>>453>Favorite character?That's hard, I love too many of them for different reasons, probably a tie between Cartman and Tweek because of the child abduction episode and the bazooka joke.
>Top 3 episodes?Cartman joins NAMBLA, Free hat and Good Times with Weapons
>OTP? And why do you love them so much?I am a multishipper but Kyman is my OTP. I just think it would be really funny.
>Have you played any of the games? If so, what did you think about them?I've played SOT and FBW, in my opinion SoT is better although FBW isn't bad, i just feel it's lacking something, oh and moving around the map was a pain since it was so huge. I'm planning on playing those older ones, every screenshot I see screams SOUL.
I miss shitposting on comfy and shipper threads No.455
>>454Oh yeah, I forgot to mention SOT in my post. Which is weird since it's definitely my favorite SP game as of now. It's just such a fun little adventure.
And definitely play some of the older games, they're really cozy and nostalgic!
>Kyman is my OTP. I just think it would be really funny.Incredibly based. I'm not nearly as big on Kyman as I was years ago, but everything about the ship is absolutely fucking hilarious and I respect it for that.
>>455I should definitely play the older games, I love the cozy old seasons vibe and I bet the games have that too.
>but everything about the ship is absolutely fucking hilarious and I respect it for thatyeah, I wish there were more Kyman fan content that captures the fun of it.
I have to come in here and represent the superior Cartman ship!!! (jokes)
I'm a bit rusty on my South Park shipping. Man, I remember reading so much on FF.Net, LJ and dA. The era I remember is reaching the point where so much is purged for being problematic and the artists not wanting to get cancelled.
>Favorite character?
>Top 7 episodes? (I love Butters episodes too much for just 3)
Super Fun Time, Awesom-O, Cartman Sucks, Butters' Very Own Episode, Marjorine, Follow That Egg, Guitar Queer-O.
>OTP? And why do you love them so much?
Cartman/Butters and Style. Manipulator/manipulated and Best Friends Forever are my two favorite ship dynamics.
>Have you played any of the games? If so, what did you think about them?
Loved Stick of Truth, but never picked up FBW. Might if I finally get a Steam Deck.
>>457You've got some good taste, anon. Cartters is another pairing I respect for being extremely fucking funny. They've got a lot of good episodes and fanart.
I gotta say, it's nice to see some Cartman shippers here. I've seen a lot of people on the shipping side of fandom bash Cartman ships for being "problematic". Which is an absolutely ridiculous mindset to have, especially when it comes to a show like South Park of all things.
Anyways, I love kenman more than life itself.
>>458>Kenmanbased, Kenman is underrated and that Cartman's and Kenny's friendship is underused.
I think there's a serious amount of twitter "fans" that haven't actually watched the show besides a few episodes or clips and don't understand why someone might like Cartman or want to ship him with other characters.
>>458>I've seen a lot of people on the shipping side of fandom bash Cartman ships for being "problematic".Could kinda tell that was coming, with the way fandom was going in general before I checked out. We should try and subtly advertise during /co/ SP threads. Always a lot of fujoposting there.
I should try and reread some of the older popular fics I remember and see if they hold up, and write a reclist (like Seaouryou and Emmie Monster on FF.Net's Style fics.)
>>461>those picturesomg I love them so much;-; my bbs….
>>462Me too nonna, me too.
Please feel free to share any cute pictures you have!
oh! finally south park thread, i was wondering when one would happen
>>453>fav characterdefinitely kenny, he is so cute and i have a small collection of just kenny merch
>top 3 episodehow to eat with your butt, chickenpox, the passion of the jew
i also really really like bigger longer uncut
my favorite season is season 5
>otpstenny! it is such a cute pairing, i like the dynamic of stan being a bit protective over kenny, and that flipping when they're super heroes. they're also good for hurt/comfort fics which are my favorite kind.
>have you played any of the gamesyes they're all so fun, i was actually going to replay tsot soon. the rpg games are fun, but i also like how unhinged the old n64 games are (i actually have a pc cd of the first 64 game that still works on my old computer lol). also does anyone else remember the old flash games? i'd love to find a working archive of south park ass kicker, it was a fun lil fighting game.
>>494Just wanted to let you know that these worked! I watched some of them and they gave me the motivation to try to get into the series again. I already binged the first two seasons lol. I can't keep up that speed but I'll definitely watch more of it and at least get to Bigger Longer Uncut.
Kenny is my favorite so far, I like his laugh. I also like some of the adults around town too like Uncle Jimbo.
Not sure about ships yet.
>>500Oh awesome, I'm happy I could be of help!
