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/bl/ - General BL

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Does anybody have the other half of this doodle? I'm looking for it :(

Sorry if this is the wrong board.


That head size difference is ridiculous even for BL art. Actually, Erwin just looks like a giant, the fuck


It's a giantoid fetish


File: 1672346028175.png (Spoiler Image, 1.8 MB, 2048x1500, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Here you go.
Maybe we should transform this into a sort of /r/-esque thread? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


File: 1672368085037.png (3.93 MB, 1680x2638, ohdear.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Thank you!

Ahh also, I'd be down with that? What should the theme be, just random AOT shit?


What happened to this artist anyways? can't find their account anymore.


it's ColumboDumbo right? iirc there was some weird drama that involved Columbo getting doxxed so no more gay porn twitter account. still active on https://twitter.com/ThisUserIsAngry/ though


Columbo was getting harrassed by puritan teenagers for drawing maid Levi x shota Erwin, on top of getting incredibly, annoyingly vocal about cringy fandom discourse and AOT ship wars, thus making themselves a target for that kind of juvenile twitter shit. It sucks to witness decent artists gradually drift away from their artistic endeavors in favour of nonsense that no one outside of autistic Twitter fandom circles even cares about.


Wait wait wait

somebody post the Levi x shota erwin, I'll give you my kidney.


where were you when fujochin shota bord die

i was at house eating dorito when phone ring

“/sh/ is kil”



File: 1672643819088.jpeg (80.25 KB, 1024x576, clmbodmbo.jpeg)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Sorry I can't be arsed to dig further for the high res image, so have this screenshot from a 2 sec google search result


I know the board died… I wish it hadn't though.

wellp. good enough I guess.

Wish there were more fics with young erwin and older levi. I want to write one where erwin gets creeped on by the new personal bodyguard hired by his father.


why /sh/ deleted. i dont like shota, but i rather have shota specific board for shotafag containment


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