I wanted to get Dramatical Murder while it was on sales but forgot about it. So far I've played Sweet Pool and Togainu no Chi. I 100% completed Sweet Pool but I gave no fuck about Nano so I haven't completed Togainu, and I liked Keisuke's and Motomi's route a lot so I felt like I already got everything I wanted from that VN. I have No thank you but I barely touched it.
>>362>I have No thank you but I barely touched it.I think that's one of my least favourite BL games out of the ones I played, especially considering that I paid actual money for it which I didn't do for Kuro no tsuki or Phantom thief Jade. None of the plot resolution felt satisfying and the sex scenes didn't do much for me either outside of one guy.
>>363I actually bought it on sale. I barely touched it because of my backlog of games, so I'm not sure I'll like it or not, I bought it on a whim. What did you not like about ut, aside from what you mentioned? Is it a long VN?
>>364I don't remember how many hours I put into it but I don't think it was that long. It's the type of game where each route goes through the same general plot points so there's chunks that are skippable cause it's just the same no matter whose route you're on. Aside from what I mentioned I'm not sure what else I can say without going into spoiler territory but it really just comes down to me not liking the direction the plot goes into and most of the guys dislike having sex with the protagonist. I do like the protagonist himself cause he's written in an entertaining way.
I would like for Lykt to get translated. I enjoyed Parade's other games so I'm really looking forward to Lykt. Maybe I should just learn Japanese instead…
>>558>I heard some mixed things about Uuultra-CWhat sort of things?
>>563Apparently some people who played it in japanese thought the plot was boring and/or confusing. I don't really know any specifics.
>>565Ah, man, that's a little disappointing to hear. I was thinking of buying it but I'll probably wait til after I read the reviews.
I liked hashihime (or at least the first two routes) but tamamori being a textbook old school yaoi trope of the tsundere uke "I-I'M NOT GAY" was annoying as hell. Getting fucked in the ass and still thinking about their precious friendship…
>>365>most of the guys dislike having sex with the protagonistjust like room no 9, this is the only crap they can write
>>570If that's what the studio mostly writes, is it because it could be some kind of fetish? I don't get the appeal of it myself though. I still haven't started No thank you, out of sheer laziness.
Speaking of Room no9, how is it? I remember years ago hearing about it because people said that the protagonists look like Yu and Yosuke from Persona 4 and have the same kind of deep friendship so girls who like Yu/Yosuke were looking forward to it. I went to the official translator's twitter later for an unrelated reason and she seemed pissed off that people thought the two characters had vague similarities to the guys from Persona 4 for some reason. No idea why she seemed so salty, it made her look dumb as fuck, but it was so long ago I'm not sure I could possibly find that tweet now.
>>576if you're in to jerk off then the sex scenes are really good, but the romance doesn't exist at all (and it's kinda one-sided). it's misery porn
>>576Sounds like for some reason Good haro, the translator, was personally invested in NTY and R9. Back in the day she shilled NTY on 4chan in the otome and BL general in /jp/ but I was so underwhelmed by NTY I don't really want to try anything else Parade puts out. LKYT does seem more interesting to me setting-wise but I'd sure hope there's no weird gore/scat like in R9 or dead fish bottoms.
Has anyone tried NU Carnival yet? Is it worth trying out? I mean I love the idea of having a BL gacha game but if the gameplay is shit I don't know if I can keep my interest up.
>>667I've been playing it for a while now and it's all right for what it is. I enjoy the art and writing and the gameplay is just simple turn based battle stuff. The characters have different classes, passives and a charge bar skill but it's not Fate/grand order or Granblue fantasy levels of complexity. I guess once you reach the later chapters it gets more complex in the sense that you have to remember what enemies you have the most trouble with to take them out first and time your special moves properly. There's an elemental system but at this point in the game it's hard to actually make a full functional team of each element cause the game only just started so there's a smaller pool of units in the gacha, and at some point you're going to be constantly in need of generic currency for upgrades. Lately I've spent most of my time in this game just logging in for a bit to spend energy to farm generic currency for upgrades cause I was stuck on a story chapter that was like 16k recommended power while I was 9k. It does seem to respect your free time right now and you can do dailies pretty quick, but maybe there will be grindy events later, I dunno.
>>668I see, thanks for your insight! Maybe I'll try it out, I'm playing other gacha games at the moment so I only have time (and money) for a select few.
>>669In my case I'd been gacha-less for a while cause I was tired of gacha games draining a lot of free time I wasn't spending on my actual steam backlog, and I also wasn't really drawn in by other games aimed at women like Twisted wonderland or Obey me, but in the end I'll shamelessly admit that I was intrigued by Nu carnival actually having porn so I went "Fuck it" and downloaded it.
>>576I just played through it. I don’t really want to ever again.
>>576Honestly, it's one of my favorite BL vn. I enjoyed the premise of being forced to fuck or perform physically harmful tasks.
My only complaint is that I wish there had been more gore. The relationship between the two protagonists was great as well. They obviously care for each other and seeing their friendship pushed to the limit was *chef's kiss*. But while I found it amazing, I would not recommend it if you're not already into extreme content.
>>674I didn't mind the extreme content as much as the lack of… romance. Felt a bit too real like watching two straight moids being forced to fuck
>>675>Felt a bit too real like watching two straight moids being forced to fuckthat's what the whole game is about
>>676I hate straight moids
>>586So I've finished his and the childhood friend's routes and so far I still hold this opinion. I have the edgelord and paper boy's routes left and usually I don't like the edgelord character in this type of game. I'll do paper boy's route next but judging from the guide I'm using it seems like his route is shorter than the others.
I suddenly remembered that I stopped playing Togainu no Chi right after the scene where that ugly, boring bitch Nano starts eating tree bark. Is his route worth it or not?
