>>541They are "fudanshi" therefore still rotten no matter how they act like they're superior.
It's weird how this shit just came out of nowhere. Pussyboys, mastectomy scars, or general FtM trans shit was unheard of in fujo fandoms. Stuff like that was so niche you barely saw demand for it in /d/egenerate spaces. Most people, if presented with that stuff, would have agreed it's unappealing. How did it suddenly become so trendy with young teenage girls who would otherwise be into typical fujo stuff? Are they genuinely attracted to it?
>>544it come from autistic teen girls who can't separate fiction from reality
>>545Like they can't imagine a 2D male character with feminine traits, so they must see him as a FtM tranny for it to make sense in their heads?
I hate Aydens trying to desperately self insert in their yaoi and forcing their disgusting TiF scars on characters for their uwu headcanon. It's so annoying.
>>546most likely explanation, also they don't interact with IRL males that often and just have tropes to base their assumption on
>>547pretty much ever male character with a scar on their body gets headcannoned as trans these days
i can understand people into cuntboys just like how people into futanari. but ayden try hard to make it likes its some sort 'trans rep' and self insert their pathetic self on 'trans hc' character just make me cringes. just say you're into cuntboy fetishes, fucking faggot.
>>544I agree except for the fact that I see plenty of Japanese fujoshi drawing cuntboy art on twitter, they tag it and treat it as the fetish it is, and they just draw guys with completely male proportions who just have a pussy instead of a female body with amputated breasts
>>549> can understand people into cuntboys just like how people into futanariI don't, women don't have penises and men don't have cunts, There are no chicks with dicks, Only guys with tits
>>544>How did it suddenly become so trendy with young teenage girls who would otherwise be into typical fujo stuff? Are they genuinely attracted to it?The way I personally see it, I think it has to do with years of fujoshi discourse on tumblr telling young girls that they're bad people for liking BL unless they're gay boys themselves.
On top of that, the same crowd has been brainwashing insecure girls into thinking that if they're afraid of puberty and the newfound male attention they'll get with their breasts and hips growing it must mean they were secretly boys all along. I've been browsing the Tranny sideshows on social media thread on Kiwifarms for a long time now and there's also a shit ton of aidens who literally were molested and then gained a complex about their bodies and instead of seeking proper mental help they trooned out cause that's the political climate we live in now.
So these factors together results in a group of girls looking at BL and taking the self-indulgent wish fulfilment too far and trying to become part of their favorite ship and changing male characters into fakebois to feel more valid.
>>553the funny thing is most gay men really don't even care about fujos, sure you'll find one or two hyperwoke gay men on twitter who think BL is problematic or whatever but the vast majority do not give a shit, its mostly liberal women and aydens fighting this great battle of behalf of gay men
>fujoshi are evil and problematic!!11
>retweets nothing but bl and fanart drawn by japanese fujoshi
zero self-awareness
not saying that aidens aren't annoying but from my own observations, even back in the late 2000s/early 2010s there were fujos saying they are a "gay man" inside or wishing they could be part of a yaoi couple
>>542That's offensive towards actual fudanshi lmao
>>555It's funny because those interests and music tastes are all incredibly feminine
>>541Retard here, why do you guys keep calling them Aydens?
I hate trannies just like everyone still sane but is it really necessary to start with the trannywar threads already so soon? Lolcow already has too much of it, I'm sick of hearing about trannies.
>>566Ayden is a very stereotypical name fakebois end up naming themselves, its similar to how black people get called called Jamal, indians called pajeet and chinese chang on the internet
>>567I think a containment thread is fine. When several more threads pop up or threads dedicated to specific lolcows then I think it should be nipped in the bud to avoid becoming lolcow 2.0.
>>572i agree with its own thread, i dislike trannies but i dont come to fujochan to see it
>>553I feel like that perfectly describes it. I'm usually a perceptive person that can figure this type of stuff out but even I can't understand why there's so many self-hating women out there.
>>559I don't even think that's a closeted ayden thing, I think most fujoshi said that because some of us want to feel what it's like to be deep inside a cute uke.
>>572>>568Containment threads just attract more spergs to the board that bleed over to other threads so no, they don't exactly work. I hate troons as much as anyone else but it's exhausting and repetitive to hear the same old "fakebois are annoying NLOGs with yaoi brainrot!!!!" discussion going in circles everywhere you go. If people added something new to the discussion it would be fine, but it's the same predictable rhetoric over and over again.
Besides, Aidens are bottom feeders even in the tranny scene, I feel like beating a dead horse or picking on a retard getting angry over them. They're more sad than anything, I can't bring myself to be as offended as I am about lunatic and predatory male troons especially when the overwhelming majority of "gay" fakebois are trans4trans, get openly ridiculed by gay men and receive no support from other trans activists repeating TWAW but never TMAM.
>>554The gay guys into nerdy hobbies I've met irl who even care tend to actually want to befriend fujoshi because they also ship male characters. I'm sure the normie gay guys won't know or care about that topic either, or will maybe think it's cool that some girls are interested in pop culture portraying gay guys.
>>543Terrible book series, but they all only read Y/A shit and it's the closest thing to HP (which they're no longer allowed to like).
>>544something like this
>>545, but also things like "comfort characters" and "kins" being semi-normalized. zoomers have this oddly transparent boundary between themselves and the media they consume, so transparent that it barely exists. it's like self-insertion to the extreme.
>>545> I feel like beating a dead horse or picking on a retard getting angry over themthat's cool, but some people want to seethe about them. hide the thread and don't interact.
> it's exhausting and repetitive to nobody forced you into this thread, nona.
>>585>>567I never meant for a thread about Aydens/TIFs in general, rather specifically about Aydens with in the BL community
>>592Wouldn't most of aiden content go under general "anti-fujo cringe" or "fujo cringe moments" threads anyway? It feels redundant to have a thread for fakebois alone to cannibalize those when they're the ones providing the most content in both categories. The "I realized I was a gay man through reading yaoi" awkwardness goes under fujo cringe moments and the general "fujos are fetishizing my transmasc gay ass" whining under "anti-fujo cringe". This thread is in danger of just devolving into a clone of the Fakeboi thread on Lolcow which is basically just troons trying to outtroon each other by being a trutranser troon than the rest of all the troons and tradthot yumes posting "she ruined herself" image compilations of girls who cut their hair short while the two already existing threads remain dead.
>>595TIFs are probably the biggest internal parasite with in our communities, you can't just ignore them and the thread lolcow is mostly by women who aren't into BL and regularly blame it for the reason we have aydens, this thread will be from our perspective
>>590>comfort charactersI, even as someone with a husbando, never understood what a "comfort character". Is it a character an autistic fan treats as her security blanket?
>kinningOh, yeah, skinwalking. Some people treat it casually and just kin because perhaps they are yumes and want to be able to self insert into fujo art, but others are extremely serious with it and even call themselves by the name of the character they skinwalk the hell out of in order to hide their idenitity issues.
Reminder that they'll neverbe the characters they claim to be.
>>595>>598>Ayden cringe thread, but from a fujo perspectiveSounds based. I hope it gets going soon.
>>599maybe a comfort character is a character you think about when things get tough irl
>>564>it has a unique art style and aesthetic that's all they need kek. zoomers are all about aesthetic and vibes – any aesthetic they like is labeled a "gender" and made part of their personality.
>>607Reminds me of the -core trend. Such as animecore which is basically zoomers obsessed with the anime aesthetic but don't actually like anime. They've been forcing their way into various anime communities and causing problems because they disrespect the "local customs" so to speak and go on moral crusades over shit they don't understand.
>>708>I usually like to blame my husbandChrist, I feel bad for the guy.
>>710I don't, he chooses to humor her delusions rather then setting her straight and trying to be a good partner, I only feel bad for her kid whose stuck with her
>>541>cant misgender me blah blahYWNBAM
There you go, Owned.
>>810What the absolute fuck does this even mean, also the guy on the right makes me want to vomit
>>81099% sure this is sarcasm, thankfully
>>814That's a woman on testosterone, who apparently expresses her true and honest manly soul by getting her pussy pounded. It's hilarious how even with the roid 'stache she's so obviously just an ugly woman, not a man
>>810>>812I think 99% of the comments on the videos are gay guys calling the video schizo and conversion therapy at least
>>586This has been largely my experience as well, if they are into anime they are pretty chill and read BL, unless they young and been infected by tiktok/twitter, but that's not a guy only problem sadly.
A lot of them are really transphobic, which actually makes talking to them nice since a lot of fujo I find on twitter seem to really like vaginas on their male character.
>>816>That's a woman on testosterone, who apparently expresses her true and honest manly soul by getting her pussy poundedIs this the natural progression of a society that is obsessed with sex and sexual relationships? To let your need to be desired and pounded rule over your entire life and personality, to the point of transforming your body into an irredeemable monstrosity? Are sex and identity politics really worth that much?
This post was made by a virgin by the way.
>>818I actually really love vaginas on my male characters if, and only if, there’s a penis too.
Male-futa/ hermaphrodites are pretty based.
>>819Meh, I don't think it's necessarily the case. NB/trans is just the new emo, a lot of these trannies are not actual trannies
>>821and if they are they should off themselves
>>810This has to be bait. I refuse to believe otherwise.
>>820>Male-futa/ hermaphrodites are pretty based.ewwww
>>820So this is what bait on fujochan looks like
>>869"Ummm as a neurodivergent agender lesbian I feel uncomfy with the way you're getting across this message. Some folks might have a dissociative trauma-related breakdown because your tone is scarily close to that of ableist, toxic transphobes who gatekeep often neurodivergent comprehension of trans issues."
>>869So fucking condescending. How can anyone deal with being around someone so condescending? I remember girls like this at school, who can't talk to other people without coming across like assholes. Also I hate how she's taking this "misgendering" thing so seriously and acting like it's an affront to her existence and then shaming people who apologize for misgendering. Pick a fucking struggle.
>>872Honestly anyone who shames someone for genuinely trying is an asshole that doesn't deserve the respect at all. This gender shit is still new and people are actually trying to understand it and freaks like this just throw it in normal people's faces and wonder why they're hated so much. They all look the same too so I just completely avoid these weirdos at all costs.
>>876The amount of pimples on that face could supply Domino's for life.
>>876Please tell me this is satire.
>>1079Holy shit lmao I'm so glad I stopped watching dubs years ago. What the fuck is happening in the west anymore
>>1079Why does he speak like a ochinchin
>>1081The fuck does that mean, he's got a shota voice? Most shota characters are voiced by women anyway lel
>>1086NTA but this site automatically censors the n word to ochinchin. Yes, it's stupid.
>>1089Wtf why? That is retarded we use every other bad word here why the fuck is that one different? Doesn't even say it in the rules.
>>1129Something how black people are more important than fags and retards I guess
>>1089>>1129>>1130the official reason is that racebaiting is not allowed, the real reason is that it's just dumb and funny as a filter.
>>1131Does that mean chink, beaner, gook, and other words along the same lines are banned too? It is kind of dumb to ban one but not the others, but also I'm just curious so I don't get banned.
>>1132yes, depending on context those are all prohibited. it's only the one word that got changed by filter, but everything else along the same line is still banned.
>>1133>depending on contextJust still trying to be clear on this, thank you for answering, but if it depends on context then why would only the n word be banned altogether? I know you said it's because the edit is funny but unlike the anon above who seemed to have used it in an actual racial context, what if someone said "I hate draman*ggers". It's not race specific because of the context but still includes that word. What if someone changed it to "I hate dramaspics", would they still be banned even thought that's not race specific? Or is it just best to add "fag" to the end of everything lol. Thanks again for answering.
>>1136the one word isn't banned altogether, it's just filtered that way. using it as a part of a noun like draman*ggers is fine, as is anything with fag and other slurs. only in a racebaiting, like, actually being racist kind of context will the words be a bannable offense, anything other than that is fine
>>1377Honestly, I don't think these people view amabs and afabs as the same. Someone on /lgbt/ said that the whole amab and afab thing just feels like gender stereotyping.
This talk of aidens reminds me of a doujinshi I saw a few years back. It was tagged yaoi, but instead of a penis, the bottom had a prolapsed vagina.
I used to be fine with trannies, as in I could just ignore them and carry on with enjoying my anime boys, but they've gotten more and more annoying over time. They never fucking tag their tranny shit in art, they post their straight fics in the M/M tag, they believe that everyone is fine with their implication that a character that's obviously fine with their gender is a mentally ill tranny. And if you speak up on this in the nicest way possible, you're transphobic blah blah. Why do people that aren't even trannies themselves stay quiet and even support this? At this point if I see a fic with a billion tags and I have to go through them slowly I need to pray there isn't a fucking Trans Character tag. Art meanwhile doesn't get tagged, and it's taken for granted that everyone is ok with it. It's also interesting how they always only make the bottom trans, or they do that and make the top a trans girl, so straight in both cases.. Not homophobic at all.
I hope this is also fine to mention here but I enjoy F/F as well and nothing kills my mood more than seeing one of the girls tagged as trans, I don't even need to give the fic a view to know there'll be multiple mentions of girl dick. Disgusting.
Sorry for sperging, I am just so sick of this. Fandom gets worse day by day thanks to this tranny shit and I wish someone, anyone, would speak up on it.
