>Favourite war/period?WWI or Vietnam, both are absolutely miserable wars. Trench warfare was brutal and Vietnam was a struggle with no clear purpose for most US soldiers not to mention the jungle leading to harsh guerilla combat. What I'm saying is angst galore

>Favourite soldier media?Apocalypse Now is my favorite war movie though not very shippy. Wings (1927) recently surprised me and I ship David/Jack. The Bridge on the River Kwai was really good too and sorely lacking in yaoi fanfics between Colonel Saito and Colonel Nicholson.
A few others war movies I like but don't have ships for are:
Dr. Strangelove
Gone with the Wind
The Wind Rises
La Grande Illusion
Full Metal Jacket
Paths of Glory
Pan's Labyrinth (Kinda counts)
>Anything you wish a media would do with solider boys?Put them in more planes! I love fighter pilots and aerial maneuvers especially when practically done.