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/site/ - Site-related Posting

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Board for site related posting and asking questions.

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 No.300[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a thread to report raids to and notify the admins if there are male posters. I made this thread because the raid posts are still here.
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3DPD posted in /ffs.
Meme referencing irl homo posted in /ffs shortly thereafter.
Might be attempted raid by irl homo dude.


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No, not a raider surprisingly it's a regular poster who's been here a while. I spoilered the 3D but if anything eslse fishy especially 3D porn gets posted report it.


Thank you! And sorry 2 the meme posting nona. Thank you for the hot twinks.

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I didn't see a thread where it seemed appropriate to ask and I'd like to hear a lot of thoughts and opinions! What would you girls tell someone that wants to start using fujochan to help them integrate more quickly? (Beyond the obvious lurk more and read the rules.) Are there any faux paus that a new nonnie could make by accident that might not be so obvious?
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New here. Is there a way to change the color theme? I would like to use this site more often but the colors are like daggers to my eyes.
Needs options with more contrast between the backgrounds and the fonts and softer colors.
>any faux paus that a new nonnie could make by accident that might not be so obvious?
Think my post got deleted because I made another post within 5 minutes and reported me as flooding.
Well, sorry I'm new! Didn't expect that so there's that to consider.


THANK YOU! Much appreciated.

Also, I have no idea why my first post didn't show up when I refreshed the page and now it does, along with my follow up post lol
Oh well..


No worries nonna, our site has a five minute cool-down vecause we've had multiple raids in the past. At some point when we are next updated there are plans to replace it with a recaptcha but for now if it doesn't go through don't exit the page just wait a bit, maybe copy the text so you don't accidentally lose it. We're a slow board so most people check periodically thoughout the day anyway, no rush.

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 No.64[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since communication is important, this thread is for anons to be able to talk with fujochan's mods and admin directly.
Talk about specific threads, posts and any suggestions you have in mind that aren't on the tech side.
This thread is also for any Q&A and FAQs you might have.
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Locked and ready for a new thread. Thank you!


There's now a politics-adjacent thread up.

BL is a hobby space. If I want to hear about irl politics, I will turn on the TV or go on social media.

I'm fine with politics-adjacent threads that are related to the distribution of BL, because that stuff is of interest to a BL audience.

But once the topic shifts from BL-adjacent, to the same kind of thing I literally go to this board to escape from, I feel it goes against the 'no politics' rule.


Deleted the non-fandom related Russia talk. The thread itself is fine and can stay up.

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Thread made for the upcoming decisions to be made for this site.
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>Manga/mahwa discussions fujochan.org/bl/res/1975.html
>Emo boys appreciation thread fujochan.org/bl/res/421.html
>How do you feel about the ever-increasing prevalence of omegaverse in BL works? fujochan.org/bl/res/1939.html
>BBG - Brown Boys General fujochan.org/bl/res/619.html
>Translation Thread fujochan.org/bl/res/846.html
>Loading… fujochan.org/bl/res/746.html
>Hot Bastards fujochan.org/bl/res/541.html
>/3P/ - threesome fujochan.org/bl/res/625.html
>BL from Yesterday fujochan.org/bl/res/593.html
>/og/- omega general fujochan.org/bl/res/1928.html
>Tags thread fujochan.org/bl/res/292.html


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thank you so much, nona!!


Agreed. Hopefully admin-chan gives /sh/ another go again in the future when she does have to the proper staff to do so.

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Dear anons of fujochan.

As we are getting closer to our long awaited update I would like to briefly open up banner submissions again.

The main reason is because we'll be removing our outdated banners and keeping them archived elsewhere.
Other than that, I finally managed to solve why banners were always broken in my testing version which was a very silly fix.

Banner dimensions are 100x300.

Please use pic rel as a template if needed or download one of our current banners and do the same thing to it.

It is time for a new look for FC. Let's all do our best!
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KEK i'm still trying to make out what he meant by that


fucking beautiful, nonna.


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This is fun, I might make some more.

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 No.68[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What do you ladies predict the board culture of fujochan would be like in the future? What do you want the board culture here to be like?
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I think it helps that it's fandom oriented. The bad people are attracted by off-topic boards and IRL themes since they only come to anonymous image boards to seethe and unsurprisingly seething is poisonous. With fandom-only places you got a positive atmosphere. At best you get the "what do you dislike about BL" threads but they aren't really inviting haters or infighting, it's still topic-oriented and just ideas about what BL creators could do better or analyzing the own taste and preferences.

I am just sick of real life content. All of the modern internet is real life related. I prefer places like the old net where it didn't matter who you are or what the status quo of the world was. I want to talk about my favorite anime men during the apocalypse.


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Which of the site banners do you think best repersent you and your fujo ideals?

For me it's the keep fucking writing/keep writing fucking.


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simple and straight to the point kek

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Thread for questions and answers about the site, general help and suggestions.
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Getting a "Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referer." on Librewolf
I know it's for protection but it's kinda annoying to be using my work browser (I fear no god) to post, not sure if there's a good balance between making sure the site is configured securely and letting users post from other browsers that aren't Chromium based


Looking at the front page I thought this was a funny banner submission.


So sorry anon, I'm not doing any tech support until I update the site in February.
I want to compile the error screenshots sent before as a nice banner for /site/, thanks for the idea!

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The ongoing fight on /ffs/ has me curious, but: are traps allowed on fujochan.org? Or are they automatically out because men happen to enjoy them too?

Things I've seen in favor or traps:
>Some women enjoy them, and want to discuss them without moids around.
>They are men; male on male content is gay, and gay sex is the backbone of BL.
>They're cute!

Things I've seen against traps:
>They're solely meant for men, actually; it's impossible for a woman to actually like feminine men.
>They're actually just flat women, because some women can have penises.
>They're moid-adjacent.
>Traps don't actually exist in reality. This is relevant somehow in my hobby of *totally* realistic gay sex.

What say the staff team? I understand I could just hide the /ffs/ thread, but it's currently the most active general on the site, lol. I think a concrete ruling on the matter could help a lot.
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Feminine ukes are not the same as crossdressers or traps, what even is this? I hate traps and crossdressing is cringe but love feminine ukes, it's ridiculous to imply that a cute, effeminate male character in female works is the same as a fullblown crossdresser.(you only needed to reply once. also: ban evasion.)


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>if you want to discuss feminine ukes, there's a crossdressing general currently up on /bl/. (though, its existence is being debated by the mod team.)
That's the point though? Feminine uke are not crossdressers, I don't want to discuss crossdresser. Kenma from HQ never crossdresser, he's just a not manly looking boy.

Like Masculine Seme/Feminine uke is the most archetypal BL pairing ever.

I don't see the point of locking the thread anyway, it's not like we are starved for space.


we're attempting to keep complaineranons corralled on /ffs/. please reread the post you're replying to, and understand the thread you're asking after saw no activity for three entire months until one of the posters from /ffs/ chose to enter it and…complain. sorry.

you're welcome to start a "feminine ukes general" if you don't feel feminine ukes are included in the "etc." of the crossdressing op, or in any other general on /bl/.

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Are there nonnas you can recognize by the way they write, what they post, or what they talk for? Do you have any favourite users?


horseanon <3


Awwwww ty <33333


I recognize (You)! Anon love!!!

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