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/ffs/ - Fujo Fandom Sperging

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File: 1643527937618.jpg (91.89 KB, 400x383, finds-an-anti-yaoi-stamp-r….jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

 No.79[Last 50 Posts]

Old or new, post any stupid yaoi memes you got


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Does this count kek


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i hope this fits lol


u just made my night


It's not a stupid meme, it's just the truth kek


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Holy kek




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Based and redpilled.
She's right, you know. The normal and sane LGBTQ people find stuff made by fujoGOD is interesting than whatever the sjw queer stories make. KEK

t. fujo who have a lot of fag friends who enjoy a lot of media catered and made by fujos.


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Why am i obsessed with shitty memes like these?


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a meme russian speaking fujos will probbly appreciate, for others this roughly translates to "Nu pogodi, random furry yaoi from our childhood"


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Kek I'm not Russian, but I watched that cartoon as a kid and it had some thick sexual tension.


it looks like it suffers


It looks like it was made with a ginger's pubic hair.


what's this bad boy stuffed with


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I still remeber the episode where the wolf got accidentally in female clothing and was forced to dance with the rabbit who was dressed as Santa Claus.
My mom downloaded all the episodes and I loved watching it (maybe that's what made me love kemono BL).


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right translates to: any character from the male gender


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>second pic
A classic.


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I just stole this from Kiwifarms.


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I was having a shit day, but this made me laugh. Thanks nonni.


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Made this on /y/ because of annoying fujoshi/women-hating gay babies.


Lol, I remember how pissed off /y/fags were when we had our thread there, going on there gives me bran damage nowadays and the only semi good thread is the recommendations thread.


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I sort of relate to that fujo because i used to make art and write yaoi fanfiction of every male that dared be friends with me or be in my field of vision. Brothers especially were not spared.


I hate both my shitty little brother and asshole brothers so instead I shipped all my cousins together, my main cousin ship actually now live together in our grandfather's house since it's their inheritance and refused to give us our share of the money so now I added grandfather's ghost to the ship and they all have threesomes in my head.


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Most yaoi memes are in Spanish, what does this even say?


>And if we stop traumatizing our friends with yaoi?
Or something like that.


Traumatizing other friends with yaoi is something me and my irl friend still do


Can i have the name anon please?


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>people reposting my memes


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I want to be her friend


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/ex/fags be like


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What's the source for this screencap?


AYRT It's a post on fail_fandomanon. Here's the direct link:


I can't believe dreamwidth is still active in year of our lord 2022


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Not really a meme but it is funny


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old memes from back when the internet was fun


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>second image
>a literal ship


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Tag yourselves, I'm old-hat


I'm degen with a bit of femcel


im definitely the femcel fujo


oldhat femcel lmao


i feel bad for not finishing this now
femcel btw


I kinda ship Degen and Femcel, not gonna lie.


>mfw I'm 100% the femcel description and I always crush on the degen type
this meme got me good


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Femcel, how do I get degen gf, I just want a normal yaoi enthusiast that isn't an especially mentally ill proship that thinks finding cute shota palatable means I have to enjoy tranny loli incest rape. Every female yaoi degen on twitter either draws that shit too or is a tranny themselves, or both. I miss when fujos were just fujos instead of having to adopt an insane personality online to justify drawing cute boys fucking.
Bring back fujo acceptance


degen is literally me


I feel this post on a spiritual level. Nona, you need to be my gf. I'm a lonely fujobian who is sick of trannies and Twitterfags, they're absolute vermin in fandom spaces.


love wins <3


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holy shit they made swiper hot


Embedding error.
Not really sure that this counts as a meme but this scene used to be frequently quoted by fujos so it did sort of have a meme status


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this reminds me of how i used to be obssessed with the virgin x chad ship (last pic dialogue sucks but art is still cute)


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It is cute
Also reminds me of 4chan board-chan bl, especially /fa/ x /fit/


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bring be baaaack to the good old daaays


Living in bumfuck nowhere meant that I couldn't go to cons back when this was the norm. If someone brings yaoi paddle back I will personally pay for their con ticket just to unleash the yaoi madness to the con scene


The yaoi paddle was such a sign of power too. Fujos used to legitimately terrorize moids at conventions.


mmrs of that one horror story where a girl actually broke some guy's hip because she liked his cosplay so much


>a girl actually broke some guy's hip because she liked his cosplay so much
How did I miss that? Are there articles or posts about this? Also what was he cosplaying?


tbh i'm pretty sure this is more of an internet legend


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I feel like you could make this joke way easier with the Chinese covers for Erha.

