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/ffs/ - Fujo Fandom Sperging

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A thread for ships that often get brought up as 'super gay' or are at least popular that you never got the vibe for, doesn't even have to be ships you dislike just ones that you never really got.

Starting off
>Only scene I thought was fujo was the rain scene with the foot polishing
>And it's not even in the manga


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For a more recent example
Saw the movie yesterday and didn't really go off for me, Wolverine acted more like his dad who had to take care of his autistic son for the weekend. I like the guro though.


For me it's sasunaru. When I was a lot younger and reading Naruto when the timeskip didn't even exist yet it was already a very popular pairing online but to me Naruto and Sasuke seemed like they genuinely disliked each other too much to even have what's considered a rivalry between each other. I dropped the manga during Pain's arc because I thought the manga as a whole was going nowhere with the big battle in Konoha having no real consequences after dead people just came back to life or something like that. So maybe there are more narusasu moments after that point but I really doubt I will ever change my mind.

I agree, the movie was ok but I wouldn't have known people shipped Wolverine and Deadpool if it weren't for people saying so online.


I’ve never understood the Sokka x Zuko ship from Atla. I’m pretty sure it’s just cause red x blue and a rehashing of Klance aesthetics. But at least Klance had some cannon shipbait interactions from what little I remember there was a few scenes from season 1 at least. Sokka and Zuko have almost nothing except for that one meme.
I had the same thoughts when I watched it. I am happy to see that the mcu has a decently sized fujo ship again though.


I liked the movie overall but the other two were better and I wish it had more Chris Evans.
>I’ve never understood the Sokka x Zuko ship from Atla.
I think it's people who are rewatching Avatar but don't want to ship Zuko and Katara because it's straight, Klance coping is also most likely a bit part though.


I've said it before but gor One Piece I don't get Zosan when Sanuso and Zolu both exist.

Can confirm Zukko/Sokka was only interesting to me because I saw them as the "Yaoi option" though on my rewatch I actually think people are sleeping on Aang/Zuko.


I think I could list every single popular ship from the last 12 years here. My taste is too particular (I don't mean this is a snobby but rather a picky way) to get into most ships no matter how gay they are written. Most ships people fawn over just make me yawn, usually because the characters act and look bland as fuck.

To name at least one. A more harmless, recent ship but I was absolutely blind towards every hint that the two MCs of Vanitas might have had going on between them. To me it felt like the series spent 50% of its screentime shilling the waifus of the MCs (especially Jeanne) so it was aggressively annoyingly romantic to me (het in this case) to a point at which I felt like the mangaka tried desperately to advertize her manga as shounen that is also a romance unlike most other shounen. But besides that I never felt anything between the MCs but a vague friendship. Not sure. Maybe it just didn't click with me. I know so many people like this in real life that I never felt like there could be anything else, non-het, between them despite having legit marriage partners.


Yeah I know people ship Sokka and Zuko just because it’s gay, but it’s just that Zuko has two better ship options for a yaoi ship with Jet or Aang. Sometimes I question whether I watched the same show as Sokka x Zuko shippers.
>>people are sleeping on Aang/Zuko
Pretty much this. I think they sleep on it because it’s problematic in a few different ways. I suppose they sleep on Jet/Zuko because Jet dies, but I remember it being the most popular gay ship when the show first aired.


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I don't understand Jotaro/Kakyoin from JoJo at all. Maybe it's cuz I find their interactions in canon to be pretty much absolutely nothing so I don't really see a spark or whatever in their relationship. It's wild to me how it's the most popular JoJo ship (or was? I haven't really checked the fandom in a while). However I'm a big fan of CLAMP's Jotakak doujinshi, I find it very funny and Jouta (their kid cuz Kakyoin lays an egg on it) is my favourite JoJo OCs.


I've just gotten into JJBA this year and I was absolutely shocked at how little the two interacted when ai got to Stardust Crusaders. I think it's interesting to imagine a past relationship between the two for a part 4 Jotaro since it adds an element of tragedy but in terms of canon interactions there is nothing interesting to grab onto. Kakoyoin just isn't enough of a character for me I guess and Avdol/Polnariff my preferred part 3 ship, that being said I do think the Kakyoin/Jotaro fan art pool is incredible and I was excited to finally be able to read and enjoy the Camp doujin since I'm a huge Clamp fan.


Massive Jojo shipper, I agree. I never felt any chemistry between them. Jotaro in general is hard for me to ship, I don't ship him with DIO either (my DIO ships are with Jonathan and Pucci) but him and Kakyoin barely talk. Shipping Adbul and Polnareff makes more sense. I don't hate it or anything, it just came out of nowhere.


I started reading Vanitas last year I think, I found the premise and art style interesting but got fed up with the romance between the main guy and Jeanne as well. It's not even because it's het since I don't mind it and like some shojo manga about romance, but this particular pairing was weird as hell, maybe it's because I binged the first volumes but it went way too fast and I have no clue to this day wtf they actually thought about each other. On top of my head they had some fight scene, Vanitas kissed Jeanne then because ???, then she decided he was the love of her life as soon as it happened, then they met again because one character Jeanne knew was in danger, they make out or fuck in a cabin because ??? and allegedly that's enough to be called a romance.