>>1383I dont mind trannies but I think what we're getting is a bunch of young trenders who think it's cool and subversive to be backhandedly sexist and homophobic.
>Long haired boy? well actually, SHE'S a transwoman, or a NB icon, bc you can ONLY stick to gender norms or else your gender card is revoked uuuuwuu. >You disagree? omg, bigoted!! Then when they call it a headcanon, and you politely ask "Isn't this actually an au?" they blow up on you like you're 'literally hitler', you're totally oppressing them bc the author doesn't know what they're writing!! THEY'RE the only ones who are media literate and you just wouldn't understand!!
I totally get latching on to characters bc of like sympathetic reasons or whatever but these people absolutely cannot separate themselves from what they consume, and do not have the empathy to understand that people may express themselves differently from them. Probably the same reason these fuckers go out of their way to harass people for 'problematic' content.
Picture compleeeeeetely unrelated.
>>1383>F/F where one of them is transGod that irritates me so much. The character is a LESBIAN, why would she or the person she's gonna fuck have a penis? And the author has the audacity to have the trans one whip out their meat and have the other one be surprised they have a dick. Like, come on, 99% of trannies are clockable from a distance. If a "girl" I was with whipped out a cock I would run for the hills, why the hell are all these fictional lesbians suddenly okay with sucking girlcock? I know it's just characters who don't exist having sex but it's so unrealistic and gross.
>>1399Why, you ask? Because the tranny author has the need to self insert and project onto the character of course. Both male and female trannies do this, they make one of the character trans and basically write out a self insert fantasy of theirs, it's the furthest thing from realistic. Not only does it usually not make sense for a character to be trans, they also make everyone else in the fic supportive and ok with it, it's really just a pathetic fantasy that's not even close to in-character. Some F/F tags are legit depressing, it's no wonder there's a lot of fujo lesbians these days.
>>1383The lack of tagging is what drives me bonkers. I don't mind trans OCs but tripping over trans headcanons when I'm browsing a character or pairing tag sends me because what's the point of a tag exclusion if it DOESN'T WORK?
Anybody who speaks up about it, even if it's as gentle as "please remember to tag your trans HCs, thanks :)", will get dogpiled into oblivion for transphobia.
>>1401Yup. Not to mention, it's never tagged as Other on AO3(isn't that what the tag is for?) but as M/M. They literally don't think people are allowed a preference for not wanting to see PiV sex in their gay fan content, because then you dont see trans men as real men or whatever bullshit they say. I should be able to look at the kind of media I want to without being questioned about it on a political level. They probably don't get that being petty over fanfics/fanart like this is just making people get sick of all this trans bullshit even if they used to be ok with it in the past.
>>1403>>1401>>1400>>1399>>1384Not to mention how they gaslight you into accepting it ("how is two men fucking not yaoi" when one or both of the "men" in question has no dick). I still can't unsee
>>1379 No.1411
>>1399Tranny shit really does feel like coomer conversion therapy fantasies most of the time. I've noticed that the character left intact ("cis" as they call it) is almost always gay/lesbian, either canonically or very highly suggested to be in canon, and the other half of the m/m or f/f pairing is made the opposite sex. I feel like I'm going crazy, just a few years ago it was obvious to everyone other than religious nuts that gay men love dick and hate pussy, and lesbians love pussy and hate dick. Anyone who suggested otherwise was rightly called homophobic. How did such an ostensibly progressive generation end up Westboro Baptist'ing their smut fics and thinking it was activism? Mental.
Been trying to stay mostly on the East Asian side for my fandom but came across a he/him recently, I checked the carrd and instantly clocked her as an ayden. Honestly I don't even understand why aydens think they can pass as a man in fujo spaces. BL is literally geared toward women. You always see TIFs crawling like cockroaches in BL fandom spaces but never TIMs, and it's obvious why. Idk why I'm rambling, I just find it so annoying when they slap he/him and they/them pronouns in their bio shit and think we see them as anything but female lol. I'm not saying men can't be into BL; I've actually met one fudanshi, but the way a fujoshi participates in fandom space is so different from the way a fudanshi does (mostly because of socialization, kind of like how you can tell a woman from a man on the internet by the way they type).
>>1516>Been trying to stay mostly on the East Asian side for my fandomYou too? I feel like anything related to the non-asian side of a fandom is literally cancer. It used to be only twitter but now the disease spreads.
>>1383This. I used to not care about them until they started to actually interfere with translations and start attack JP artists. Why can't people not conflate fiction and reality? Leave anime/games/whatever alone. 3D is not 2D.
I always thought other anons complaining about the abundance of trans headcanoning was just them exaggerating the issue but after meeting a zoomer fujo personally I'm baffled at the amount of trans headcanoning she does. Literally every cute boy has to be trans. Anything can be twisted to be signs of this anime boy secretly being a trans man. What the fuck I don't want this hetbending bullshit in my face. This is no different from making male characters straight out female so you can self insert better, gay ships be damned. Makes my head hurt so much, I'm sorry I doubted the nonnies who bitched about this.
>>1653Its even worse when they hc real life people as being transboys, like there's something lowkey racist about the amount of trans headcanons aydens make of male kpop stars
>>1516>Honestly I don't even understand why aydens think they can pass as a man in fujo spaces. BL is literally geared toward women. You always see TIFs crawling like cockroaches in BL fandom spaces but never TIMs, and it's obvious why.Yeah, it's very true. I;ve definitely noticed that TiMs cluster in majority male fandoms, and vice versa for the TiFs.
Ayden, if you really think you're a guy, why don't you pick up a programming language and start playing Touhou games instead? I'm sure that'll make everyone on the internet think you're a man.
>>1653>I always thought other anons complaining about the abundance of trans headcanoning was just them exaggerating the issue but after meeting a zoomer fujo personally I'm baffled at the amount of trans headcanoning she does. Anything can be twisted to be signs of this anime boy secretly being a trans man.Agreed. And it always feels like they're projecting onto the characters, presumably to cope with the fact that they're NPCs with no actual personality shaped by real world interactions and therefore start using fictional characters from media they get into as a way to form a "self-image".
>>1376>This is what mass grooming looks like, convincing young girls that liking BL means they are transmen, this will lead to so many fucking unintended consequencesI've already read some detrans story of girls who regretted chopping their tits off over being a typical fujo. But at the same time I feel like these are the same fujos that think bringing yaoi paddles to cons are socially acceptable. So eh.
>>1653It's odd. Whether there's a feminine trap character or twink, zoomer aidens are quick to headcanon them as 'women'. I rarely see masculine bara characters get headcanon-trooned.
These are the same types that will lecture others about diversity yet they have this fixed idea that if a male character has feminine traits they are actually a troon aka not a real man.
>>1680they wanna be opressed so bad
>>1680>I am not transphobic and I respect their identities. If you think the aidens whining about fujos "fetishizing their sexuality" are bad wait until you find out about the fetishistic, misogynist mtf trannies larping as lesbians while trying to get the entire definition of womanhood be removed so that they'll have an access to all female spaces and take over their voices.
>>1683Nonna, the reason people think we who hold these views are crazy is because we dump everything on them at once. While you're completely correct, presenting information like this to a reasonable person who does not yet see what's wrong with the 'just let trans people live their lives' narrative will only serve to make them plug their ears.
Like the anon you responded too probably just thinks you spewed some toxic alt-right talking points or some shit.
>>1680>I am not transphobic and I respect their identities.Everyone has a breaking point. After a while you're gonna start being transphobic alongside us. They don't deserve respect when they destroy everything they touch and steal our spaces.
>>1692nah, rightoids like you always lose to progress
>>1693What does being right-wing have to do with it? If anything, troons have been screwing over gays/lesbians and women for the past decade.
>>1693Trannies are right wing and the alt right incel to troon pipeline is real so I guess you played yourself.
>>1693It might sound a bit weird at first but trust me, being against troons is a leftwing thing.
>>1694>>1695>>1696this is some heavy metal copium
But it makes sense for losers like you to be so detached from reality, otherwise you wouldn't be wrong about everything all the time
>>1697just to follow up on this
Don't let republican scrotes trick you into being on the wrong side of history. Honest liberal women support trans rights.
>>1699if they don't like it then they should stop siding with them
>>1700>thinking gendercritical radfems side with alt rightersmust be very comforting to have such a black/white vision of the world
>>1693>>1693Is grooming little kids into taking hormones progress? Is validating a mental illness progress? Is taking up spaces that belong to us progress?
You're retarded.
>>1702you'll need to learn to let go of your hate and right-wing disinformation, nona
>>1703i don't hate trannies, i just don't want a giant hulking man in women's spaces, nor do i want women claiming to be men to force their politics on other women. is that too much to ask for anymore?
>>1705>gaylmao does she really
>>1704Yes, obviously
If someone told they don't hate blacks but don't want "giant hulking blacks" in white spaces you'd obviously see through them as a bigot. Just as people can see through your terf nonsense as bigotry
>>1703She just looks like… A regular woman who happens to like the color black.
>>1707Are trans women and cis women exactly the same? In your opinion. Do you believe they have the same needs and issues?
Maybe we can all talk about it calmly. Have a cute Yato.
>>1709they are not exactly the same just in the same way that whites and blacks are not exactly the same
that doesn't mean they don't get the same rights
>>1710why do they want to be fags so bad
>>1707Your shit false equivalency aside I'm glad you brought up the race example. Race and gender are natal and immutable. I wouldn't want to see a black man in the women's restroom just as much as I don't want to see a white man because they're both men, but a black woman is just as welcomed as a white woman because they're both women. If you can't change your race, you can't change your gender. You can alter your body to look more like the opposite gender on the surface just like Rachel Dolezal got a bargain afro but just like she didn't turn black by doing this, you can't become the opposite gender. Rachel Dolezal could never understand how it is like to grow up and live as a black person just like a male with XY chromosomes can never understand what the female experience is like.
It's really telling even here that people feel way, way more comfortable shitting on Aidens and FTMs in general but bringing up anything regards of MTFs puts them into high defensive mode and a hurried "I respect their identity!" spiel. Hmm, I wonder why that might be?
>>1707i'm gonna assume you're not actually baiting me, that you're just a misguided handmaiden, and tell you now that that's a huge false equivalence that's being fed to you by tras. black women are far more feminine in their existence than a giant hulking white man in a dress will ever be. trans identifying males will never have a second x chromosome. i'll even be nice to them sometimes because they're mentally ill, but not much more. give them an inch and they'll take a mile.
i'll drop the topic here, though, since male variant trannies are far from the subject thread we have. i will leave you with a thought experiment, though, why are all these men with ma'amsonas not into yaoi in the first place? shouldn't it be the the most validating thing in the world to like something female-oriented? vice versa for the mansona-having females, why is it they are obsessed with it if they're such manly men?
>>1711One's a race/ethnicity/cultural difference and the other is a biological difference. The first one is external differences and cultural differences, in which the latter is harder to define. Sex is a biological difference which is much easier to define considering it is a binary.
>>1707I'm lesbian with normie mtf friends. They don't have a porn habit, don't call themselves transbians, and do have hobbies and date others. They also strongly dislike this type of behaviour/argument from other trans people and trans activists because it assumes on their behalf what they're thinking/feeling, and makes them look racist with this argument alone. We have all acknowledged at some point in our friendship that "amabs" don't belong in "afab" spaces and they use the male facilities despite passing easily (they looked androgynous before transitioning anyway). FTR I'm not criticising you by posting this despite how it may come across. I understand wanting to defend friends. But, I can't stress this enough, trustworthy friends don't try and change laws to access your changing rooms.
You're really using the "I-I'm not racist some of my best friends are black and they all say…" argument??
>>1716>I don't hate trans people, though some of them are clearly pornsick. I don't hate all men, but I do think some areas are clearly sex-segregated for a reason and I don't see gender as being a helpful defining term for any actual policies or organizational systems.I agree with you. I don't understand why they are so insistent upon it. The area was never segregated in 'these people identify as women' and 'these people identify as men', and nobody ever thinks about why they were int he first place.
If someone is for trans people in restrooms, then why does segregation exist in the first place? Why don't they just argue 'everybody should go to the same restroom, because none of it matters'? They clearly don't care about cis women's safety, so why don't they go the whole way and just argue for single gender neutral restrooms?
>>1722because trans women are women, cis women are women and women should have bathrooms separate from men.
Its not a hard concept to get.
Terfs need to understand that they are not the victims in this situation, transwomen are.
(infighting) No.1725
>>1723Where does the threshold for a trans woman run? If a man starts identifying as a male but makes no effort in passing, should his "identity" still be respected? If an obviously mentally ill man starts identifying as woman as a symptom of mental illness such as Chris-chan, should he be allowed in female spaces too? What about obvious fetishists like the Canadian chestplate teacher who made news just last week? Or is a trans woman defined by "well-behaved transsexual who knows his place and wears enough makeup and effeminate clothes"? Should trans women be allowed to make decisions that affect only cis women (such as male on female sexual crimes, access to abortion, health care of female-specific issues etc) even when they don't have any personal experience with them? Should they be given positions of power reserved for women? You see, it's either all or nothing. We can't cherrypick "the good ones" that we reward with female pronouns for not acting up. If a gay person is an objectively bad person, they're still gay if they experience same sex attraction exclusively. With a trans woman, what exactly makes them a woman when they're biologically male? The entire definition of "gender identity" is based on social constructs and stereotypes, the only way a sex is determined is by biological absolutes such as the combination of chromosomes and reproductive organs.
