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A board for real person shipping (K-pop groups, bands, TV shows, etc.). The discussion of cosplayers is also allowed.

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There has been some appreciation, so here is a thread for it. 1917, Das Boot, Shaving Ryan's Privates, etc.

This is more of a Western thing than it is a JP thing, since more war media is done in the West. (There is one single JP author doing these things and I can't rec her.)

>Favourite soldierboy?

>Favourite war/period?

>Favourite soldier media?

>Anything you wish a media would do with solider boys?

>Anything you want to see in fic specifically?


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>Favourite soldierboy?
The little orderly from Night of the Generals, the one that keeps seeming as if he'll be preyed on by general camp gay played by Peter O'Toole.

On that note, Lawrence of Arabia, both the original and O'Toole.

>Favourite war/period?

Difficult. I like WWII and Germany the best, part of it is the whole 'Losing boys can be brutalized and woobified', but I also like WWI and British aeroplanes for the whole 'young men throwing their lives away to be heroes' thing with extra aristocrat on top.

>Favourite soldier media?

Das Boot, the TV show. Depressingly low homo content, but the u-boat parts are superb. There's some good potential for shipping.

Inglorious Basterds is one of the more entertaining ones but not enough slash fodder for me, Donowitz is a cutie and I hope the Tarantino nonny finds more art of him.

>Anything you wish a media would do with solider boys?

Show them engaging in situational homosexuality, just as a side or background thing. Both the whole Sam and Frodo thing, but also just trysts on the side while they miss their GFs.
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>Favourite war/period?
WWI or Vietnam, both are absolutely miserable wars. Trench warfare was brutal and Vietnam was a struggle with no clear purpose for most US soldiers not to mention the jungle leading to harsh guerilla combat. What I'm saying is angst galore La

>Favourite soldier media?

Apocalypse Now is my favorite war movie though not very shippy. Wings (1927) recently surprised me and I ship David/Jack. The Bridge on the River Kwai was really good too and sorely lacking in yaoi fanfics between Colonel Saito and Colonel Nicholson.

A few others war movies I like but don't have ships for are:
Dr. Strangelove
Gone with the Wind
The Wind Rises
La Grande Illusion
Full Metal Jacket
Paths of Glory
Pan's Labyrinth (Kinda counts)

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>Favourite soldierboy?
Paul in All Quiet on the Western Front, specifically the 2022 film.

>Favourite war/period?

WW1 & 2, the Gulf War, Iran-Iraq war and the Spanish Civil War. I also like cold war stuff, especially spy media. Would love to see BL between a Russian and American spy.

>Favourite soldier media?

I just watched Generation Kill which I really enjoyed and would love to talk to some other fujos about so please talk to me if you are a fan. My favorite paring is Brad/Ray which I was disappointed to learn was not the most popular paring despite having the best chemistry. Sigh.

>Anything you wish a media would do with solider boys?

Stuff with war prisoners is great especially the loss of power and control. I like anything with military command chain, like subordinates/superiors (using "Sir" during sex, hawt.) Also cute guy who gets hit on by everyone in the unit.

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I can only think of Saltburn and Call Me By Your Name.

Usually, it seems like homosexuality is meant to sort of shock or disturb people, in film.


If you look at non-explicictly gay films there are plenty of good films with gay subtext Rope and Laurance of Arabia come to mind. I don't see it as an issue though with gay films, most movies marketed as romance of any sort are pretty awful and way less engaging than films where two characters have natural chemistry but are working towards a greater goal.


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At least there is Hannibal.

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I remember how people used to ship mass shooters and criminals on the TCC tumblr and how much drama that made (i left the community around 2018 so I dont know if that kind of drama is still going on). No matter if you seriously ship them or not post art related to anything true crime and yaoi! Discussion of past drama is allowed as long as it does not derail the discussion from yaoi.
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I think it'd be cute for a puppy ship between Kip Kinkel and Michael Carneal. They were both schizo shooters around the same age, and Michael was bullied due to rumors about him having a crush on a male student.


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I'd like to think the reason why Adam Lanza was so into Robert Hawkins was because he thought he was cute lol.


that's why every teenage girl in the tcc was into hawkins tbh. he was pretty open about having a crush on kimveer though

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Politics thread
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bumping this thread in light of the recent political events


Feel the need to recommend this Che/Fidel fic. https://archiveofourown.org/works/33289798/chapters/82661842 The author hasn't updated in forever but the amount of research is impressive.


