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Post about transformers and transformers ships


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I just want to see vehicle people fucking


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I need… vehicle guys…


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Based, didn't expect to see a transformers thread here
anyone got any thoughts on soundstar? I remember suddenly getting into it a while ago


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don't scroll


I hope the new comics will revitalize the fandom and do some cool shit. I am mainly a comic fan for TF, since the comics seem to target an audience who is a bit older (or at least not young kids in particular) and allow much more freedom than a super expensive CGI show does.
Hope that we will see some secondary villains and autobot forces like Straxus, Nova or Impactor/the wreckers at some point.

Saw some leaked photos of Optimus beating Starscream in a basketball match which is lowkey hilarious. Would post it but you know.


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So did any of you read the first issue of the new comic? Any hopes or fears? What are your opinions on Earthspark?

Personally I think I liked the comics and Cyberverse the most so far. With comics I mean various series that were part of Dreamwave, IDW1 and IDW2. The lore bits of Marvel are also cool, but nobody reads them and honestly for a good reason. It would be cool if the new comics could implement the good Marvel parts and do something modern and better with them, but I am not holding my breathe.
What I am sure about is that I will fucking miss the IDW and post-G1 cartoon characters since I doubt they will appear anything soon or ever, if they take the G1 pandering that seriously.


Earthspark seems to have received a middling reception apart from the Soundwave design. Something about the designs in Earthspark makesbmy skin crawl, which is strange because Roche's art isn't bad. I don't really care for Mae Catt's writing and the dumbass abuse plotline just reminded me I have to rewatch TFP.
The comic was ok, I could never really get into IDW but it seems passable so far. They didn't hesitate killing characters though


Yeah I don't like the designs either. Megs and Bee are fine, I could even get used to Optimus but I can't get into any of the terrans and don't care about any of them. I wish it was just Dorothy, her husband and the legacy characters. Cartoon OCs almost never work for me. Wouldn't call it bad though, just gratingly unspectacular and not because it's aimed at a younger audience than IDW even. Cyberverse did that too and I enjoyed the later two season quite a lot.
>the dumbass abuse plotline just reminded me I have to rewatch TFP.
Kek I never finished TFP either. People hyped it up as dark but I failed to see it, to me it was another kids cartoon about nerdy teens becoming special by finding the magical mcguffin. Sadly Earthspark has the same premise and I am tired of it.

The abuse part was dumb and it stopped mattering like 20 minutes later and everybody became friends. I am not a fan of that trope anyway because beside IDW it usually ignores that Starscream is, at best, a war criminal and upper echelon of a dictatorship in favor of making him a poor uwu. Nothing against villains btw., my favorite bots are from IDW/Dreamwave and like half of the cast are mentally ill mass murderers there. But it's annoying when this gets ignored to appease a specific group of Starscream fans that project their issues into him. Technically there should be way more Autobots and defectors that are traumatized by Megatron's crimes anyway.

Speaking about it I really dislike how the show keeps ignoring the past to clarify what war they were even fighting. They adapted the flowers of the dead from IDW but then never bother with the lore. IDW's Megatron was a psychopath and even when he eventually turned better he was broken by grief. I have a hard time imagining that a generic nice dudes like ES Megs and Starscream have ever killed millions, because that's what the flowers stand for.


Sorry anon I'm one of those people who started with TFP, I just want to do a rewatch because it's been years. People say that it's too self-important or boring and I do agree sometimes, but I really liked the designs and a bunch of the Decepticons. On the earthspark thing, I just don't think trying to transplant TFP plotlines into Earthspark worked with how lukewarm every character is, apart from Shockwave and Soundwave being emotional exes. It's not like every Transformers series is going to have TFP levels of Megatron being a coked up nutcase to Starscream, so it just seems silly. It's the same with how they tried to transplant Autobot Megatron but they forgot to actually flesh out what he did before, so he's just… there.
I'd kill for Knock Out to show up again because he's so entertaining and mean but maybe not in any of these recent series because nothing has resonated with me in a while


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>It's the same with how they tried to transplant Autobot Megatron but they forgot to actually flesh out what he did before, so he's just… there.
Good points and explains what annoys me about it. Seems like they transplanted TFP content in the same manner. They oddly enough did this with WfC (Netflix) as well. E.g. they mentioned that Megs was an oppressed miner, but don't even explain who oppressed him or how. Later Impactor is said to be an ex-miner and former friend of Megs (like in IDW1), but again, it's mentioned and forgotten. They never talk, we never learn about their past etc.

