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R: 6 / I: 4

Vkei and Jrock Thread

A general thread of discussing Vkei and Jrock bands. Ships, fanservice, etc.
R: 4 / I: 4
There has been some appreciation, so here is a thread for it. 1917, Das Boot, Shaving Ryan's Privates, etc.

This is more of a Western thing than it is a JP thing, since more war media is done in the West. (There is one single JP author doing these things and I can't rec her.)

>Favourite soldierboy?

>Favourite war/period?

>Favourite soldier media?

>Anything you wish a media would do with solider boys?

>Anything you want to see in fic specifically?
R: 23 / I: 23

Youtuber ships

Post and talk about youtuber ships! Especially the OG youtuber ships such as pic related.

One rule only:
>no dream smp shit or anything related to dream
R: 44 / I: 41

Movie ships

Ok so i've been watching Sonic and Sonic 2 and I didn't expect myself to ship these two so hard (Agent Stone x Dr.Robotnik). Making a thread fully dedicated to them might not end us anywhere so I think a general movie shipping thread might be a good idea. Who do you ship from which movie? Of course the ships must involve actual characters played by actors (this is /rps/ in the end).
R: 82 / I: 122
Politics thread
R: 29 / I: 45

/mu/ ships

Yes nonas! You heard me right! Now that fujochan isn't under maintenance anymore I can finally dedicate a thread for fujos that also happen to be autistic about the music they listen to.

This is a general thread mostly. I know we already got a Rammstein thread >>368 but I am afraid it might be a little bit too niche (and since it's a slow board I think a general thread might be a better idea)

This thread is for shipping musicians. Any genre! Please do tell us why you ship them. Why you like their music? How does the music they produce play into the dynamics of your ship. Don't hesite to share songs as well~ Etc. Etc.!!!

Picrel is James Hetfield x Dave Mustaine for the metalhead fujos out there.
R: 56 / I: 43

/tcc/ True Crime Community ~ controversial yaoi and ships

I remember how people used to ship mass shooters and criminals on the TCC tumblr and how much drama that made (i left the community around 2018 so I dont know if that kind of drama is still going on). No matter if you seriously ship them or not post art related to anything true crime and yaoi! Discussion of past drama is allowed as long as it does not derail the discussion from yaoi.
R: 15 / I: 15

Japanese BL Drama General

Post anything in relation to Japanese BL Dramas.
R: 10 / I: 9

80s-90s movies with gay energy

Starting with Bad Influence, where a yuppie falls for a manic pixie dream boy. James Spader and Rob Lowe should have kissed.

Anyway, any movies from these two decades that seem like they ought to be gay but aren't.
R: 22 / I: 20

Sports thread

surprised a therad wasnt made after the world cup. feel free to discuss ships and cute boys from any sport.
R: 33 / I: 22
Loser straight guy turning prison gay and losing their virginity to a guy is one of my fetishes.

idk if right board sorry
R: 2 / I: 2

Why can't Hollywood make good gay fiction?

I can only think of Saltburn and Call Me By Your Name.

Usually, it seems like homosexuality is meant to sort of shock or disturb people, in film.
R: 10 / I: 2

Live action BL general

A thread to discuss BL movies and shows from any country.
Since the other live action threads are dead figured I should make a general to encourage discussion.
Bonus question:
what bls have you watched recently?
Any recommendations?
R: 38 / I: 13

Historical BL

BL from history, including fictionalized versions and any kind of historical RPF ship. Was thinking of posting this in general BL at first because of stuff like the 1000 different anime Nobunagas (and this board being pretty dead) but figured it would be best here.

Personally, I'm still curious about Japan's era of gay Kabuki plays when female roles were banned.
R: 28 / I: 55

/mcg/ - McLennon General

Vintage Vinyl Edition

Discuss everything about shipping John Lennon and Paul McCartney from the legendary rock band The Beatles.

>Who the fuck are these guys?

John Lennon and Paul McCartney were the songwriting duo that created the majority of the Beatles discography. They wrote the lyrics and composed the melodies, allegedly writing more than 300 songs together though we only got to hear approximately 200 of them through out their Beatles career.