Looking at this image made me think I could smell strawberry pocky. I haven't seen pocky in years. What the hell.


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LMFAOOOO right click saved




where did u find this picture of me


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idk if it counts


>johan pfp


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idk who they are but i agree


She's from Butterfly Soup, a lesbian visual novel. Fun fact, the creator of Butterfly Soup also made Pom Gets Wifi.


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>Pom Gets Wifi
What an absolute classic


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maybe the nonas at /oc/ can relate


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I'm incorporating the first meme and the one at >>1793 into my core values now


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She's literally me


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not exactly a yaoi meme but i'll still post it


Are we all just going to ignore this lmfao


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Old-hat Degen hybrid reporting in


What's slowed + reverb?


It's like the zoomer version of nightcore where instead of speeding up songs, they slow them down.


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Does anyone know what manga picrel is from? It fucking kills me every time.
Definitely a mix of the degen and the femcel.


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HOLYSHIT at first i thought it was someone emulating chris chan's style but BRUH ITS ACTUALY HIS ART


No I know the girl who made this image, it’s fake


ok……………………. do you at least have the full image without the twitter cropping?


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Saul looks like he is in pain, so I'll go with him.


but gus looks like he's in pure bliss


knowing what's actually happening in the screenshots makes this image 10x funnier, thank god i watched breaking bad
anyways, i agree with >>1872


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wwyd if your uber driver pulled up in this


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>wwyd if your uber driver pulled up in this
If the uber is female I'll marry her.
If male, I'll steal the car.




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we must protest against this by drawing hardcore elon musk selfcest whump fanart


nta but I unironically think that would work.
What role would Musk have be in omegaverse?


Musk would be a beta who larps as an alpha :D


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ngl it's really cute that twitter kun has bird wings instead of ears





Musk as cringe-fail omega LARPing as alpha. One of his "rut" publicity/clout stunts fail and he damage controls it to seem like he was a beta instead the whole time. He buys out Twitter to try to drown out his omega-exposed scandal. Then he goes into heat in a room full of stakeholders/programmers while trying to explain how things can still be okay.




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made this one myself


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i relate


Imagine Death Note but instead of killing somone by writing a name, you write two names in it with an x in between. The one whose name is in front of the x turns into a seme and the one after the x turns into an uke


A "little death" note hehe


i would write down so many random celebrity couples




I actually tried to manifest some ships like this

lmaooo nonny!!!


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That's sorta happens in Renai Boukun. There's a love angel who writes down people's names in her Kiss Note, but she likes to write down yaoi instead.
It's a het harem though, and all the BL couples are one off jokes. [spoiler]I like het harems too, so I like it.[/spoiler]


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wow she was really cute


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i have no where else to post this image so i'll post it here




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Literally the just improved version of this


we need a fujochan gijinka, we can have fujochumblr



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I'm going to ship m/m ships until the day I fucking die. I don't give a fuck what anti-fujos say.


holy shit the lightsaber lmfao


Based nona! ♡


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god i wish


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I didn't know this existed until now? It's wonderful.


I've been listening to the Yaoimas playlist for a few days! Really gets you in the mood for festivities


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This is a reminder to all fujos to stay hydrated! ♡


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if you can't handle her drawing you getting molested by tentacles, you aren't the one


Relationship goals <3


fuk yea i do that


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the 3rd picture has banner potential


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Bears can be hot wtf this girls problem?


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Tag yourself I'm Fujoboss.


I'm both a fujoboss legit the one thing that helps me not quit and become a neet and a fuobachan. It should have been spelt "fujobachan" imo.


i began as a little baby fujo-in-law before earning my phd in yaoi studies and becoming what i am now. although i do wish this meme had more options to fully encompass the true richness and depth of the fujo experience, kek.


phd for sure. my normie friend once messaged me at 1am:

"i feel like i could be the female joe rogan but instead of weed i smoke post malone amount of cigarettes and you're like my fujo alex jones but instead of fake mass shooting conspiracies and gay frogs you're talking about your yaoi theories."


I'm fujobachan, but I also have a PhD in yaoi.


I'm fujoboss and fujobachan


definitely fujoboss and phd in yaoi studies with some shades of fujoglasses wearer and fuobachan

boss makes a dollar, I make a dime
that’s why I browse ao3 on company time


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Where's fujo-student? I miss crucial information in my lecture classes bc I'm too busy fantasizing about lewd M/M scenarios at my desk.