>>690HAHA WTF seriously? I also stopped playing the game (i think it was after getting turned off by my yandere best friend and unlocking the ending with the dog and his master) so i can't help you but i can't believe this is real lol
>>697Yes this is real and once you get all the other endings, you need to make Akira eat tree bark as well to start Nano's route. Can't believe this stupid bitch shares a game with Keisuke and Motomi. Even his voice annoyed me.
>>690It's been ages since I played Togainu but I can barely remember anything about Nano's route. Despite being the designated 'true end' due to how hidden his route is I don't think anyone really liked him that much and even the devs seemed to give Shiki more attention considering he has 3 different endings. Though personally I liked Rin the most.
>>697>ending with the dog and his masterWasn't that DMMD, or do N+C seem to have a pattern?
>>710I think anon is talking about the weirdo BDSM blond guy and his… "dog", a white haired guy in bondage. I'm not even sure how to describe it, it's disturbing.
>>712I really hate it lol looking at it too closely makes me feel kind of ill… like the awkward piercings, the gashes, the sickly-looking ribs, it's too much. gimp stuff feels too scrotey for me.
can nonnies tell me if there are any BL games out there that are slightly less intense? I like dark stories, but so many BL games I've come across seem more invested in being gross or shocking than in the story itself. I'm thinking about picking up Hashihime at some point.
>>712I wish this character didn't exist, him and the blond sadist disgusted me in ways I cannot describe with words.
>>712I fucking love Kau, my little retard dog, wish he had his own mini bad end like Gunji and Kiriwar I'm still seething at missing out on buying his fig, hopefully I can catch it at a con or something
>>714I think the piercings represent dog teats
>>712It's too tryhard edgy for me, but in the context of the game it fits.
>>714Out of the BL games I played I can't think of a single one that doesn't at least have rape, but I guess hashihime is the most vanilla one of those. If you get the switch version it doesn't have the extreme content.
>>716Yeah I get that’s what they were going for, and while it’s definitely on brand for the dog gimp boy, it just makes me hate them even more lol I’m glad he has you to love him, nonny
>>717rape scenes don't really bother me, it's more excessive amounts of grotesque stuff in the CGs I'd like to avoid, descriptions are fine though. what are your favorite games you've played so far?
>>718I like traditional japanese settings and/or supernatural themes so my favourite games are Hashihime and Tokyo onmyoji. I enjoyed Lamento beyond the void as well cause I also like fantasy settings.
>>712I kinda like it, but I have a thing for white haired characters being tortured, so
>>716Sometimes I think about Fire Emblem 3 Houses fans who thank Kurahana Chinatsu for not drawing fanservicey characters for that game or ever because they only know her for that and for Utapri. Do they know about Togainu? Do they know about the extreme BDSM shit and about Kau? The contrast is hilarious.
>>716Kind of hot, would be based if there was a breast milk scene of him with the piercings on. Just my opinion.
Sometimes I wish I could stream BL visual novels just for fun because that shit is wild sometimes but it's just not possible since most of it is forbidden on most platforms and I'd be a retard to put my real voice and face in videos showing anime guys buttfucking each other unless I miraculously make it my career.
>>730Yeah, turns out Meguro's not the type of edgelord that I can't stand in BL games. It also helps that Tengenjibashi himself had an interest instead of just passively getting involved.
>>361>What's your favourite?I played Taisho Mebiusline in 2015 and it's been my favourite since. I was so obsessed for 5ish years that I'd buy every bit of merch that came out and several copies of the games for the tokutens. It also made me go play the rest of the company's games and I've been a Holicworks shill ever since. They write some good MCs.
The whole game isn't available in English (was recently fully translated into Russian though) but the common route is translated if you'd like to get a feel of it: you can read vodka runes:'m not up to date with what's fully available in English, but from what I'm aware of I'd recommend Tokyo Onmyoji or Lamento.
>>737Ouch, you reminded me of how Mebiusline is my final boss. I started learning japanese cause I knew games like that would never get picked up by a localisation company cause it's too much effort for little gain, and if they did pick it up there's a big chance they'd just half-ass it, but I've stalled my studies for months now cause it's just been more fun to spend my free time on my gaming backlog.
I finished Tokyo onmyoji and enjoyed it a lot. My final ranking for the routes is Yotsuya>Meguro>Basara>Kamiosaki.
>>712Pretty gross, but I guess that's at least somewhat intentional.
>>674>pit hairAm I the only one who thinks that looks sexy? And why is it still so rare to see in BL content?
>>813A good chunk of people into BL are into clean-cut prettyboys and clean-cut prettyboys exclusively, so anything that deviates from that formula is still pretty niche… for all it's faults I think No Thank You had a good answer to that, where the player could toggle the body hair on the CGs on or off.
>>813One reason other than taste is definitely convenience. Body hair is both annoying to draw, and hard not to make look like shit. Think of how many pubes you've seen like look like weird patches and not like hair for example.
>>813I'm fine with pit hair, leg hair and pubic hair but anything else is too much for me
>>824I don't know any artists other than Harada who bother putting effort into drawing hair and even then she only does pubes.
>>833Her pubes are so hot.
>>712You've now convinced me to pick up this game.
>>837Body hair is like a fetish for me, Harada's pubes are a godsend
>>850It's VERY 2000s vibe but I love that so much
is anyone playing uuultra-c?
here's a download link:
i think it's decent so far. preferring it to hashihime, really.
>>712I don't like piercings
>>712if i had played this game during my edgy fujo stage (in which i was inexplicably reading skullfuck ciel fics) i probably would've loved it. alas i got to it after years of tempering by fandom discourse and seeing this guy made me so sad that i dropped the game. this and the fucking screwdriver bad end.
tl;dr: i'm not too fond of him.