>>1728The gendercrit/radfem anons were always here and on any other female imageboards since the beginning.
>>2036why do they all have the same sounding voice? is it a hrt thing?
>>2036this is such a "woman" response, if this was a mtf this would be very different
>>2036Not to be rude, but do these people realize that no one actually sees them as what gender they believe themselves to be? I actually feel kind of bad for them.
>>2069No, they don't realize it. They're genuinely delusional.
>>2036This is such a womans room. 90% of men can not decorate for shit and the ones that can have a clearly male room
>>2319Wtf I was so confused for a second
This is a war crime.
there's a fandom ship zine I'm cautiously excited about but this fandom is infested with Ayyyydens and I don't want to spend money on something that has troonshit in it sighhhhhh
I see it starting to get its tentacles into the East Asian side of fandom as well, in twitter bios. god help me if Pixiv and Lofter and them turn into Tumblr within the decade
>>2333Twitter and its consequences.
>>2333You can pretty much give up on fandom zine. They don't even stick to their shit, you can't even a western BL where trannies and vaginas are banned.
Surprised they managed to release a running with the wind doujin recently without tranny shit despite the writer being a they/them (theyfab but still)
>>2991I actually have more het/gen/female focused zines than BL ones just because the BL ones are more likely to have something I don't care for in them. If the artists I actually like have prints available I will just get one of those instead.
>>2333I don't understand how this is a problem since the majority of fanzines have horrible tumblr-tier art. Are you really missing out on anything worthwhile?
>>3003Zine art can run the gamut from tumblr-tier person of gender tier to “holy shit these people must draw for a living” level. In fact lots of people complain about zines being too competitive these days, which implies a minimum level of skill required (at least in larger fandoms). For me personally, the main draw is the merch.
>>544cuntboys were always a transformation fetish thing but even cuntboy fags hate the tranny kind
>>3179Yeah it's like they want to complain but are too worried about getting mean comments. I mean, what are these delulu straight teenage girls going to do? Dox anyone who sees them for what they are? I doubt it.
>>3119I've seen some 18+ male figurines around lately that sometimes have a pussy option and I've also seen at least one aiden say something like "Wow it's neat they have a transmasc option" and I thought to myself "I'm pretty sure that's just for the cuntboy people."
>>3187NTA, but do you mean like JP figure companies? It's not that I don't believe it but I just don't know that much about figures besides big companies like goodsmile and nendroid.
>>3190I can't find what I was thinking of and I'm tired of scrolling but this twitter posts 18+ male figs. I don't know anything about the companies making these. No.3193
>>3191Tons of R18 figs are by this Chinese company who don't give a shit about licensing or copyrights. They'll do whatever sells so I wouldn't be surprised if it was them.
I'm so frustrated with how I can be in a group that's mostly just enjoyable and chill but even a single Ayden can just barge in and ruin the mood by policing everybody's language. It's basically a power trip but in the whiniest and most attention-seeking way possible and of course everyone else has to bend over backwards to please this person and apologize for their 'problematic language' and promise to do better. I hate having to walk on eggshells for these people SO much. Anonymous imageboards aren't perfect but I'd go insane if I didn't have at least some places where I don't have to submit to a power tripping whiner.
once again, thank you all for giving me so much evidence for my essay on how tucutes have completely sabotaged the LGBT acceptance movement
>>3285>tucutesall trannies are the same at their core. the notion that some are valid while others aren't, "no true transman…", is bull.
>>4145Artist I follow flashbanged me with this a few months ago and memories came flooding back.
I was lurking on /a/ more during fujochan's downtime and learned per another anon's calculation that, at the time of the post, 27.6% of the "penis in vagina sex" tag on Ao3 is also under the M/M category.
Can you report 'cuntboy', 'futa', 'FtM' fics in AO3 for being mislabelled as m/m?
>>5063Futa yes, cuntboy/ftm is still "identified male" and Ao3 doesn't touch that can of worms.
>>5064>"identified male" LOL Fuck them.
>>541Am I lucky or in the wrong(right) fandoms if I never observed any of this so far? The closest things I ever witnessed were single funny pics where one of the guys got genderbent or dirty talk in fanfics or art mentioning pregnancy or "cunt", but this is never anything but words and the act is clearly described or drawn as gay sex with dick in the ass. I don't think this is what this thread is about.
I feel like the transifycation is more common in western fandoms and mainstream shounen? I don't follow these types of series I wouldn't notice it even if it was rampant there. Or is this more of a thing that happens in fandoms for live action or femboys?
>>5063Cuntboy can still be M/M provided that they are still basically male and not with any implications of being trans. Just basically a fetish for pussy, but doesn't make them 'afab' or whatever.
But if it's mentioned that they are totally on the T and transitioned and whatever yeah like the other anon says it's impossible to fight against that
>>5075Same I almost never run into any tranny stuff in my fandoms, I know it exists because I filter it on Ao3 and can see the count go down a bit but I've never been surprised by a fic, and rarely see cuntboy art, full genderswap seems to be way more common.
I'd be curious if anyone has any "problem" fandoms which are especially egregious. The only one I can even remotely think of is Danganronpa woth Chihiro but that mostly is people bitching in the comments of fanworks or people who cleary haven't even played the games not people who produce actual fan content.
Noooo, i literally just stumbled into a fic of just tif fanart despite my 101 ao3 exclude filters. The fucker didn’t tag it at all in any capacity either. That’ll teach me to go into something fandom blind again. I just wanted to check out the fanart people post on ao3. It was DSMP fandom for anyone who’s wondering. Now I know to never touch that shit fandom ever again.
>>5085Charisma House. The western fandom is just "[name] is a trans woman ohemgee" on loop. It feels insulting sometimes because they'll make jokes where the joke is calling one of the characters female.
>>5085JJK was pretty bad for a while. Not sure if it's still that bad, but I remember scrolling down a whole page of sukufushi on AO3 and finding a grand total of one where Megumi didn't have a cunt.
>>5085Final fantasy 14 is my most active fandom right now and I'll see TIFs or They/them-identified women artists and their genderspecial OCs relatively often. Though like someone mentioned in another thread it's a unique type of fandom where people's OCs and OC/Canon ships are given more attention than in other fandoms cause it's an MMO and it does make sense that genderspecials will make their player OC a genderspecial too. Funnily enough I've seen a TIF artist feel guilty over that she ended up preferring to draw her OC with a dick for her BL art and I thought to myself "There you have it, you can't deny being a fujoshi." Genderspecial art is annoying here cause I'm actually into OC/canon if the artist's player OC is an attractive male who is paired with a male canon character I like, but sometimes I'll have to dig through the rest of an artist's page to see if their cute male OC character has zippertits scars and a pussy that wasn't visible in the initial art I saw. Though the worst thing that happened recently was when an artist who drew lots of shipping art with a canon character I've recently gotten obsessed with released their first NSFW art with the two and revealed they headcanoned the canon character with a pussy. It was my personal 9/11 and retroactively ruined every single piece of previous art as well. I had to mute the artist on twitter cause they'd still show up in my For you page or be retweeted by people I still follow and there was a newer pic where they had a baby now too and I cringed so hard.
>>5085i second jjk being bad, there's entire discourses on why geto is actually a woman and arguments on t/b based off that with death threats and whatnot.
also despite my ao3 filters for cuntshit i still get those from time to time, mostly because they won't tag properly and use very niche tags instead like the very cursed "sugussy" and "gojussy". it's like they do it on purpose so we all have to see the stuff, but i bet that if anyone didn't tag their ~triggers~ or whatever we'd have callouts for months.
anyways, what's everyone's experience with this? other fandoms too, i'm curious about if genderspecials not putting a warning on their stuff is a thing
>>5094>sugussyI've seen dekussy and bakussy in the bnha fandom.
You just need to put the following in your "search within results" and it gets rid of any fics with the pussy or Xussy tags kek:
>>5085I feel like it's primarily western fandoms, idol shit, Gacha/MMO shit, mainstream battle shounen that attract kids and twink ridden series and I don't like any of those. I doubt there are many transifyers in the fandoms for series I love. Every loud fangirl type of fujo or emotionally unstable fan (those are the ones that usually transify and genderbend since they're afraid of men) I met avoided those like the plague even when I showed them that they contain a ton of fujo pandering.
>>5085>I'd be curious if anyone has any "problem" fandoms which are especially egregiousI am specifically avoiding the new Trigun because I know if the Vash brainworms get me I'm going to have an irritating time.
>>5097>>5093XIV getting big in the west was such a monkey paw. I hate that "I don't want to see PIV" will get you labeled a TERF and blocked. None of these people ever write two trans men clamslamming, it's ALWAYS about PIV.
>>5106Because deep down they're just straight women, probably more straight than actual kinsey 0 straight women. They become trans as a sort of cope away from all the grievances of being a woman only to then realize they are like other women, so they double down into a cesspool of drag queen loving femboy bullshit.
>>5106I think it's fandom hijacking combined with the urge to come off as quirky and different. Fujos were always the most active fandom groups so if you join a fandom you will most likely end up in fujo spaces. So these people claim to be fujo, label their shit as fujo, but actually only enjoy het. I hate that they do this, I hate that they can't just form their own damn community instead of invading and leeching off of the ones already existing.
But guess making a het shipping group would be too normal, social media related attention addiction damaged humanity forever. I would accept it if they would be honest and say it's a kink of them and label it as such. Same as futa and the likes. You can make a thread or discord channel for this then and everybody enjoys what they like most in peace. But nobody dares to say this since they think it would erase or fetishize online trannies.
>>5111I feel like if this was pre-2016 minus all the woke and your identity is valid garbage etc. the cuntboy stuff could exist without being a nuisance and eyesore to everyone. You could easily tell people off to tag it or openly say it's a squick, but because of trannyism people will slap the transphobic label onto you if you don't like it and don't consider it yaoi (b-but men with vaginas are men and gay men can like pussy!!!111! shit). Years back magic pussy was just seen as a niche fetish trope like any other and it should've stayed that way but people have to tie it to a queer activist thing. They can't admit it's just something they get their rocks off too otherwise they're fetishizing trans men, or they're TIFs themselves so they take it as a personal attack that you don't consider PIV as gay sex.
>>5111>fetishize online tranniesThat part never made sense. Futa and by extension yuri and yaoi aren't analogues to actual lgbt people. You have to be self-minded to think that. But naturally when met with any chance to feel oppressed, TIFs will hop in and declare yaoi to be inherently problematic–until you take a look at their likes. Most of them are still the same ebil fujos they so despise, since in the end, they're still women under all those snitches and garish hair dye. The difference? One knows they are a fujo while the other would rather close their ears and start screaming microaggressions at the slightest refute.
>>5118Yeah I remember that cuntboy/herm stuff was already a thing when I was reading DBZ alien porn 20 years ago. But it was rare, I usually saw it with non-humans and it was mentioned before and the headcanon a certain writer. And since everybody hid their fics on their angelfire homepages it was more private and never linked to any sort of political message. If you didn't like it you didn't visit that website anymore and that's it. I didn't know livejournal existed back then so I never experienced actual sharing of fics or images. You were the guest entering the private shrine of someone else, so you looked whether you like it or not and stay or go.
>pre-2016I also think it was 2016 when the shift happened. The weirdest part is cuntboy stuff that is associated with transness within the story, speak it's a woman with top surgery. I feel like the cunt stuff in the past was written with a different thing in mind. The ones I stumbled upon were either pure kink or hermaphrodite stories about an otherwise normal male character with dick but a hidden V that nobody knows about till his lover casually discovers it.
My theory back then was that some writers added this to give the guy some hidden, feminine vulnerability that they can relate to on the one hand and use to give the character an alleged weak spot on the other hand that the lover accepts until the "mutated" bottoming guy accepts that he accepts it. The mutated aspect is probably another projection of alienation that some writers might have experienced, considering that fandom members are often autistic, lonely or otherwise victims of some bad experiences or alienation.
But with modern troonification I have no explanation. It's not seen as weak spot, alienating thing or anything private anymore and not a kink either. It rather feels like flat-out shilling or self-presentation. Not defending the old stuff, but I believe I can at least understand why it was written by women who only ever uploaded it on their private, super-secret homepages.
>>5118>>5119What confuses me the most about these people is that they feel entirely different from trans people I met or heard of in the past. The ones I knew actually passed for what they wanted to be (sometimes the voice was slightly off but rest felt normal) and despite that their life didn't revolve around it.
Modern trannies are weirder IMO. At least the fandom ones. Like I have yet to see one, and I mean a SINGLE one, that even tries to pass. It's usually the exact same types of loud, annoying, sheltered girls with the exact same body type and potato face and none of them act or looks remotely boyish. I AM sometimes confused with a young man and I don't even try to look like it. I get the feeling that the transness with these people is more of a stupid quirk or fashion statement. They don't even wear gender neutral clothes, what is it?
Like one of the loudest one I know is regularly posting her giant tits on twitter where she is posing half-naked or in some leather costume. And then she gets triggered (or pretends to) because someone "misgenders" her. I don't understand. This whole trend is weird as fuck to me. It wouldn't be nearly as strange and artificial if they were at least "usual", more or less passing trannies that looked and remotely behaved like the gender of choice and enjoy things like normal people.