>Kenny is my favorite so far, I like his laugh.He's my favorite too! Whenever he laughs or goes "woo-hoo" an extra 10 years is added onto my lifespan. I love him so much. Be sure to let us know if you start shipping anyone!
>>497>also does anyone else remember the old flash games? i'd love to find a working archive of south park ass kicker, it was a fun lil fighting game.You just helped me unlock so many memories, holy shit. I remember there being a Pandemic flash game that I was fucking obsessed with. You played as Craig and made your way throughout various levels. It's lost now AFAIK, which is sad because while it was very simple, I do remember it being genuinely fun.
>>514Of course nona! Hopefully your posts bring more SP fans to you o7
Also, my folder is seriously lacking Christophe pics. Which is weird, because I really do love him. So please post any you have!!!
>>518>I want to rewatch Bigger Longer & Uncut nowMe too. I don't how many South Park anons there are on fujochan so I don't know how much traction it would her but I have been toying with the idea a Bigger, Longer and Uncut stream
>>519Happy you're enjoying it so far! Butters is such an awesome fucking character. I love when the writers take advantage of how naïve he is and put him in ridiculously vulgar and dangerous situations that he doesn't understand the severity of. He's a good punching bag too, because you do feel bad for him but at the same time the shit he goes through is so absurd you can't help but laugh because of
course something so awful would happen to Butters.
>>520I don't think there's that many of us, but this thread is relatively active and we're all really passionate, which I like a lot. I'd totally be down for a SP stream with you ladies!
>>521Yeah, Butters has cemented himself as my favorite outside of the main cast. He's just so sweet and I love it when he tries to integrate with the main boys but isn't sure fully what's going on. Very cute kid.
I have decided I ship Kyle/Cartmen. Not sure if there is an exact episode I can pinpoint that made me ship it, but at some point during 8/9 I just really started liking their dynamic. I can't tell if it's intentional character development or just a result of the show going on for so long, but as Cartmen's schemes have gotten more and more intense I like that Kyle has taken on the (mostly futile) role of trying to talk sense to him. The banter they have also realistically reminds me of how I used to mess around and insult friends, while their friendship is very much dysfunctional I never get the vibe they truly hate each other.
At season 12, we'll see if I maintain this as my main ship.
>>534Based kyman shipper! Their dynamic has always been great, but it definitely got even better when Cartman's character went from "annoying little brat" to "actual fucking sociopath" lol.
>At season 12, we'll see if I maintain this as my main shipS12E1 is one of the best kyman episodes, you're absolutely going to love it. Season 12 as a whole is really good too.
>>546How downbeat he is really makes him stand out from the rest of the cast.
The no fucks given attitude in the episode with the Peruvian flute band is one of the funniest moments in the series.
>>547Sauce for the first pic you posted?
>>591we need to bring this back into the show
>>593I think Trey and Matt should just give the rights to South Park to the fujochan anons I think we could take the show in some interesting directions
I'm not necessarily saying a good direction but it will be entertaining No.597
>>596Yay, I've been waiting to hear back from you! I'm really happy you liked the show ^^
>Kyman is still my favorite ship. I just think their bickering dynamic is funny and cute.Based as always. Kyman's actually fucking insane and is one of the best parts of the show in my opinion. I want to put them under a microscope and study them.
>I also think Butters/Kenny has interesting potential with a the Mysterion/Chaos angle.It's so funny because they're actually really cool with each other when they're not playing superheroes. One minute Kenny's going with Butters to Hawaii to support him because they're best friends, the next they're beating the fuck out of each other because Butters is trying to blow up a hospital. It's gold, really. You've got good taste!!
>One thing that surprised me was how little screentime Craig/Tweek had.Creek's always been a popular ship, yeah. Shippers were definitely feeding off of literal crumbs before season 19 though. All we really had for official content back then was their fight and various shots of them standing together in the backgrounds of episodes. Seeing them become canon and overthrow Style as the fandom's most popular ship was so surreal.
>Next stop is picking up the games, planning to buy Stick of Truth after my holiday pay comes in.Something tells me you're gonna love Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole. Have fun and keep us posted, Anon!
>>597>Seeing them become canon and overthrow Style as the fandom's most popular ship was so surreal(different anon) lmao ain't that the truth.
>>616Kek, I remember the week the episode came out, it was like a surprise grenade. Quickly becoming the most popular ship.
I'm glad style vs kyman isn't at the front of the shipping side of the fandom anymore tho, instead being creek.
>>597>Something tells me you're gonna love Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole. Have fun and keep us posted, Anon!Stick of Truth is good so far, at the alien space ship right now.