So late seeing this, but fucking kek.


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upon graduating and entering the workforce, fujo-student evolves into the fujoboss

due to the obligations of real life, some fujos become more normie. however, those who retain their fujo habits with the same intensity - or perhaps a stronger intensity due to the enablement of disposable income - become successful fujobosses, infiltrating every corner of society. if your power level is strong enough, you ship your coworkers.


>some fujos become more normie
I think it's just that some of them get a lot better at pretending to be normies. I had a coworker like that who would send me hints that she likes BL and I'm also trying to seem like a normie in my everyday life but I'm working with a bunch of huge nerds so nobody actually cares.

>or perhaps a stronger intensity due to the enablement of disposable income

Can confirm, I went from being broke growing up until I graduated from uni and getting books and video games second hand for cheap, and reading scanlations very often to getting a job after graduating and buying BL all the time with my hard earned money.


I love how close he sounds to Komaeda


>I think it's just that some of them get a lot better at pretending to be normies
right, i feel like keeping up a minimal façade of normie-dom is generally necessary to be a functional member of society. my workplace is entirely normie so i need to conceal my powerlevel. i wouldn't dare fangirl about any of my ships or bl things to my coworkers unless i got the hint they were the fannish type as well.


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a girl who sat next to me in my lecture class last year would openly read BL manga during class. Powerlevel on full display, she even had her OTP as her laptop and phone screensaver. Can't believe I was classmates with a fellow fujo in the wild and didnt even speak with her about it. Fujoshi from Mr. Lee's class I think about you every week pls message me


Anon why did you fuck up like that? kek one of my best friend in uni kind of gave up with lectures at some point and she would read explicit fanfics right next to me. At some point she watched the entire Shiki series with no sound and I think I accidentally watched like half of the episodes because she was always sitting down right in front of me.


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Found this in a comment section. Someone created a joke Fujoshi flag and there were so many ppl that took it srsly. unsurprisingly the comments were all from seething Aydens lmao.


I literally do not understand what this meme says can you translate?


3DPD, essentially. unless its an RPF fujo.


Aydens assume they’re hot shit but fujos couldn’t care less about ”fetishizing” dangerhair gendies who date each other based on who they kin


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based meme and based queen


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second one would've been hilarious if it wasn't hadaka shitsuji


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Merry new yaoi, nonnas.


Kek, happy new year nonna. It is year of the dragon now.


Same to you! Happy New Year, FC.


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Happy new year! Hope you all have a yaoi-licous 2024!


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Translation: "yesterday, yougnsters prefer to go to the JAPAN ?? Expo. instead of celebrating our big and wonderful country. they buy. yaoi. yes you heard me right. yaoi. the 14th of july our national holiday our fatherland. on this day they buy yaoi."


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This screenshot was reposted a lot because of pic rel a few months ago kek.


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I'm just being real silly tonight


Who's at lower left corner behind the girl? He's cute


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August MacLeod


Lol great image nonna! Definitely going to check out the ones here I haven't read!


hahaha thank you
Honestly I basically just put down some stuff I like, being an edgy fujo and all.


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me in wheelchair


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This is from a reply to an amusing twitter post about fujoshi and I figured it can go in this thread. Link to the twitter post: https://twitter.com/Rune_Sa_Riik/status/1734951399299953099


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Fuckin love this pic I found on mrm


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quoting this image every time i squee at hot yaoi


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Holy shit I fit the fujoshi stereotype a little too well. I didn't have great internet access as a teenager but I found dmmd on youtube, which I watched on my 3ds. And that's how I got into visual novels heavily. I played a few visual novels on (newgrounds??) before but they never tickled my fancy. Then I played dmmd and now I love harada….


I fucking hate the animecore tiktokker types. I don't even use TikTok but I see them all the time on Twitter and they're only into VNs/anime for the aesthetic.


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God same. I joined an 18+ fandom group but it's 99% developmentally stunted tifs who screech about how gay they and their ships are while only ever discussing PIV


I hate cuntboys but I like genderswap BL as long as they also have sex when the character is male.


cunt boy is the lesser evil that is troon headcanons imo. still hate it though


genderswap will always be worse than cuntboy


Poor taste it’s hot as hell


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shit taste, keep your trashy hetshit and yurishit far, far away from my BOYS love.




if we had a chan for lesbian fujos how would you name it




Expiredcla.ms lol.