Kakyoin is the only guy in Jotaro's age range in part 3, I'm sure some fans just shipped it by default as a result. I don't care for them either as a pairing, but I love them as characters so maybe that's the case as well for some shippers and they thought they might as well ship them.


Prowl/Jazz from the transformer franchise.
Not sure if it even belongs here since it's essentially a crack ship but the whole fandom turned hivemind about them claiming they're canon and super gay with each other despite that the characters barely ever interacted in ANY of the continuities and especially not the first continuity that started it.

It's weird as fuck to me since it means that a lot of the fandom based their opinions of canon characters on fan created parallels worlds. It has AFAIK even more AO3 entries than Megatron/Starscream which is the iconic gay ship of this franchise. Problem is that I treat fanon differently from canon and that the fanon in question doesn't even encompass any interesting fanlore. I never cared enough to get into it to learn what they're seeing in it. Maybe it's not even anything specific and just a meme and the fact that most internet users prefer memes over canon, no idea.

I don't dislike it or anything, just as with all other crack pairings I can't bring myself to care about it. I mention it because even though it's one of the most extreme examples it's symptomatic for a lot of pairings I cannot get into because they're basically OC ships someone eventually superimposed onto existing characters and everybody taking the bait.
I want to make clear that I am not someone that calls ships "not gay" because the interactions aren't homo enough. I am explicitly talking about ships that are based on absolutely nothing canon.


>got fed up with the romance between the main guy and Jeanne
Yeah this. I loved Pandora Hearts from the same mangaka that contained a lot of het ships and I enjoyed the het there. My issue with Jeanne is that it seemed so forced to me. Like some otaku's wet dream about the scary strong girl falling for the guy right after meeting him and becoming the ever-blushing devote wife that loves him unconditionally. She seemed interesting when introduced and lost every personality trait after falling in love. Her whole role was just blushing and being all flustered around him and it got old quite fast.

I was also annoyed about how hard it was shilled. No longer scene without Vanitas or the story mentioning his wife or him falling into her tits, praising the marriage or something. If it wasn't for the art style I wouldn't have recognized the mangaka. She wrote so many good pairings in Pandora Hearts and didn't resort to this to convey the love. The characters there got together naturally, by becoming friends or comrades.


>Prowl/Jazz from the transformer franchise.
God this, I never understood it for the life of me. I kind of assume one of the reasons it's so high up is because it's used as a background pairing in a lot of fics? But I never bothered to read any Prowl and Jazz fics so who knows.


Kageyama/Hinata and Deku/Todoroki. They're better off as friends.


This was mostly because of Bakugo/Deku being "problematic" at the height of the Voltron fandom migration and Kirishima/Bakugos trying their best to keep Bakugo away from Deku (similar to how Klance tried to keep Keith from Shiro). It honestly felt like astroturfing.
>My taste is too particular (I don't mean this is a snobby but rather a picky way)
I also suffer from this although with newer fandoms I feel it slipping into snobby territory. I will poke my head into a fandom then look at what's popular and come out being like 'I alone understand the alchemy of romance reeeee!!!' ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶

The most jarring one lately is Laios/Kabru. I felt like I was going insane seeing all of that art when the anime dropped because for years the only DM yaoi I ever saw was Mithrun/Kabru.


I’m not surprised it’s not the top ship on ao3’s Haikyuu tag anymore. I remember watching Haikyuu when it first came out and I was at the height my yaoi shipping years, but they never set my fujometer off.
The fact that they were the top ship in the west for those early years was wild. Like >>4282 said, it felt like astroturfing.


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>Characters that are BFFs
>Characters that are brothers
>Characters that hate each other
>Characters that are literally the only two shippable men in a work
>I also didn't care for Vashwood
It's hard for me to picture characters getting romantic or sexual when their canon interactions are only super platonic or spiteful, maybe I'm just dull


Vituuri was this for me, I never saw the appeal in Yoi as a whole either.
Mobageshit but I don't like lucisan and zhongchi either. I don't like haikaveh all that much either, even though I do like kaveh…but he deserves better than just be "the guy who gets shipped with alhaitham"
I guess that's the thing. I don't know why, but I tend to be put off by canon ships, or 'vaguely canon'. Not because I dislike it being gay, but because I don't like a character existing purely just to be solely shipped with another guy and that's the extent of the (usually bottom) personality. And ships like this, the 'gayness' is usually either very forced or very obviously pandery it's just boring.

Like an anon said, Kakyoin was the only guy around Jotaro's age amongst the crusaders and this was the early 90s where very hardcoded seme-uke dynamics were popular so pretty much jotakak was THE "bad boy seme" and "prettyboy effeminate uke" (even though their canon characters are nothing like this but hey)
I think it's really not as popular as it once used to though, I think pt5 ships mostly overthrow it by now?
Accidentally had misquoted oops.


>The most jarring one lately is Laios/Kabru. I felt like I was going insane seeing all of that art when the anime dropped because for years the only DM yaoi I ever saw was Mithrun/Kabru.
Man, I thought I was the only one.I don't even know what they see in it.
I'm not a fan of Vashwood either. I've always preferred their friendship to stay platonic.