Game is waaaay bigger than I was expecting. Have spent several hours just exploring the map and avoiding the main objective, there is just so many places to go. I also love all the Easter egg pick-ups. It's clear the people working on it cared which is rare for a licensed game.
Combat is interesting, I knew it was an RPG, but I wasn't expecting a Paper-Mario style one with timed button presses. Not my preference but I got used to it pretty quickly. Characters healing after combat is also pretty unique, it makes sense in-universe but also makes the game too easy in my opinion. One of the first things I did was rescue City Wok from the Mongolians and got their flaming bow. With it I can plow through almost all enemies in 1 or 2 turns. I've turned the game from normal to hardcore so hopefully that should make the game more balanced.
>>640>It's clear the people working on it cared which is rare for a licensed game. Matt and Trey were writers on it! I don't remember if it's officially canon though, but it's definitely one of those licensed games that just feel like the show but you're in it. Have fun!
>>640Fuck yeah! I love SOT so much, but it is a pretty easy game, isn't it? All weapons with fire and/or gross out on them will obliterate any enemy in your path, it's genuinely busted.
Walking around the town is my favorite part of both SOT and FBW. There are so many callbacks to the show in the side quests and easter eggs, and it honestly just warms my heart. Both games are fucking packed with passion. Like
>>641 said, Matt and Trey worked on them both, and they made damn sure that they'd be good experiences for fans of the show.
Literally everything you brought up in your post is expanded and improved on in FBW. More exploration, less two-dimensional combat, balanced difficulty, etc… so please look forward to it!
>>643He's so cute! Shame at being basically regulated to a background character in later seasons.
I recognize that the showrunners feel that his dying ran it's course and is a tired joke, but I love it when it's used more seriously like the Cthulhu episodes.
>>643Based anon! Kenny's just the best, such a silly and cute sweetheart. I wanna ruffle his hair.
>>644Right? He's always been a pretty quiet character, never got the spotlight much, but good god they are neglecting him
horribly as of late. I admit that I like the OMGTKK jokes, but I definitely understand why they're almost never made anymore. Gets old quickly. The thing is though, Kenny is so much more than "the poor kid who dies a lot", and I feel like a lot of people don't realize the potential he has.
>>650South park as of the last few years just feels like wasted potential in general, they could do so much crazier shit with the premises and characters they have and they just never choose to.
It feels like they're forcing themselves to just write weed and talk about current events instead of making something funny.
>>656Yeah, wasn't a fan of the overarching story stuff in the first place and the weed farm stuff is unbearable. I'm not opposed to moving Stan away from the main town, friends drifting apart due to circumstance is natural, but I just don't find weed funny or interesting.
At least Token got more development out of it?
>>656Yeah. The show's always been a bit preachy, but now that's pretty much all it is anymore. Just the topic of the week. I miss when we got episodes that were just about the boys going on wacky and ridiculous adventures.
>>657>At least Token got more development out of it?He's probably the most "normal" kid in the entire show, and I love him for that. His friendship with Stan is very cute too, I want to see more of it.
>>658Even when it was topic of the week you could tell it was topics they actually cared about or at least could make some very fun jokes about.
Now it has to include weed somehow or drag on for a season/special. It tends to feel like it's their first draft too.
>>678It's even funnier how popular their ship got, considering they don't even interact outside of briefly mentioning each other. The fanart is really cute and nostalgic though, so I'm not complaining.
Also, Christophe's edgelord moe is unmatched. Fly high, little bastard.
>>680k2 is so cute<3<3<3<3
>>690Agree with all of these. Also hoping for some more Ike content, he's seriously one of the best characters in the show.
>Comic convention episode?This could be awesome. It's a bit specific though, so I'm curious as to why exactly you want it. Just a random thought that crossed your mind one day?
>>692>IkeIke is a great character and could use more screentime, seconding.
I think a convention-themed episode has a lot of potential because not only is it timely, but since the boys already have superhero personas I think there is stuff you can do there. Especially with Kenny and Cartman.
>>707MintBerry is adorable and I'd love to seem him come back, especially if Cthulu is here too. That reveal at the end was hilarious and he could use more speaking roles.
SP has such an assortment of one-off or incredibly minor characters who could easily sustain a few more episodes,
>>708>damien and pipWords cannot express how much these two mean to me. Dip was my first ever OTP, and I was obsessed with Pip during my early years in the SP fandom. So many memories…
I love them, I miss them, and the fact that they're never going to come back breaks my heart. My headcanon is that they're together in Hell hanging out, drinking tea, and being dumb.
