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/rps/ - Real Person Fiction

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A board for real person shipping (K-pop groups, bands, TV shows, etc.). The discussion of cosplayers is also allowed.

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There has been some appreciation, so here is a thread for it. 1917, Das Boot, Shaving Ryan's Privates, etc.

This is more of a Western thing than it is a JP thing, since more war media is done in the West. (There is one single JP author doing these things and I can't rec her.)

>Favourite soldierboy?

>Favourite war/period?

>Favourite soldier media?

>Anything you wish a media would do with solider boys?

>Anything you want to see in fic specifically?
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>Favourite war/period?
WWI or Vietnam, both are absolutely miserable wars. Trench warfare was brutal and Vietnam was a struggle with no clear purpose for most US soldiers not to mention the jungle leading to harsh guerilla combat. What I'm saying is angst galore La

>Favourite soldier media?

Apocalypse Now is my favorite war movie though not very shippy. Wings (1927) recently surprised me and I ship David/Jack. The Bridge on the River Kwai was really good too and sorely lacking in yaoi fanfics between Colonel Saito and Colonel Nicholson.

A few others war movies I like but don't have ships for are:
Dr. Strangelove
Gone with the Wind
The Wind Rises
La Grande Illusion
Full Metal Jacket
Paths of Glory
Pan's Labyrinth (Kinda counts)

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>Favourite soldierboy?
Paul in All Quiet on the Western Front, specifically the 2022 film.

>Favourite war/period?

WW1 & 2, the Gulf War, Iran-Iraq war and the Spanish Civil War. I also like cold war stuff, especially spy media. Would love to see BL between a Russian and American spy.

>Favourite soldier media?

I just watched Generation Kill which I really enjoyed and would love to talk to some other fujos about so please talk to me if you are a fan. My favorite paring is Brad/Ray which I was disappointed to learn was not the most popular paring despite having the best chemistry. Sigh.

>Anything you wish a media would do with solider boys?

Stuff with war prisoners is great especially the loss of power and control. I like anything with military command chain, like subordinates/superiors (using "Sir" during sex, hawt.) Also cute guy who gets hit on by everyone in the unit.


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Took me way too long to remember where our military thread was.

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Post and talk about youtuber ships! Especially the OG youtuber ships such as pic related.

One rule only:
>no dream smp shit or anything related to dream
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let's hope they come back someday or we have a proper revival, someone's bound to get nostalgic over it eventually… For now I'll rewatch centricide sometimes and pray that VN gets finished despite never seeing a fandom VN get finished once.
It's so weird staring at r/politicalcompassmemes now knowing who it was popularized by, I wonder how they would react to centricide yaoi now


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there HAS to be some people that are nostalgic about centricide… it has to be brought back… also amazing picrel, i'm stealing this to add to my crumbs. hopefully jreg will keep posting political related stuff here and there, the centricide fans are starved


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Oh I don't doubt there are, but it seems we gotta wait until enough people get nostalgic or some big "hey remember centricide?" post blows up or something, oh the pic was made by "_.water_star._" on instagram, she still seems to make political/country stuff even if isn't centricide so you might enjoy her stuff.

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Ok so i've been watching Sonic and Sonic 2 and I didn't expect myself to ship these two so hard (Agent Stone x Dr.Robotnik). Making a thread fully dedicated to them might not end us anywhere so I think a general movie shipping thread might be a good idea. Who do you ship from which movie? Of course the ships must involve actual characters played by actors (this is /rps/ in the end).
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Thank you. I thought I was the only one who had, uh, feelings about that scene.

It feels very June, I guess? I could definitely ship it as a 'I thought I liked girls but actually I prefer the DILF and keep trying to get his attention' kind of crush, the age gap is really hot to me.

I like the idea of Rolfe's affections being unrequited, and him slowly learning what his actual feelings are, only to be hit in the face with the full brunt of them at that final confrontation.

Although Von Trapp is part of the Navy, so I wouldn't mind seeing him trying to 'teach the boy a lesson' about how sex between men goes, in hopes that it will make him less likely to pursue, only to spur Rolfe on.


Seen this movie several times but never thought about it in this light, it was interesting to read your thoughts I'll say that nonnie.


aryt June is a good way to describe it.
>'I thought I liked girls but actually I prefer the DILF and keep trying to get his attention'
this is exactly how imagined it.

to be honest I think their relationship would be doomed no matter what. I don't think Rolfe was some ignorant youth who was seeking out comradery in politics, and then wrongfully felt down the path of nazism. I think he genuinely believed in the cause, which is why he ends up betraying the Von Trapp family in the end. Rolfe would still betray them, even if his affections weren't unrequited.

>Although Von Trapp is part of the Navy, so I wouldn't mind seeing him trying to 'teach the boy a lesson' about how sex between men goes, in hopes that it will make him less likely to pursue, only to spur Rolfe on.

nonny I'm obsessed!!!! omg thats hot
Glad that I could share my thoughts!