>Vituuri was this for me, I never saw the appeal in Yoi as a whole either.
I love Yuri on Ice and this pairing but now that you mention it, I've never read fics or doujinshi of them. I liked a lot of fanart on twitter when the show was still airing but that's it. It must because the show is mostly about their love story so I didn't feel like I needed to fill the gaps by reading more stuff about Viktor and Yuuri, the anime felt already complete when it came to that part. It's not like pairings that aren't canon but have plenty of implications or fanservice.


I don't get Zhongchi either. It just seemed like a ship born from desperation since there were basically no other M/M pairings at the time besides Kaeluc and they were released after another. I can barely recall any interactions and they have zero chemistry (ZL is just boring to begin with), the "they're semi-canon because they exchanged chopsticks" shit bewilders me.


idk if there are any resident evil nonnas on here, but i’ve always been surprised at how much chris/leon content there is. like i finally watched vendetta about a year ago and was just like… this is the basis for so much of the fic and fanart out there?? and i’m kind of a multishipping whore when it comes to resi so i’m not opposed to the pairing at all. i just… don’t get it. no vibes whatsoever.

it’s kind of refreshing to hear that somebody didn’t pick up any fujo energy from this film because i’d heard so much about it and was kinnnd of considering seeing it, but ryan reynolds and reddit-tier humor gives me metaphorical stomach ulcers and i was really on the fence.


>but ryan reynolds and reddit-tier humor gives me metaphorical stomach ulcers
Keeek! I actually really like quippy humor so I laughed pretty hard at it along with your comment, but I can gurantee you're not gonna like it if that's not to your taste.
The marketing of the actual movie though seems to be really playing it up despite there not really being much fujoisms in the movie itself.


Personally I love Leon and don't ship him with anybody. He's so pretty he doesn't need a partner. And Chris ruins it ngl.


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Zosan's appeal is easy to understand, Zoro and Sanji are the two most human looking and proportional male characters in the entire crew


>but ryan reynolds and reddit-tier humor gives me metaphorical stomach ulcers and i was really on the fence.
Same for me. The only reason why I watched all the Deadpool movies was because my friends like the movies and Ryan Reynolds a lot and would ask if I wanted to go to the cinema with them with cheaper tickets. I only accepted each time to hang out with them after the movies but I need to refuse more often. I don't read a lot of American comics so I'm going to assume the humor works a lot better in the comics than in the movies until proven otherwise.


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>I'm going to assume the humor works a lot better in the comics


Not really a ship but tbh I don't really see Isagi from Blue Lock as a submissive bottom. Power bottom, or a guy who takes it roughly, or top, yeah sure.


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Dropping one I'm sure most of us can agree on. I'm glad its canon but Kaworu is such a piece of cardboard.

Honestly I really like the Joe Kelly and Fabian Nicieza takes on him, I think in a lot of the earlier comics especially he has a level of emotional vulnerability that contrasts nicely with the silly stuff. Ship him with Hydra Bob personally, and don't mind him with Weasel. I haven't seen the live action movies since I hate Ryan Reynolds and don't want to see him play Deadpool but I think conceptually Wolverine/Deadpool is interesting so I wouldn't be opposed to watching a movie based on the two.

Really? I think the two have absolutely no chemistry even in a shounen rival sense. I guess I could see them being the most conventualy attractive though imo most of the original crew in the early parts do have "human proportions" which are slowly exaggerated as the series progresses.


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>I'm sure most of us can agree on
Absolutely not but I respect your opinion none the less, what about kitten killer Kaworu though?


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I definitely think the manga does more with him than the anime including the full homo kiss but I still have never felt the urge to read Kawoshin fanfics or doujins.

I respect his status as a yaoi icon but the ship bug never bit me. I think one of the other things that prevented me was the fact that their story starts and concludes so fast I don't see a lot of ways to really expand upon it fandom-wise. You have a very narrow time period you need to slide the work into and I think if Kaworu had just two more episodes I might like it exponentially more.


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nu carnival never really appealed to me and i guess i dont like media thats blatantly gay in the first place. I dont read a lot of original BLs and my preference of yaoi consumption is extremely miniscule shipping crumbs with no canon implications/scenes (e.g. kaoshin + victuuri are okay but i wont go out of my way to consume fan content of it) the moment a ship becomes implied in canon its pretty much dead to me.
though, I support more female oriented games made by women for women with no censorship/vagueness so I root for the fujos that enjoy it regardless, its just not for me.


i'm not big on mobile games but the protag of carnival is such a cutie Id pick it up for him, the fact it's a harem is a bit of a turnoff tho unless the other boys get with each other too


>i guess i dont like media thats blatantly gay in the first place
i’m the exact same way and i thought i was totally alone!! and tbh, i’m not sure why i prefer it like that?? i guess for me, canonicity just takes all of the tension out of it, and it also removes the fun of searching for subtext, minor details, etc. like, the detective work that comes with finding inspiration is half the enjoyment of shipping for me. and also, having a ship be canon sort of dilutes the amount of ideas in fanon, or so i’ve noticed. instead of there being several dozen different interpretations of how their relationship could play out, it gets boiled down to just how it is canon. maybe i’m deranged, though.

there’s also the added element of how 99% of “omg hashtag positive lgbt representation” media is inundated with gender shit as well. i’d hate to get invested in a ship only for the creator to reveal that one of them is actually trans or something halfway through the work.