>>709I ship them too! They have a cute dynamic in school and while it's sad Pip was killed off so soon it just gives even more reason ship them imo. I'm sure he and Damien are hanging out in hell.
>the fact that they're never going to come back breaks my heartI'm still holding out hope that someday we'll have another episode set in hell where they'll at the very least cameo.
>>710Enlightened Dip enjoyer!
>while it's sad Pip was killed off so soon it just gives even more reason ship them imo. I'm sure he and Damien are hanging out in hell.This is exactly it. Pip always tries to stay positive during even the most horrible situations (which is how he died in the first place), so I like to imagine that the first thing he thought of when he woke up surrounded by hellfire was something along the lines of "perhaps I'll run into that Damien boy again!"
>I'm still holding out hope that someday we'll have another episode set in hell where they'll at the very least cameo.I have to admit, while I've accepted the fact that it just is not going to happen, I still can't help but pray for Dip to come back. Even now, it's like… they're bringing back Cthulu for S26, so a crumb of Damien and/or Pip content isn't
completely off the table of possibilities. But at the same time, I know for a fact it isn't going to happen. I just can't help but miss my boys and crave content.
Can anyone rec me some good butters/anyone fics?I'll even take buttman, i just want it to be cute [spoiler]and porny maybe[/spoiler]
>>1079I want to believe the conspiracy theory that they're making it shit on purpose because of Comedy Central or they don't have much control on south park as much as they'd like us to believe and that they're just still on the show to stop things from being worse (imagine all boys as gendies canon type of thing). But this is just me huffing copium, the chance is it was never just them both doing everything and they had plenty of back and forth and collaboration in the writing room and since it's just them now (there's rumors they don't let other writers collaborate anymore and only help out) it'll never be as good.
Matt and Trey talk about skipping election season in order to not talk about Trump and instead write the kids going on wacky silly adventures, but what's stopping them from just doing that?
I would prefer the show being downright bad instead of the boring that it is, it being outright bad and OOC would atleast be funny and easily dismissed, at the state it is I still have some hope it could get better someday.
>>1080That first image is so true lol.I went from being indifferent to Randy to dreading his appearances.
>I want to believe the conspiracy theory that they're making it shit on purpose because of Comedy CentralGod, I wish. I know this probably isn't the case, but it gives me such false hope that the show might get better again. I also keep thinking, "oh, if they're taking this long to come up with new stuff, it must be so that they don't put out subpar work," but I know it's probably going to be more of the same.
>instead write the kids going on wacky silly adventures, but what's stopping them from just doing that?Exactly!! Even when they'd make social commentary episodes in older seasons, it was never the entire show (and in my opinion, the political episodes weren't as fun as the more casual/slice-of-life episodes, anyways). Why is it any different now? I don't get why they "have" to talk about anything at all. I've always been more attached to the earlier seasons (I'm talking like seasons 4-7 were the best to me- I know that's not an unpopular opinion), and it seems like there was less commentary back in the older episodes. Or, at least, the episodes I liked the most weren't entirely focused on specific current events, or did them in a creative way (I hope I'm making sense; I'm comparing it to, like, Season 20). For me, the appeal of the show has always been the wacky and silly adventure episodes, and I think a lot of people feel the same way. I don't think coverage of the election would be missed at all.
Again, I don't think the show is the absolute worst thing airing right now, but I could see it becoming unwatchable in the future, and that makes me sad. I wouldn't even mind the long waits and short seasons if they were fun.
>>1081Yep, Tegridy is the worst offender of modern sp being shit. I wouldn't mind more adult-focused B-plots or segments (early south park had lots of those), the problem is that modern sp adults just aren't funny anymore. Think about a Liane plot in early seasons, like her trying to get 40th trimester abortion legalized vs modern Liane.
>Even when they'd make social commentary episodes in older seasons, it was never the entire showHard agree, the political situation at the time or current happenings were just an excuse or an inspiration to create a funny plot, not the whole plot, nowadays they just go "Look current thing!" and then say nothing about it. You can watch an old episode and have 0 context for the pop culture or happenings at the time and it'll still be funny, as an example you don't need to know shit about KONY 2012 to enjoy the bullying episode.
I think the reason they focus so hard on "having to talk about current issues" is because of their reputation + normies on social media, think about how when something funny in politics happens the normies just go "man I can't wait until SP parodies this!" "this is out of a south park episode" etc etc… So they're not doing it out of passion but obligation, which ends up with lame ass takes and unfunny jokes for normies to post on social media like "MAN THEY TOTALLY OWNED THE WOKES" or "CONSERVATIVES DESTROYED".