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Late 00s/early 10s fujos were so powerful.


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I need this deck! Someone should put sets up on Etsy.


did that screencap come from the recent fudrilshi post kek. praise be to our lord and saviour, i love her


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I am open minded. I will take all 4.


These are still all for fujos. Sorry to sperg about a joke but stuff like this always comes off as moderately-veiled copium to me, like they can't just believe that 80% of 2d gay shit is drawn by women for women.


i love this


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based, yaoi is yaoi


Not really related but I LOVE dark under eye circles on characters and eat that shit up, so I am in full support of 'lesbian yaoi' kek.


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>not posting the one with Mbappe and Giroud hugging and tenderly looking at each other


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Can i ask what's this from? I mean the guys not the original meme. I looked it up and it just comes up as "yaoi meme"


Paradise, a BLVN by PIL/SLASH that recently got an english release


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Where's the one where they gay out in front of that blond homophobic country and make him nosebleed


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i think this was specifically made to dunk on fujos but yknow what. she's SO REAL for this.


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She's literally me.


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me but I also like drugs and alcohol


lol how can they say this when enemies to lovers is a very popular trope in media? pff


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>lol how can they say this when enemies to lovers is a very popular trope in media? pff
Don't you see anon, that's for hetships. When it's a man and woman arguing that's called flirting and when he harasses her he's courting her. Eventually she'll give into his advances and it all works out. Now that is romance.
When two men fight however that's serious business. It doesn't get more platonic than two manly men grappling hand-to-hand with their strong sweaty bodies colliding, groping each other's rippling muscles, faces flushed with fury and their breaths turning to heavy pants—oh that tension, why in the heat of the moment one might even pop a boner and the other might notice, but it's a normal bodily reaction that's caused by adrenaline, not gay at all. They may think of each other often but that's with the sole intent of pinning the other, weaker male to the ground and having him yield beneath the stronger, dominant victor, out of breath as they gasp for air together with heaving chests while for a moment their hearts sync, both glaring into each other's eyes. You wouldn't get it anon.


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This but with the elden ring dlc


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we are so back, let's celebrate fujononas


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Made this cuz the amount of women I've seen who like yaoi but don't call themselves fujos is driving me insane


A couple months back I joined a discord server for something and discovered people there cheer for yaoi and joke about needing some yaoi goodness or whatever, but when you actually talk about BL or ships they turn around like "whoa dude it's only a joke, you don't seriously like that shit do you?" and this image hits about right if I had gone full porn dump on their asses.


At least it's not as bad as before when the anti fujoshi brigade was in full swing, people used to shit on anyone using the label while having the same reading and shipping habits kek. "Yeah my entire account is dedicated to Kiribaku and I have 47 myreadingmanga tabs open but I am NOT one of those stinky mlm fetishizing fujoshis!"


This reminds me of how lately it seems that Mpreg has become some sort of ironic meme. I'm not even into mpreg myself but I find this development peculiar. I follow the Creepcast podcast and their reddit community will just draw one of the guys pregnant for the sake of attention, I imagine, cause I doubt they're actually into that type of stuff for real.


Ugh yeah. As someone who actually enjoys mpreg that stuff is pretty embarrassing/uncomfortable. Mpreg is extremely soppy lovey dovey romantic, and optionally comes with a side of depraved fetishism akin to feederism or weight gain. It's like being at a family gathering and someone at the table cracks a joke about anime porn with someone else joining them to suggest hand drawn erotica is a laughably bizarre concept. Anyone who actually likes it isn't going to drag it out in the open like that, and those who do bring it up aren't going to take it seriously.


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I hate this shit for two reasons: one, I sometimes say toned down versions of these things in group settings so 'closeted' fujos will know I'm some flavor of fujo and will talk to me; two, if fujos are out there getting burned by fake fujos they will think I'm the same kind of bitch and not talk to me. Ree!

Ironically acting like this has opened up conversations with weeb men who know what fujos are. All of them have been surprisingly pleasant, but I really wish I'd bump into more girls.


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I know this is a meme but I hate it so much


The shota shouldn't be the boyfriend but instead the uke she pimps out.


based and pimppilled


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Does he know? Lol


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I have brain damage.


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God that scene was so nasty, I don't know how people can play stuff full of poop eating like Euphoria.


As someone who's played both I was very thankful for the scat filter


I don't even understand how it was included, I have never in my life met a fujo with a scat fetish.