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Politics thread
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Fujochan still can't embed youtube videos so i'll just post the link: https://youtu.be/nTSyswJjxfY?si=rRFX61yN18ZQwBTc
picrel is a semi thread related attention grabber, het with yumepony and obama pony


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i miss this thread


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Chinese artist Yang Quan depicting Biden & Trump (2020).

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A general thread of discussing Vkei and Jrock bands. Ships, fanservice, etc.
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La'cryma Christi
Missalina Rei
Luna Sea
Zi: Kill

There are all very solid ones I think. I tend to only listen to 1 or 2 songs from a band because I'm picky but these are all ones I think have solid discogs

>Gakt is the lord god of all

Funny to hear considering every person under 20 I know basically just treats him as a big meme lol

>Listened to the ENTIRE 9 hour visuak key playlist on spotify

Can we trade, may I have your heart? Lol, so hard for me to listen to stuff lately lol

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Damn I thought that would embed automatically…oh well


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Thank you. I've been listening to some of them already since Spotify is actually very solid in terms of recommending related media. Imeem was where I honestly got started with The Gazette.

Honestly I wish I got into v-kei back when groups toured the US in the 00's because I didn't have much of an interest then. But I imagine the concerts must have been great.

I don't have many recommendations myself to trade as I'm a passive fan that goes with whatever sounds good. But here.


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Yes nonas! You heard me right! Now that fujochan isn't under maintenance anymore I can finally dedicate a thread for fujos that also happen to be autistic about the music they listen to.

This is a general thread mostly. I know we already got a Rammstein thread >>368 but I am afraid it might be a little bit too niche (and since it's a slow board I think a general thread might be a better idea)

This thread is for shipping musicians. Any genre! Please do tell us why you ship them. Why you like their music? How does the music they produce play into the dynamics of your ship. Don't hesite to share songs as well~ Etc. Etc.!!!

Picrel is James Hetfield x Dave Mustaine for the metalhead fujos out there.
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Suede nona, I know nothing about the band but this art is pretty hot
>>559 Also I think there's an old mpreg thread on /ex/


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Thank you! They're a tragically overlooked band nowadays especially in the US where they failed to make any sort of impact but they were big in the UK in the 90s during the Britpop era but ultimately got overlooked by people into Oasis and Blur (neither of which are my thing). If you watch the music videos for their songs The Drowners and Animal Nitrate or some early performances from 1992 to 1993 where Brett Anderson is wearing women's crop tops and slapping his ass with a microphone you'll see the appeal I hope lol. There's a really good artist from South Korea who draws Suede stuff sometimes that's RPS-y but they mostly draw sports manga stuff. Their Twitter is QHFL_is_GOOD but they have a Tumblr where they have their Suede art called qqt-lv.


Wrong thread?

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I remember how people used to ship mass shooters and criminals on the TCC tumblr and how much drama that made (i left the community around 2018 so I dont know if that kind of drama is still going on). No matter if you seriously ship them or not post art related to anything true crime and yaoi! Discussion of past drama is allowed as long as it does not derail the discussion from yaoi.
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Someone should write a Luigi x Brian Thompson fic


OMEGALINGUINI wrote one Luigi/POV CEO noncon kek but I agree


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Somebody should tell her…

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Post anything in relation to Japanese BL Dramas.
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It's not really a drama but falls under the Japanese category I guess but, did anyone else watch The Boyfriend?
Everyone talked like Shun was a toxic redflag when he just wanted his own space before falling for yet another fratboy, totes cute.


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it's old fashion cupcake. great show and the manga too is excellent


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Anyone enjoyed "I hear the Sunspot" / "Hidamari ga Kikoeru"? I think they changed the ending of Episode 12 from the 2nd volume of the manga but the adaptation felt complete and very cute. I've not watched the earlier movie yet.

Any other recent live action BL you've liked?

I kinda binged on a few series in 2021/2022 and quit Live Actions cold till now, only watching anime. Started watching The Science Club on a whim and found out one of the leads, Kobayashi Toranosuke, acted in HgK. Very different roles but he's engaging to watch.

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Starting with Bad Influence, where a yuppie falls for a manic pixie dream boy. James Spader and Rob Lowe should have kissed.

Anyway, any movies from these two decades that seem like they ought to be gay but aren't.
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60s is cool too if you've got any kino to share, I just think the 80s and 90s aesthetic itself is charming. Post whatever you got though.

You should check out Bad Influence, it's basically Fight Club without Durden being imaginary. Though the imaginary part admittedly makes it more fun.

the only thing better than yaoi is vampire yaoi

that third pic does have pretty gay energy ngl. Shall see if I can find it somewhere


>Shall see if I can find it somewhere
I forgot to mention it in my post, but be warned that Porky's is a sex comedy and has a few naked women featured sporadically throughout the film although sometimes it felt like they forgot it was a sex comedy half-way through.


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oh, yanno, anything with Matthew Lillard becomes immediately gay tbh. Watching "The Curve" right now

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