I liked Kaworu but I don't really care for Shinji,so in my younger years I kinda forced myself to like Kawoshin even though I was just not really *into* it at all. Not a kaworuyume though just a "I like my favs to be bottom" type so there's no bottom kawo almost anywhere. I'd take kawocest than kawoshin


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Interesting what was it about Kaworu that you liked more than Shinji? I always loved Shinji as I felt he was a relatable character and I sympathized with his struggles. Kaworu alternatively just seemed "gay" to me without much else. Though on subsequent watches I can see the deeper characterization.

Kaworu-cest isn't totally crack though so I guess I can't fault you for finding the alternative ship you enjoy!


Different ShinKawo nona here, but Kaworu being a pure, slightly nightmarish, corruptible angel who has a human body and human desires and no understanding of how to act on them is very cute, I want Shinji to teach him to masturbate with very hands-on demonstrations, and then go along with Kaworu's earnest requests to 'become one'. Also gives the oppertunity for either caring Shinji, or 'Sick of this life fuck it all' Shinji taking his rage out on a cute boy who accepts all of it.


Honestly basically all kid/kid pairings to be honest. I mean ships where both characters are younger than 14 or looking younger. The way the anime/manga depict them never comes off as sexual or romantical to me, I can only see generic friendships. But they are usually the most popular ships out there.


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>Doesn't like Shinji
>Likes the character who's entire purpose and a good 80% of their personality is to be in love with Shinji
No offense, but I never got people like this. Is it just the type of people who don't like Eva but think Kaworu is hot who are like this or-?


>or 'Sick of this life fuck it all' Shinji taking his rage out on a cute boy who accepts all of it.
This is why I hate shinkawo, it's so OOC and Kaworu is way more likely to be the rapey one (he even gropes his ass when they're bathing in one of the spinoffs). Shinji is one of those characters in perma uke zone to me.


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What about Adult/Kid?


ntayrt but based ♥33


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Not that nonna but most Pokemon ships are a good example for me, especially ones featuring protagonists.

I like some Pokeani ships and ones based on Adventures, but for the mainline games I've never been interested.


>but for the mainline games I've never been interested.
Respect. The protagonists in pokemon are pretty much full self inserts and a lot of people aren't into that.


That can be fine since the dynamics are way more interesting or at least potentially. Kid/kid is usually just the ultimate vanilla, it's like the pairings people prefer that like gay ships but without sexual part. Besides that I have yet to see a dynamic that was fun or intriguing. There has to be some discrepancy, conflicts or role related friction between characters to build upon and kids lack a proper past and development. Adult/kid can be interesting or hot, especially if the kid is the active part.
Plus there the huge difference between their mindsets and attitude. I am not explicitly into this specifically but I can relate because I like age gaps for the same reason.


Offtopic but I've been shipping pokemon game protags all over the place for years, but I never really read Special or much in the way of doujinshi, so it was all headcanons. I got jumpscared a hundred times over playing Masters and discovering a bunch of the headcanons I'd been working with were somehow in the writing there. It was surreal and I don't know what to make of it. That game always makes me stupid excited to see characters with personalities.

SasuNaru was very much from a time when you just did what other people were doing because you were young. Zabusa arc gave it some potential with Naruto finally showing himself useful/strange in front of his rival in a dire situation, but I didn't keep up with the manga after the chuunin exams so I never saw the later arcs where Sasuke is in focus. I didn't feel they had much intimate one-on-one interactions, there was always another character present or an immediate conflict to address. Sasuke kept himself distant from his team mates and Naruto didn't know shit about himself to say anything.

The jokes about Kakyoin trying to flirt with Jotaro's mom hit better for me than their ship, haha. Now I'm thinking about it I have ships in almost every other part that I'd swear by but nothing solid in SC, fucking around with Joseph and Abdul, or Vanilla Ice and DIO are the closest I've got. It's weird because they are still fruity as hell, have tons of interactions and time together, and like people have said there's SO much content (you can even get gijinka art of PetshopIggy if you want it). Maybe it's because it's group dynamics.

I actually dropped YoI a few eps in because their dynamic was too frustrating to me. I read dragged out miscommunication stories but didn't like how Viktor was communicating so much, on top of the side characters aggressively shoving other plots in your face when you were waiting for the leads to progress. I ended up not caring for anyone.


On the topic of Pokemon protag ships do the headcanons come from your play through and shaped by your choices or do you build a personality based more around their appearance?


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>but I never really read Special or much in the way of doujinshi, so it was all headcanons. I got jumpscared a hundred times over playing Masters and discovering a bunch of the headcanons I'd been working with were somehow in the writing there.
Same for me, I only play the games. I don't think it's too surprising that Pokemon Masters confirmed some of our headcanons, there are implications in the main games already and some of these headcanons are also very popular with thousands of fans.