>>5118Trans headcanon stuff was definitely taking off around 2013 in my memory but it wasn't quite as unavoidable as it is now.
I bet that if het fic were to get taken over by cis man/trans woman fic which was all written as anal sex to the same extent as PiV with slash, the homophobic type of normie hetshippers would be much more vocally pissed off and wouldn't put up with it.
>>5097>kink zine called UnmitigatedWas it a general kink mag or BL-specific?
>Have majority of authors in a ship tag muted because they always post PiV and other kinks I'm not into
>Fic count keeps updating, can't see shit
>Curious in case there is some new Halloween fic so I log out for 1 second
>Skim tags of first fic: 'vaginal fingering'
>Log back in
Yeah, there was no point in hoping. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I only encounter PiV for non-human males but if it IS a non-human (or two) then PiV is guaranteed and makes up nearly 100% of all nsfw art and fics.
I'm genuinely convinced the majority of transfic writers and artists are just closeted misogynistic M/F shippers in denial.
Why do I need to know about a characters's bandages or bind to cover 'his' tits? Why do I have to somehow have a talk about how "btw I love your boobies and cunt but you're a still a guy tehe" in the middle of a fic?
It feels as if they think they're above genderbends, or think it's transphobic to even make genderbends or say the word (this is something I've seen).
There's no reason for the character getting trannyfied to not just simply be written as a woman, literally just call him a woman at that point instead of "no you see he may be looking exactly like a boy but has a woman's body and is even 'feminized' but it's not a girl ok!!" it's just pathetic.
Embrace the wattpad M/F author in you that wants to selfinsert into rape fics instead of trying to be some stupid genderspecial
>>5218Oh man I didn't know some wrote characters as outright trans. I casually encounter cuntboy art or fics but it was never actually trans it's always just the cuntboy kink, like futanari basically. This is especially bad because even if I liked het it would kill my immersion completely if they would reveal that one of the characters was a girl midways and start with this validation talk, wtf
>>5218It's a mix of being hetfags in denial and self-inserting. Honestly I consider these people even more heterosexual than the average M/F shipper because they literally turn every ship they like into that shit.
>think it's transphobic to even make genderbendsThis used to be really common but it's dying off now. People used to pester others to tag their genderbends as "cisswaps" (and some would still get mad at that). I've seen a lot more art of it now even from the moralfag types who originally were mad over it. No idea why people suddenly flipped but thank god it's over.
The one thing about trannies I never understood is why they wouldn't actually identify with the gender they claim to be and always resort to trans characters.
>I am a man
>Then write stories about men, please
>fuck no, here is your woman with cut-off tits
It's funny how cis fujos can write men perfectly fine and relate to characters regardless of gender as long as they like them but somehow TIFs can't. The character they write has to be an imperfect man otherwise they can't think from his/her viewpoint for some reason.
Sorry this wasn't supposed to be a reply, no idea why I accidentally pasted this number!
>>5273Self-insertion is a plague that has made fandom worse. I should make a thread about it because it's a different issue all together that also affects the fujos, BL, and fandom in general
>>5280Maybe a good idea it's a broad topic. What puzzles me is why it is so much more common now compared to the past. Nobody had an issue with not being exactly represented. You had women watching media with male MC (and not for shipping), young people enjoying old MCs and all of that but now suddenly the MC HAS to be literally (you). If you are trans they have to be trans too, not even the gender you identify as, if you are over-weighted the MC has to be too, the heritage, the mental illness the quirks everything has to be an exact copy.
It's why we're getting so many fucking annoying zoomer MC with ADHD, memespeak and addiction to trends in the west and so many otaku MC (oh how much I hate that trope) in anime. Even female MCs are often otaku now and all spergy and annoying. I don't even WANT to be represented. I don't desire yaoi addicted feMCs I rather want a cool or hot MC or a good story regardless of age and gender of the MC.
I wonder if it's related to socmedia or if fiction is simply pandering a whole different group now.
>>5284Due to current events I'm seeing a bunch of the american aidens on social media now pretending like Trump is going to send death squads to their house and I've been thinking that the political climate since 2016 has been making people push for representation harder to justify their own existence.
>>5354Living in their heads rent-free lol. Big business (including Big Pharma) supports Trump, so there is no way he'd clamp down on tranny medicalisation.
>>5848>posted 4 years agoAnd there's still been zero pandering to these freaks kekek.
>>5849that thread still gets updated and still almost no material for some mysterious reason
>>5851the absolute state of "fujoshi"
>>5851You can't sit with us, Aiden
>>5851I think the explicit M/M tag on Ao3 being like 25% boypussy has given them false expectations for a realistic number of niche-in-a-niche things like this. They'd have better luck finding rep in indie lit/zines by LGBT people. It seems mean to say, but from what I've observed weeb trans men are so largely disconnected from the rest of the LGBT pool that they come off as painfully sheltered.
There should be a fourth term after het, yuri and yaoi for these people. I don't even care if a trans-whatever writes a fic as long as it's m/m. The whole issue is that they aren't writing m/m and I never understood why, when the WHOLE thing about transness is that very idea/feeling that you are the opposite gender.
If I identify as gay male then I write and enjoy male/male. Like how the fuck can it be anything else? So they claim to be trans but literally say themselves that they are NOT men? Because if they were they would just draw men. How come that cis fujos have no issue relating to and writing men but trannies can't?
>>5861>There should be a fourth term after het, yuri and yaoiI wish we had this type of categorization too, at least 4ch tries to excise that type of stuff to other boards. It'll never happen in woke spaces though because excluding trans/cuntboy shit from M/M implies they're not really men which is trannyphobic. Since we'll never get that I'd prefer mandated autistic tagging like what danbooru/R34 has so I don't have to run into untagged crap at least.
>>5861>How come that cis fujos have no issue relating to and writing men but trannies can't?Because most cis fujos (I hate having to use cis) are, hopefully for the most part, not self-inserting.
Cuntboy/transman trash is absolutely 100% self-insertion from the author's part. Like, it's not even like how coomers draw futanari anymore like "girl with dick is hot", aidens NEED the justification of "UHM this is not sexualized at all I just want more trans rep ok!!!!" and all they do is talk about "man pussy" "oh I need his pussy violated". You're just as fetishistic as the opposite spectrum but need to clad it in morality for whatever reason, why?
>>5888Aidens are like worst of both fujos and yumes. Need to self-insert as the guy so you LARP as a man plus with the constant pussy boy posts. I'm sick of untagged trans!characters in fics and the trooned character acting like a OOC obvious stand-in for the author
>>5867Do Yuri fans have to deal with penis girls? Somehow, I doubt it.
>>5896Trons have invaded yuri spaces but they don't create anything usually
>>5896Yes, the ratio there is worse than what fujos have to deal with tbh.
>>5899 said
Futa and dickgirls have been all over yuri doujins since forever, the only difference is it wasn't MtFs making it. If anything the boypussy craze is only just now catching up to the dominance that futashit has on yuri.
But just on Ao3, I have seen dickgirl stuff for F/F pairings. How much you'll see depends on how popular the canon is with men. I think it's still less common than cuntboys on there.
>>5898That's an absolute lie Futanari has been established for decades far longer than cuntboy has and it's a huge debate on site like danbooru and exhentai if that stuff should be in yuri or not. My understanding though is Futa stuff is almost exclusively pornographic, I'm not a yuri fan but I've never seen futa stories that aren't just porno doujins.
>>5900The real question is why people on A03 don't use "Other" more often. It'd make it easier for them to find alt-relationship stuff and would make it easier for the rest to filter. I've actually never been spooked by a cuntboy fic in the wild since in my fandoms at least people do tag it. But it'd be nicer if when I sorted m/m I actually got it without the extra step to filter "trans."
>>5901>The real question is why people on A03 don't use "Other" more oftenIn practice I think this only gets used for genderless characters and monsters. Unless they introduced an actual TransM/CisM category I don't think anyone would stop using M/M.
aethy implosion has been fascinating. hordes piling onto nazi bar fediverse instances without realizing somehow (nobody there can read ofc) and you can't even point out that the root problem is. men. because every ayden in proximity will think you're talking about them & they will never see that they have nothing in common with said lolichuds, no matter how much porn they consume. Can someone save us fucking fujoshi
>>5971>can't even point out that the root problem is. men.It's sad how the humble fujoshi and cvnnycrvsader1488 are exactly the same in the eyes of most normalfriends.
>>5978Nah she just posted without much context. Aethy was fediverse instance that hosted whatever weird shit you wanted and decided to shutter ahead of time instead of contend with whatever Trump would bring them ( I don't lurk enough over there to know exactly what other hosts they are jumping to (baraag mostly) and why they are nazi bars, but if I had to guess it's because of the circular nature of the western lolicon/nazi Venn diagram.
>>5979Never heard of Aethy. Loli/shota are still legal in the US and Trump's presence/absence won't change it.
Do the transifications nonnas talk about here actual involve trans "lore" or do you just mean characters having a vagina hidden under their dick for fetish reasons?
I casually experience the latter, even in Japanese fics, but never the first. Meaning I might read porn of my men and during the sex scene the story suddenly hints that the bottom is a hermaphrodite. It never plays a role outside of it and neither did they cut off their tits nor are they trans and they have functioning dicks as well.
I strangely only know this subtype but never saw a fic or fanart that actually made someone trans AKA a former woman or a guy without dick.
>>6228In my experience, 99% of the time it's not even a vagina hiding under a dick it's just PIV and that's it. I've only once read a fic where the character mentioned taking testerone
the troonshit was untagged and even had cockwarming in reference to the bottom in the tags when it was just an enlarged clit so to this day I still hope the author kills herself. No.6230
>>6228Back when I first discovered fanfiction and used ffn, I would come across the "surprise hermaphrodite" stuff. I haven't seen that in forever though. Now I only come across just straight up PIV. Even excluding a bunch of trans tags, I'll somehow miss the "[Character Name]'s Genitals referred to with AFAB terms" or "[Character Name] has a vagina" tags or even just come across untagged PIV with no indication that it's basically het with male pronouns. And that's just fanfiction. I've unfortunately seen actual tit chop fanart before without warning.
>>6229>so to this day I still hope the author kills herself.Dangerously based. Praying for it to happen too
>>6230Yeah I also know it since my first days of fanfiction in like 2000. It was always a thing. Rare, but it existed. Asia probably still keeps it when they are into that. It doesn't always appear, not even within the other fics of the same writer, only casually. It's probably different from the trans shit even though both might have the same root.
Since it's rare and always only mentioned on the side, sometimes even just hinted, it never bothered me too much but I wouldn't be able to ignore actual trans talk or PiV, especially if one of the dudes doesn't even have a dick. This is actually what surprises me. The herm thing is, I believe, a kink and done to avoid the hassle with the lubrication and all that, but none of this would justify the detaching of the dick? So this part is honestly new and weird.
Again I didn't encounter it yet but it's so fucking weird reading of your fav who might be some scarred terrorist dude and then the sex scene describes how he doesn't have a dick.
Maybe I am wrong, but this sounds to me like it's not even tranny shit but just outright het. I would imagine that if I was a tranny I would imagine transmen as "perfect" so either actual men or men that are basically herms. Real TIFs have no dicks because our medicine isn't advanced enough to make dicks. But that shouldn't influence fantasy.
This makes me wonder if the writers even consider themselves trans or it's just thinly veiled het porn but the latter makes no sense either since you have enough actual het pairings for that. But if it was a kink I would also rather expect herm than missing dicks. Anyway it's a bit puzzling to me, actually even way stranger than the ages old surprise herm.
>>6228I don't read a lot of porn so I don't really come across it myself, but lately "lore" is what's bothered me. To be honest it started back in around 2014, some fandoms I was in had a few users posting AUs where X was born a girl and self harms but started dressing as a boy and felt better and now they're a man. I thought it was stupid because the character already had a backstory and at no point has their gender been called into question or made them self conscious. We even saw him naked a few times and while he had a glowstick between the legs it was certainly a stick.
Flash forward ten years, now I'm into fandoms for ongoing series where we haven't had all the backstory info on characters, but we've had a fair amount. People start posting "headcanons" about characters being trans and wanting to transition, but again, they throw out all the backstory elements that are crucial to the character's personality and write their own humdrum soap opera about how sad being trans is and how their best friend helps them realize their dream of being the other gender even though everyone else hates them for it. They don't even really go into any specific details of who or how they're hated, they don't use the elements in canon to elevate the concept even though there's easy fodder for it (eg. being sorted into gendered groups at school). It's so nothing, it doesn't feel like content about the character in question at all. I'm honestly more pissed off that they aren't making something of it than the fact they want the character to be trans.
It's just that it seems to happen to way time and time again. No real thought put into the process just cookiecutter boohoo being trans is so hard and everyone hates me I wish I was another gender. Do something character relevant ffs! Don't copypaste the same story on everyone, talk about how being trans affects THIS character compared to any others. Don't remove them from their setting and context, don't cut off all their canon connections and isolate them. Write them as them even if you want to make them trans.