I just finished Togainu no Chi (excluding Nano's route) a few weeks ago so I apologize for the incoming sperg–I have no idea where else to discuss this game with people since it seems like this fandom is dead.
I am so fucking in love with Shiki it hurts. I've never played a BL visual novel before but picked this up since Midorikawa is in it and honestly, I generally avoid the rape/stockholm syndrome trope, but Shiki's route has completely sold me on it. It's so fucked up but I love Shiki's route, and imo all three endings are great. I do have to say the shower scene is my least favorite because of how brutal the noncon is, but my heart really melted at Shiki becoming attached to Akira and showing a bit of affection for him at the end, in a Shiki-esque way of course lol because he's too fucked up to express love like a normal person.
I'm honestly depressed right now because I just got into this fandom and it seems really dead; barely any content. It looks like it was popular from 2005-2010 based on all the fanart on Pixiv and the doujinshi coming out, and it was still holding up in 2015, but now it just seems like nobody really cares anymore. The fandom is way past its prime and I'm jealous of all the people who got to talk about it from 10+ years ago. I wish my Japanese was better so I could dip my toes in the Japanese side of the fandom since it still seems like there's people hanging on there.
I won't lie, the 2000 era fujos who squeal and go all "xD!!" make me cringe, but damn I would be lying if I said I didn't want to fangirl with the Shiki/Akira shippers of that era. I feel nostalgic for those fujos tbh, I know their behavior was kind of cringe but at least they were nice and (generally) supportive of each other's tastes instead of… whatever we have going on in fandoms nowadays with all the policing and discourse.
sweet pool got a live-action thing but all I can find are clips, costumes look good though
>>1100I feel you nona, idk where to talk N+C that isn’t just dmmd
genuinely pisses me off that slow damage isn't out yet. the english version, i mean.
jast is making a sfw, all ages version of a game i've been told is full of guro and sex. so weird and pointless and irritating.
>>1283>so weird and pointless and irritating.I hope every single person that says this buy directly from their site because buying off Steam proves why they need to take time to do that shit.
>>361>>1100ShikiAki is my OTP lol. I like stockholm syndrome and Shiki is edgy and horrible in a way that really ticks a lot of boxes for me. I like watching him break Akira down, while he himself becomes attached to Akira in a way that he does not understand and expressing it in a violent and possessive way. His moment of affection melted my heart as well.
Shiki's route also got me into bl with [spoiler]possessive piercing/body modification.[/spoiler] I love shit like that.
>>1297omg nona, I'm sorry for the late reply; I hardly check on this site but I'm so happy to find another Shikiaki fan. I agree with everything you say, before playing TnC I was generally the type of fujo to stick to fluff and pure relationships, but Shiki just hits everything so right for me. He truly is edgy but he's hot as hell. I typically don't like stockholm syndrome, but I think I like it in Shiki's route because Shiki didn't kidnap Akira out of some possessive love, but because he was fascinated by Akira and wanted to test his will. Absolutely agree with the way you word it that Shiki ended up becoming attached to Akira in a way that he himself couldn't understand–it's so fucked up but endearing in a way how Shiki was still human enough to become soft towards Akira.
God yes, the possessive piercing that Shiki forces upon Akira is really hot and I'm obsessed with piercings now lmao. (Shameless self promo but I've wrtiten a few Shikiaki fics on AO3 if you're interested in checking them out. I won't directly link them here but they should show up on the first page since barely any TnC fics get posted. I'm the one who's constantly fangirling about Shikiaki on the AO3 tag so yeah…)
It's so rare to see Hashihime content so when I saw this doujin, I want to share it is Minakami x Tamamori fluff
>>1873I loved this game so much but the endings on one of the characters' routes was so boring and stupid. I wish they made another tho.
>>1873I'm surprised they approved it going by their track record of ignoring everything that isn't from popular series. I guess because it's translated.
Can someone rec me a game where the protag is topping, or at least reversable?
It's hard for me to enjoy games where the MC is an uke :( I loved Enzai and Zettai Fukuju Meirei, but nothing else has come close.
>>1877Have you ever played Hadaka Shitsuji? It is a classic, honestly. You are 99% of the time going to be a top. It's on Steam.
>>1879Not that anon but can you jog my memory, in this game, for whom/when does the MC bottom? I played it years ago and can't remember him not being top
>>1878That's definitely something I should be looking up.
>>1879Thanks for jogging my memory - What the fuck, this is on steam!? I have fond memories of drinking and laughing at the out there stuff that kept happening when playing it with a friend.
>>1880It might be tall red-head dude - Can't recall though, was a long time ago.
>>1880>>1881Ayrt, I think Tomoaki bottoms in a bad ending but I played the full game like years ago. I vaguely remember it and didn't want to leave that part out, but Tomoaki is pretty much always a top though. It might be the secret agent guys or the one friend of Komine that tops Tomoaki in a bad ending? Recommending it to you reminded me I have it in my steam library, I should replay it lol. Back in the day I got a virus trying to download it.
>>1877Omerta & Omega Vampire
Should I read DMMD or Slow Damage first?
>>1884I'd say DMMD since it's such a classic and has more fans. I always reccomended it as an entry point to BL games.
>>1884DMMD cause the soundtrack is banging
>>2054how are you finding lamento nonna? i feel like im one of the only people who doesn't like lamento very much - everyone seems to love it but i just found it so fucking boring. doesn't help that konoe is the worlds blandest protagonist.
>>2189>doesn't help that konoe is the worlds blandest protagonist.:(
He's cute though.
Downloaded Tokyo Afterschool Summoners tonight after repeatedly seeing cute art of it, anyone tried it?