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Fujochan still can't embed youtube videos so i'll just post the link: https://youtu.be/nTSyswJjxfY?si=rRFX61yN18ZQwBTc
picrel is a semi thread related attention grabber, het with yumepony and obama pony

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Loser straight guy turning prison gay and losing their virginity to a guy is one of my fetishes.

idk if right board sorry
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I just saw this on r9k


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god i love this so much

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Ok so i've been watching Sonic and Sonic 2 and I didn't expect myself to ship these two so hard (Agent Stone x Dr.Robotnik). Making a thread fully dedicated to them might not end us anywhere so I think a general movie shipping thread might be a good idea. Who do you ship from which movie? Of course the ships must involve actual characters played by actors (this is /rps/ in the end).
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Yes and it's great (lovestruck Al is so cute) but I wish it wasn't literally just this one fanfic in English for them lmao I even tried to trawl old LJ pages for more content.
>'two interesting characters, let's slash them'
I feel it, and they're both great, I just irrationally get a little lonely for Sonny lol
>canonical Kid fic Godfather book
Haven't read it, how was it? Worth checking out?


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> Watch A Better Tommorow
>Random Chinese gangster movie a co-worker lent me
>Aesthetic as hell
>Bad boy men in suits with emotional issues
>Strong BL undertones with Mark and Ho
>Go on Ao3 immediately
>43 works
>See blue
>Filter for English
>Number drops to 2 Gen works
Truly the greatest torture. Time to write my own fic maybe.


I don't know where to put this, but I was watching Twin Peaks and this scene caught me off guard. Random gay tension out of nowhere lol.

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A thread to discuss BL movies and shows from any country.
Since the other live action threads are dead figured I should make a general to encourage discussion.
Bonus question:
what bls have you watched recently?
Any recommendations?
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Not sure it counts but I was at the cinema this weekend with friends and before the movie started one of the trailers shown was an American gay romcom named "Bros" and my friends and I will maybe watch it.


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They don't know how I feel about Liu Yushao.


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Anyone here watching Pit Babe? How far are they going with the omegaverse and mpreg on this one?

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BL from history, including fictionalized versions and any kind of historical RPF ship. Was thinking of posting this in general BL at first because of stuff like the 1000 different anime Nobunagas (and this board being pretty dead) but figured it would be best here.

Personally, I'm still curious about Japan's era of gay Kabuki plays when female roles were banned.
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…Anybody appreciate classical European composers and their fictionalized RPF potential? Beethoven (yes, really) has always stirred my interest. Not really the type to envision him “shipped” with any man in his life, but I’m SUPER tempted to put a fic request out there one day lol.


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I used to be into the Amadeus fandom and Mozart/Salieri was popular. Never thought of Beethoven in a shippy sense, not sure who I'd ship him with.


Ooh, pretty art! Yeah, Mozart is so much easier to ship with people, especially Salieri and the overall Amadeus stuff. Meanwhile, with Beethoven, you’re really limited if you don’t go the Classicaloid route and prefer real-life-ish ideas. It’s pretty much incest, some random noble, or a hatefuck with weaselly old Schindler, and none of those options appeal to me at all lol.

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Vintage Vinyl Edition

Discuss everything about shipping John Lennon and Paul McCartney from the legendary rock band The Beatles.

>Who the fuck are these guys?

John Lennon and Paul McCartney were the songwriting duo that created the majority of the Beatles discography. They wrote the lyrics and composed the melodies, allegedly writing more than 300 songs together though we only got to hear approximately 200 of them through out their Beatles career.

They met in 1957 at a church garden party. John had his teenage garage band, The Quarrymen, playing two sets at the party. After the first set, Paul was introduced to John by their mutual friend Ivan. Paul, who is left handed, took a right handed guitar from one of the band members and successfully played the song Twenty Flight Rock in front of John. witnesses to the scene describe it as an audition of sorts. John and Paul then circled each other like cats in heat and later they would both describe what they felt that day:

“I just thought, ‘Well, he looks good, he’s singing well and he seems like a great lead singer to me. Of course, he had his glasses off, so he really looked suave. I remember John was good. He was really the only outstanding member; all the rest kind of slipped away.”
>[Paul, talking about his first impressions of John, Record Collector Magazine, 1995]

“I was on a battered old guitar, which hadn’t cost much. A bloke named Rodney was on banjo, Pete Shotton was on washboard, I think Eric Griffiths was on another guitar and Len Gary [sic] was on box bass.

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I might try and post my favorite may/may not be McLennon lyrics every day or something for this thread. Feel free to join (1 per day maybe)

Day 1:
"Just Fun", written around 1958, a year after they met, a snippet is recorded during the Get Back sessions.
[…] They said our love was just fun
The day that our friendship begun
There’s no blue moon that I can see
There’s never been in history
Because our love was just fun […]


Well, I'll try and do it every day for a week maybe.
Day 2:
In Spite Of All The Danger
In spite of all the danger
In spite of all that may be
I'll do anything for you, anything you want me to
If you'll be true to me


sorry for the necro but this is weighing on my mind: is the appeal of mclennon purely a rpf thing, or is it more a conspiracy theorist “there was something more between them” sort of thing? i actually asked this before, but it was lost in the last raid. and the release of now and then has thrown me back into another (casual) beatles phase.

(and as a side note, what do the beatles nonnas here think of now and then?)

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