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File: 1660006702881.jpg (269.85 KB, 3000x3000, raid.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

 No.300[Last 50 Posts]

This is a thread to report raids to and notify the admins if there are male posters. I made this thread because the raid posts are still here.


CP posting again


CP raid going on


CP posting in /bl/ and /fr/.


There's cp threads… :/


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It's still there. Almost 16 hours…


CP posting in /ffs/ take care of this immediately.


deleted, thank you


thank you for the swift action


Child porn on /ffs/ and /bl/


Child porn being posted again


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Been almost 5 hours now :/
Again, in /ffs/ and /bl/. Sticks out like a sore thumb on the front page's latest posts area. Please take care of this ASAP.


someone posting weird links to what i think is cp in /ot/. for some reason it wont let me report. pls take care asap


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Is there a way for mods to set it up to auto delete certain files or recognized images? All the cp advertisements have the same Pedobear OP image. I feel like assuming it's a bot flagging that image and auto deleting the thread would stop it.

Sorry if I'm retarded, I don't actually know anything about how the site functions on the backend.


pedobear shitting up the site again. i reported the links to cybertip as well i encourage you nonnies to do the same


Also been reporting to CyberTip.
Really think this site needs more jannies, to be honest. Cp link posting happens almost daily at this point, and sometimes the posts are up for hours at a time.


CP on /bl/


cp on /bl/


CP link on /bl/.


CP on /bl/ and /oc/.


cp in /ex/ holy fuck


CP on front page, don't know what board


While there is no visible CP, in the /bl/ catalog there is a thread from the 15th with links to what I assume are dubious sites.


really sorry noni, site needs rebuilding from the admin. it isn't a valid thread, it's safe to ignore and it'll go away upon rebuilding


cp on /ex/


Unsavory content on /ffs/


Someone is text-spamming on /ex/.


There's a suspicious post on /ot/ but there's the usual error message when I report it, just so you know.


same here. just keep getting an error message. tbh though, it is weirder than our usual shady link posts. this one is like, trying to integrate with board culture.


Same here, I just tried to report it but I get an error message


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Gross CP porn ad in /f/ careful when scrolling, been trying to bump it off home page but the 5 minute cool-down makes it hard.

For reference a mod a while back said they can see the reports even if we get the error message.


Glad the reporting feature works


sincerely, thanks for bumping it away, nonna. is it graphic, or is it more of the usual shady link type stuff? either way, gross. and it’s reassuring to hear that mods can still see error’d reports.


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Explicit CP not just shady garbage, I wouldn't scroll too far down on /all/ if you see it report and hide thread. I'm sure in a few hours when adminjo is up she'll delete it.


I wasn't sure they could see that so that's a relief. I was still reporting posts just in case.


Dang, image posting just barely resumed and CP bots are at it again. Do moids really have no better thing to do than to share CP on an obscure ass imageboard?


CC got the same exact post so it's presumably a bot that spammed a bunch of imageboards not just us.

I'm hoping that because fujochan is so slow we can avoid real harassment for a long time.


man ass and lowres soyjaks in /ffs/ rn. i went ahead and reported them but kept getting the error message.


reported them as well but i didn't get an error message. Hopefully it gets taken down.


There is a schizo from /v/, from a site called sharty. Organizes raids in his discord actual tranny that hates BL.


trying to report the weird link in /ot/ (why is it almost always in /ot/?) and it keeps giving me the error message as per usual.


You can't report from /all/. You either need to report from the board the thread is on or from the thread itself.


ah, got it. i browse /all/ by default since this board is so small, and didn’t even think about that being the issue.


>why is it almost always in /ot/
I think it's because most imageboards have an offtopic board, so bots know to look for it. Not all boards would have a ffs board for example, so a bot wouldn't know to look for the link.


Nta but this is interesting. May be worth for the admin to look into changing the URL for the board if the raids keep up.


one of those gross cp links is in /bl/


The cp in /bl/ has been up for 7 hours now


17 hours now. and there’s a link to some other shitty website in /ot/ too. where tf are the mods.


