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Time to post about British vocaloids.
>Favourite album and/or phase? Your favourite song?
>Favourite character?
>Best ship?
>Do you still keep up with the Gorillaz lore? What are your thoughts about it?
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I kinda regret that the band never turned their image into a media franchise with comics, games, novels etc. Anyway, I never shipped anyone, though 2-D was my husbando at one point.

>Your favourite song?

Too many to name. I love the whole Plastic Beach album though.


How was there never a Gorillaz/Dethklok collab? I don't even think I've seen a fanmade crossover, be it art or fic. It seems like the most obvious thing in the world. Imagine what it would sound like. Imagine the character interactions.

>Your favourite song?

Too many to name but Tomorrow Comes Today still has a very special place in my heart for the vibes, the aesthetic, and most of all the ~*memories*~


I couldn't see a Dethklok crossover working simply because their styles of music don't mesh and they both use satire in a completely different way when it comes to looking at the world. That being said I would kill for a Brendon Small feature on a Gorillaz song.

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 No.846[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

we also allow Helluva boss

>Who is your favourite character?

>Fav song?

>Fav ship? Ship anything at all?

>Does Alastor top or bottom?
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maybe, but I'd also wager it comes down to Husk's design, it's too "furry"


>It's weird because the show is trying to shove Angel and Husk in your face as the gay couple but I don't know a single fujo who prefers the two together
Pretty much. For me personally my fujo radar isn't going off for them and I genuinely think they're fine as just friends.


I read a fic a while back that did something interesting with the design and had Husk be bitter about the fact that he no longer had fingers and just had claws. He was angry dealing cards and opening bottles was hard and when he first got to hell it took him a while to learn to do basic things. I kind of wish more Hazbin fics focused on the characters adjusting to their new bodies or even just mentioned the weird features at all.

I agree they're supposed to be safe but incidentally, given all of Angel's abuse it's kind of fucked up that the moment he gets out of one relationship he runs into another one. It reminds me of the BL trope where the character is raped and he asks another character to have sex with him to forget the rapist. Weird, I think the most non-problematic solution would actually be to have Angel end up alone and define himself as a person not a sexual object or partner at least for a season before jumping into a relationship. Ignoring all that boring stuff though and just focusing on shippy potential the parallels with selling souls is there and I see where the foundation of a great ship could be but the characters didn't interact enough before ship teasing for me to care personally. They needed at least a few more episodes of potentially cute moments before "Loser Baby" imo, I'm hoping Husk has more screentime in general for the second season since he, out of all the main cast, feels the least developed.

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let's talk about this. the good old days…the stridercest. but also how the comic unironically peaked at [s] cascade.

some (optional) questions to get us started:

>when did you start reading homestuck?

>favorite character?
>favorite pairing?
>favorite act?
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I wish I had more appreciation for the Dancestors. There's so much art and so many fics out there, and I can't engage with any of it because I have no attachment to them. Like, I wish I could see in these characters whatever it is some people see.

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 No.139[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The Western counterpart to the anime monsterboy thread on /bl/. Feel free to post slasher villains, creepypasta boys, SCPs, DBD monsters, and more.
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Nothing good unfortunately, some terrible Z-Grade horror schlock like She-Freak and Ghost Watchers, but nothing with cute slasher boys.


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Just saw Saw 1. I want to see Adam bottom


I remember thinking Saw would be an interesting setting for a BL story but the movies don't do much for me personally.

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Since multiple people have expressed interest.

>Season 1 or Season 2?

>Should the show get a revival/third season?
>Stancest or Billdip?
>Favorite episode?
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>but there were a few others like everyone was some sort of animal monster (dipper was a deer centaur thing)
I never interacted with the fandom but damn, Dipper as a cervitaur was just the cutest thing ever. The monster AU in general had a lot of great designs.


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>Season 1 or Season 2?
Season 1 easily, I really don't like Stanford and I actually think Gideon doesn't get enough praise for being a good foil to the twins.

>Should the show get a revival/third season?

Maybe? I wouldn't be opposed per say, but I'd rather a spin-off than a continuation.

>Stancest or Billdip?

Billdip. Again kinda hate Ford and the Sock Opera episode sold me on the pairing.

>Favorite episode?

Sock Opera, Dreamscaperers, The Time Traveler's Pig.

I remember Monster Falls, cute AU especially the Dipper pictures!


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Finally! Thank you anon.

>Season 1 or Season 2?

I feel like season 1 was more laid back and we got to see more of the characters. Since Alex for some reason decided to cram season 2 and 3 into one i think the ending was a little rushed in season 2. We got Ford back, but he was barely in the episodes. I think that also contributed to people hating him back then (and now, with the rewatchs i see a lot of people still hating Ford lol)
>Should the show get a revival/third season?
Nope. I don't think a third season now would hit the same as the last two. Something would be missing, like every cartoon revival ends fucking something up. We COULD get some Stan and Ford boat adventures tho…like Fionna and Cake got a more adult-leaning show last year
>Stancest or Billdip?
Stancest has a very special place in my heart! But i also enjoy Billbip because i feel like Bill and Dipper have a loooooot of chemistry, it's insane.
>Favorite episode?
NWHS and Scary-oke. You know why

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 No.449[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Discuss boys, episodes, and the rest here
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Speaking of disliking recent stuff in the main show. I'd kill for a few more slightly more serious Kyle/Cartman moments. I love these two and think there is a more serious drama between them brewing underneath the series. We were scratching at it in the mid-seasons but its seems to have left sometime around the election arc.

