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what are your thoughts on feminine ukes? or josou semes. mostly ukes though


they annoy me. might as well just read some shoujo instead. i know some fujos like the fem ukes, i just think of brainrotted tifs when i see them.


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I don't mind them, they can be very cute. It's certainly not my overall favorite thing though. As long as they're not drawn as cringe straight femboy tier shit (picrel) I'm fine with it.


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i really love them. feminine ukes, josou semes, even the femboy/crossdresser tropes popular with moids - i love them all. i guess it's mostly that i like cute things and i think girls are very cute, but josou seme has a special place in my heart because i love the contrast between a super cute exterior and a domineering exterior. pity there's not a lot of content out there.

i get picky with fan interpretations, though. i usually don't like it when fans make characters super feminine when they're not like that in the original work (pic unrelated), and i generally don't like a lot of western 'fic on these topics because it usually comes off as 'gender-affirming' pandering. or, god forbid, they go the full way and just make the feminine characters TIFs instead. if i wanted feminine girls, i'd just read shoujo instead.


do you have any femuke recs nona


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They cute, I like when they power bottom.


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call me old fashioned but I'm a (wo)man of god that believes an uke should be sweet, feminine, and submissive to his husband just the way our lord intended

but seriously i get why people find them annoying as they can be reminiscent of old yaoi tropes/just read as shoujo heroines, but when done right i can't get enough. i love that the malewife meme took off, wifey ukes are superior


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>i get picky with fan interpretations, though. i usually don't like it when fans make characters super feminine when they're not like that in the original work

Yeah, this. I have a fetish for femboys which is part of the reason why I really got into Promare and Galolio as a ship, but I hate Galolio fanworks where Lio is turned into a weepy shoujo princess. He looks small and feminine but his personality is just as manly as Galo's.


best type of galolio is where galo tames him. it's no fun if the uke isn't beaten down a little imo


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Oh my god, thank you. When I saw this thread I immediately thought of galolio and you nailed my thoughts exactly. On that note, I also hate the people who act like if one person in your ship is smaller and/or more feminine looking but their personality doesn't fit the ~uwu soft submissive uke~ archetype you HAVE to make them the top or else you're obviously just an icky straight fujo projecting onto the uke. This shit is why I'm glad that I watched the movie long after the western fandom died down and I only follow JP artists.
(Though I'll admit that I love >>312 too. Power bottoms getting dicked down so hard that they become bottom-bottoms is my fetish.)


> I also hate the people who act like if one person in your ship is smaller and/or more feminine looking but their personality doesn't fit the ~uwu soft submissive uke~ archetype you HAVE to make them the top or else you're obviously just an icky straight fujo projecting onto the uke

god i also hate this. it's so subtly misogynistic too, like, why do they gotta assume a woman wants to a submissive moeblob/that's a fantasy for her to "project" onto a male character? sometimes i just want to see a guy get dommed relentlessly and treated like a housewife wtf


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I keep track of seasonal anime and I think Sabikui bisco is pretty fun. I can't stop thinking about how cute Panda-sensei is just as a character and as an uke too. Feels like the premise of the show would lend itself to doujins too cause it's about two guys on a roadtrip through a post-apocalyptic wasteland and you could make a scenario where one of them accidentally eats something that makes you very horny.


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I love them and there aren't enough. Its a tossup because I want them to have a strong personality but also weaknesses. The more complex the better. Pic related


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I haven't watched this yet but I really want to! I already have so much fanart of them save up


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As somebody who wasn't sure if he counted because like >>310 said he's only feminine in appearance, the uke Lio appreciation itt warms my burning soul. Bless you, nonnas <3
Hey anon if you're still lurking, have you seen this yet? I think you might appreciate it, password is 'FIRE'.
You should! It's a very fun watch. It's up on HBO Max if you have that.




Not that nonna but I want to thank you for that link and password, it changed my life for the best


i am that nona, and i also want to thank you for this link and password. kyaaa'd hard


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>As long as they're not drawn as cringe straight femboy tier shit (picrel) I'm fine with it.
Same. It's basically a boobless dickgirl with zero androgyny and zero male qualities besides the dick and the personality of a generic anime moeblob girl.


Narancia is hardly a trap, it's fanartists that depict him that way


Yeah he's just a bishonen who looks younger than the other characters in part5.


I hate the stupid Narancia trap meme tbh


I don't like them but I just avoid them. I went through a short pretentious phase when I was younger where I would loudly shit on them constantly and act superior over it but as I got older I stopped giving a fuck. In fact at this point I think it's a good thing that they exist as an outlet for people that want to see men in a very vulnerable or submissive or whatever view for once and I can't bring myself to shit on variety.


