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There has been some appreciation, so here is a thread for it. 1917, Das Boot, Shaving Ryan's Privates, etc.

This is more of a Western thing than it is a JP thing, since more war media is done in the West. (There is one single JP author doing these things and I can't rec her.)

>Favourite soldierboy?

>Favourite war/period?

>Favourite soldier media?

>Anything you wish a media would do with solider boys?

>Anything you want to see in fic specifically?


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>Favourite soldierboy?
The little orderly from Night of the Generals, the one that keeps seeming as if he'll be preyed on by general camp gay played by Peter O'Toole.

On that note, Lawrence of Arabia, both the original and O'Toole.

>Favourite war/period?

Difficult. I like WWII and Germany the best, part of it is the whole 'Losing boys can be brutalized and woobified', but I also like WWI and British aeroplanes for the whole 'young men throwing their lives away to be heroes' thing with extra aristocrat on top.

>Favourite soldier media?

Das Boot, the TV show. Depressingly low homo content, but the u-boat parts are superb. There's some good potential for shipping.

Inglorious Basterds is one of the more entertaining ones but not enough slash fodder for me, Donowitz is a cutie and I hope the Tarantino nonny finds more art of him.

>Anything you wish a media would do with solider boys?

Show them engaging in situational homosexuality, just as a side or background thing. Both the whole Sam and Frodo thing, but also just trysts on the side while they miss their GFs.

Also, I wish Adrian Brody had played a WWI ace at some point. He's got a cute face.

>Anything you want to see in fic specifically?

Fic for Das Boot where the captain of season 2 sort of survives and ends up dating the cute radio operator.

More stuff about pilots not done by fakebois.


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>Favourite war/period?
WWI or Vietnam, both are absolutely miserable wars. Trench warfare was brutal and Vietnam was a struggle with no clear purpose for most US soldiers not to mention the jungle leading to harsh guerilla combat. What I'm saying is angst galore La

>Favourite soldier media?

Apocalypse Now is my favorite war movie though not very shippy. Wings (1927) recently surprised me and I ship David/Jack. The Bridge on the River Kwai was really good too and sorely lacking in yaoi fanfics between Colonel Saito and Colonel Nicholson.

A few others war movies I like but don't have ships for are:
Dr. Strangelove
Gone with the Wind
The Wind Rises
La Grande Illusion
Full Metal Jacket
Paths of Glory
Pan's Labyrinth (Kinda counts)

>Anything you wish a media would do with solider boys?

Put them in more planes! I love fighter pilots and aerial maneuvers especially when practically done.


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>Favourite soldierboy?
Paul in All Quiet on the Western Front, specifically the 2022 film.

>Favourite war/period?

WW1 & 2, the Gulf War, Iran-Iraq war and the Spanish Civil War. I also like cold war stuff, especially spy media. Would love to see BL between a Russian and American spy.

>Favourite soldier media?

I just watched Generation Kill which I really enjoyed and would love to talk to some other fujos about so please talk to me if you are a fan. My favorite paring is Brad/Ray which I was disappointed to learn was not the most popular paring despite having the best chemistry. Sigh.

>Anything you wish a media would do with solider boys?

Stuff with war prisoners is great especially the loss of power and control. I like anything with military command chain, like subordinates/superiors (using "Sir" during sex, hawt.) Also cute guy who gets hit on by everyone in the unit.


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Took me way too long to remember where our military thread was.

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