They are by far the most compelling characters narratively but even taking off the shipping lens if you are going to focus on stories or try to have a semi-serious overarching plot I don't understand why you aren't using the characters who've been proven to be able to carry the show and are flexible. There are so many students who have only appeared in a few episodes or are used mainly for crowdshots that you could mine for more plots if needed. Bebe, Clyde, Dogshit, to name a few

For a newer season I think as long as Randy and Tegridy aren't onscreen I'll be happy. Make it the most uninspired season yet but have Randy off in the void and I think it'd be best they've had in years. Adults like Jimbo, Liane, Stan's grandpa, ect can all carry episodes just fine if they are insisting on focusing on the older characters. I've personally never found Randy all that funny and my opinion has only soured over the years.


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>I'd kill for a few more slightly more serious Kyle/Cartman moments.
Me, too. Like you said, their dynamic (even without the shipping goggles) is easily one of the most entertaining parts of the show. I know it's a little silly for me to be talking about character depth in South Park, but I also think they have more depth to them, which means that there's more to explore in regard to their relationship (not even talking about shipping- I just mean in regard to how they normally interact). They don't feel as one-note as Randy or something because there is such a diversity to the interactions we've seen between them and the roles they take in particular episodes. I can think of episodes where Cartman brings out the worst in Kyle, where Kyle fucks up because of his pride, where the two actually get along to work toward a common goal, where Kyle's the more reasonable one, etc. Yet, all of these episodes make sense because they're not entirely flat characters. Their episodes together work SO WELL because they have the right amount of balance for each other; they have enough similarities, but also contrast, that it doesn't get tiresome. There's basically a built-in conflict when Cartman and Kyle are the center of a particular episode, so it makes no sense not to capitalize on that.
>Adults like Jimbo, Liane, Stan's grandpa, ect can all carry episodes just fine if they are insisting on focusing on the older characters.
I'll never understand why Randy became the default adult when I never found him especially likable in the first place. I used to think he was okay, but he's just so grating and one-note that I can't tolerate him anymore. So many of the other adults are so much more entertaining, and don't get as much attention as they used to. A lot of episodes I love (Toilet Paper, Chickenlover, Volcano, Cartmanland, Le Petite Tourette… I could go on) didn't feature Randy much at all, and had other adults in prominent roles. Officer Barbrady is my favorite adult from the show, and we all know how relevant he's been as of late lol. I'm also partial to Jimbo, Mr. Mackey, and Kenny's parents, and they have so much potential for more focus. You also mentioned some of the other kids getting focus, and I agree. Butters didn't start out being nearly as important as he is now; it's actually kind of fuPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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This movie has no plot other than Benson's obsession with Randy. Any other movies or series like this?
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Can't believe there's only one incest fic but I'm grateful, though I expected the prisoner be brutally raped by cops works.


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ignore the 5.6 rating on imdb, Drown (2015) is kino
>psychotic love triangle between three Australian lifeguards
>mc is a closet case skinhead with sadomasochistic tendencies towards cute boys
>lots of swimwear and sport rivalry, like Challengers minus the hetero elements
>cute boys beating each other up
>lots of say gex
>tragic elements and some really good shots
the audio is total dogshit though and as far as i know there is no option for subtitles so you'll have to replay a lot of scenes to understand wtf they're saying to each other, it's on amazon prime

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Post gay sponge shit, doesn't matter if serious or ironic. Discussion's good too. All bikini bottom ships are welcome but they better be yaoi!
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Plabs is underrated compared to Squidbob


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not the most creative gijinka designs imo though i still kek'ed seeing this on my douyin fyp


He's so cuuuute

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Because I miss having a huge active SW shipping fandom.

>What's your favorite Star Wars ship?

>What's your NOTP?
>What SW media are you currently consuming or excited about?
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I would agree with people who say it gets legitimately good. I think the best part of SW is the EU and world building and Clone Wars does a lot to flesh out the prequel era, I had no nostalgic attachment to it and thought it was good.

Don't let people shame you for watching a children's show, as long as people understand that the show wasn't made for them and doesn't need to cater towards their adult sensibilities it's fine. Like I said though Stat Wars skews adult for most fans so I don't think it's that weird lol.

Keep me updated if anything else triggers your fujo meter. Anakin/Obi shippers seem to be the big fans of CW but I know some people ship other characters.


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Did Palpatine rape Anakin? I want a spin-off of Anakin getting broken by the dark side.


i’m a palpakin truther. there’s no way in hell that palps wasn’t basically his sugar daddy (i mean, the opera scene, hello??)

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Text thread for /wes/

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God Miles is so fucking cute but there's so much tranny art of him for whatever reason. I might have to visit the fix-up thread soon.



i will be eagerly awaiting your submissions nonnie. god ive always been annoyed by the troon miles hc thats considered gospel in fandom. i can never be free from PIV even in fucking spiderverse of all things.

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