I saw the English app store markets it as a LGBT game but its more accurate to say its largly bara with options for both het and yaoi. It's weird because most of the character designs are male-gaze muscle men, but then I do a ten-roll and get a hoochie mama and a cute scientist boy who wouldnt be out of place in an otome. It's a weird case of character designs being cast way too wide.
I probably won't continue, the second chapter had a cute romance between MC and a class-president character named Shiro that was sweet, but none of the other characters hooked me.
Has anybody played this, and are their any mobile sfw BL games you enjoy?
How did you nonnas find Hashihime? I've been interested in checking it out because I just found out about it recently and the art looks really nice but I know nothing else.
>>2297I really, really loved hashihime. I actually just played it last month. The first two routes are really amazing and the last ones less so, but the first ones are also way longer than the last ones. The beginning is pretty slow honestly, but I liked it, because I'm a nerd for japanese literature (and it has some to do with japanese literature). I really recommend it, even if you end up hating some of the routes like others online do, because it's a game where the routes are very different from one another. So if you really didn't like one I guess you could speed through it. But I actually enjoyed all the routes for different reasons.
The one reason I would potentially not recommend it, is it's very long. So if you really hate reading, it might not be your cup of tea. But that's the only downside. And actually, it being so long is a positive for someone like me. But I know long VNs are not for everyone.
>>2298I love long VN's so that's actually great to hear! A shame about the routes flagging in terms of quality, but good to know it still has good aspects. Thanks, I think I'll pick it up!
Anybody know of any BL games where you can go around murdering and diddling the townspeople in a nice, idyllic, pixelated world?
I am so tempted to spend years learning about game design just to be able to go around groping cute boys (who are all straight or bicurious and salacious little teases) as a cute boy.
>>2413Closest thing I can think of is Bully
>>2414Bully was truly a masterpiece before it's time. No SJW bullshit, actively anti-SJW jokes, black humor, and homo content was not pushed into ppl's faces, so people weren't getting uber pissy about it and it never came across as virtue signalling, but you sure could kiss the boys :D
And dress up a cute boy in preppy or greaser clothing, was amazing. Nobody tried to make it 'UwU for girls' and instead ended up catering to us hardcore. I love the Ivy Leage prep school aesthetic and usually shy away from modern day stuff, but this game was pure wish-fullfillment.
>>2413I've been wondering about this myself too and I've been checking in on an early access game called Cloud meadow once in a while to see how it's turning out. It seems like something that may scratch that itch. It's not specifically a BL game but you can play it as a BL game if you want to.
>Cloud meadow
oh hey i remember that
i played it years ago
didnt have much to do, but it was very pretty
hows it doing these days?
maybe its time i checked it out again
>>2487>I personally enjoyed all of the bad routes too, especially if you like gore or blood.Love me some /ex/ content so that's enough to convince me kek.
>You also have to finish Koujaku, Clear, Noiz and Mink to get the final route which has a lot of lore explanationsOh that actually sounds pretty interesting! Man can't believe it took me so long to play this VN, it's filled with so much to do. Alright nonny, thanks for the response, I'll report back once I finish the game entirely to give my thoughts.
>>2484>Are the other routes just as worth it? I think Koujaku's is as well as the bad ends for Clear
But Clear is definitely the best.
>>2484Noiz bad ends are the best thing.
>>2487I wish they had their own route. Mink's trip felt forced and I'm not a fan of robot boys in general.
>>2524To my knowledge there isn't, but there's a game guide book that has more insight on the characters / routes and a few extra images. I forget the name, but it has Hibarino and Jyurou on the cover!
>>2690By the way, when I finished the first story I thought to myself this VN may end up being something I can show to friends who would theoretically like BL but can't handle extreme stuff cause it didn't have any rape or cannibalism but Choutsugai's story sure put a stop to that thought in a completely unexpected way. Good lord, I hope this flew under Tumblr and Twitter's radar and the author didn't get any death threats for this.
>>2691BL authors never get any shit luckily, they are too niche for zoomers
Recently bought the No,Thank You!!! setting source and official works books. Super tempted to crudely scanlate them (and the Room No. 9 one too), but I feel like a huge autist squeeing over a decade+ old game like this. It really is pure misery porn with an adorably edgy cover to boot but I eat this shit up.
Bunch of random facts
>Haru's a gentleman with women, but relentlessly sexually harrasses men because he feels it's something they can (and should) be able to endure, and because they have the best reactions to it
>He's bisexual and his only real standard is "not a child"
>He likes crime and cop dramas, like the Wire and the Sopranos
>Hiroshi's shirt originally said LGBT in place of SWING, but the other part was the same
>Hiroshi is straight and has no idea what his shirt says
>The artist Sanpei herself is the self-proclaimed war criminal behind that shirt
>Mitsuru Amemiya was a helicopter director, and very passionate about this project
>The song that got Ryu into piano was Caravan by Duke Ellington
>Ryu plays piano instead of masturbating (don't laugh) but it's not intended as a substitution. He just gets so passionate and euphoric while playing that he often ends up popping a boner.
>The goldfish caught at the summer festival in Maki's route now lives happily in the sotano office
>Koichi is a good man who prefers women his own age. Sadly, he's still no match for Haru's semen demon powers.
>Ren is Ryu's #1 simp. They look a bit similar because Ren thinks he's so cool he started copying his frigid sigma male icon.
>Everyone on the team really liked Bunbun
>Bunbun's hobby other than being a lowlife is aquariums! He's also a southpaw
>In every route's true end, the love interest will end up adopting Haru's kitty Eyebrows/Mayuge after he leaves!!!