The cp in /bl/ is there again


soyjak raid on /ffs/. There's some cp there too I think


cp on /ot/


cp on /bl/


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Please clean this mods, it's been up all day.


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Also, honestly I know you have a small team, but I check fujochan all day every day on my phone. I don't understand how it's possible for this stuff to remain online for so long? Surely there is a quick "delete post" option mods have right that they could click at work or on a bus?
I'd do it for free, I just am sick of illegal spam being up for 8+ hours.


Probably a small team + a lot of mods left. I also assume they can't get new ones because the amount of stuff you have to pass to be a mod


they should look at post histories and offer special applications to interested regulars via temp bans


They probably ask for special verification via voice chat or shit that you are a woman and most channer are too socially awkward to even bother.


it's pretty excessive to do that on a board dedicated to a 99.9% female interest… this isn't like lolcow where it has a sizable population of trannies, other men, and kf users stealthposting (using the term very liberally) alongside terminally online schizo women and even cows themselves like spoony, mystery, kiki and creepshow, all with ulterior motives. point being there's no incentive to mod a barebones discussion board like this to those uninterested in bl. unfortunate that certain users from lc kickstarted this culture of girlboard mod applicants having to post IDs and used tampon pics to verify their sex.


> this isn't like lolcow
Most of the userbase is the same tier of schizo. You can tell because most of the active threads are vent thread and tranny thread as well 1m of rules to make sure the userbase is female, which are pointless on an anon board dedicated to an extremely female hobby.
They'd probably ask you to voice chat or post a pic of yourself to moderate which 99% aren't gonna even do, never-mind they are socially awkward.

I'm gonna guess the current modbase are all friends or something but they just lost interested since it's largely a dead board.


If you are in America timezone or are a fujo of the night & have an interest in being janny or mod please do post an ID or means of communication and I will get in touch with you.


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zetsubousensei@cock.li is my secondary email. EST though I am up all night.

I'll janny if you get in contact, can also provide discord or an alt means for communication if you prefer.


Raids still up on /bl/, it's been 9 hours


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cp on /bl/


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Raid on /ot/


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And I'm out of actual posts now, cp on the front page I'm trying to knock off.


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Removed, thank you!


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Raid on /ot/, /bl/ and /f/


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Cleaned! Thanks for reporting.


cp on bl, couldn't report it I'm dumb


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Deleted. The report button does actually work even if it tells you it doesn't so please do report when you see it. It makes it much easier for me to find and quickly get to.


I know I just panicked and wrote that for the moment. I hid the post with the arrow then I couldn't report just ticking the box, I had to unhide with my hand hovering the screen and report, which gave me the error yeah, and the page layout pushed the image up outside of where I was covering with my hand - some nightmarish things to do while in class with crappy internet connection.
Thanks for all the hard work Jannie.


I was just scrolling /all/ and didn't know how to since it's muscle memory reporting posts and I never noticed exactly what I was doing, I kept messing up also trying the [-] then had to [+] which flashed me again. Really it's such website flaw that I cannot report if it's hiding the pic, the thicking box is still there why isn't the report on a different box that won't hide reeee


NTA who reported this, but thank you for taking care of it.


reeee moid content alert


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bringing down the shitty content but hey, any other eunhae fan? I've been thinking about making a thread on /rpf/ because they cute


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Gross stuff deleted. Thanks for reporting.


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CP link on the Transformers thread on /wes/


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Cp link in /bl/'s rarepair thread


Grabbed that one right away. Thanks for bumping though! Replying here is helpful for those reply ads since they're harder to see at a glance.


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CP in OT. I reported it, and I'm trying to bump it off the page.


CP link in flowers and gardens threadhttps://fujochan.org/flf/res/108.html#306


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CP on /bl/, trying to bump it off the main page


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Deleted thanks for bumping


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cp on /bl/


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cp on /bl/


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These posts are actually so useful I managed not to see it and still report it


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Deleted, thank you for reporting.


cp link in random thoughts thread on /ot/


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I think there's a raid in /ffs/. A wojack got posted, so I'm inclined to believe it's some soyjack scrote.


