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Is sex in BL important? If so then why?
Any detailed answer would be appreciated!


Sauce of threadpic?


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It depends on what the author is trying to convey and what the series represents about what it is.
If there's no major/interesting story and progress in a BL/doujinshi then there must be sex scenes to compensate for that. You have no idea how tired I am of so called "wholesome" doujins who have absolutely no story whatsoever nor progress anywhere and are mainly running on stupid gags. Plus it's annoying when a doujin has a sugestive cover that promises sex scenes but inside is just "uwu look at our cute fluffy comfy relationship with absolutely no dirty desires". I've seen around 5 - 6 doujins like that.
Still, if it has a story and a plot, characters who have depth and an actual complex relationship with each other, there's no need of sex scenes. Sometimes I feel that the authors abuse such scenes by using them too often or too early, or sometimes they make the characters rail each other and call it progress of their relationship. Yes, it's true - a sexual relationship can make development of the feeling between the characters, but if they aren't developed outside of it it becomes really lame.
Shortly: If it has good story and characters - sex scenes aren't important.
If it's lacking a good story and has nothing to make it stand on it's own - sex scenes are required by the reader, thus important.
But if it's simply a 18+ doujin filled with cock-teasing (I dunno how the female equivalent is called) and no spicy moments I have absolutely no problem with it, it's fun to use your imagination to fill in the gaps and subtlety is pretty beautiful. Wish we had more teasing doujinshis but they're rare.






I feel that people have a weird perspective on sex, or I'm the weird one. Sex should complement plots, it shouldn't be one or the other. I like when two characters have been through hell, and then they fuck, because the intimacy is powerful.

Sex without heart is mundane. Fine enough to splooge to but without depth that splooge is gonna be lackluster.


So true sis. Slow build up and relationship development makes the sex soooo much better. For authors its too much effort for low return unfortunately, so all we get is uke/seme mahuas with sex in the first chapter.


That or it takes 50 chapters of bull shit where there isn't really a plot or character development. Just pretty boys running around screeching about *maybe* being gay. Read one like that the other day and I just quit in the middle of the smut because the story had been shit and on top of it the smut was boring once I reached it.



In case of BL, for me it's important that at least it's there because, with all due respect, most shounen-ai is boring crap. But just having sex there doesn't make the story good either. Maybe I'm just a picky mfer though.


I'm with >>2002. If I'm looking at smut it better be jacking off my heart. If it's a work where the purpose is smut, the prose/art better be good. I don't really like the "wispiness" style that a lot of BL sex seems to have. But at the same time I realize if a BL artist gets too "real" they will alienate their audience.

You were not exaggerating lmao


Yes, I mostly read one-shots and it's an explicit way of conveying that a relationship between the two guys is going somewhere. And sex is an important part of romantic relationships between adults(inb4 muh asexuals). If it's a long story I'd say it's not necessary, I've read shojo manga that show the characters just kissing at most and it was ok that way because the whole thing was showing the characters' relationship being developed with time.

>mainly running on stupid gags
Yeah, stupid gags that aren't even that funny either.



I prefer slow burn relationships, sex optional. Sex is fine when used to push a relationship forward, but my pet peev is when I'm reading a 50k fanfic and the moment they get together the plot is disregarded for a series of sex scenes.

Aimless fluff is boring.
PWP is boring.

Give my guys something concrete to do.


Pretty much all of this, opened the thread to write a post saying these exact things but thankfully you did it for me. All in all, if there's no plot to speak of then sex scenes should be there to compensate but if the story is enticing and the characters are well developed and it's not necessary to the theme then I don't miss them and they can even become disruptive.

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