>>6239*seems to happen that way
Also this type of fanwork feels to me like blatant fetishization. They don't care about trans being normalized or expressing a range of trans identities, they just want the misery porn of oppression and to make erotica about scarring and mismatched genitals. Focusing the entire story around transness and removing all other concerns in a character's life is shitting on real trans people who have actual lives with many interests and problems. It's making them less and less like trans people and more like a hollow vessel to congratulate themselves over.
>>6228>never saw a fic or fanart that actually made someone trans AKA a former woman or a guy without dick.Damn, you must be in an extremely obscure fandom then. Because this is what most transfication is like.
And yes, there's far too many fics I've seen that come up with trans "lore". That's my main issue with trannyshit, not even the vaginas. I'm used to cuntboy porn, I've seen a fair share of japanese cuntboy stuff, it's basically a fetish. Characters that are dragons or fish usually have a "slit" (pussy) so it's treated simply as cuntboy fetish, but never about them uwu I wish I was a woman *cuts wrists*
Sometimes in western fic is 'subtle' shit like "(Character) removed his binder", "(Character) has not had their period yet" and shit like that is obviously linking to trans shit. It's so annoying.
And like
>>6239 has pointed out, it's all self-fetishization. It's authors projecting the fact they are trans. 90% or hell even 99% of trans fics are always made by a TIF
I wonder if I'm save from that stuff because I mostly latch onto historical manga. History itself works as deterrent against zoomers and meme tards since they will assume it's dry and it's usually series centered around adult men and gore or politics which these people avoid on principle. It would also be hard to explain gender change in 1345.
>>6246It really depends on the popularity of the era. Like the French Revolution and American Revolution are popular due to the musicals, which is where we get Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson from. And I’m pretty sure the woman in OP pic husbandos Robespierre. But if you’re into even slightly more obscure history then yeah you probably won’t run into trannies.
>>6247A ton of young TIFs are obsessed with Ancient Greece or Victorian Britain (due to the Percy Jackson series and Black Butler), I hope they don't discover my favorite eras.
>>6246No, you're not :(
Source: Am history nerd. A pooner currently writes a very popular WWI comic, and TIFs are obsessed with Victorian & Edwardian things. The historical mangas that I enjoy are set in those eras. They've also colonized the vintage shoujo demographic, which has historical mangas.
Do share if you know historial mangas that are free from the wrath of Aiden.
>>6262Honestly none of the history manga I like have tranny fans that I know of, but I am not a fan of victorian age stories.
I like the era itself but the stories are usually otome or otomelike so I avoid them like the plague, the only exception are some horror VNs and Emma which was IMO genuinely good, but not BL adjacent or sausage fest. From the big(ger) ones neither does Golden Kamuy (which is popular as hell) have any tranny fans nor Elusive Samurai, Orb, Kenshin or Vinland Saga and the rest like Historie, Tekketsu Küche, Plinivs and such are too niche to have many fans to begin with, though Peleliu might get some when the anime airs (but the artstyle is chibi).
I have no idea about western stuff. The only western comics and books about historical eras I know and like are old as shit or extremely niche so they have no tranny fans since they have no active fanbase to begin with.
>>6339>Golden Kamuy has no tranny fansOh how I wish that were true
>>6339>Golden Kamuy and Vinland Saga have no tranny fansI wish to live in your bubble Nona
>Playing Killer Chat!
>Serial killer chatroom VN
>2 boys and 2 girls dating options
>Do Ronin's first
>Trans bombshell 2 and a half hours into route
>Delete game
What a waste of time.
>>6353Just googled it, a shame because I like Ronin's design. Would have loved that character as both, a girl or boy. Both would have been good in my book, just not trans. What a waste. Girl designs are always so generic it would have been fine to just let her stay a girl without changing the design IMO and we barely get emo boys anymore and it looks good so a boy would have been great too.
I am not even political, I just don't like trans characters because I generally don't like characters that care much about gender shit even if they're cis and trans characters are all about that. Also no tits and small tits are both great but cut-off tits are a turn off to me.
>>6355>>6354>>6353what a waste of a cute design, the vn she's in sounds fairly interesting too, she's have made a cute boy or reverse trap
>Also no tits and small tits are both great but cut-off tits are a turn off to get it nonny, if she couldn't be a cute emo boy let her be a flat butch at least
>>6356>>6354Her design is cool, that bracelet isn't visible at all in game, but even if it was I don't think I would have put two and two together. I'm more just frustrated it wasn't frontloaded and disclosed since I would have skipped the game or route since it's clearly not for me. Instead I feel cheated. "He" was supposed to be the psycho serial killer route and the other male option was a vigilante hunting killers down. I probably would have liked both routes but now I'll never know.
>>6356It's got better presentation than most ENVNs and nails the UI of a chatroom like Slack or Discord. The theming is why I picked it up and the concept of accidentally stumbling upon a ring of serial killers online is still a strong concept. Some of the writing id diagetically cringe since it's mostly relayed through chat but imo it was nice to have and English VN that wasn't a fucking meta parody.
Honestly should have expected tranny shit this is what I get for straying from Japanese VNs.
>>6353This game is so embarrassing. Cute character designs, but I couldn't suspend my disbelief that these killers all acted like terminally online Discord zoomers, and they were so reckless with their true identities? Like, you're gonna hop on video call within a month of meeting someone? In the Serial Killer Server? When I could be a cop? And you're going to talk about your influencer career? That has your face attached to it? In the Serial Killer Server?
I didn't even get to Ronin's route, so it's good to know I didn't miss much kek.
>>6357>Honestly should have expected tranny shit this is what I get for straying from Japanese VNs.Yeah, I mentioned this in another thread before but this is exactly why I don't want to play english original VNs. The ones aimed at gay men probably wouldn't have this but they have overly muscled guys that I'm not into and the games with a prettier artstyle can pull this genderspecial bait and switch onto you.
>>6360I actually tried Xiangcao Bulei yu Meigui Guaidao and had to refund it since it was basically machine translated can't believe it's being sold on Steam. There have been almost no good VNs this year imo.
>>6364Why does Steam allow it?
>>6359Pretty much any kind of western zine/duojin etc is super fucked at this point. You can't even make zine anymore without something slipping a vagina and if you tell them "No" you get canceled
>>6438I buy a ton of zines and haven't experienced that, worst was a P4 zine that had one of the fics they/them-ed poor Naoto. My general guideline is to really scroll though all of their promo art before buying. Check for art that turns the character black or low quality art of any kind. Also read the FAQ especially for shipping zines or series with "contentious" characters. I personally would never buy say, a Danganronpa zine, because I'd be afraid of them mishandling Chihiro and because it's a young-leaning fandom.
To my experience tranny fanatics are bad artists so they are rarely chosen for zines. Most zines get the best of the best as long as these people apply. It's actually funny because my main fandom often gets zines and 40%-60% of the participants are the really good artists, the rest are "okay" and maybe one or two at best that are bad. No tranny stuff ever.
Then there was a "representation" zine made and suddenly, you encountered the worst artists you have ever seen and scrolling through the announcements and names I realised that I didn't know any of them.
Not sure why it's always the bad ones. Maybe the whole tranny deal is just an attempt of getting clout when you are too lazy to improve. Not sure.
>>6438Yeah, I experienced that myself with one of my fandoms earlier this year.
>>5097 There might have been content in the zine I'd like but the fact that they let this shit in just makes me not want to bother combing through.
>>6452>To my experience tranny fanatics are bad artists They're also really bad at writing. I'm not even talking about their tranny subject matter or sex scenes, just the general parts of their story. Why are trannies and their cheerleaders so terrible in the arts department?
>>6458>Why are trannies and their cheerleaders so terrible in the arts department?Mostly because they have no other redeeming qualities than just their self-proclaimed identity. People who are actually talented at art and passionate about creating don't need to compensate with scandalous behavior. And some of them are just developmentally arrested to the point they've developed a hyperfixation about gender issues and express themselves through chicken scratch doodles and barely legible stories like a child would.
>>6458Other factors aside, I think caring about "identity" in any shape or form begets ugliness. This doesn't apply to just trannies either, but anyone who cares about representation and makes it a focal point of their work. They become overly concerned with properly displaying all types of beauty and features no matter how unconventional (which is why people are now subject to titchop art). Not to mention in more radical spaces if you only draw stereotypically attractive faces/body types you get shit on for doing some sort of -ism. With this modus operandi in mind, naturally, their shit is just going to be hideous. It's no surprise that when an artist overdoses on identity politics, they start drawing disabled trans fatasses with vitiligo, because in these circles, once you start caring about one marginalized identity, you are forced to care about all of them. Now, being fair, I have seen art from these types that is genuinely well-done, but the worst ones are, without fail, always from this sector of people.
>>6450>Check for art that turns the character black or low quality art of any kindFacial piercings. If a character with zero piercings now has seven facial piercings plus ear piercings, run.
>>6832>they aren't 100% told they're trans dudeslolwut. Both types of troons have tried to center yaoi around themselves, it's funny. Reminds me of when one said ukes were stand-ins for MTFs or whatever. No fujo thinks about or wants trannies in their BL, only they themselves do.
>>6832Nobody gives a shit about TIFs or wants to see them in anything besides other TIFs. TIFs draw titchop versions of characters to self-insert into and to feel better about themselves ("representation"), not because they are sexually attractive. The chasers TIFs irl get are men taking advantage of them pre-T. Nobody wants to see a heterosexual romance between a guy and a hairy women on T who LARPs as a gay man.
>>6832If these people are as "male" as every other man why do they identify so strong with the "transeness" and not the "maleness"??
If I identified as a man you can bet that you wouldn't find the transflag anywhere near me and would probably never even see me bringing trans topics up, because I just consider myself a man and am chill with that.
Trans wouldn't be nearly as annoying if 90% of them weren't so aggressively insecure. It's like you can instantly spot TIMs by their anti-male paranoia and their performative adoration of femininity online.
>>6832>we're just as male as any other gay guyReminds me of that one pasta image of a tranny going to a gay bear party and nobody wanting to fuck her kek
>>6841Isn't it because they're fetishizing transness and making a thing out of being kawaii soft pink uwu gay boys?
>>6847That sounds incredibly funny. Honestly it's the best when they fight amongst each other because what will they do? Call each other bigots for not wanting to touch someone outside their orientation?
>>6850Yes? Trons have superiority or gays anons
>>6867I meant the entire community. They can't blame someone for being evil and straight when it's theys and thems
>>6905>129K likesThe absolute state of Western fujo spaces.
>>6905This just furthers my belief that self-inserters ruin BL, trannies are just the most egregious offenders of it. The text is some yume-in-denial shit.
>>6905Words cannot explain how much I hate this, and I don't particularly care about Miku.
Reminds me that I know a TIF irl who likes to headcanon Miku as a TIF as well, trannies using characters for projection should be studied. No.6912
>>6905>Aydens insist that no one troons out because they want to be a kawaii yaoi boy>Make this art with zero self awareness???
Seems the crypto-message is that it's only okay to be a dirty fujo if you're really a boy all along.
>>6905I wonder if you could troll people like these by calling them misogynist. They're erasing a female character, after all.
>>6905tbh what I dislike the most about this is how mundane and nerdy it seems. It isn't about personality and gender even, it's just a quirky fan wanting to be "da gay boi" because it's super nerdy. That aside I don't give a shit about Miku but it's obvious she only used her to get the clicks because everything with Miku will trend. Otherwise they could have at least used a tomboy or something.
It's the same for online TIMs too. They only want to be girls because animu girls are kawaii ughuu moe so they roleplay being a moe character as well lol
>>6911>TIFHow? She is already girly. Why would a woman that identifies as man dress and act like a girl? I feel like people are using "trans" in a different way than I am used to.
That aside for how "manly" TIFs pretend to be I have yet to see one(1) of them identifying or even just relating to a masculine character. They always latch onto femboys, shota or bishounen twinks because they can apparently only relate to men if they aren't masculine.
>>6905Miku's a mascot for fake or surface-level weebs. Not talking about hardcore Vocaloid fans or waifufags either. Since there is no centralized Vocaloid / Miku lore or character, people can latch on to her and just make art or buy figures.
Also noticing how fujoshi has evolved into a label or aesthetic focusing on the fujoshi stinky girl stereotype instead of BL content. Fakejoshis want to be perceived as a fujoshi instead of grinding out and consuming BL. Sad state for fandom! I blame social media.
>>6915>That aside for how "manly" TIFs pretend to be I have yet to see one(1) of them identifying or even just relating to a masculine character.You know if I had to LARP as a man online, it would be fairly easy to change my pfp to a DBZ character or gag humor FOTW waifu. Being around TIFs makes me feel masculine as a standard feminine woman. It's like they are hyper-straight and more feminine on average.
>>6917>fujoshi has evolved into a label or aesthetic focusing on the fujoshi stinky girl stereotype instead of BL contentGod I feel this. It's why I didn't really like the fujoshi Miku song. You're telling me the creator decided to make an entire animated Danganronpa parody sequence instead of something more relevant to BL culture? Seriously? I have nothing against that producer or anything, but that song feels tailor-made to appeal to Tiktok zoomer fakejoshis that say shit like "yaoi is sooo yuri-coded" or whatever. It's almost impossible to tell whether someone that posts about yaoi on social media is actually a fujo these days.