>Haru uses Pantene Extra Damage Care, Hiroshi uses Dove soap
>There's a long, spergy section about how each character would smell and what colognes/perfume they wear, including theoreticals… Haru doesn't wear any, but if he did, Le Labo Gaiac 10 would suit him best
>Two of the named inspirations for the game were House and Breaking Bad kek. No wonder I like it so much!
>Scenes they would've liked to include if they had more time included nosebleed licking and ero scenes with sub characters like Pheromone Aniki, Rikuto, and Bunbun
>Sanpei's favorite CG was the one with Haru and Maki covered in blood, Amemiya's was Ryu's first H scene. Both excellent choices!
>>2698Round 2, spoilers edition!
>Haru's immaturity and memory issues are both attributed to PTSD>Forms of torture Haru was subjected to before he won the hunger games thing at age 15 included being buried alive for several days among many, many other things>Upon his promotion, he worked close to his father as his bodyguard and favorite plaything>His tattoos have no meaning and were given to him with the expectation that he wouldn't live long enough for them to become an inconvenience. They were mainly included because they look cool and Amemiya thought scarification would be a hot form of torture.>He volunteered for the Koichi job because of his memories with Hiroki (he wanted to finally meet his father </3)>Hiroki would've looked somewhat similar to Haru, though a bit softer. He was kind just like his father. Haru liked him a lot.>The idea that Haru could be Hiroki kept Koichi up at night until the very end of his route. He was the most scared at the festival. Haru, of course, knew about this the whole time and was intentionally hamming it up, and getting off to it.>Ryu is basically asexual. He was turned off sex for good after being sexually abused by his cousin when he was young, which happened before he learned to masturbate, and this along with his uncle's neglectful care were what spawned his severe trust issues and desire to protect his little sister from ever having to go through something similar. This is also why he was immediately able to clock what was really wrong with Igarashi, and Haru too.>The sex between him and Haru went from transactional seduction to consensual over time, with Ryu wanting it the most in the piano scene>In Ryu's true end, he keeps the ticket because he really does hope Haru will come back, he trusts and sympathizes with him. But he'll never admit any of that because he's a tsundere.>He gets wet dreams about Haru from time to time after his true route and hates it>In Maki's bad end 1, he wants to say something along the lines of what he says in the true end, but can't find the words and runs out of time No.2700
>>2690The protag in Messiah is also one of those "I hate filthy homos" characters. I don't know about Uuultra C but in my experience that type of character usually got raped in the past and now hates gays, then gets raped by the love interest. I think it's amusing. Also I'm assuming "drag queen" is a mistranslation and faggot would be more appropriate.
>>2698>I feel like a huge autist squeeing over a decade+ old game like thisDon't feel that way, my favourite BL game is over 20 years old. I'm sure there are others who love that game and would be happy to see scanlations!
>>2698This game never clicked for me but I still respect it as something that does its own thing even if it never ended up appealing to my personal tastes.
>>2699Final round - MASSIVE, depressing spoilers addition!
>The common parent between Haru and Narimiya is their mother, not their father>Narimiya's parents escaped the organization and had him during that period>They were found, brought back, and tortured when he was age 12. Within a year they were both eventually killed, Narimiya lost his arm, and Haru was conceived.>Haru's bald spot is from a scar he got being cut out of the womb, by Narimiya>Narimiya raised Haru the village the organization's HQ was located, and at first this was all he was kept alive to do, but he was later recruited as staff for his intelligence and obedience>Haru was taken from Narimiya's care to the organization at age 6>Haru would not have sex with Narimiya or Hiroki of his own volition, rip>Narimiya is a kind person with no ill intentions, but he's completely depersonalization and emotionally vacant, simply letting circumstance carry him through life. The only person on earth he can be said to feel anything for is Haru, and even then it's not a lot.>Haru is neither a bad nor good person, and is similarly near emotionless but not quite to the same degree as Nari or Maki. He never seriously loves any of his partners nor does he have any intention to.>That said, he does have strong feelings for the chosen love interest in the game by the end, and it's especially because of this and his small hope to return to them that he has no intention to go down without a fight should his father die and the organization's remaining higherups attempt take him out as a precaution. He has a target on his back as the sole surviving heir.>His father's children have no names, and are instead numbered in order of birth. He is the 56th child, and the only one currently living.>His father's exact age is around 86.>Their family has posessed generational wealth and power since ancient times>The organization's various forms of trafficking are mainly used to fund his human experiments (as seen in Room No. 9, which does indeed take place in the same universe at the hands of the same organization)>The organization has no nameI'll stop now. I should really make a tumblr instead of dumping this here. But I hope this reaches the one other person out there who still cares about this game!
>>2700>Also I'm assuming "drag queen" is a mistranslation and faggot would be more appropriate. He used the term "Okama." From what I understand it's a tricky word to translate cause it's one of those japanese cultural things. I can imagine drag queen is probably close enough cause it seems like there's similarities between okama culture and western drag queen culture and in context the protagonist had just met an okama who was flamboyantly crossdressing. Not saying I'm an expert, though. I'm just going by articles I've read years ago.
>>2701Yeah, it's a marvel to me. It's so unique among BL games and it really resonated with me, though not denying the high chance that those feelings are intensified by how low my expectations were going in and the overall vibe evoking personal happy summer memories of playing Animal Crossing Wild World religiously as a kid, my favorite Kagerou Days songs, my high school bf, watching the Sopranos and Breaking Bad over and over, yada yada. It ended up becoming one of my favorite fictional works in general not just within the realm of BL, and I have huge respect for Parade and Amemiya as a director. And I really love Bunbun.
>>2700Thx for the reassurance, tatsumiposter!
>>2698>>2699I still haven't started either NTY or Room n.9 so I'm grateful for the summary but I'll read them later. That's actually a great source of motivation for me to start these VNs but I'm already busy with DMMD and then I'll start Slow Damage. I also try to play Bravely Default at the same time.
