it seems the retarded "you can't like evil characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" dogma has been rampant in the fanbase for some time. Sorry for massive sperg.


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The Lower Decks recently had an AU Garak and AU Bashir as a couple. It's not exactly the kind of canon people wanted but I think it's the best they could have done. I'm still kind of reeling from having a ship I actually like flirt with canon like this because that never, EVER happens to me.


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Thanks to nona from husbando thread I’m going to watch this series. I checked he has so little episodes of appearance (6 out of 26?), still giving a try. I’m so hooked up.


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I remember it being everywhere in libraries back then, but did anyone actually read Heartstopper? If so, was it good? Was it actual western BL or just LGBT literature? I remembered randomly it existed today.


I read the first volume and I thought it was really cute. I would consider it LGBT lit rather than actual BL though.


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I admit that shipping fanart was that absolute last thing I expected to emerge from the Conclave fandom and yet here we are.
Has anybody else watched this religious old man thriller?

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