ES had the flowers from IDW and the many names on the Memorial, so there must have been thousands of victims. But Megs is just the nice guy everybody loves, nobody but the OC villain holds any grudges, how does that work? In IDW Megs' presence caused a schism within the crew since many couldn't forgive him and refused to work with an Autobot that befriended him. And in the end Megs was executed for his crimes after all.
Here laws just do not exist within the robot culture. On top of that the series only and always explicitly refers to that day 15 years ago when they talk about war and death. So was there no war on Cybertron? Or did thousands die there too and the characters don't care because the show is about Earth? Again it just doesn't work without context.

Maybe even the war itself was only a nod to fans of the older TF series and not actual part of the ES plot, making it unclear what the setting of this series even is. It seems like instead of a war it was just a single terror act or fight that lasted a short while. Cutting such transplanted plot points out of their context renders them meaningless and makes the plot inconsistent. Anyway, the action is good and some characters are quite likeable, but unless s2 set things right I will primarily remember ES half-assed attempt at story telling.



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This genuinely made laugh when I found it. It's a pretty good summary about this franchise.

Speaking about it what are everybody's opinions on the current comic run? Do you like it less or more than earlier comics? What are your hopes and fears?
I enjoy it surprisingly well so far, despite being a DW/IDW fan first and foremost (though not all series from them). The action is its strong point since it's top tier and reading an issue feels like a minute. Other than that Optimus is pretty good. He is one of the rare OPs that balances cuteness well with badass behavior.
Have some problems with it though. Issue 6 had a bunch of developments/scenes that felt badly written to me, the bots aren't as pretty or cute as in earlier manga or comics and my biggest fear is that it won't ever develop past a pure non-stop action series without any meaningful character developments (other than people getting more badass for the sake of action) or in-depth character stories.
After issue 7 I am also slightly annoyed by the kills tbh. Though it MIGHT mean that secondary characters end up being more important later thanks to big names dying, but I won't hold my breath. Would be frustrating if I finally saw Marvel UK favorites appear only to see them getting nuked four panels later. But I will wait till I form a proper opinion.


New movie is coming out
Looks a bit generic action-comedey but I'm still a little excited


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Skybound was hype at first, especially the stuff with Soundwave in the new issue but the speed at which characters are dropping is making me feel a little tired, and their Starscream got annoying when he started killing his own soldiers for no reason. One of my favorite parts of transformers is the way characters interact with each other, especially on that drawn out Cybertronian timescale, but one thing I've noticed in a lot of newer shows and series is that the character relationships are a little anemic.
I'm hoping it's just the trailer jamming together all the crappy jokes, because the rest of the movie has so much that people has asked for over the last 15+(?) years. Cyberfauna, pre-war Cybertron, no humans, a backstory more in line with the Aligned origins. Hemsworth is even doing a passable job as Orion, and there's an insane amount of characters and bits of worldbuilding in the trailer, but I don't like the dialogue and I don't exactly like that they have to gain the tcogs. Making Orion a miner also feels like they don't want to accidentally make baby's first class war: the movie, but I'll try to be optimistic about it: the bay movies turned me off the series, but without their profits my favorite show wouldn't exist so I'll take it as it comes.
However, he librarian and gladiator backstory will always hold a place in my heart because it feels like a fairy tale and that contrast is so fun against the horror and drudgery of the war.


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You and me nonna
Feel the same about the comics. Action is top tier, but characterwise only Optimus is written well so far. The humans could be cool as well, at least for human standards. But the rest is lacking. Soundwave kicking ass was nice, but my fear is that most of the Decepticons will be flat and evil and most of the Autobots mere yes-men and that the series will focus too much on cool action to ever write proper characters or dynamics.
>One of my favorite parts of transformers is the way characters interact with each other
Yes, this. Even Earthspark that focuses more on characters just gives us results like Megs and Optimus being friends, without caring to show their wartime conflicts or tell how they eventually got closer. Without that the relationship lacks the spice. And the rest of the legacy characters have nothing at all. The OCs are friends with everybody but I honestly don't like them (neither the Terrans nor their relationship dynamics), so Bee/Breakdown is the only interesting part for me.
>I'm hoping it's just the trailer jamming together all the crappy jokes
This is what I said on /co/ few hours ago. The jokes are awful and I would legit feel down if they finally used that fantastic premise only to turn it into another wacky nerd adventure for little kids that doesn't take anything seriously and refuses to thematize anything darker and depicts a "safe" war.
>Making Orion a miner also feels like they don't want to accidentally make baby's first class war
This and the attempt of making them "brothers", which I am honestly not a big fan of. I hope the impression is wrong and they deliberately try to attract the mass with shitty jokes since that's what they think the mass enjoys.