>>2705No problem haha, hope you enjoy. Some of the stuff I posted isn't mentioned at all in game while some is only hinted at in game and confirmed in the book so it'd be more satisfying to come back to it after doing everything for sure.
I finished UUUltra C now. I thought this approach of having three sets of couples was an interesting way to handle the game. While there was some overlap here and there as characters met up with each other I like that because of the switching viewpoints you could see different aspects of certain characters through another's eyes. For example how the name on a character's dialogue box would change depending on the route and POV character. I don't really have much to say otherwise except that I generally had a good time and I thought the characters were interesting in their own way. The story seemed kinda weird at first but it made more sense over time. The next BL game I play may be something older that's been gathering dust on my pc for a while such as Sukisho or Silver chaos.
I started DMMD weeks ago, did Koujaku's route and I haven't touched it again because I'm too busy. I'm going to be on holidays for a week tomorrow afternoon, I'll do Clear's route, the Noiz's route and then Mink's. But I liked Koujaku so much I already feel like shit for "cheating" on him. I'm so dumb.
>>2745I understand. When I played Lamento I started with Asato and then also had that exact same feeling when I continued on with the other guys.
>>2747Are your friends already into BL in general? If that's the case I guess it all depends in if they like edgy stories. I haven't read enough BLVNs yet to recommend anything but I wouldn't have started with Sweet Pool because of how crazy it gets, even though my own friends are very familiar with omegaverse and always read edgy shit already.
>>2747>i forced 4 different friends to play sweet pool for me on discordI think I'd play more BL VNs if I had somebody like you hanging around to live react with. I have a friend who gets me to watch a lot of his favorite anime/movies this way, it's just fun to enjoy something with somebody who already loves it and doesn't care that you like to talk during stuff.
>>2747I'd like to, but the only friends I have who are into BL are strictly into consensual vanilla stuff so I can't recommend anything with rape, let alone the type of hardore stuff you'd find in a chiral game like gore. If I played western BL games I could probably find something to recommend to them but I've only played japanese ones and my upcoming backlog is also japanese only so I don't think I'm going to find anything that suits their requirements.
>>2748yeah, i cant tell if i attract them or its because some of my other hobbies do but i feel like every other girl i meet online is fujo or adjacent. so one day either the conversation will naturally flow to fics or original bl or something, or i bring it up randomly as like an edgy fucked up thing i once played instead of something i actively enjoy kek, and from there they somehow end up playing it for me. they all had fun with it too, it and tnc both make for great in jokes so i'm gonna keep doing it at every opportunity
>>2749aww i wish i could annoy you to play my favorites on discord or something lol!!!
>>2750sadly rape is the biggest filter because its in almost every blvn to some capacity. first half of hashihime's visuals and story can outweigh it but its a little long and sad for a game to play with friends vs something stupid weird and fun like tnc, sweet pool, dmmd, everything pil/slash
>>2752This settled in my mind for a bit and I just realised the only BL game I played that doesn't have rape in it was Nu carnival. I'd hate to recommend that game to anyone, though. I got suckered into it for the gay porn only to realise pretty quickly that in the end it's still a tedious grindy gacha game cause it's designed to annoy you into opening your wallet. I wish it was a traditional BL game but in this day and age there's way more financial incentive to make it a gacha instead.
>>2756Man, Enzai is a such a throwback! Props for being the first commercially translated BLVN.
Who's your favorite character so far nonna?
>>2757Other than poor guys who is prone to all the ryona, maybe vallewida and lusca
>>2757This brings back memories. I first played this game when I was a teenager. I think it might have been the first thing I ever fapped to.
Apparently, Vallewida was meant to be a seme according to the drama CD? Blasphemy. His shell-shocked ass was made to be penetrated. Guys being versatile and not the sole fuckee was a huge selling point of the game for me, it kind of sucks how english BL went from this to a complete and utter lack of versatile scenarios.
>>2758I like Vallewida too, he's adorable, there's a touch of Victor Hugo about him. Being an ex-soldier definitely helps, a shame we never see him in uniform.
Lusca was cute, but the kind of cute that needs to have his ass drilled. DAE ship him with Evan?
>>2760Correct me if I'm wrong but the protagonist of that game looks like a shota. Even though japan has traditionally been more lax about this stuff I'd wonder if in the current year they'd still go for a game with explicit shota abuse considering BL VNs have only become more niche.
>>2759Yeah the vibes is clearly inspired by Les Mis. I'm surprised him and Evan weren't a couple in the first place lol. I still gotta read the Vallewida scenes at some point. Need to see pretty boy ryona.
>>2760Wonder if Yura could come back to her Langmoar games in her new company. Would be so good with her improved skillset.
>>2751If they're online friends then it makes sense you're more likely to find friends with more hobbies and tastes in common. How do you play together though? Does discord have an option to stream whatever you want? I never used it and only one of my irl friends has an account iirc. If that's the case you're almost making me consider making an account and streaming stupid shit with my friends for fun.
Actually this discussion reminds me of some years ago at a friend's place, we were all on her laptop and she showed us some game BL or management she downloaded a few days beforehand. I just looked it up and if I'm not confusing it with another game the title is Seiyuu Danshi. It was pretty funny. Since it's not really a VN it could be fun to play with friends but for different reasons.
>>2766>Does discord have an option to stream whatever you want?yes!
seiyuu danshi has been on my radar for a while now but I never got around it because it seemed more like a corny parody than the unabashedly chuuni or tragic and weird games I like, I find a lot of western vns have that problem. but I might try it with a friend too sometime, I know others who've said the same thing.