However I have to admit something. I really like Red/Blue as a pairing but I'm really picky about it. I HATE the "Red is an actual mute" headcanon so if I see it it ruins whatever doujinshi or fanart I look at. I don't mind that he's still silent in gen 2 when you go through his boss fight because it feels more like a meta joke but besides that I find it reductive and annoying. Maybe it's a matter of how gen 1 games were translated in French but even if we don't take into account his lines with the mime girl he has lines where he talks in first person when checking some items so I can't see him as anything but a typical cute, hot blooded shonen protagonist. There was a short anime I think Pokemon Origins, he was exactly how I imagined him in that one.


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DabiHawks is one I don't get. I didn't see anything between these two but I can at least understand the appeal of a dangerous hero/villain ship with two hot guys. Until the fans made it sappy and had Hawks save Dabi, then they would become official and totally took away the spice it once had and turned it into something I just couldn't see either character really engaging in with each other

And I'm into coming up with 'what if' stories for ships with a lot of potential but no canon material but the fans of this ship would defang it all the while getting up others ass about "toxic relationships" with other ships featuring these characters. It's like they would try their hardest to make this relationship seem healthy and bash any other ship by sticking "problematic" (e.g. age gaps between adults lol) onto them

The bnha fandom truly suffered because of 13 year old moralists. The content with them being enemies is good at least


same as OP, i never got into l/light but i might need to give death note another go. i believe in it.

nonna, sokka/zuko is an older ship than klance, lol. it's not a rehashing because voltron is from… like the 2010s, and avatar was 2005-ish.


>sokka/zuko is an older ship than klance
Lol I meant how there was a random popularity surge around Covid.


>do you build a personality based more around their appearance
Mostly this, also who they get paired up with in pokemas.


Nona you replied to, a bit of both. The games have small amounts of flavor text when other characters speak to you, you can make shit up based on the setting circumstances (eg. the protagonist of XY's mom is a former sports star and your friends are all way louder and more lively than you, so I assumed X/Calem's outward behavior can seem cold or rigid, part of why he doesn't pursue the same career as his mom, but not to the point people can't understand that he's a good person.), but a huge amount of appearance. Characters whose default clothing is sporty are going to be more active, there's some with seriously genki expressions. I do take liberties that PokeMas doesn't, since all the protags are on friendly terms there and it can be overly nice which just leads people to call characters bland. Like Gold is a nice guy as expected of Silver's counterpart, most PokeMas players seem to hate him for being nothing, but I like to throw in some brattiness when he interacts with Red. He can't be devoid of competitiveness given what happens in GSC - you keep fighting back at Silver, you do the gyms and the league and still doggedly trudge up a mountain to fight Red, and you even go beat the shit out of Kanto's gyms and use your phone to ask for constant rematches. Gold has to have a scrappy side to him. Between the cycling and the fishing he is raring to go. And then Red, his greatest challenge, doesn't give him a straight answer he can understand. Doesn't look fired up in kind but still brings a sledgehammer down on him when he does get a fight out of him. It's a fun dynamic.

I literally wrote too much hang on.


True, there's some things I can't tell if I got it from games or from miring in Pixiv many years ago, because there's so much fanworks you can't help being influenced by a few here and there.

I have a monsterboy AU where I used "Red is a mute" and gave him a reason for it, personally I really like and reuse the idea over and over of a character that can only talk to certain people or in certain circumstances. To me game Red is just the kind of stoic people typically call "autism moe". Watches people like a cat, silently but with his emotions blatant. Masters might have been joking around with it, but I liked how they addressed it by confirming he communicates well with his pokemon and isn't devoid of thoughts and feelings, he just doesn't use words much. It'd be nice to have a reason for that though.

I think of the Origins Red as being the Fire Red protagonist. Even though he's probably the design they used for the SunMoon aged up Red, I keep them separate because of that difference in personality. I'm kind of just piling younger hotblooded guys around poor Red. Red by the way swings between "I fucking love fighting" and "I want to chill out and do nothing". The latter is one part all the fanart of Red in the cave with his pokemon (he ran away from the league and people for a while, didn't he? Training or not he wanted some isolation) and two parts nostalgia for just leaving the game open to listen to the music somewhere. I think having a switch to flip like that is cute for him too. Blue having to settle him down when he gets antsy for a battle in the wrong place. SunMoon Red has cooled off a bit, he's still headstrong but more sensible with age.


>Watches people like a cat, silently but with his emotions blatant. Masters might have been joking around with it, but I liked how they addressed it by confirming he communicates well with his pokemon and isn't devoid of thoughts and feelings, he just doesn't use words much. It'd be nice to have a reason for that though.

I LOVE this interpretation and I appreciate you laying out some of your thought process on Pokemon protag ships. I really respect people who can pull every shred of personality out of smaller encounters. This also made me think I need to check out Masters and see what they've done with everyone.


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I don't ship them either but I don't get how it's "jarring". both of them are among the most conventional looking characters in Dungeon Meshi, both easily fall into cliched tropes and picrel helped


It's honestly wild, I'm in the exact opposite boat. Kabru/Mithrun did not register for me like… at all while reading the manga and it took seeing comments from anons after reading to really go "oh hah. yeah sure I see it now". And I quite like them both as characters, but as a pair it just never clicked.