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Yeah I think the uwu boykisser collection was posted by a moid


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Wasn't sure, but yeah the wojac pushed it. Deleted the thread as it is off-topic for /ffs/ regardless. Thank for reporting.


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someone just posted a cp link in the random thoughts thread


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Deleted, thank you.


cp in /bl/


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Omg source? Kek


Old Rozen Maiden fan translation lol.


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CP on /ot/


Deleted, thanks for reporting.


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Spam in rps


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Cp on /ot/


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Cp in /bl/


File: 1717920851054.png (917.94 KB, 765x928, c2ffe5fd3608aa2230b6f50f04….png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Deleted, thank you.


cp on /ot/


Deleted thank you.


cp in /bl/


Deleted, thanks


cp on /ot/


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Deleted, thanks.


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Cp on /ffs/


Deleted, thanks.


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cp on /ffs/ again


Deleted again, thanks.


CP on /ffs


cp on /ffs/


Deleted, thank you.


More cp on /ffs/ again. Starting to like the idea of a captcha.


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There's another one there (>>4139)
Wonder why they keep picking that place


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Deleted thank you. Spambot unfortunately is being persistent, I'll keep checking in every hour to try to get them right away.


Take it easy, they're probably going to keep popping up no matter the effort


I'm not very knowledgeable about this sort of stuff but this did make me go "Oh, is this why 4chan has that annoying captcha?"


Same, I wouldn't mind it either.


Nth for not minding a captcha.


cp on /ffs/

Would it be possible to implement the type of captcha that’s just “click here to confirm you’re human?”


Deleted thank you.


cp on /ffs/ again


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Nonnas, some of you are getting autobanned due to some new added filters. I suggest to not do any posting for today until I finish my work shift and resolve the filter that has been triggering these autobans.
Apologies for the inconvenience and as always I thank you for your patience with me ♥




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We're back!


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We are so back!


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Porn in /ffs/


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Deleted, thank you.


It's happening again, I'll report the threads.


Raid on /ot/


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I just saw some spam or an ad for CP but was so disgusted by it I scrolled up and didn't report it.


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Thank you for mentioning it here. Deleted.


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Samefag, thank you for the quick deletion!


Cp on /ot/


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Cp in the bl movie nights thread


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Deleted, there are several better way those bot posters could be sending Christmas.

Thank you for continuing to report them here, and stay safe this December the 25th.


cp in random thoughts


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It's not letting me report it (error occurred), but there's CP in movie nights again.


CP in movie night thread


'P in BL movie nights, already reported




CP in movie nights.




Cp in movie nights again


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Reported as well, and posting a pic since it's right at the top of /All/.


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And another to push it down completely.


More cp in movie nights.


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Deleted, thank you for reporting.


Cp in the movie night thread


Deleted, thank you for reporting.


Cp in the vent thread


cp in random thoughts


CP in random thoughts again


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Deleted, apologies for the delay


cp in random thoughts


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Deleted, thank you for reporting.


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CP in the r63 thread


CP in the BL Movie Night thread


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Deleted, thank you.


CP in the Random Thoughts 4 thread


CP in random thoughts. I think you guys should consider implementing the captcha on all posts instead of just thread creation. This is a daily occurrence at this point and is upsetting.


Seconded. Sometimes that stuff stays up for hours on end too, and for a slow board like this that's really bad.


Reports borked for me right now but it's back again in the same thread. I imagine it's annoying to stop because now they don't post with any text.




Raider in FFS!


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It’s the same one as last time too


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CP in /ot/


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File: 1743108226272.png (335.66 KB, 2520x1656, MM_YYY_9-15033622462187520….png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

NSFW pic + unsavory link in the BL games thread on /bl/.


3DPD posted in /ffs.
Meme referencing irl homo posted in /ffs shortly thereafter.
Might be attempted raid by irl homo dude.


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No, not a raider surprisingly it's a regular poster who's been here a while. I spoilered the 3D but if anything eslse fishy especially 3D porn gets posted report it.


Thank you! And sorry 2 the meme posting nona. Thank you for the hot twinks.


cp in /ot/


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Raiding in /bl


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Clearing them as they come.


Raid in /bl

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