Also they said it just takes more effort to make kids doing wacky shit episodes compared to the politics ones. But then again, when they tried to do kids doing wacky shit episodes in new sp (think of the paintball episode) it's also kinda lame and shell of it's former self. At this rate fans have funnier ideas than the show, I think I'll stick to the funny fics and fancomics for my dose of south park wackyness.
>>1086Speaking of disliking recent stuff in the main show. I'd kill for a few more slightly more serious Kyle/Cartman moments. I love these two and think there is a more serious drama between them brewing underneath the series. We were scratching at it in the mid-seasons but its seems to have left sometime around the election arc.
They are by far the most compelling characters narratively but even taking off the shipping lens if you are going to focus on stories or try to have a semi-serious overarching plot I don't understand why you aren't using the characters who've been proven to be able to carry the show and are flexible. There are so many students who have only appeared in a few episodes or are used mainly for crowdshots that you could mine for more plots if needed. Bebe, Clyde, Dogshit, to name a few
For a newer season I think as long as Randy and Tegridy aren't onscreen I'll be happy. Make it the most uninspired season yet but have Randy off in the void and I think it'd be best they've had in years. Adults like Jimbo, Liane, Stan's grandpa, ect can all carry episodes just fine if they are insisting on focusing on the older characters. I've personally never found Randy all that funny and my opinion has only soured over the years.
>>1087>I'd kill for a few more slightly more serious Kyle/Cartman moments.Me, too. Like you said, their dynamic (even without the shipping goggles) is easily one of the most entertaining parts of the show. I know it's a little silly for me to be talking about character depth in South Park, but I also think they have more depth to them, which means that there's more to explore in regard to their relationship (not even talking about shipping- I just mean in regard to how they normally interact). They don't feel as one-note as Randy or something because there is such a diversity to the interactions we've seen between them and the roles they take in particular episodes. I can think of episodes where Cartman brings out the worst in Kyle, where Kyle fucks up because of his pride, where the two actually get along to work toward a common goal, where Kyle's the more reasonable one, etc. Yet, all of these episodes make sense because they're not entirely flat characters. Their episodes together work SO WELL because they have the right amount of balance for each other; they have enough similarities, but also contrast, that it doesn't get tiresome. There's basically a built-in conflict when Cartman and Kyle are the center of a particular episode, so it makes no sense not to capitalize on that.
>Adults like Jimbo, Liane, Stan's grandpa, ect can all carry episodes just fine if they are insisting on focusing on the older characters.I'll never understand why Randy became the default adult when I never found him especially likable in the first place. I used to think he was okay, but he's just so grating and one-note that I can't tolerate him anymore. So many of the other adults are so much more entertaining, and don't get as much attention as they used to. A lot of episodes I love (Toilet Paper, Chickenlover, Volcano, Cartmanland, Le Petite Tourette… I could go on) didn't feature Randy much at all, and had other adults in prominent roles. Officer Barbrady is my favorite adult from the show, and we all know how relevant he's been as of late lol. I'm also partial to Jimbo, Mr. Mackey, and Kenny's parents, and they have so much potential for more focus. You also mentioned some of the other kids getting focus, and I agree. Butters didn't start out being nearly as important as he is now; it's actually kind of funny to go back and watch the movie, where he barely even speaks, and compare it to how prominent he is in later seasons. That would've never happened if he hadn't been given an opportunity to be in the limelight, and I think it's the same for other side characters.
>I've personally never found Randy all that funny and my opinion has only soured over the years.I know I already said this in my post, but I 100% agree. I don't know if he was always that insufferable, and I could just handle him better in small doses, or if he's gotten worse.
>>1238While my preference is the boys I'll take literally any adult besides Randy he has never been my favorite and it doesn't even feel like they are setting him up for anything it's just the same "dude weed" jokes.
>I downloaded the other seasons so I'll just rewatch those.Where do you think the show peaked? Personally I think 4-10 is the best run.
>>1239Yeah I don't even mind the Mr. Garrison and PC Principal episodes, they can be funny at times. Randy just seems like a lame stand-in for the middle aged male viewers, which is my issue.
>Where do you think the show peaked? Agree with your assessment. I enjoyed a lot of episodes from 10-15 as well. Everything past season 20 is definitely irredeemable though, maybe Matt and Trey are just out of it because they're family guys now. There's supposed to be more stuff coming out in the second half of 2025 but I don't have high expectations for them, apparently one heavily involves Kendrick Lamar.