This is why I can't give a shit about haikaveh either. Most of the ships are too bland since most characters don't do much in the story or aren't lore relevant, so instead of developing over time a character will exist just to be shipped and that's the most boring type of bait. The traveler is too much of a blank slate for me to care about any yaoi with them. I know Xiao is super pushed but it's hard for me to care when the traveler is a very dull self insert.


>I don't like haikaveh all that much either, even though I do like kaveh…but he deserves better than just be "the guy who gets shipped with alhaitham"
I don't get this, Alhaitham practically pays for his life after taking him in to live with him after Kaveh got into massive debt over his obsession with creating his magnum opus. He cares so much for Kaveh but his rigid personality makes him question Kaveh's way of life because he wants him to stop causing so much heartache and trouble for himself (and the people around him) since Kaveh's trauma about his parents practically abandoning him (his father dying at a young age, his mother becoming depressed over it and simply leaving to start a new life in Fontaine) causes him to act up constantly, and Alhaitham genuinely wants to help him unlearn the self-sacrificing behavior but is too unironically autistic to do it with tact. He got mad when Kaveh sacrificed his food portions to the desert foxes during the Sumeru festival event to the point they had a huge fight because he was so worried about Kaveh's reckless behavior nearly killing him, and in the end it was revealed that Alhaitham had been conducting his own investigation during the festival to find out what happened to Kaveh's father so he could ease his guilt about his death when he did in the end, and immediately tried cheering Kaveh up when he noticed the topic was hurting him way too deep. I could go on and on because the person writing their scenes absolutely knows what they're doing. I get not liking a ship and it's fine, but to be honest every time I see people saying they "can't stand" or "hate" HaiKaveh it's due to being exposed to a gross misrepresentation of either their relationship or Alhaitham's personality or becoming a contrarian out of annoyance for the ship's popularity.


I see the same contrarianism with Kaeluc too and people act like there is literally nothing in the story to support a modicum of romantic potential. Zhonchi can go jump in a fire. That ship is Klance tier of reaching


Yeah Zhongchi is a garbage ship, a literal bait and switch that I'm still seething about because it was so clear Mihoyo was planning to make it the next big fujobait couple but instead retconned Childe into husbandobait obsessed with the traveler. But I'll fight anyone who ever says HaiKaveh has "nothing there" because it's mindboggling how they got past the higher-ups with the gay shit to the point they pissed off Chinese Alhaitham yumes so bad they tried reporting Kaveh to the Chinese authorities for cucking crimes KEK. Even Alhaitham's Japanese seiyuu said that "Kaveh brings out the humanity in Alhaitham". They're the first ship I've obsessed over in literally years, they're just that fascinating. I totally get it if their dynamic isn't everyone's thing but I feel like a lot of people don't give them a fair judgment since their popularity has left a sour taste in their mouths.


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>retconned Childe into husbandobait obsessed with the traveler.
Wasn't he always kinda this though? The only things he does in the Liyue story is just follow the Traveler around. You only know him and zhongli were in cahoots right at the end where Zhong says he made a 'contract' with him too. They were pushing them as a ship very slightly (but you had to be extremely fucking delusional to see it. I mean, the chopsticks? really?) but I never saw either of them being close in any way other than simply having fulfilled a goal in the story and later fucked off from one another and that was about it.

Unrelated somewhat but Arknights also had a problem like this when it was first starting that there were barely any men, let alone fujobaits to ship, so the most popular ship for a while were these two.
They have never interacted ever, it's been 5 years and they STILL have never interacted. People wanted to have their angel/devil ship so bad but it never happened and honestly most people only cared for it because there was nothing else (it was this or silver ash/doctor).
Now you have thorns/elysium which is like the default arknights fujoship so everyone forgot about these two. But I'll never forget that pattern of "I desperately need to ship any guy whatsoever that is around right now" that happened in Arknights, and it happened to early Genshin too


>Wasn't he always kinda this though?
I don't know, I feel like they really amped the pandering up only afterwards, but maybe it's just me. In the beginning they featured Childe and Zhongli together in a lot of artworks during 1.1 (The version splash art featuring them together, livestream and web event appearances always having them appear side by side, their collab chibis wearing each others shoes, the chopstick gift etc) which made it feel like they were testing the waters, but abandoned the idea because they haven't interacted in literally years by now and Childe's subsequent appearances have all been solo or only with his little brother since his yumes went insane with jealousy when he talked to Yoimiya during that one Inazuma event kek. But that said I don't have a horse in this race, I don't really care about the ship either way.

>But I'll never forget that pattern of "I desperately need to ship any guy whatsoever that is around right now" that happened in Arknights, and it happened to early Genshin too

It happens in a lot of gacha and I never really got into copeships like that. Fate/Grand Order's most popular m/m ship is Gilgamesh and Ozymandias despite them having absolutely no lore together and never having been featured together in-game, but they used to top doujinshi sales during the game's prime.


This one may be too obscure for this thread but it's the first thing that came to mind. Those who keep up with seasonal anime may remember Buddy daddies from a while back. I've seen it hyped up as "Gay spy x family" because of the premise but I felt absolutely zero chemistry between them. IMO one of the guys was such a manchild that it moreso felt like the blonde one was raising two children.


