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A classic tradition from the old /fujo/ threads.
Post and share pics of cute brown boys, discuss shipping and ideas. Go wild.
Solo boys are also welcomed.


File: 1646241742975-0.jpg (149.01 KB, 736x736, e617b2477229cc5384803f9e9d….jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

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is this from a manga nonna?


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Brown boys so hot! So sexy!! I want to see them bent over and fucked! I want to see them taking dick I'm so hopeless!!


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It's from Raion Gotoki no Kuni kara, the seme is an African transfer student. Very cute story, very wholesome! The lewd scenes are chef's kiss too.



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Oh this is one of my favorite mangas! Such pretty art.

I love Leona from Twisted Wonderland, very cute to me.


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I almost saved an edit where I thought the character was already a brown boy, I'm too autistic to save these edits no matter how well made they are because I only want my brown boys to have been created brown to begin with. Not sure if there are others who think the same?
Also please read this manhua, it's hilarious. (Non-Aid Relationship)


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Do you have the source for the first pic? I looked it up on saucenao but it showed me an unrelated furry pic.





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Let's get a bit political here.
Brown boys tops or brown boys bottoms?


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bottoms of course


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I like the ones that top.


Doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't have pink nipples. Instant turn off.


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Could it be that Aomine is best brown boy?


I'd say so!

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