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 No.1293[Last 50 Posts]

>How do you feel about muscular boys in bl?
>Do you prefer them as tops or bottoms?
>How much muscle is too much?
Since there is a lot of discussion about traps, we might as well discuss the opposite side.


I guess its similar to my preference for muscular dudes IRL, natural and realistic, any man more muscular then Henry Cavil seems aboustetly grotesque and makes me almost hurl


i like boy booba awoooga


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It's the face what usually makes it or breaks it for me.
They really need to push it to gross me out. Full Volume for example was pushing it with how big the pecs are.


Do you really like 3D Men Booba or do you only think you like it because you like 2D Booba?


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Didn't expect to see Gaolang on this board.
Depends based on the couple but buffer guy on the bottom is always nice. I used to be into skinny guys but kengan has absolutely spoiled me with the number of tittymonsters running around.


I have to ask, are you virgins m ?cause you have to know what men's chests feel like, they aren't like breasts, closet thing I can describe to feeling a fit man's chest is like touching something made out of leather


I don't think anybody said that.


You literally refereed to pectoral muscles as bobbas(Infighting.)


this is almost offensively lewd


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When artists just half ass it and draw female breasts instead of pecs is when it gets unforgiveable. Breast tissue sits on top of the pectorals, but then you have people drawing male pecs way too low and rounded and my anatomy autism kicks into gear. I guess the absolute limit for me would be this statue, which is a bit ridiculous for an official piece of merchandise but I can't hate huge croc titties
Muscular guys with fat asses is more of my thing but there's something about inverted nipples that just seals the deal


no thanks


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I personally don't use that term, but it's obviously an erotic/demeaning way of calling it, not literal.
Also, jannies not so quick please.


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Late as fuck reply cause I've been occupied, but who is favourite Kengan?


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I'm turning into a dyslexic.


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terashi and then ended up doing a complete 180 on lolong after finding him annoying for a while because of how hard Purgatory got stomped/ohma got pushed and because he turned out to also be a mild headcase
The fact that both of them were accidentally hilarious and somewhat crazy was really entertaining


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Yeah, Longlong's fight was pretty dissapointing. The thing I remember the most about those chapters, was that one anon who would talk about raping him and that was it.
They got good OC though. And they're still, somehow, a cute ship.


no fucking way lolonganon?
additionally, how'd you get that last one by the way, i never finished it or posted it anywhere except in private messages


You actually did post it in one thread, that's how I got it. Also, I'm not Longlonganon, I'm just one of the many ryonafags on keng/a/n.


i didn't post it in a thread, but i did dm it to another artist a while back so i guess it breached containment
why in a thread though, was it after he got cratered by ohma? cuz that's a creative way to shitpost
keng/a/n has been so fucking bad since xia lost, never thought i'd miss the kvp storytime


Same, miss when threads weren't 99% complaining.


>How do you feel about muscular boys in bl?
I love and prefer them. There are only some rare exceptions of non-muscular characters I find genuinely attractive. That doesn't mean that they have to be bara though, but I don't like bodies that are too childlike or feminine or just flat.
>Do you prefer them as tops or bottoms?
Both. But they are twice as hot when they get the D.
>How much muscle is too much?
Not sure. I am attracted to guys like Gamagoori and the likes, who have quite a lot of muscles. I think maybe I am not a fan if it's too realistic baralike, like those super-heavy bara dudes from fudanshi yaoi doujinshi.

I think that besides of the muscles themselves masculine characters tend to have the better faces. I always got turned off if they looked too young. A 2D man can be hot and even pretty but still look like an actual adult and these types guys are usually having muscles too. Plus, I will never complain about scars or beards. A bit of a stylish beard can be fucking hot and make the faces more varied.


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Wanted to post these two somewhere, got into it recently. While am at it, what do (you) think about size difference?


size diff is the best




You mean the characters? it's from Kyuketsuki Sugu Shinu


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who's your favorite kengan? i'd assume someone like xia based on the ryona


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It was Xia (for obvious reasons), but before him it was Ryuki, and now it's back at Ryuki. I'm a sucker for one sided relationships and love a cute autist/psycho.
I miss the gay date chapters so much, hopefully Koga will ask him out before Setsuna fully grooms him.


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I don't care either way, but I have a personal distaste for a trend I see a lot of in modern BL(mostly korean) what I personally termed "balloon muscles", its like trying to make a male character voluptuous in the same way a woman is.


I've also noticed this. I like pecs but there's a point where the curve gets too round and ruins the pic. A lot of bara art does this too, so maybe it's actually appealing to gay men?


Yeah and it's always koreans too. I don't mind too much if it's accompanied by a fetish I'm into, but it's really weird too see. Like not even bodybuilders get that puffy, wonder were they get that anatomy from.


i personally don't mind it


Why blame it on the Koreans? Japanese fujoshi have been doing this since forever, giving male characters female looking chests is actually one of the most popular trends these days. It's everywhere and it's fucking disgusting.