We know that Sentinel is part of the movie but the trailer doesn't show him, so maybe it's hiding the serious parts on purpose. Worst case would be that it's total shit but 1. making money (= more TF content in the future), 2. attracting tons of new fans that will later read/watch the other series and make fanart for them and 3. finally make people realize that fully animated TF movies without humans are profitable. This is the reason for why I will most likely pay for the cinema, even if the movie isn't very good.


I'm only watching cartoons right now but IDW is definitely on my to-read list


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Does anyone know if Snowii draws them with vaginas? I'm interested in their patreon, but you never know nowadays…


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Damn, I didn't even know they are drawing nsfw. Have some real life shit killing my cool this month but might pay for the patreon in the future to see what they have, 5 dollars aren't much. I will tell you in case I should do it (and not forget, I am retarded so I have issues dealing with so many websites lol).
But this reminds me that I swore to myself to draw nsfw for TF as well. Wish I had the chill to finish some WIPs now.
There is a serious lack of TF porn in recent times IMO. Especially if you are like me and prefer G1 and the comics over Prime and Earthspark.


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Who's your favorite robot and robo-ship?


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I like too many. Especially with the comics I tend to find new ones thanks to the sheer amount of side characters they have that I kind of overlooked or forgot about during my first read. Or I find a good artist or writer that gets me to obsess over them as much as they do.

Have a bunch of favs among the favs though, primarily every ship involving Tarn lol
Also love Meg/Op and Mega/Star in general, Sentinel/Proteus and IDW Prowl/any of his exes.


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I am not yet sure if I will enjoy the new movie but as multishipper that enjoys MegOp among others I am already grateful for the fanart it generates.


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I'm digging the Sentinel ONE thirst really hard, my timeline is flooded by so much hot art of him. Glad the fandom has taste. Honestly surprised he became the star. I also like MegOP and expected this to be all people post if they post anything at all.


What is the fanon lore for why robots can blush? I don't go here


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Don't think anybody bothered to explain it scientifically. Maybe the metal just changes color when it's warming up. The faces shouldn't be able to move the way they do if they're purely metallic either, just imagine nano machines.


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I really enjoyed the TFOne versions of Megatron and Starscream, I like the idea of Starscream being older and having to teach Megatron how to lead an army while they both navigate their new power dynamic.


I don't really want to see the movie because the designs aren't really my thing but fuuuck, that sounds like a really interesting megastar dynamic…


I had my reservations but the scene they share together comes off as super gay, it feels like someone who is into Megatron/Starscream as a concept had a hand in it lmao


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Man I really went from disliking it based on the first trailer to being so eager for it thanks to the fanart flood and all the things I have heard about it so far.

It sounds like a slightly more harmless and more comedic version of Megatron's origin in IDW, Functionism and Sentinel and this is my absolute favorite part of Transformers as a whole. Movie is STILL not out in my fucking country though.


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I just started watching Gen 1.
It's glorious. Just.. Glorious. It's very stupid, but also very fun. And sincere about how epicly cool the concept is.

I'm nearly through season one. Starscream is a bit cute, I like how he wants Megatrons' approval in one episode, and then runs to usurp him in the next. Prime/Megatron stands out to me as shippable.

I've not seen a whole lot of other shipping material yet, but I hope it will come. If not, I at least have epic robutt action.


G1 is probably my favorite of the cartoons, it’s really stupid but that’s why it’s so entertaining.
Starscream is just like OG tsundere.


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Yep. G1 is kinda silly in many ways and a lot of the side characters are one-note heroes/villains but even back then Megatron and Starscream were already shining and both, these two as well as MegOP were already shippable back then.

Also, G1 and the Marvel comic have a great sandbox feeling. They established so much cool as fuck lore that even if you disliked them you would have to admit that they are god given gift because all later creators can take their ideas from this and develop them.

