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/ffs/ - Fujo Fandom Sperging

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File: 1663021685383.png (157.56 KB, 349x384, fujoshi.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex


Is it true fujosisters?


Forgets to point out the dozen or so orbiters she has on social media, but yeah


I expected to fit almost all of these but that glasses one surprised me. While mine aren't cheap, they're too big and slip off my nose all the time. So much that it impedes my reading…
Make sure to get your glasses fitted, fellow fujos!


She does look kinda similar to me tbh.


that's a meme made for moids


I feel like this is specific for Japan. That thing about the hair, it sounds very Asian, and what the fuck is a bad manners mouth.


Men always post this as some sort of an "own the fujoshis" thing but I don't even know why I should be offended. Yeah I don't browse shit on my computer wearing full face makeup and coordinated outfits, I doubt any average imageboard scrote does so either. Should I be hurt that a male doesn't find my being attractive? If so I wear it as a badge of honor kek


>and what the fuck is a bad manners mouth
Resting bitch face maybe?


File: 1663073647085.jpg (75.83 KB, 500x533, 51f3d923f6ea445aa893ca2415….jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

It's an ancient image from Futaba, so yeah clear 2004 Japanese male perspective. Pretty positive this is the OG image it's derivative of, but I'm not 100% sure since I clearly wasn't on Futaba at the time. There are a couple of other variants but the Fujo one gets passed around the most.

I have 7 cats, don't even bother getting changed on non-work days, and never wear make-up so yeah decently accurate image. Don't understand why people use it to "own" fujos, nothing here is particularly shocking or even that negative.


File: 1663076625185.jpg (66.76 KB, 610x651, fuj.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

I feel like it's supposed to be something more cheeky than "own the fujoshis", like a light-hearted joke
Maybe even a potential love fantasy, she's still drawn attractively like a typical anime character
This one feels more mean spirited


Basically, yeah. Exchange her dress with a generic black- or camo hoodie, black underwear and maybe a bathrobe because it's cold here and you have me.
I am underweight too so we look somewhat similar, she DOES look skinny as hell actually (despite allegedly having fat thighs and arms judging by the description) so it fits. Her tits are bigger than mine though.


I started tying my hair back because it just makes me look like this, just with tshorts & shorts

>Her tits are bigger than mine though.
flatties unite


Wrong, I'm not allergic to cats and I have one. But seriously I don't think it's completely off but the captions don't even fit the illustration. Where are the flabby arms?


I think >>1638 is the original illustration. The one in the OP is for coomers


literally me but i wear pants


File: 1698811626059.png (346.22 KB, 463x496, 0d009ac5986e24bbf6bcaa40d9….png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

>literally me but i wear pants
It is time to revolt, sister.


this is literally me right now but no glasses and instead of a tank top it's a hoodie


oh my god I had this saved on my old computer as "literally me.jpg" when I was 11 or 12

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