Korean Manhwas in general have this uncanny quality about them, so its far more noticeable


>Like not even bodybuilders get that puffy
>wonder were they get that anatomy from.
their imagination i think. like i'm under the impression that there's no rule which states someone must conform to reality when they're drawing…i don't know for sure though!


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>>Like not even bodybuilders get that puffy
But they do lol.
It's called gynecomastia and is a side effect of steroids, some even start lactating.
Spoiler because 3D image.


so we can safely assume that the guys from modern korean BL are all abusing steroids


and yet we see none of them hit the gym! I love korean BL


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Good taste
Sandro's character writing has been a bit anemic lately but maybe he'll turn that around
it comes from a misunderstanding in how pecs work
this guide is the easiest way to explain it but sometimes people don't understand how pectorals attach to the skeleton + how breast tissue is placed, which results in nasty looking muscles and breasts


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Thanks! out of curiosity, are you also into Baki?
>Sandro's character writing has been a bit anemic lately but maybe he'll turn that around
I'm excited for the tourney. Kengan has been pretty aimless for a while.
It's great that the focus is back on Koga and Ryuki.


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No but I know a little bit about it from the wwe tournament and what people post in kengan threads. Plus i discovered the kengan tl threads right when Yujiro raped that guy so it was a storm of
>baki is gay
>kengan is gayer
>terashi vibration reveal in the same week
i've been considering making a joint baki/kengan thread on here but so much current discussion on both series is unbearable or at least it feels that way for kengan, so i held off


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What was really crazy about the Yujiro rape is that it was around the time the Baki BL tv show was airing, and right after that was the Setsuna mpreg meme. It had to be the gayest point of the martial arts genre.
>but so much current discussion on both series is unbearable
I would be more worried about the threads being slow, since it seems we're the only two here at the moment.


sorry i wasn't clear, i meant discussion on /a/
but they can make any series seem like worst thing ever written, this chan seems fine if not a little slow for now
the gay escalation back then was so funny holy shit, the vibrator + ikemen face, then fei's design, then "ohma did you lay this egg" plus the joe williams stuff from baki in the background
I wish at least daro would draw another yaoi omake because he can draw nice muscles and fat asses on a level you don't see very often


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I haven't read kengan yet, but I have been reading baki for almost a decade at this point, what people have to understand is that the author is an overcompensating Japanese nationalist(its honestly hilarious, you have ancient kenpo masters going to Rome and humiliating gladiators so hard that the romans ended the gladiator games out of shame) in his fucked up logic Yujiro is so masculine that even a masculine man covered in body hair is a woman to him and the author doesn't even realize how fucking gay that is


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>for almost a decade
Relatable, took me 4 years and it would've taken more if it wasn't for storytime on /a/. Where are you at?

I feel like the nationalist part is a bit overblown, but the dude was in the JSDF and asians take a lot pride on martial arts. So unsurprisingly gaijins tend to get btfo'd on Baki, but there are exceptions.

>the author doesn't even realize how fucking gay that is

Itagaki's sexuality is still a mystery to me, but I'm pretty sure he knows what he is doing. He either thinks it's the funniest shit ever or hot (picrel).
Due to the pin-upesque way he draws some of his chapter covers makes me think he might be gay, even tough he is a family man. Maybe he is gay in the Yukio Mishima way, idk.


Ignore the first part, misread your post.


Is that the rape scene? What's the context? Never read these manga


No, that's just a fuuny panel. The context is basically just the large dude getting someone off him. If you're curious about the rape scene, it's chapter 100 of Baki Dou.


itagaki just understands that strong is beautiful


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its a really strange chapter and has no bearing on the actual plot, it beings with a doctor examining Yujiro's male hormones levels, where its revealed that Yujiro has 10x times more testosterone then the average man and for him everyone appears female, even the most masculine men are women to him, and then it cuts to a burly adventurer who was raped by yujiro, 4th picrel is as far as the rape depiction goes and nothing beyond that


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dear /all/ don't scroll


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Tried to report but unknown error occurred. Hope a mod takes care of it soon


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getting the same error


Thank you. I also reported it but I also got an error.


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don't scroll, hide and report


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bump, dont scroll, hide and report


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Love this artist


fuc men like this are made to be bred like theres no tomorrow


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Not a fan of muscles visually, but characters who have a "manly-man" personality really appeal to me.


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Just seen DBZ abridged movie with Broly
He was pretty cute, shame he ended up killing his dad for some reason


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I'm gonna be completely honest…I really like muscular male characters and I love shipping them with smaller, less muscular male characters. I know these ships don't tend to be as popular, but I still try to find material for it if I can. Does anyone know any good BL with these kinds of pairings?


For not as big size differences Omune-chan No Sainan the only one that comes to mind right now.


Thanks for the rec. I'll check it out <3


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Musclefujos… What did Itagaki mean by this chapter?


Wow, I didn't know Itagaki was finally doing Tokyo revenge, haven't kept up since jack vs Sukene.