I recently downloaded all of the comic and finally read it. I am massive fan of the Cybertron-only parts and everything related to Megatron. Think the new comic could do a lot of cool shit if they keep taking from G1 but making it more up-to-date/serious.

I already said this in the old thread before FC was nuked, but reading the comics made me get into Xaaron/Impactor lol. Xaaron is such an interesting character thanks to his leader role, the connection to Impactor, his inability to transform and him becoming the vessel of Primus himself.


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Anyone got some fic recs? I'm into MegaStar, but I'm not picky as long as Starscream bottoms. Currently discouraged as this fandom has a higher than average amount of untagged cuntboy shit.


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Can anyone direct me to any writers or artists who make valveplug minus the valve?

If it's not a pussy exclusive Prime it's endless Starscream being drawn as a girl. Please. I filter to m/m and all I read is piv.

I'm open to a lot of ships but gravitate around Megatron for anyone as he's a central figure who works with everyone in multiple continuities. I prefer Prime design wise because I love his spiky armor that gives him a nice form overall.

Though my closest definitive pair is Opbee. And I'm having the exact problem.

I've been reading so many works where it's just cuntboy central. Not a single tag for it at times. They just assume you like and want everyone to have a pussy and it's getting on my nerves.

It feels like an author insert especially.

I only ask that it be tagged but I get pussy flashed like there's no other choice of anatomy. And don't get me fucking started on mechpreg.


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My favorite ship is actually Zeta/Orion but it's ultra rare because almost nobody has even read the part where the early war time was shown when he and Orion were still working together. I love Zeta for how much of a comical despot he is and how he turned from manipulative but funny dude to a broken extremist as time progressed. It has so much potential and hinted lore I could fill a novel with it.

I love how even his design went from "nice looking normal dude", over "masked cherubim" to "evil Templar knight". It helps that I am a massive sucker for villain/sidekick dynamics.

Headcanoning them as hermaphrodites weirdly became the standard around 2016 so the best you can do is looking for fics and porn art older than this or NSFW that doesn't show the genitals lol

There is a lot of dick sucking and creative stuff like cable porn and cable pulling but don't ask me for the writers and artists since most are doing both and I have like 30000 TF artworks saved, so I have no idea who was drawing what. I also think that Japanese fics are less likely to do it but you need to be able to read and find them or translate them.

It inspires me to finish my many own nsfw WIPs actually, for I draw it gay. Though I mostly like the less popular comic characters. I recently read another cable porn fic I've liked too, but it Sentinel/Proteus and it was old too I think.


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Fuck's sake yaoi truly is dead. (at least in western popular media.)

I like older fandoms because sometimes the pre-2013 work is just as good as modern, even if it's got dated references. But the lack of lore updates makes it impossible to ignore.

A real shame because there are so many good ideas out there now, but the valveplug fanlore is too strong. It's like everyone has settled on bog standard girl/boy pairings.

I guess my only recourse is go full SFW or yuri because no one is putting female mech spikes in yuri.


Imo the worst part is that giving robots vaginas became popular for ALL robots, not just Transformers. It really ruined fandom.


>china draws pussy by default
>japan doesn't tag shit
How mad would westerners be if they confirmed male robot anatomy to be circuitry and completely non-human? IDW indulged in fan shipping but I would love to see a confirmed interfacing explanation that's just wires, cables and being still for a minute.

TF writers aren't your general fan hating creators who go out of their way to disprove fanlore out of spite (like Ken Penders did) but it's the one subject I don't think has ever been addressed.


I mean you can't blame them for not thematizing sexual organs on their official accounts. That aside the canon stance should be obvious as they shouldn't have sexual organs to begin with and everybody knows this. But it never stopped people from headcanoning everybody having a dick regardless. I fear it would be hard telling people that TFs had no sexual organs but that dick was still more canon than them being herms, you can either deny both or be silent on the topic.

I like dicks so I usually image the sex to involve them, opposed to be cable only. To be honest most herm fics I read described the hole so vaguely that I just imagine the gay hole when the text says "valve".


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unfortunately, not on my end.

I've been a fan of the Prime characters and valve is absolutely a vagina. A lot of artists will draw the clit, labia, every single fold as though it were a human vagina, and often there isn't spike stimulation. So it's just the top (male) and bottom (Starscream, Soundwave, Knock Out) with a graphic pussy. It would be different if the valve was like an actual valve but no. I have yet to find or read versions of the characters I could believe are two males.


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