I have but it was made by a man who likes it when little girls get raped, cut into pieces and eat each others shit that’s why


>full of poop eating like Euphoria
have you even played rn9


No, I was talking about RN9. I've met fujos with some wicked fetishes and being into watersports is fairly common but never anyone who was into things like scat or farting. Made no sense to include it in a BL game.


Parade games come across less fujo-orientated for lack of a better term than most bl games, I wouldn't be surprised if it was included to pander to gay male players


The scene was supposed to be humiliating and disgusting tbf. There's scat in masquerade too which was made by a woman at pil/slash so it isn't a moid pandering thing, japs have always been open to nasty shit like shota and scat.


Yes, I was saying that if stuff like that is vomit inducing I don't get how people can play stuff that's far beyond it like Euphoria and other clockup games.


I feel like amputees and mpreg are probably the signature 'weird' fetishes for fujo lore.
Shota is normie tier though, scat is NSFL tier.


>Shota is normie tier
Ok pedo. Weird that it's banned everywhere.


>shota is normie
>mpreg is weird
what mental illness is this


It's not banned in yaoi kek. This literal imageboard has shota banners and used to have a shota board.
I don't mind mpreg, I'm just saying that it stands out as a weird fetish that mostly exists in BL.


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Lolcow needs to come back, insulting users over shota on Fujochan is such a newfag behaviour.
Anyway thread tax.


It's dead in yaoi, the board was closed because pedo content is illegal in the US and UK and it was a moid magnet, and edgy pedochans seethe about the shota 'community' being heavily moid dominated. It's not normal in any fujo community worldwide.


>It's dead in yaoi
Nigga twisted wonderland is one of the biggest fujo games right now and Black Butler is getting a new season.


Please keep content pertaining to scat, guro, ect in /ex/. Please also don't belittle other people over ships/yaoi preferences, we are not lolcow bullying and harassment over yaoi related opinions is not ok. If you disagree you are expected to be civil and explain why in a respectful manner.

This concersation has strayed from the purpose of the thread and I will delete further derails. I would suggest the "Shit you Dislike" thread if you want to conplain about shota yaoi, which is allowed to be discussed just no shota porn please.


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Conversation, complain, fuck. You know what I meant, back to posting shitty memes.


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>when one piece and dbz heathens set up shop in your ff temple


yeah right, lol I've seen more yumes with younger men than fujos, all fujos I have met that dated at all including me had had things for old men types


super OT but i fucking hate it when dudebros use the trailer wol as a self insert to fuck their ingame waifus instead of their own wol. only fujoshis and female fans are allowed to use him. fuck you males, your 'self insert' takes it up the ass and fucks catboys. use your own wol to screw around with waifuslop instead of roping john finalfantasy into your degeneracy reeeeeeeeeee


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Skill issue. Based switch enjoyers can read every fic.


Respectfully disagree


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I've never understood people who will only read specific seme/uke. Having preferences sure, but good writing and art is good writing and art. Variety is the spice of life, as long as you don't make them OOC you can place them in whatever sexual scenario you want. Variety is the spice of life after all.

Also the girl in >>4674 reeks of a poser and not a genuine fan, how obnoxious. I hate people who ID as fujos to own the libs or whatever political BS they care about.


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I don't know why but this always cracks me up considering that's how I'm lying in bed and scrooling through a mobile carousel of sites like Pixiv, IBs, AO3, and Twitter.
The timeskip yaoi blink is real.


I used to feel that way too, but I'm starting to get it. I really don't care about seme/uke in sex scenes, but so many people use it as shorthand for personality types and that I do care about. If I don't like how people characterize my favorite when he's the uke, then I stop reading things where he's the uke.


>as long as you don't make them OOC
That's the thing. For some people, character A being a bottom for character B could be considered ooc. Same as the reverse way, etc. It really depends on the character and the dynamic, and not everyone will agree.
There can be the most gorgeous art ever made by fujo michelangela but if it's (my favorite) as (position I don't want) it'll be garbage


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>Headcanon your OTP as reversible
>Don't like hardcore fixed seme/uke characterization
>Barely anything for this dynamic on pixiv, you've been through most of it already
>It's most common in western fandom
>ao3 tag is 90% PIV and other kinks you'll never read like fat fetish or macro/micro because it's mostly the same people posting
True pain. Also, my least preferred configuration (my fave topping) is the most popular one and I really don't usually like how people write him as a seme. (Not that I always like how people write him as an uke either. See, this is why it's hard)