>they are hyper-straight and more feminine on averageA lot of them want to be women but without the misogyny that comes with being a woman I think, hence trans "man". It's why a lot of them dress hyperfemininely and some never even take hormones.
>>6905I have nothing against lesbians, but this is why the "most BL readers aren't straight anyway" talkpoint bother me so much. It always ends like this.
>>6919>A lot of them want to be women but without the misogyny that comes with being a woman I have read a lot of FTM detransitioners' stories, and the amount of times I saw 'I just wanted a more masculine body, not to be a man' or 'I later changed my identity to nonbinary after my body changed on T' or 'I lied to the clinic about being a trans man and having gender dysphoria because I'm actually nonbinary and just wanted to change my body with T but I couldn't get it if I told them that'.
It's pretty clear that many women are uncomfortable with being perceived as a woman and their bodies by extension and I get that. I'm lucky enough I'm a flatchan and didn't develop D cups as an 8 year old and get hit on by pedos or sexually assaulted. I don't know what my worldview would be like if I had.
But I have no sympathy for someone who shits on other women in the process of rejecting their own womanhood, or who wants to have their cake and eat it too like all those oxymoronic 'nonbinary women'.
And slapping on a new identity that is 'non-woman' while you post selfies with your tits out, or wear lolita with a beard, is still not going to save you from men being men, and men do not see you as the same as them.
>>6913That would unironically be very funny lol. We should start doing it. It’s not like it’s a lie either, it is textbook misogyny.
>>6919>A lot of them want to be women but without the misogyny that comes with being a woman I think, hence trans "man".I've noticed they don't really want to be a normal man irl most of the time. More like a mythical nonexistent 3rd gender appealing to a heterosexual woman. A beautiful androgynous gay man with female-dominated interests but with the strength and respectability of a man. Also not immediately sexualized or treated as "the girl". This is why they latch onto bishounen, sexy male elfs, tumblr sexymen, and band members instead of John Smith walking down the street.
Compare to AGP Troons getting boners from thinking about going to a female bookclub, skinwalking female colleagues, and stealing underwear from family members. There is no female equivalent to AGP. TIFs aren't masturbating to male transformation porn or the thought of getting hairy the same way TIMs do with men. Compare sissy hypno to the lame force masc Tumblr equivalent free of porn and full of aspirational poetry kek
okay twitter-kun
Twitter is on the next block Aiden
What makes "trans women" women?
no they arent
and what the fuck even is non binary
you gotta choose mf just cause you dont fit into stereotypes doesnt make you some third nonexistend gender
also how tf did you get here get back to twitter
>>6905Great, more retarded bullshit for the "fujos are all perverted tifs and gaydens and self insert into rape" pile.
I miss back when nobody knew what a fujo was.
>>6884They can. They just put "white" and "cis" and suddenly gays are non oppressed
I was going to post this in the shit you like thread but it'd end up eventually getting diverted into shitflinging so I'll post it here where it's more relevant but I do miss when cuntboy was an extremely niche, even if not entirely liked fetish but still considered a fetish.
Futanari doesn't get as much shit because most men (and even trannies) acknowledge it's purely sexual and just see it as a fetish but cuntboy has been appropiated by aidens so much that even here on fujochan you have the same 'troon panic' shitflinging whenever seeing cuntboy or anyone liking it (because, in all honesty, it's a 50/50 chance it is indeed trannyshit and not mere cuntboy)
I'm used to characters with vague/non-existent genitalia so it doesn't bother me but it really is a question of who you're going to piss off by acknowledging it as trans or NOT acknowledging it as trans
>>6975I dont think it's necessarily trans, but it is always shit and absolutely not yaoi. Futa isn't yuri either which is why most major sites danbooru, gel, ect don't tag them yuri.
I just don't get the appeal from a humiliation angle since there are better ways to achive that goal as mentioned in the other thread, but ignoring that it's just lackluster het most of the time.
>>6976This. Cuntboy is not yaoi/BL. Even if the world wasn't currently plagued by troonism, cuntboy would still be rejected. It's entirely its own subcategory just like futanari. And the need to put cuntboy into the yaoi label only makes people more upset and reeks of self-insertion
>>6975Sage for the offtopic but there's a male futa and a separate cuntboy thread on 4chan's /d/ and some posters are definitely fujos, myself included. It's easier to talk about this stuff there, as long as you don't rise to bait and moidposters.
I like the joseimuke threads on /d/ and /aco/ too. Can't remember if /h/ had one. Those threads have a smattering of yumes but they're not as loud and contrarian as LC or Xitter.
Troonifying and cuntboys have completely killed the little goodwill I had left in me to enjoy feminized versions of the characters I love because I will always assume that the artist headcanons him/them as cuntboy or trans and I am usually right.
I don't mean genderbending but fanart that depicts your masculine or muscular favorite gay dude like a skinny girl. Even the poses always feel so feminine, the eyes, everything and sometimes the artists are outright tracing over photos or manga panels of women. I was never a fan of it because I stick to the canon design as close as I can but in the past I mostly just viewed as some artists personal styles. But in recent years I noticed that the same artists (and there are a lot of them) always bring up trannies or cuntboys sooner or later or call the character a "woman".
The latter didn't bother me either at first because it seemed like an innocent joke to me. But apparently there is more meaning behind it and now I cringe everytime I see this type of fanart and sadly, even Asians are doing it by now.
>>7013Genuinely mind boggling how some people look at a man or two men together and still manage to find a way to objectify women or femaleness in the process, a level of porn rot even my coomer self can't process.
>>7014Yeah I hate how the word "woman" and "feminine" became interchangeable with "sexual" in the mind of many fujos and other fans. I know people that draw the men as men as long as it's sfw but the moment they draw nsfw they HAVE to be genderbent or turned into a cuntboy.
I recently had a discussion with two fujos because I wanted to know why they consider our favorite anime dude "like a woman". I read the whole manga and watched the anime and absolutely nothing that guy does is feminine. He's a general who is constantly involved in wars for once and he has muscles.
To make things short, they basically consider traits that they like "feminine". Literacy is feminine because they like it. Elegance too (the guy in question isn't even particularly elegant but they claim he was) and emotional outbursts of anger as well because they like them.
It feels like a shizo reality. I think the online sexualisation of women on the one hand and gender politics on the other hand has made these people unable to understand what female and male even mean so they can't tell trannies apart from men and femininity from sexuality.
>>7029>I know people that draw the men as men as long as it's sfw but the moment they draw nsfw they HAVE to be genderbent or turned into a cuntboy.I've seen this phenomenon too and I think what makes it so depressing to witness is the fact that it started happening so frequently in fujo spaces of all places. You know, the spaces that are known for being some of the only ones out there that actually sexualize men and the male form. It's not the only reason I'm a fujo, but I can't lie, it's a big part of the appeal. The fact that female sexualization and objectification is so pervasive that even spaces dedicated to male x male shipping aren't free from it is kinda soulcrushing not gonna lie.
>>7029Shit like that reminds me of when people called Denji "female-coded" for being groomed kek.
This reminds me of something. There is an artist in my fandom that I even talk to for a longer while and I liked her pics until I realised that she headcanons my man of being a cuntboy aka trans.
She always drew him very lean even though he's rather beefy in canon but I didn't think much of it and considered a slight form of deliberate simplification you know? The way people draw SD characters or chibis.
tbh I feel a bit petty for this, especially because we're basically loose friends. But I just can't bring to myself to like and retweet her art anymore after knowing this, even the sfw art where you don't see it. The fact that I know she headcanons him like this and that the trannyness is the reason for why he's drawn so skinny puts me off. It's like aggressively ooc content in fics. A gender change makes characers ooc on principle IMO
>>7031I was going to say that maybe some newb artists don't want to draw dicks and prefer drawing something 'familiar' but if it's transbending there'll be a dick anyway so that probably isn't it (unless both characters are trans)
But I do know some people outright admit that they're just grossed by the idea of buttsex so they prefer doing omegaverse/trans/cuntboy/etc.
>The fact that female sexualization and objectification is so pervasive that even spaces dedicated to male x male shipping aren't free from it is kinda soulcrushingI really feel this.
>>7031>it started happening so frequently in fujo spaces of all places.cuntboy stuff has always been a thing in fandom before, even in jp fandom, just that it was a niche fetish. It wasn't until god knows when gender politics took over the eng fandom that everyone started doing transfication shit. It was during the drama of "genderbending is transphobic" too
>>7038Is it really trans or purely just cuntboy though? The 100% confirmation of someone headcanoning a character as trans is if they add titchop scars. Some don't, but the majority that genuinely think the character is trans sooner or later give them the top scars to seal the deal. Also, trans headcanoners hate the word cuntboy also, because it 'takes away from being trans'.
>>7040>titchop scarsA minor handful of artists don't draw these because some of them got the memo that surgery is good enough now that mascetomies won't always leave scars, so no guarantee.
>>7040tbh I never encountered cuntboys in the past, only herm. I am not a fan of this either but way more neutral towards it because it means they still have dicks.
What angers me with cuntboys is that I don't buy anybody's explanation for adding it like doing it for the sake of avoiding syllogistic problems during sex, making it easier because a vagina self-lubricates or fans feeling disgusted with anal because if this was the reason they would leave the dicks, but they won't. Unlike herm cuntboy is just openly het.
tbh I don't care at all if they headcanon it as trans or not because to me it's the same shit. It's a woman. If it has no dick it's no man, simple as that.
The person in question also keeps calling the character I talked about a "woman" so while she might not headcanon him as trans she clearly headcanons him as woman. Again, same shit to me. He has a beard after all. So it's at best a woman with too much male hormones.
>>7043Same happened to me some months ago. The strange part is that the person was likeable and everything, she didn't talk about politics either and apparently nobody but less than a handful of other (western) fans likes her art so I assume that some people are just into this like with a fetish I am not sure.
I wanted to talk to her but in the end it would have just led to trouble because I can't lie and pretend to love something when I don't.
>>7041Some that I know also just imagine perfect transformations so scars aren't needed. They troonify a historical dude I like anyway, lived hundreds of years before shit like top surgery was invented. Not that this usually stops them, but some of them prefer them gender transformed or to be some sort of "intersex" person to begin with.
>>7042>The person in question also keeps calling the character I talked about a "woman" so while she might not headcanon him as trans she clearly headcanons him as woman.I'm glad I'm not the only one who has encountered this. It's so bizarre. They'll post an official image of the very obviously male character and go "ahhh, a beautiful woman…". Is this because these people feel guilty for liking male characters since fandoms nowadays consider liking female characters totes real feminist activism? It has to be related to the performative need to call everything yuri too. I just wish people were honest. This facade of a middle ground satisfies absolutely nobody, it's meaningless.
>>7045I am not sure. I swear all of them use the same catchphrases and do and like the same things at the same time it's like a hivemind. I assume it's all coming from social media but since I don't use anything but artist-twitter I can only speculate.
I never see it among the artist I follow so I wouldn't wonder if it was another trend coming from instagram or tiktok.
>Is this because these people feel guilty for liking male characters since fandoms nowadays consider liking female characters totes real feminist activism?I think so. Like half or more of them seem to do it because of that and some of them are in their late 20s or early 30s that didn't do it before so I assume it's some subjectively perceived peer-pressure.
The rest are young girls afraid of not only men but the very concept of maleness, even if it's about harmless 2D bishounen so they turn everybody into a girl because girls are stupid and non-threatening.
I think LC would party agree with them but personally I can't view this as anything but sexist even against women because women are perceived as mentally and physically weak which means that they can not just never become a threat they also have to be drawn as stupid and weak when they do NSFW of genderbent/troonified dudes. They always draw the female versions super frail and they always cry or do dumb shit. It's basically all of the worst anime tropes about women thrown together. Or they have panic attacks or the period.
Since we're on this topic, what do you do when you have a mutual who you get along with in private, but publicly, they act like one of those gendies who engage in content that feminizes or trannifies characters? I feel like I cannot engage with someone like that in good faith, because I don't like interacting with people who act so performative, even if our conversations in DMs don't veer in that territory. It sucks that it's hard to find friends to talk to in fandom nowadays who don't buy into this shit at all.
>>7052No clue where it first started, but it's really weird that so many fandoms have this issue. I'd respect them more if they at least drew genderbend art or something, but they don't. I have seen a few of them call the male characters they do this shit to "trans women" so it IS transwashing for some of them, they just turn them into TIMs instead of TIFs. This trend of treating male characters like they're women, complete with always referring to them with she/her pronouns is so commonplace in some of my fandoms I've had to stop following any Western fan for some of them because most of them do it and the ones that don't are friends with the ones who do and retweet their shit onto my TL. Man, I miss when fans of male characters actually liked male characters.
>>7053Unfortunately many people are performative even if they don't want to be because they don't want to be accused of being evil transphobes. If they seem normal in DMs but weirdly performative in public, that might be it. If you like talking to that person, maybe try to subtly check if they could be a crypto terf by bringing up something related to feminism and women's rights and seeing how they approach the subject? I've seen some decently popular accounts in my fandoms turn out to be cryptos, so you never know.
>>7053I have the same problem. I refuse to lie, so the path of the least resistance is usually to just ignore their online presence and to not retweet their things if I don't like them.