I'm starting Slow Damage, no spoilers but what is this about, is it a murder mystery or something else? The tutorials are a bit confusing.
>>2776It's about towa. Towa doing the things he likes to do in japanese las vegas. Until someone comes along and fixes him by begging him to be their waifu only.
I played with a guide on the whole time, I hate the way the choices work and the exploration sequences.
>>2777I'm really not sure how the choices work, I assume it has to do with the "negative" and "positive" thing explained in the tutorial. I'm going to pick whatever choices seem the least nonsensical and see what ending I get first, I'll follow a guide next if guessing the "right" choices is a hassle.
>>2778NTA and that's how I did it. I got pretty far into my first route before I got stuck.
>>2779I just did the things with Ikuina, the cute guy from the flower shop, where you interrogate him and I have no clue wtf I did but it seemed to work? I'll see how it goes but this plays like a fucked up version of Ace Attorney so far with how you alternate between exploring places and interrogating characters.
>>2780Actually this VN seems really long so I kind of gave up and checked a guide. It seems like in the last chapter of Taku's route and I have no clue what's going on. It's too long actually, I feel like some of the conversations are getting very repetitive just to make sure you don't forget some of the foreshadowing until the next big plot twists imo. I'm not sure I like it a lot so I checked the tvtropes page about Slow Damage with hidden spoilers just to see if maybe the other routes could be interesting and I think I'll keep playing.
Allegedly there's some bs about gender identity in Rei's route, is it true or is it just about him being a girly gay man kinda like Jeffrey Star? Just to make sure I know what to expect because I like him a lot so far. No.2786
>>2785lmao well thanks for the warning.
That could probably work as some bad ending tbh the game is already grotesque enough as a whole. If it gets too annoying I'll just press enter at the speed of light to be done with his route asap and check the next ones. No.2789
>>2781yes, rei wanted to troon and the conclusion he reaches on all that among other things in his ending is very weird. it takes a stance that appeals to no one, I heard even japanese players were disappointed by it. his route is seriously bad, I don't have anything good to say about it besides the scenes where he's eating sweets are cute. I might suggest skipping it and going back to it if you like the others if you think that sort of thing could ruin him for you. I liked him for his gyaru haircut at first but not by the end.
>Actually this VN seems really longyup, if it wasn't full of bloat it could be half the length if that. lamento was like this too.
>>2789Yeah that sounds disappointing, but it seems I would have to do his route to unlock the others anyway so I'll just have to smash Enter until I'm done with it. Getting Taku's route first was a good thing.
Still me. Just dropping by to say I'm done with Taku's route, I think I got all the endings. Slow Damage is so edgy it actually becomes laughable at times but I still managed to be interested in the whole yakuza shit going on. I'm disappointed the epilogue was so short. It says that things would never be the same in Shikoumi but never really shows how exactly beyond saying that Taku's clinic would never open again after he went to prison. Meanwhile the main story could get really repetitive at times. I started Rei's route, completed the second chapter and found it more interesting than Taku's second chapter, just because I found Taku's second chapter boring and annoying in the first place and the characters seemed too apathic to whatever the pedophile doctor was doing until the very last second to my liking. I finished DMMD just before starting this VN and I found it fun from the beginning, I'm taking more time to like Slow Damage so far I guess.
Are the next routes as long as the first ones? I'm going back to work tomorrow after a week of holidays so I will have way less time to keep reading, unfortunately. I'll just keep playing on my laptop after work like an old grandma reading her booking in her bed before sleeping.
>>2793Madarame's is shorter but Fujieda's is like twice as long lol
>>2794Damn, is Fujieda's route good at least? If it's good and long I'll consider this as a good thing. I swear the script must be so thick you could kill someone by throwing it at their head.
>>2795It starts strong, it's about
uncovering Towa's past. But after a while it gets bogged down and the pacing gets shiddy again… and then comes the climax :/ No comment on that
>>2796>spoilerGood, that's exactly what I'm looking forward to. There are already hints here and there and it's obvious something horrible happened at some point that
could cause his physical injuries and his amnesia. Now that I think about it I played AI Nirvana Initiative and it's also about a bishonen with only one eye,
dead younger siblings, severe mental issues and memory issues who are into men old enough to be their dads. What a coincidence kek.
My god the localization sucks ass. Since I'm doing Rei's 3rd chapter now and it's about
his deadbeat father's debt at some point Rei says he was "misgendered" when he was younger by his classmates or some shit, so you'd think it's just some accidental thing like "oh he was such a bishonen that people mistook him for an actual girl" or something equally trivial and annoying, but in the second chapter it's established that he was basically violently bullied and called the equivalent of a faggot. Then you have a sentence where Towa narrates something like "his face lit up like it was the fourth of July" bitch they're Japanese! I'm not American so I was wondering wtf that meant for a minute. It may seem autistic but small details matter and if I did something like this in any of my translation tests back in uni I would have gotten grades so bad I would have been kicked out of the school.
I feel like I'm spamming this thread now, sorry about that.
>>2797>I feel like I'm spamming this thread now, sorry about thatDon't worry about that, please continue! It's nice to see some activity in this thread and I like hearing your thoughts on the game!
>>2800I don't actually know what goes on in the writer's mind but it didn't bother me personally cause I get the impression it's a case of the writer finding gender stuff interesting subject material to write about without having the unquestioning reverence towards it like in western media. I alluded to this earlier in the thread but there's some gender stuff in the second Uuultra c route, most notably a
MTF troon kaiju who turns Choutsugai into a woman intending to rape and kill him, that would make western gendies go absolutely apeshit.
>>2802While she doesn't seem to unequivocally revere it, she doesn't seem especially critical of it either save for a couple negative examples. It's a strange fixation. She strikes me as an oddball, and not in a particularly good way either when the quality of her work is inconsistent.