They met in 1957 at a church garden party. John had his teenage garage band, The Quarrymen, playing two sets at the party. After the first set, Paul was introduced to John by their mutual friend Ivan. Paul, who is left handed, took a right handed guitar from one of the band members and successfully played the song Twenty Flight Rock in front of John. witnesses to the scene describe it as an audition of sorts. John and Paul then circled each other like cats in heat and later they would both describe what they felt that day:

“I just thought, ‘Well, he looks good, he’s singing well and he seems like a great lead singer to me. Of course, he had his glasses off, so he really looked suave. I remember John was good. He was really the only outstanding member; all the rest kind of slipped away.”
>[Paul, talking about his first impressions of John, Record Collector Magazine, 1995]

“I was on a battered old guitar, which hadn’t cost much. A bloke named Rodney was on banjo, Pete Shotton was on washboard, I think Eric Griffiths was on another guitar and Len Gary [sic] was on box bass.

“There was a friend of mine called Ivan who lived at the back of my house and he went to the same school as Paul McCartney - The Liverpool Institute High School. It was through Ivan that I first met Paul. Seems that he knew Paul was always dickering around in music and thought that he would be a good lad to have in the group.

“So one day when we were playing at Woolton he brought him along. We can both remember it quite well. We’ve even got the date down. It was June 15th 1955 [sic]. The Quarrymen were playing on a raised platform and there was a good crowd because it was a warm sunny day.”
>[John, talking about how he and Paul met, quoted in Beatles Monthly No 2, September 1963 - and obviously getting the date really wrong - on purpose or not?!]

The rest is history. Through many trials, ups and downs, and stops/starts, John and Paul drove their band to become the most famous band rock and roll band in the world: the Beatles. For McLennon shippers, many of the songs they wrote are interpreted as being about one another: it seems almost all of their songs are McLennon songs.
R: 20 / I: 20

Random 3dpd being homoero

I had these pics saved on my phone and wanted to share with you girlies. Couldn't find an appropriate thread so I made one. Enjoy.
R: 1 / I: 0

/rps/ - Text Thread

Text thread for /rps/

R: 9 / I: 12


Fuck it, Rammstein thread. They deserve it.

I've always liked metal music and I listened to a few of Rammstein's hits casually but I never took the time to watch music videos, live performances, interviews, ect…

This is a fujo gold mine for someone with very particular tastes. Rammstein is a German industrial metal band made up of six members. They've been around for almost 30 years and have never had a lineup change. They incorporate elements of BDSM into their live shows and image.

My favorite live performance that I've seen from them so far is Bück Dich which translates into "Bend Over" or "Bend Down".

This live performance gave me everything I wanted and more. I can't believe I've been sleeping on them for so long and I really want to share this with you all.
I don't want to give away spoilers but it's very NSFW.
CW: Mild violence, nudity, and simulated sex acts.

R: 6 / I: 11

Tokusatsu General

Japanese special effects & related
R: 52 / I: 93

Band General

Ship and discuss boys from bands, any bands.
R: 11 / I: 1

Fujo Creeps: a thread for those that ship the irl people they know

For the few fujos that have mentioned it in other threads. It is time to discuss the irl people that you have shipped. By that I mean, the people you know (could be friends, former classmates, coworkers, people you often see on the bus, etc…) No judgments, no moralfagging.
Also no celebrities. This thread is for the trully rotten, for actual female creeps.

>Who did you ship? Why? How?

>Have you produced OC with these people? Drawings? Fanfiction? …heck even music?
>Did you have other friends that knew about it? Did the people you ship know about it? Did you show them your OC?
>How do you feel about shipping real life people around you? Do you feel guilty? Do you not care?
>Have you taken creep shots of your ship? Take screenshots of their conversations? Stalk their profiles?

As for me I've shipped a tons of people IRL. It was lots of fun and I had 2 fujo friends that knew about it. We'd share fanfictions together and even draw.
R: 8 / I: 19

Seiyuu General

Japanese voice actors and their antics.
R: 15 / I: 7

90s-2000s Music Man General

Thread for 90s to 2000s musicians/bands and your favorite pairings within them.
R: 3 / I: 0

/dangai/ - Chinese BL Drama General

Discuss anything relating to live-action BL in China.
R: 0 / I: 0

Butai General

For 2.5D stage plays and the actors.
R: 1 / I: 1

Korean BL Drama General

Post anything relating to the budding BL scene in Korea.
R: 1 / I: 1

/tbldg/ - Thai BL Drama General

Post anything relating to live action BL from Thailand.
R: 10 / I: 4
asking because i'm curious. do you nonnas think we should have a general thread for live action BL's or separate them by country?
R: 0 / I: 0 (sticky)
A board for real person shipping (K-pop groups, bands, TV shows, etc.). The discussion of cosplayers is also allowed.