Technically this shouldn't be an issue especially if they never bring the gender stuff up when you talk to them. There is always a risk that they will though or that they will eventually ask you why you don't reblog their content. I feel like it's outright impossible to find anybody to talk to that isn't doing this shit outside of anon image boards unless you are fluent enough in Japanese to befriend some people from Japan.
Because I swear other Asians are just as bad as the west by now. Less performative maybe but you better don't expect anything but penis in vagina "yaoi" from Chinese, Korean or Thai fans these days.
The worst is that you cannot even open an own discord dedicated to actual yaoi because it's very risky to add the "male = penis" rule. Even the ones you invited should be okay with it eventually one of them might dislike for whatever reason and take revenge by calling you out on dumblr or twitter for it.
>>7053Depends on the person. I once said I felt uncomfortable with tranny headcanons because it triggered my own dysphoria (not true, just using the same language against them because I didn't wanna see it) and I got called transphobic over not accepting that person's trans headcanons and reading their trans fics lmao.
For other people, they're usually lgbt-issues neutral, I wouldn't ever be true friends with someone who constantly talks about characters being trans. I vet my interactions too much that I stalk a person considerably enough and if they mention something trans-related positive, I'll just ignore their existence even if we could've gotten along
>>7058This only shows to me that it was never about inclusion to begin with. They apparently don't care about actual trannies (since they didn't know you were lying), it's just some radicalized propaganda? Fetish? Shilling? I have no idea what it actually is and since you cannot ask them about it I will never learn unless one of them gets out of their tranny phase and speaks out on some place that feels safe to them.
>I'll just ignore their existence even if we could've gotten alongSame. I mean this is about fandom bonding anyway. If someone is fan of trans versions of the characters they are not fan of the same thing as I, it's that easy. Nobody would say that the MLP fandom were the same as the Berserk fandom even if some fans would draw the Berserk characters as cartoon ponies.
>>7058>I once said I felt uncomfortable with tranny headcanons because it triggered my own dysphoria (not true, just using the same language against them because I didn't wanna see it) and I got called transphobic over not accepting that person's trans headcanons and reading their trans fics lmao.Weird, I have seen this excuse accepted before, but I guess it depends on who you're talking to.
>>7060The problem is that they view transmen as "men" even if they have no dick, so they get angry because you demand them to not post something they deem on-topic.
I get the sentiment itself. Like, I would be pissed if someone asked me to not post dicks or muscular dudes because they made them insecure. The thing is just that there is a clear definition of yaoi and it's not penis-in-vagina or dickless men with v. I largely blame the stupid meme culture for distorting the meaning of so many terms. Like how waifu and husbando just mean "character I deem attractive" now or how every story involving death or serious themes is either edgy or "too deep 4you".
I am honest, I always hated memes and people who were obsessed with them. Sometimes, rarely, a meme pic can be funny and it's funny to see artists drawing it with their favs. But 99% are unfunny and cringe and people who are obsessed with memes live on another plane and seriously, unironically, need to log off for at least for a few hours a day but they are even online at work and in school thanks to fucking phones.
>>7061If people were actually thoughtful enough to realise that the majority of BL fans aren't interested in vag, they'd at least make separate containment channels or start their own discords for it.
(somethingsomething genitals don't define gender hdu men can have vaginas too!!)
>>7062Fuck it, we should just start pushing harder. Start making the BL discords with a no vagina rule now, who fucking cares atp. The rule will just filter out trannies and people who are too chicken to stand up. It's not like it's against discord ToS to have a dicks only server.
>>7063I'd join. Honestly, it's baffling at the idea people don't make alts.
If you don't want to be seen in the problematic discord, just make another account.
I can't request on main, dicks only without having every artist block me for easy reddit points but damn I want to discuss porn without someone muttering the vilest "his pussy" like they don't look insane
>>7062Yeah this is what angers me. We are talking about specific places for a specific demand that is largely sexual. Regardless of what you think of men and transpeople everything belongs to its specific category. A gay man can be pro LGBT+ but if he is gay he still wants a 100% male partner with a (preferably big) throbbing cock. It has nothing to do with morals, it's like calling a 30yo person out for being ageist for wanting 30yo partner and not a teen or 80yo.
I would be way less annoyed had every discord just a channel for trans stuff I could mute and if pairings weren't tagged normally if they aren't men anymore. My favorite tag wouldn't be X/Y and "trans" but "Y/transX" for the names because it's impossible to filter the 100 different tags fans use for tranny stories or cuntboys etc.
>>7063lmao we should indeed focus more on dick and call our servers DICK FANS BRAVERN STYLE or whatever fandom we're into. The dicks probably filter these people.
>>7064>I can't request on main, dicks only without having every artist block me for easy reddit pointsThis is the central problem with everything. It's like a mob and I bet that most of them don't even care about the subject at all but so many people, especially certain types of women, were raised in the belief that playing the cop and denouncing others would make them better people.
>>7063The one fandom Discord server I was in had a no boypussy rule and there were no issues with it. Like you said, it basically self-gatekeeps from undesirables. People won't care as long as you're not openly transphobic, there were a few TIFs in that server too but there was 0 trans talk because everyone was there for dick in the butt.
>>7066What frustrates me is that I usually join sfw servers because I'd really rather not post porn or look at other people's porn stash with identities attached, I only do that on imageboards. It's even harder to filter out troonshit headcanons in sfw spaces because what kind of rule do you even make there?
>>7063Are you sure about that? I'd join in a heartbeat, but is it really not against their TOS?
>>7064People don't make alts because only one phone number per Discord account, and accounts now demand phone numbers :(
The unspoken and often uncomfortable rule of trannyfication is that not only most of the people doing transwashing are trannies themselves, but they are also rape victims of sorts so they somehow cannot tolerate seeing a single penis in their lives.
Oh and they'll make sure to tell you how they were raped all the fucking time. They love all the shota dead dove noncon guro gore rape and tell you how they project either on the raped or the rapist both whenever they start acting too much of a freak for comfort
>>7108I forgot to say, they can only see PIV sex because they need to project their own rape so they can't understand regular BL rules or anything that doesn't have to do with their own rape projection
>>7108>Oh and they'll make sure to tell you how they were raped all the fucking time. They love all the shota dead dove noncon guro gore rape and tell you how they project either on the raped or the rapist both whenever they start acting too much of a freak for comfortThis is honestly the reason for why I sometimes wonder how much it is even true. I know you shouldn't do this, but I cannot help it when I see the same people also bringing up a bunch of other illnesses, trauma, circumstances etc. to make them untouchable to criticism and say some other things that reveal that they are either lying or having a skewed perception of reality (like when they accuse me or someone I know better than them of doing something I and they know they didn't do). It gets worse when they are the types of people that equal shota with CP, anime soldiers with a pro-war stance and other weird things that have nothing to do with reality.
I I am probably wrong though. Personally I just cannot imagine that someone that experienced rape would be eager to tell everybody about it, including strangers on the net. It gives me second-hand uncomfortability, if this is even a thing (I doubt uncomfortability is even a word tbh but you get what I mean). On the other side it sounds plausible to identify as man or wanting to if you experienced such a thing.
But I also feel like "trans" doesn't mean anything anymore which doesn't make it easier since it's apparently not associated with any specific sort of behavior, presentation or fashion sense. A 30yo online friend I have casually told me she was trans last month out of the blue. She clearly didn't think so a year ago and there are 0 signs for it it honestly feels like she's just saying it because it sounds cool.
>>7108My (anecdotal) experience is that a lot of gendies ironically have a feminization and misgendering fetish. I think its one of those psychological things like how repressed people can be more kinky. So they don't just like PiV, they're obsessed with PiV and usually breeding/pregnancy as well. I've seen FtMs describe the reasons they project on omegas.
There are some whose dysphoria means they don't want to read about PiV or trans characters but those people are either rarer or more silent.
>>7111>But I also feel like "trans" doesn't mean anything anymoreThis is also true. Majority of gendies now are just trenders.
>>7155This. Men don't give a fuck about this. The large majority of gays isn't even into cartoons. If my personal experience is anything to go by the probability of finding gay fans of operas is way higher than finding a gay anime fan. Further, men generally don't really care about this stuff. At best you have spergs on 4chan bitching when anime they expected to pander to them doesn't deliver, but this kind never picks sausage fests or manly seinen up to begin with.
If you see anybody whining about being "fetishized" for being "gay" chances are very, very high it's a woman LARPing as tranny.
>second picWhat's up with trans being so infantile? I refuse to even talk about grownass adults that call their teddybears their soulmate.. Also,
>he/sheShe/he/whatever even has "she" in the pronouns lol how is it a gay man?
And like EVERY tranny she's obsessed with pink and princess shit. What the hell is up with this? I don't know any cis woman that particularly liked this, despite the associations with women. It feels like these people deliberately trying to match the exact image some trad conservative people have of women.
>>7164>If you see anybody whining about being "fetishized" for being "gay" chances are very, very high it's a woman LARPing as tranny100% agreed, I lurked in a "fudanshi only" chat a while back that was a space for men to discuss BL without "fetishization," and out of the 100+ members I don't believe there was a single Y chromosome to be found
They also talked about binding and HRT much more often than actual BL, but of course the BL they did talk about wasn't "good representation" anyways, it was shit like Jinx lol
>>7174Most of the self-proclaimed fudanshis I've come across are TIFs and the himejoshis are TIMs, funny how that works.
>>7175I think it's because normal people don't feel like proclaiming their gender since they don't care and aren't insecure either. It's the same with pronouns. If you see "he/him" you know it's a woman and in 90% of the cases "she/her" are male trannies. There are exceptions like journalists and such, but I am talking about normal fandom members in this case.
>>7174It's honestly cursed. Like I am not a man but it's sad that nobody has a space on their own anymore, trannies invade everything and make it about themselves. I wonder if cis male and female fans of yuri have the same issues with troons. But at least male trannies usually don't change the gender of the girls and give them dicks outside of fetish threads on /d/. I don't know why women are so fucking obsessed with this.
>>7202>trannies invade everything and make it about themselvesGod this. Yesterday I was talking about persona ships and they pulled started talking about BL WITH NAOTO
She’s not a tranny and I have zero interest in entertaining the idea of fakeboi yaoi in the first place.
>>7184>Sanrio, particularly My MelodyI had to google this I never heard of this before. I knew hello kitty but thought it was just a random mascot. It's weird that people can be fan of this. I feel like the whole "cute" and tranny culture (it's the same to me) is alien to me and if I saw someone like that walking around outside I would assume it's a kid with special needs tbh.
>>7205lmao I really want to know the psychological background behind the obsession of changing everybody's gender. I guess it's not even about that, they probably just want het ships but yaoi sounds quirky and they want to be quirky so everything they like is yaoi.
Or maybe these people are just too online to know what sexes even are anymore. I recently found some people to talk about a bearded anime character I love and we barely talked and they were already explaining why he's a woman. It's cursed and I will never be able to make fandom friends anymore.
>>7209>I had to google this I never heard of this before. I knew hello kitty but thought it was just a random mascot. It's weird that people can be fan of this.If you've somehow never heard of sanrio and/or associate everything pink and cute with trannies you may be too terminally online. Girls being proud of being girly and liking pink and wearing dresses and accesorizing is the most "girl" thing to do and that's why it's popular but it's exactly because it's such a display of 'proud femininity' that it's become associated with trannies because they want what they can't have and never will be
>>7212>>7211The opposite I am not really online. I post a bit here, a bit on /a/ but rarely and otherwise just browse fanart for half an hour on twitter and that's it. I legit never saw any girl that dressed in pink back when I was at school or when I walk around outside now unless there is a cosplay event. Pretty sure this is a cultural phenomenon. It seems more of an Eastern Asian and US thing to me. Or those are at least the only people I ever saw wearing this.
And yes I go outside everyday and I have friends. I live in a huge ass city.
>>7215I guess I just didn't know since it doesn't seem to be a thing where I live. I would be puzzled if I saw a toddler walking around like
>>7184 but if it's an older teen or an adult I would assume the person isn't normal in their head. It's like walking around in a teddybear costume to me. I doubt it would even be accepted here, certainly not at work that's for sure.
I mostly see it with "transmen" so I assumed it was a tranny thing. I assume "transwomen" also do it but they aren't in my fandoms and real life trannies are rare here or at least don't openly how it.
>>7155Are people finally waking up? Even though there's no need for a 'study' because it's obvious why if you think about it for 2 seconds lol.
>"cute" and tranny culture (it's the same to me) is alien to me>A lot of women like pink and lolitaIt really depends on where you're from. Kawaii culture originates from Japan and feminine cute fashion is the norm there, but parts of it, particularly lolita, were inspired by western vintage feminine fashions. But now, most women wear jeans and T-shirts so if you dress in a fluffy dress you aren't in the norm and may be picked on. When I was growing up in the 00's, girly fashion was a big thing in American media, but if you tried to dress like that you'd get picked on. After becoming a weeb my style did a 180 and I ditched all my jeans for skirts - but I remember one day trying a ribbon in my hair and got picked on for it, so I took it off. Now, I see hair ribbons absolutely everywhere in the shops and people actually wearing them. Trends change. Female (and male) weebs are also the most likely group to be into kawaii fashion by benefit of being weebs.
But re: trans obsession with femininity, I see more dressing like hookers. MtFs into lolita are usually sissies who will wear rancid fetish dresses but sometimes do squeeze themselves into actual brand. You rarely see them into fashions with low sex/fetish appeal.