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recommending stop!! hibari-kun for all my femboy loving friends on fujochan (all two of you probably). it's a simple romantic comedy with the gimmick of the "heroine" being a guy.

it's sadly been claimed by troons (because hibari keeps up his cross-dressing act at school and jokes about wanting breasts/being seen as his father's daughter) but y'know how it goes with feminine dudes in animanga.


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I watched the anime not too long ago and had fun with it.


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i've been wanting to watch the anime, but i heard the translators censored things that went against their pro-trans agenda/changed his pronouns to she/her. is that true?


I have nothing against feminine ukes but this is literally the "draw a girl and call it a guy" meme


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some people are into it (i'm some people).


I haven't really heard about that and I didn't notice it from the subs. I downloaded the Orphan fansubs from Nyaa.si

Because of your post I checked out the fansubber's blog and that person apparently does call Hibari a trans girl, but from what I remember in the actual subs everybody still just calls Hibari a he unless they're keeping up the charade for the school.


thanks. i'll add it to the backlog then.


okay, but why, If its a woman in all but name your basically hetro content at that point


I'm not that anon but for me the appeal of traps is that even if they look girly they're still dudes and have a dick so if another guy has a crush on him I find it entertaining when the guy has a confused boner and gay panic going on that he needs to work through.


I don't want to start a TERF vs Troon war but Hibari-kun really feels more like a het romcom manga like Urusei Yatsura, except the running gag is "that girl has a penis, shock value!"


>If its a woman in all but name
not all women are feminine, and no woman has a dick, but okay.

to answer your question though: i'm not entirely sure, but think it's because i like visual contrast/size difference/femininity in general. i actually used to hate them a few years ago (i really have no idea why i'm obsessed with them now).

that's what i said in my post.


that seems like that would get boring real fast
my point exactly, there is nothing about Hibari-kun related to BL at all


Yeah I love effeminate ukes more than life itself but this is just crossdressing. I like it way better when they're still boys wearing androgynous clothing or something. Hibari-kun is just a straight romance in my books.

That's exactly why I don't like traps. The "haha the chick has a dick!!" joke gets old so fast and the whole setting based on the gay panic trope is annoying and juvenile. I've always considered traps to be a cumbrained scrote thing anyway just like tranny porn in general.


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i'm not too fond of trap jokes either; i'd rather the uke just be feminine without it being (too) large of a deal. viewer gender confusion is good, them constantly being called "pretty" or whatever is even better, but past that – whatever.

i think i said it earlier in this thread, but lio's peak trap/femboy/whatever the word is these days because he undeniably looks like a girl, but he also has an actual personality that isn't just "generic girl".

i wasn't going to reply, but i'm curious: what about a relationship between two men isn't "bl"? if it's two men, even if one is "girly"…how is that straight? do you think femininity = woman or something?


>how is that straight?
The characters aren't real for one thing, they're cartoons created by a male as a fantasy about having a forbidden taboo completely female lover who happens to have a dick because vanilla pussy wasn't exiting enough. If it was a real life man with a tranny, it would be obviously read as a gay relationship because there's no way a man could pass as a convincing woman due to his real life socialization and physiology. I guess it's a "bi" relationship if you stretch the rules but when I see a "male" anime character that's completely indistinguishable from a female anime character with their behavior and looks it doesn't read as a gay relationship to me. Especially when with something like Hibari-kun you never see his dick or even the bare chest, he's girlmoding around the clock.

Also I don't think Lio looks like a girl, he has a very princely outfit and hairstyle with angular facial features. Effeminate, sure, but not at all comparable to traps.


yeah lio is effeminate but he is more of a bishie


i disagree with all of this (especially lio, as almost everyone on /a/ thought he was prime 'draw a girl and call it a boy material') but alright.


Moids on /a/ think literally anyone but a beefed up roidster or a self-insert John Smith looks "like a girl".


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was reminded of this one earlier today. my wife is a man – it's pretty cute imo


I guess I'm basic but I tend to dislike them. They're always so weepy, timid, slutty, or clingy, even if they were a girl.
That being said, my only issue is with personality. If they act like a man, then I'm good with it, doubly so if they power bottom or top (Sabikui Bisco, for instance, I like Panda x Bisco rather than the alt.) As far as submissiveness goes, it has more impact for me if its a bigger guy, isn't it more humiliating that way?
That being said, I feel the same with female characters, I like them to act a bit manly.
I do like it when a trap untraps humself, at least for a moment. Since


Ugh no one cares.


That's a chick with a dick.


But literally, all they got is a dick and then is female all the way down.
a¡And most times is not even good dick, is always either a cartoonishly big one to be contrarian about it and go "big dick means more man hyuk hyuk" or has a baby looking one because traps are just socially conscious shotashit for fucking moids.


Oh but I bet the moment the trannies claim them you turn back to be 19 and a jackass again…


locking the thread, as it's looking too similar to the current anti-trap sperg thread on /ffs/. go there for all further complaints.

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