I remember that, it was hyped up but then crashed pretty badly, you were definitely not the only one that didn't see chemistry in it.


any normie anime that tries to rope a fujo audience with potential 'yaoi bait' 99.9% of the time are gonna be bland and soulless. if the show is too afraid to go all the way and call it a BL romance with other plot elements as the main focus, its a cash grab trying to get fujo bucks while trying to stay in good grace of FOTM audiences. non-yaoi series are only best served to fujo audiences when the showrunners had no intention to make it gay in the first place (e.g. tiger & bunny)


I never saw it hyped up, the advertisements before its release were pretty sparse and generally it was moids shitposting it for being "gay" looking due to two men on the one promo image. What I have seen are tons of posts claiming it was hyped and sold to them by someone, which I see for a bunch of series where even PVs didn't show much or alter its appearance. I know I've talked about this before but it really confuses me how people will say something was falsely sold to them and they were told it was "the next big thing" but by who? Where did they get this idea? The only people I see saying it are the ones criticizing these series for not being that.

Anyway, I saw chemistry between them since a very basic dynamic was part of the point. It wasn't much to work with, just serviceable. 91 Days did leaving the mafia for your bro better.

Personally I don't think T&B was a total coincidence. I've seen people claim Barnaby was originally conceptualized as a female character in early planning and a number of traits were kept from that, you got Nathan being gay all over the place, and a number of character arcs that discuss forms of love and faithfulness. If it was by accident it was because they purposefully built it around the idea of bonds and didn't rein in certain aspects of the main pair's relationship. Then they went onto do Doubledecker and did the same gay-in-all-but-name act with the MCs and had multiple confirmed gay pairs on the side. When gay is an option generally in the cast it makes it that much more likely the MCs could be than MCs in the average show. There is something intentional there that feeds it as a possibility.

I don't know how to explain it but there's tons of shows that don't confirm a gay pairing outright but have a tone and setting that makes them feel more likely to exist. Buddy Daddies is pretty uninspiring, the mixed bag tone doesn't make it as fun to expand upon the relationship, but it had elements that should have ticked those boxes (other characters for example seem to think there's something the MCs aren't acknowledging, parallels are made between a past relationship with a woman and this one, and the finale involves announcing their eloping to father and risking lives for each other to start a new life). In the end I think the writing was just too weak and functional. You can't see the creative spark in it just a series planner making sure it includes all the concept details. Meanwhile you got shit like RobiHachi where the writing is allowed to be stupid and pandering without trying to veer serious, and I can't even explain why the leads are gay as fuck they just are a shipname already. I will take goofy shit and unintentionally goofy shit any day over paint by numbers comedy drama where the most moe point was sleeping in a bathtub.


>I never saw it hyped up, the advertisements before its release were pretty sparse and generally it was moids shitposting it for being "gay" looking due to two men on the one promo image.
People in my fujo circles at the time were excited for it. Some time after it aired I've also had a moment where I praised "My new boss is goofy" for being unexpectedly gay for a non-BL anime and then someone replied to me that Buddy daddies was like that too.


Kek never watched it since they made it obvious they weren't actually gay from the trailers.
Seconding this.


buddy daddies gave the impression of being one of those series where the writers knew that fujos would be the main audience of the show but didn't want to commit to actual or implicit homo in the fear of alienating any potential non-fujo watchers so they gave the leads zero homo vibes and even made one of them mention woman every three minutes and then hoped that having two male leads and a slightly suspect title would be enough to attain fujobucks


I genuinely don't think Buddy Daddies was ever meant for fujos to begin with, it was one of those "two guys taking care of a baby" comedy where you're supposed to as a woman be wooed by their ability to care for a child. I didn't watch it myself because that's how I saw the premise from the beginning but everyone who did watch it was disappointed.

>There is something intentional there that feeds it as a possibility.

I'm a firm believer in that authors add couples that are meant to be read as gay because they can't explicitly state them to be such to avoid being censored. Even in western countries it would be next to impossible to get a gay main couple greenlit. I don't know why people think it's so preposterous for people to do it, I mean, I absolutely would.


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i'm probably alone here but Shuichi and Ouma. Although they're both clearly homos I don't really see them together that much, it's odd because they manage to be more "blatant" than komahina (Ouma being a massive homo around Shuichi and their special hotel event making it basically canon) but they lack what makes komahina interesting (the mutual fascination, the way they occupy each others thoughts but cannot understand each other which was attempted here tbh, the desperate pining on Komaeda's half, the way Komaeda is clearly an "enemy" of Hinata specifically whilst Ouma is more of a deterrent to the whole group)
Shuichi clearly has a crush on Momota, even scolding himself for viewing him that way in their final free time and Shuichi even compares him to Akamatsu his het love interest, the tension they had with each other later in the game was really eyebrow raising at times and Momoto kind of reads as a bit of a closet case with how buddy-buddy he is with Shuichi and how intimate his hotel event is and how he randomly calls the incestfag a queer (though that might just be bc he was raised by grandparents) I might just have my fujogoggles on but i think it works better plus I genuinely don't think he returned Harukawa's feelings at all


I felt this way about all the ships in Danganronpa v3. It felt like none of the characters had enough conflict and interaction for my brain to ship anyone. I remember being surprised there were people that shipped Ouma with Rantaro. At least Shuichi interacts with the people he’s often shipped with. But they were still pretty meh. Maybe I missed some supplementary reading or something.