The joint slay of muscle + arched eyebrow is too much!


I once found a gif of a 3D scrote with tits just like that and it was insanely sexy, he probably had pec implants. I feel so alone in my voluptuous boy fanaticism. Plump hourglass figures are the best


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Anon, you must be new to fujochan? The way to sage is by the drop down menu of the email option. Cheers!
Thats literally what I dream about, going to sleep I dream about anime boys with massive pecs, waking up I dream about anime boys with massive pecs. I want to squeeze! But I shan't…


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I think she meant "too much" in a good way, as in too good.
I'm still trying to figure out what did he mean here.


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Oh, and I read the chapter, pretty cute honestly. Don't really care about Gaia, but I always loved Sikorsky, had a cool design and Gimmick. I'm hoping it goes though the rest of the prisoners aswell.


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I'll take the spam as an oportunity to go on a dump


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>draws the best bodies ever
>but it's mostly ohma and raian
i'm so jealous about this, slice of life gaidens in martial arts series are too comfy


>Still no wholesome KaburagixHassad fanart


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how does Itagaki keep getting away with it


Is this a doujinshi or the actual manga?


>homosexual rape out of nowhere
its not fucking fair


It's an official spin-off.


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how close to fucking will he draw two characters? i'll commission if he'll go further than the kiryu/nikaido dust cover


He accepts nsfw, but you'd think someone would've commissioned something like that by now, so no clue how far he could go.


what a shame, i'll just go imagine a doujin


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Guts drives me absolutely nutty, I love him so much.


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Those two have to be one of the first ships I ever got into, how's the manga doing? haven't kept up with it.


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>One of the first ships I ever got into
For how rent-free they are in my mind, I've only shipped them for about a year or so, as that's how long it's been since I first read through it.

>how's the manga doing?

About as well as it can be, I think. With Miura gone (R.I.P) it's being handled by the remainders of Studio Gaga + his good friend Kouji Mori. The chapters released after his passing are wrapping up Elf Island, and while it feels everything is happening a little quickly, it's still solid enough. I think once they can move into whatever arc comes after they'll really catch their stride.


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she's literally me!


I miss this character so much. Are you new to Kengan?


just started reading it like 3 days ago, my husband recommended it


That's great, hope you enjoy it.


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Brief dump to move the spam off the front page.


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There we go.


who's your favorite fighter so far?


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this dumb himbo, never expected to like him so much


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>liking both buff and cute guys
Queen shit right there


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samefag, I actually tried reading Baki in the past(also on my husband's recommendation) and I'm not exaggerating when I say that reading baki physically made me sick, the art style is atrocious, the humor is something only an insecure japanese boomer would find funny and the characters just seem like autistic jerks, I don't care how unintentionally gay baki might be because I really don't care about any of the characters
kengan has none of the issues I had with baki, the characters are drawn better, it has actually funny moments and most importantly the characters are actually likeable and have genuine moments of affection with each other, I even like one of the het ships(rino and rei)


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One of Kengan's biggest strengths was always the dowtime between the fights, Sandro did a great job with the characterization. I genuenly like a love most of them and it's the main reason I keep reading it.
Since I see an Omega page in there, now I'm wondering, how far are you into it?

Also, I won't bother defending Baki, since it's admittedly hard to do, it's something you either love or hate. Though I will say that the characters do share moments of affection, just more sparsely and autistically than Kengan.


>Since I see an Omega page in there, now I'm wondering, how far are you into it?
still at ashura, I just used the pic to highlight how much I loved the design and the energy of the characters.
>Though I will say that the characters do share moments of affection, just more sparsely and autistically than Kengan.
its the inconstancy and unlikability of the cast that makes it hard for me me to care about anything happening in baki


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cute, i feel like kengan has a lot of those characters that you end up liking more than you ever expected to. there's always something endearing about them
doesn't help that no one is doing it like daro, god damn that man can draw ass and pecs


Check out Kengan Ashura Zero if you haven't done so already, it's just 8 chapters of extra backstory.
Sucks that Lu Tian turned into a joke, he had a cool design


I can tolerate pretty much anything, but the artstyle and the literal piss and shit humor grosses me out too much


I think over the series there have been 24 instances of a pissing scene, this was the latest occasion


Kehaya only pretending to sit in chairs this whole time will never not be funny to me


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Seems like the second thread was deleted after the raid. Anyways, anyone else excited for the HNK remake?


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During the downtime I've embraced the muscular boys.
Never read it so depending on the quality I might try to into the series.


It's pretty good, got a surprising amount of heart in it, one arc in particular is borderline BL.
>During the downtime I've embraced the muscular boys
Out of curiosity, what got you to like them? some anime in particular?


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I met a guy on discord who was into bara and some of the art he shared in the server was appealing especially fan art of older 80s and 90s OVAs, not so much a fan of hyper sexual muscle dudes but the macho "manaime" protagonist look is cute. I'd always been a fan of older series so I guess it just took seeing cute art of more typically muscular men to realize their cute potential too.

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