>>7216Women wearing super feminine and frilly/dolly stuff in public is uncommon unless you're at cons but generally pink and cute stuff (especially mascots) isn't, at least not where I live. "Sanrio girl" is even a term used by normies I know. I'm Asian American and live in a primarily Asian area though, so maybe being into this kind of cute youthful stuff is more normal.
>>7164lol gay men can be into anime, they just have normie taste in media, but the gay men i know don't care about yaoi, they think it's just anime porn that they don't really care for, but they won't judge anyone for it, normies think being into anything beyond shounen slop is like being a perverse degenerate, so it really doesn't matter if your into yume, yaoi or yuri, you're still a loser in their eyes
>>7219Even here in the USA south you’ll see Hello Kitty Girls. Heck, Walmart sells Sanrio products now. It’s not uncommon to see high-school and college-aged girls and women wearing hello kitty products. I find that tifs are more likely to wear alt fashion at my local university.
>>7220Back in the old days the prejudice about the degenerated anime fan always wondered me but nowadays I even understand why it exist and I hate that I do. In the 90s and 00s I associated anime with exciting action stories, gritty sci-fi and shoujo drama. Now the majority is legit coomer shit. I am not even saying that good anime aren't made anymore (they exist and every season has at least decent good shows IMO) but it's true that the variety dropped dramatically if you compare an anime season of 2007 and 2011 with anything now.
I also feel like the targets of fanservice and aggressive sexualisation are getting younger too. The Sailor Moon girls look way more mature to me than the average anime girl from modern series, but maybe it's just me. Not even starting with the loli and "totally not"-loli sexualisation. I hate it because anime have so much good to offer but casuals will ignore it because they assume that everything that isn't mainstream was coomer shit and I cannot even blame them. But I am sad for the good series that get overlooked for this.
>>7218I think the anime culture is just way bigger in the US than most other western countries. The US is generally more juvenile and way more extroverted than some other places. I talk to a few people from there and they're seeing fans walking around with anime stuff everywhere or anime stickers on their cars (in most other countries people don't even put stickers on cars in the first place). One said that randos in the streets or coworkers recognized merch of stuff like Ousama Ranking, which baffled me.
I maybe see someone wearing anime merch once every 3-4 months and it's basically always a Turkish or Ethiopian male zoomer with DBZ or Naruto shirt. My country lacks young people though and I don't hang around with zoomers so maybe I would encounter more otaku if I did.
>>7223>I think the anime culture is just way bigger in the US than most other western countries.Are you insane? Anime and manga have been mainstream in many European countries for decades, we had JJBA, Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball in France and Italy way before the US and that's only one small example among many.
>>7226Yeah Italy and France are both famous for having a huge, dedicated fanbase for anime and manga since the 80's, IIRC manga surpassed western comic sales in these countries ages before it did in the US. They've even been creating their own western manga and anime-inspired shows for a very long time, way before American shows like ATLA.
>>7224The catchphrase is weird. I would have expected that "yaoi" or "fujos" rule the world not girls, that woman isn't even a girl she's an adult. But the photo is very funny. I wonder if the others on the photo noticed it.
>>7226I know, I bought manga since 1999. But I am talking about visibility. Having media is something different from walking around like a nerdy autist. German fans don't really show that they are anime fans. Manga sales were always good but it's different from wearing anime shirts, keychains and plastering anime stickers on the backpack you wear at work.
Books are big here too and in most other countries, but you don't see people walking around with Harry Potter merch either. At least not here. Fandoms are generally more private whereas US people show everything they like to everybody.
>>7228>Manga sales were always good but it's different from wearing anime shirts, keychains and plastering anime stickers on the backpack you wear at work. France is exactly that but worse though. People shamelessly read manga or watch anime when commuting or during lunch break, they wear subtle or obvious merchs depending on their styles, you have random 50s old women telling you Ryo Saeba is their husbando since the 90s in the workplace if they see you have a keychain from an anime, etc. The only reason why it's more the case now than before in France is because these things are more accessible in physical or online stores. By the way when I was crossing Spain every summer as a kid to see relatives somewhere else I was always begging my parents to buy me random Sailor Moon merchs we saw in stores or markets and they always told me it was only bootleg. No clue if there are Spanish anons who can confirm or not whether Spain was also full of weaboos since the 80s or 90s.
>Books are big here too and in most other countries, but you don't see people walking around with Harry Potter merch eitherI do though, usually people are subtle with it, but sometimes they'll wear an official scarfs or a handbag they bought in Primark. It's mostly younger people who wear the most obnoxious merchs though.
>>7226italian nona here, anime was very popular in italy in the 90s and very early 2000s, but that goes for very limited, often children oriented titles.
anime that had even slightly more mature themes were heavily rebranded through censorship and marketing ops to make them appear more child-friendly.
nowadays, anime in italy is well-known, but compared to the us and many other euro countries, it is still regarded as a niche interest. the occasional normie will watch an anime series if it becomes extremely popular and if it has potential with a western audience (like AoT), but will absolutely not go beyond that.
anime in italy isn't an entirely normalized interest yet, and this contributes to it not being as widespread as it is in the us by any means. italian youth is mainly made up of people who have a very distinct idea of what is "cool" and watching anime isn't seen as cool.
>>7229>random 50s old women telling you Ryo Saeba is their husbando since the 90sKekkk my near-retired old boss gushed about mecha anime to me the second he smelled my interest in manga, i love that weebshit is inter-generational here. Re: Yaoi i realized recently we had an actual BL prepublication magazine in the 2000s (Be x Boy) but it wasn't available outside of bookshops. Bummer
>>7228>Fandoms are generally more private whereas US people show everything they like to everybody.A factor to consider is that the US is so big if you want any chance at IRL dork friends you have to fly your flag. If a German weeb befriends another German weeb online, they are like a day trip away from each other max.
>>7232Another italian nona! The popularity of anime as a medium has always been a bit of a weird topic imo. Overall I'd say 70's and 80's anime is extremely wellknown and iconic here to the point everyone has seen at least a few. Normies don't really consider them anime, everyone calls them cartoons, but even my parents who call every 2d character pikachu have seen Rose of Versailles and Goldrake, even the prime minister Giorgia Meloni has openly talked about anime like Captain Harlock. But again, they're considered "classic cartoons", not really anime.
Nowadays I do see more people getting into anime, but kinda superficially? Though I guess you can make that argument for most countries since watching (certain types of) anime is becoming more common.
>>7226I agree with
>>7236 the series that are popular here are usually super mainstream or related to very small children and normies really don't consider them anime, the really "japanese" series are unheard of
>>7228The catch phrase is from a song
>>7229To be honest I also read manga in the subways. This is different than merch for me. Personally I am not the guy that identifies with anything and I don't like labels so I am dressed very neutral and don't wear accessories or anything (they have no practical use anyway). Wearing anime merch is a statement IMO or at least an identity thing. I watch and read a lot of anime/manga and casually even buy figures and doujinshi but never identified as nerd so maybe it's that.
>>7232Yeah I became fan of anime because of Italy. I was often there as kid since I'm half-Italian and understand Italian so I watched tv there and they were airing a lot of cool shit Germany didn't about like Slayers, Queen Millennia, Lupin, Saint Seiya etc. Italy's taste is generally much better AFAIK they also love horror, giallos and shit like Dorohedoro sells very well there if I am informed right while it barely sells here. Manga in general are selling well and we get tons of series but it's the same few series and genres that make 95%+ of the money, namely the big name shounen and romcoms. We get endless new releases of yaoi since the early 00s so I assume they'll sell well too, but maybe the licenses aren't expensive either since most of these are short series.
>>7230I genuinely don't know if this is satire or real because I scrolled the second link and saw a post with 5000 notes agreeing with forced transition.
I don't watch Kuroshitsu..ji? you know what I mean. But I just saw an online person I know say he was surprised that this show had a "transwoman". He apparently means the red haired guy. The explanation is
> I mean in the dub this person uses female pronouns
Unless this is true (cannot confirm, since I don't watch it) dubs might be largely to blame for the increase of transwashing. I don't watch dubs EITHER so I cannot tell how common this is. Remember that English dubs aren't the only ones out there. In this case it's the Spanish dubs. I already noticed before that the ESP and Brzilian dubs seem to be pretty generous with their interpretations. My favorite man was recently openly called gay and said to flirt with the other half of my ship while it was ambivalent in the original.
>>7304>But I just saw an online person I know say he was surprised that this show had a "transwoman". He apparently means the red haired guy. From what I could tell, Grell talks in a feminine way in the japanese version as well and it's the other characters that refer to him as a male. It's just that this character archetype, the okama, is hard to convey to a western audience. I'm not japanese so take my explanation with a grain of salt but it seems like okama are some form of feminine gay guy and/or drag queen and I've seen the term translated as 'queer' before but also just as 'drag queen'. Other example characters are Leeron from Gurren lagann and Nathan/Fire emblem from Tiger&Bunny.
>>7306Language barriers are a real problem with gender stuff. Lots of languages even gender the adjectives so it's impossible to stay gender neutral and then again you can use male language for yourself as a woman (see "boku" in Japanese) without implying that you are trans. I do it myself in my own language, partly because feminine forms are more specific and longer and using male forms is unironically more neutral. Nobody would assume I was trans because of that but how do you convey this into English? No idea.
Usually they just skip that altogether and you have to have basic Japanese skills to realise that a woman refers to herself as boku or a man as atakushi. The first is generally kind of common, but for the latter I wouldn't equal it with trans.
On the other hand I have to ask myself what kind of speech a male character would use to show that he's trans if he actually was? Probably the same pronouns.
This is the problem. Japanese is more ambiguous about this. Drags also refer to themselves as women but aren't necessarily trans.
>>7306Grell's way of talking is literally the Japanese version of effeminate gay "yaass sis go slay queen bring the tea" dialect because he's a literal okama, not a trans woman.
>>7307All the talk about pronouns in Japan comes from an extremely western point of view in general because all they imply are the speaker's manners/temperament and the hierarchical context rather than gender identity, like no woman who refers to herself as "boku" amidst friends will do so when addressing a higher up at work just like no man will refer to himself as "ore" in the same situation. No grown woman will refer to herself as "atashi" because it's literal cutesy baby talk. Gendered pronouns don't really exist in Asian languages because you're supposed to know the person you're talking about, kare and kanojo are often claimed to be the "he" and "she" in Japanese but nobody really uses them because it's the equivalent of xir/ximself i.e. awkward newspeak that sounds unnatural to native speakers.
>>7333Isn't atashi more just excessively feminine and somewhat old fashioned? I feel like you either see it on young girls or old ladies with little inbetween. It was more common in the past.
Can you elaborate on kare and kanojo being newspeak? I see them used often enough. They have their use but just not as often, like for example in narrative writing.
>>7306>the okama, is hard to convey to a western audience.It's because it's an archetype that encompasses effeminate gay men, drag queens and HSTSs all at the same time. This didn't really use to be an issue in the past because MtFs were already seen as connected to effeminate gay men and they fell under the umbrella of male homosexuality, but now they're 100% real women so fandom gendies don't really know what to make of them. One thing that's kinda weird that I see with okama characters recently is the obsession with making them brave and stunning transbians, instead of keeping their attraction to men. Frankly, I wouldn't even particularly care if fandom gendies she/her-ed okama characters if they didn't insist on making an archetype that, even using the trans interpretation, is associated with male homosexuality into AGPs. I see it all the time in Enstars fandom with Arashi who is canonically attracted to men but the fans all pretend he's a "transbian" who's into the female MC. I'm convinced fandom gendies find actual homosexuality gross at this point, even when they're given an archetype they could genuinely use to play with their tranny headcanons, they make it as aggressively heterosexual as possible.
>>7336The okama to transbian headcanon phenomenon is amusing because most of the time in practice, making a character the okama trope is basically gay-coding. Not the delusional shit like "zomg this character has this flag's color scheme" but the creator's way of saying this character is a full blown fag. It's the one time fandombrained teens genuinely get something that can be considered queer-coding which they seem to love so much, but reject it in this case anyway. The Arashi lesbian shit always makes me laugh because outside of yume-esque lines, all he talks about is men.
>>7336It's technically the same IMO. It's just gender-roles.
The difference is how transness is handled in the west. An okama or any other man that refers to himself as woman is aware of his biological sex and won't force others to refer to him as woman. He might say "A lady like me" or something, but doesn't react if you refer to him as man because he knows he is one.
That aside it's situational, as you said. Anime characters are weirder. So an okama might even refer to himself as lady in a job interview, but that's because they're anime characters.
Transness is basically the same, a person that LARPs or feels like the opposite gender and/or enjoys referring themselves as such. The difference is that they try to deny their (original) gender and force others to use their favorite pronouns on them. This is the central problem with trans IMO. For many you cannot even tell they're trans because they don't look or act like it, so you can't know their pronouns or will feel stupid using them.
So I think that while trans and certain subtypes of okama and drags are pretty much the same the conflict arises from the misunderstanding of the social context they are embedded in. Because nobody else from their respective series is usually referring to them as women. It's more of a roleplay. I even enjoy it, I sometimes like okama. But it lacks the political aspect and seriousness of western transness.