I liked Gonta/Kokichi, but thats about it, I agree with the characters not having as much chemistry, but personally I also just don't like the V3 cast as much so I think thats a contributing factor.

Rantaro ships confuse me, he's an absolute non-character in my opinion and I don't see how you can care about him enough to ship him with anyone.


>Rantaro ships confuse me, he's an absolute non-character in my opinion and I don't see how you can care about him enough to ship him
He's hot


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kinda fucked they killed off the hottest character right away, you could make a case for Ouma secretly lusting after him since he stole his statue and placed it in his room but i can't really picture him dating anyone especially after how boring his hotel event is, Shirogane thinking he's gay is kinda funny considering her later role, ngl the amount of homosexuality in DRV3 was kinda crazy (that martial arts girl, Shuichi being bi, Ouma in general, incestfag doing bondage with Shuichi in his hotel event)
nah I agree that the dynamics in the first two games were a lot more intense and interesting, at least there's good fanart


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>kinda fucked they killed off the hottest character right away
It's kinda dangan tradition to have the 'important seeming character' dying first.
>you could make a case for Ouma secretly lusting after him since he stole his statue and placed it in his room
Eh, pretty sure he just stole it at random since he was stealing a bunch of evidence he calls him nii chan in the manga though which is pretty cute.
>especially after how boring his hotel event is
I thought it was really cute…the event that launched a shit ton of phantom thief AU fanart.
>ngl the amount of homosexuality in DRV3 was kinda crazy
And then Kodaka immediately dropped his fujo audience once he left spikechun, you gotta really stretch it to find anything fujo in his post V3 works (like, maybe Yuma with Makoto but that's kinda all I can think of)


Agreed. It had a pretty weak cast of characters. I'm not a huge Danganronpa fan, so I'm not involved in the fandom or anything, but I legitimately cannot remember any of the V3 characters except for Ouma, the engineer girl, and the big guy. The characters just didn't stand out to me at all. I think it's hard to ship two characters when they lack any memorable interactions.


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ah i don't mean Ouma's hotel event being dull i mean Rantaro's, smh don't remind me how disappointing rain code was hopefully Kodaka's new "danganronpa but not danganronpa" game has something for us
there are multiple characters who even with Shuichi i can't really picture having a back and forth with and some I genuinely forgot about since they left no impression on me, a lot of the characters such as the maid, midget robot, the incestfag (his amazing character design being wasted on a siscon will forever annoy me), Rantaro and Shirogane I really can't ship with anyone or even care about their dynamics with other characters even if they themselves had potiental


>i mean Rantaro's
Ooooh okay
>hopefully Kodaka's new "danganronpa but not danganronpa" game has something for us
I have really low expectations honestly, Rui's pretty much rushed character design wise for the past few games so he doesn't have time to make good ones anymore so 99% of the characters in it look really bad.


No its just boring and some of us do not care how canon a ship is in gachaslop. Especially Hoyo shit. I've seen better and all the shippers have is just listing tropes and saying it's good only because its canon, but that means nothing to me when the canon itself is so boring.


So you just hate it because it's "hoyo gachaslop"? Just say so up front so everyone knows you're being a contrarian and won't bother with a reply.


Everytime a series that tries to be marketed as fujo content is starting there is always another series airing at the same time that is merely advertised as seinen, shounen, mecha or history series that happens to be five times gayer naturally than anything the alleged fujo series is trying to achieve artificially.
It doesn't help that these series are weirdly focused on appeasing "both sides" so they usually make it (at best) an one-sided love and the other character confirms that he's very hard for women or looking for brothels at least once per episode to make sure that anti-gay fags and husbando fags won't drop it when these people would have never picked the series up to begin with.


Yeah no amount of "here's 2 dudes just for you, you dirty fujo!" kind of shilling will ever tear me away from the innate homoeroticism of a basic bitch shounen ship. What's extra insulting is they don't seem to have a fujo anywhere in the production chain to give their notes sniff and tell them if there's anything worth going KYAAA over in there.


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All of those fujobait series have the most boring line-up of men imaginable unless it has enough balls to be a full on yaoi.

The series with ten ikemen with interchangeable body types are the worst ones. It is funny though that actually good series that we think of as "fujobait" like Black Butler or Pretty Boy are shounen series not even shoujo.


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Yes that part is incredibly weird. I know seinen and shounen where it was women making the adaptions gayer and more fujo. They exist, they work in the industry and homofy series and yet the team that actively want to attract them somehow never get such people on board first.
Everytime. And it's such a no brainer again. If you want to attract a big fanbase then add variety. The series I love the the most are those that feature all kinds of men, from shota to 40 year old funny dudes and various body types and amounts of muscles. Plus point if one of them is brown or tanned. And yet all I usually get from fujo targeting series are a bunch of guys that look exactly the same safe for the different hair styles and one single trait that defines them.

Seriously they should just look up shounen and seinen fandoms, look what pairings and characters are popular and get some ideas.


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Gon and Killua to be honest. I can see where it comes from but I consider neither of them attractive so I was never interested. I am just not into kids and young teens and I can't stand spiky shounen hair characters.

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