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>>150I posted this when /fujo/ was around, found their relationship in The Good The Bad and The Ugly to be really cute. I also watched Magnificent 7 recently, and found that cute too.
Haven't found ship art of either, sadly.
>>203They were! Movie disappointed me since I was expecting so-bad-it's-good, but their interactions were the high points of the film. Great fanon potential and better chemistry than the main female lead.
>>265I understand why people liked it, but I personally preferred Newton with Hannibal.
>>269I love Ron Perlman as an actor but honestly his character didn't have enough screen time for me to ship him with anyone. I can see the potential of this pair tho.
>>295I think it's one of those ships that's more based on appearance and the potential fun of it, Hannibal is a good deal bigger than Newton, manhandles him during their scenes, and they both have an unconventional interest in kaiju.
I've been in a terrible Tarantino films yaoi kick lately and if it wasn't for image posting being currently off i would be dropping those Reservoir Dogs goods. I love Larry/Freddy.
>>414I can't get into most Tarentino film but Reservoir Dogs is the exception. It is so good and men in suits are top-tier. Great taste nonna!
>>414>>415I'm a Tarantino fag! I'll make a collage of possible pairing divided by each of his movies and share it to see what ya'll nonnas think

hopefully image posting will get fixed soon
>>415>but Reservoir Dogs is the exception. It is so good and men in suits are top-tier. ResDogs is such a simple little film compared to the rest of the tarantino filmography, can't help but put it above the rest. It's so sexy, a very low budget film about bloodied men in suits bantering and betraying each other and cracking under pressure.
>>416sounds like a lot of fun, can't wait nonny!
1917 is a BL movie
The scene with the sakura in the river… 1917 is a BL movie
also agree with reservoir dogs anons, that was always my favorite tarantino movie by far. a comfort movie, if I may be cringe.
>>418My Fujo radar was tingling during that part too! A lot of war movies accidently fall right into BL, perfect material for angst fics…
"Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence" is extremely fucking gay.
>>420We need to send more men to war
>>439Coming right up. For some reason these were all in a 'Biggles' folder.
>>435Thank you for the Basterds fanart.
Al Neri fucking Michael Corleone. Like in the end when Michael alienated everyone from himself, all he has left is this one loyal man. Anyone feel me?
>>441oh my god i recognize this artist from twitter!! i had no idea they had reservoir dogs stuff. Those are some cute mr pinks
>>444I feel you nona
Why TF did this not catch on, I've read the book and it honestly fits so well, distilled essence of loyal bodyguard on young man with way too many responsibilities.
>>446Ugh right! Major potential yet nobody cares about the ship, I die. And I don't really get Tom and Michael together, they're a bigger ship, but I feel like Tom's destiny is ultimately with Sonny.
>>447Did you read that fanfic, nona.
I can see the Tom/Micheal ship in the whole 'fucked up stepbrothers' + 'two interesting characters, let's slash them' but ultimately Tom/Sonny is the one that has most canon stuff to play around with. Did you read the canonical Kid fic Godfather book?
>>448>fanficYes and it's great (lovestruck Al is so cute) but I wish it wasn't literally just this one fanfic in English for them lmao I even tried to trawl old LJ pages for more content.
>'two interesting characters, let's slash them' I feel it, and they're both great, I just irrationally get a little lonely for Sonny lol
>canonical Kid fic Godfather bookHaven't read it, how was it? Worth checking out?
>>579Thank you. I thought I was the only one who had, uh, feelings about that scene.
It feels very June, I guess? I could definitely ship it as a 'I thought I liked girls but actually I prefer the DILF and keep trying to get his attention' kind of crush, the age gap is really hot to me.
I like the idea of Rolfe's affections being unrequited, and him slowly learning what his actual feelings are, only to be hit in the face with the full brunt of them at that final confrontation.
Although Von Trapp is part of the Navy, so I wouldn't mind seeing him trying to 'teach the boy a lesson' about how sex between men goes, in hopes that it will make him less likely to pursue, only to spur Rolfe on.
>>579Seen this movie several times but never thought about it in this light, it was interesting to read your thoughts I'll say that nonnie.
>>581aryt June is a good way to describe it.
>'I thought I liked girls but actually I prefer the DILF and keep trying to get his attention'this is exactly how imagined it.
to be honest I think their relationship would be doomed no matter what. I don't think Rolfe was some ignorant youth who was seeking out comradery in politics, and then wrongfully felt down the path of nazism. I think he genuinely believed in the cause, which is why he ends up betraying the Von Trapp family in the end. Rolfe would still betray them, even if his affections weren't unrequited.
>Although Von Trapp is part of the Navy, so I wouldn't mind seeing him trying to 'teach the boy a lesson' about how sex between men goes, in hopes that it will make him less likely to pursue, only to spur Rolfe on.nonny I'm obsessed!!!! omg thats hot
>>582Glad that I could share my thoughts!