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>If I don't like how people characterize my favorite when he's the uke, then I stop reading things where he's the uke.
It's this. Sometimes ships are ezmode switches, sometimes I just want to see that twink obliterated, sometimes and most wretched of all is that popular seme/uke fanons pollute the tag. The most common offenders are semes that become a little too daddy when they are kind of a dipshit in canon and ukes that become spineless or tsundere when they are actually very headstrong (and lately this translates into them having a pussy). I have absolutely dropped an objectively "good" fic because the dynamics skewed too far into fanon.
I have been so desperate for crumbs in a small tag that I've read the fetish stuff and I nearly always regret it. The prose is never really about the character/ship! I'm so sorry this is happening to you too.


I enjoy abusive/darker ships so it wouldnt be the same if the characters switch since it has a shift in dynamic (plus i dont enjoy dom uke)
I can understand why someone would enjoy switch for a fluff/non-violent ships but it just doesnt work for me since i dont find it as interesting and its used as a scapegoat as "more realistic gay rep!!!" by aidens so its ruined for me.


I'm in a sad position because I'm autistic about fixed dynamics but I dislike how a lot of AB/BA shippers write. Most fixed shippers in my fandom are absolutely dogshit at writing and turn the characters into the basic dominant chad and submissive housewife dynamic, write het sex, and completely ignore their canon personalities. In my experience switch shippers tend to have better characterization because top/bottom isn't a factor that influences their character writing, so I just try to find fics from them that have no switching or just skip parts.


Fuck I relate so hard, its so tiring trying to befriend other fixed ship enjoyers but they have an extreme obsession over sex (which is granted cause the sex positions *are* the focal point after all) but I wish there was more to it, like discussion about the ship's dynamic and what led to the characters meeting rather than just "x character takes it up the butt lul" which I can enjoy occasionally but cmon, there has to be more than that right?


>but good writing and art is good writing and art
You could be the greatest artist humanity has ever seen but there will still be people who prefer other artists. At the end of the day, it all comes down to preferences.


>I've never understood people who will only read specific seme/uke. Having preferences sure, but good writing and art is good writing and art. Variety is the spice of life, as long as you don't make them OOC you can place them in whatever sexual scenario you want.
I'm a very strict A/B no reverse shipper and truth to be told this is my issue, a lot of people who write B/A completely switch the personalities around and ignore the source canon. Like when A is canonically a dominant personality and B is a submissive one, they write them in reverse. So it's not just about who penetrates who to me, I simply don't like reading things that, in my view, don't respect the source. Naturally it's my own subjective interpretation of course and I'm aware of it, but I'm just explaining my personal autism about it.


>Like when A is canonically a dominant personality and B is a submissive one, they write them in reverse
Having this sort of problem that leads me to mostly read one version of the ship, would you in theory read the reverse topping order if they were still 'IC'? So A as a dominant bottom and B as a submissive top?
A lot of the time this is what I really want to read but it's so rare to find.


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>submissive top
I usually look at the "service top" tag to find stuff in that vein. But it really depends on the ability of the writer or artist to make it believable for me. I tend to drop the media if I cross a certain threshold of annoyance (at tropes, media, creators and/or fanbase)


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He's actually ruined and I will be taking this as a personal attack.


hes ruined but the "i know its a little woke" made me chortle, i still hope op gets strung up and beat with sticks for this though


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/ex/ meme


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I needed those last two pics to romanticize the struggle, do it for the yaoi time.


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Shit I'm an uke :(


damn, I guess I was predestined to be a bottom until I die


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I miss the old internet so much
I've always known I'm an uke :)


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not exclusive to BL but KEK


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Snake x Cow??
Also, not a single Japanese property on there. Trends have shifted so much hhh.
Heh. Good episode too.


>Snake x Cow??
No idea what that is either lol. I only posted it because it was funny, I actually avoid korean and chinese comics and LNs like the plague kek
I feel like this is referring something I don't know about. Is that from dandadan? I dropped this after episode 4.


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West vs East


Chanel vs Walmart


The bigger guy looks like dumpy America from Hetalia kek


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>I hope you dare to SAY FAGGOT
amazing, also the dark haired fujo in that first image is my role model


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Not sure if that counts but I think it's funny to see it being mentioned in a manga.


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Kek, classic meme
I'm surprised I couldn't find a 'who's the dad' one with Aoba and all his love interests though.


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this is danmei for me


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she's literally me fr

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