But I must say I admire her artist's ability to do a lot with a little. Utilizing simple illustrations with heavy stylization allowed her to implement an impressive amount of cgs and bgs in the two games I've played on top of nailing the atmosphere they were going for, I love to see that in a vn. I also enjoy the idie vibe of her art, it reminds me of old vocaloid mvs like Pinky Promise. I have mixed feelings about this studio, whenever Ooe comes out I'll probably only play it if I hear excellent things about it.
>>2800I feel the same. I’d like Hashihime if it weren’t for this, I even liked the ending everyone else was mad about. I simply can’t ignore it in media anymore. Why would anyone want to see trannies in BL? I already see them everyday in real life.
>>2802I can imagine tims taking offence at Uuultrac but a few tifs I know like it for "exploring gender identity".
>>2809I'd probably move Aoba a bit to the left but I agree for the guys I recognize.
>>2809Michael is the cutest for sure, even cuter than Tamamori.
but not as rapeable I would love to see you add more boys. Do you play a lot of non-translated games?
>>2812I learned Japanese by playing video games for children and VNs. If you’re interested in learning I recommend doing that instead of spending hours grinding anki decks. Alternatively you can just use machine translation. I used to mtl BL games before I took my studies seriously. You don’t have to miss out on anything!
> Also don't think masquerade needed to be that far down.Agreed, this chart is weird. Is Luckydog really as popular as Togainu no Chi? And I don’t know half of these yet it’s missing games that have an English translation.
>>2812I've felt that way before when browsing the bl and otome general on 4chan but at the same time I've lately had so much to occupy myself with that it hasn't been an issue for translations to come out slow. Then again now that I've found the motivation to start drawing again I may be able to find the motivation to continue studying japanese too.
>>2811>Do you play a lot of non-translated games?Sadly no since I don’t know moonrunes :(
I'm done with Rei's route, it was good overall and would have been so much better if Towa wasn't repeating 10 times that you're not supposed to bring weapons during Deathmatches because it ruins all the fun of it and if all the characters would stop repeating the same things over and over again as if the audience suffered from alzheimer's. So far besides Mayu's bad ending which was pretty funny I find the bad ending boring or stupid. I guess nothing will be as iconic as Keisuke evicerating Akira or the entirety of Sweet Pool.
The whole gender shit going on made sense in the story because of how Rei had dysphoria because of his homophobic father kicking him out when he was younger and getting bullied in school, but I feel like the translation itself contradicts the message. I got from it that it's ok to be gay and you don't have to forgive or like your homophobic parents just because you're related to them, and then the amerilard localizer uses words like "misgendering" to say that Rei was called a shemale or a faggot as insults, and "gender expression" to say that Rei uses "ore" instead of "atashi" at some point and got an ugly haircut, and his feminine friends are clearly gay men yet the localizer uses "they/them" for all of them individually which makes some scenes incomprehensible because they often hang out together. Oh and I really wanted Rei to accept the deal so he wouldn't have to pay for anything and his piece of shit father would die. His father was infuriating. I wanted to beat him up myself.
>>2818The pro-gender role message of
>I'm becoming a real man now time to chop all my hair off and lower my voice, man = masculinitymade me uncomfortable. If that's the takeaway what does that mean for the okamas? And the ending where they ambiguously make it seem like he and his dad are going to try to work on their relationship because the dad learned to respect rei's manliness after watching him fight?? He shouldve sold that rat out and been done with it, they shouldnt of have made his dad such an irredeemable pos if they were going to go that route
>>2819Yeah the thing with the father was ambiguous, I can't see Rei ever talking to him again but it's like the writers didn't want to make the "if your parents are pieces of shit or abusive you don't have to acknowledge them" too direct or blatant for cultural reasons I guess so the message seems more like in-between that and "he's your dad you should still talk to him".
What pisses me off is that the father is a realistic depiction of an addict ruining everyone's lives and the story makes it seem like he learned his lesson at first and then it becomes obvious that he'll gamble all his money again. For a story as edgy as Slow Damage I really expected Rei to accept the deal, even if it were in the bad ending at least.
>time to chop all my hair off and lower my voice, man = masculinityI wouldn't mind it if it weren't for the whole
switching from atashi to ore thing going on. If it were more gradual than that it would have been believable, and a lot of people get a new haircut after moving on from something big too. It sounded like he was forcing himself to change his entire speech patterns and habits because of how sudden it was and it's very hard to translate in English so the subtitles must have been very awkward for people who don't understand Japanese at all.
The haircut is ugly as fuck, I thought he looked cute until it happened. Why does he look like he's about to move to Wyoming and buy a yak ranch in the epilogue? What a shame. No.2822
>>2821I don't think it's a fault of the translation alone because the japanese were critical of it too. Rei's route was controversial worldwide, they had to backpedal on the final message a little in the blcd.
>The haircutBroke my heart. I loved his vkei haircut, he was the only pretty boy among two hags and bland fujieda. No wonder ikuina is so popular.
>>2823This is just my experience (or maybe it's just what twitter shows me?) but it seems madarame is MUCH more popular with Japanese and Chinese fans than he is in western circles. I like madarame okay, but I notice that JPN artists draw fuck tons of fanart with him in it. I think it's interesting the favorite seems to differ between western and JPN. (Though like I said, maybe I'm biased on what twitter shows me?)
>>2824Wasn't Shiki voted the most popular love interest like several years in a row? Japan loves rape kuns.
>>2825Eiji doesn't want to get the aids.
>>2822>bland fujiedaI'm looking forward to his route just because he's wearing a suit and looks so formal, I want to see him disheveled at some point. Please no spoilers! But right now I'm doing Madarame's route and it's boring as hell. It feels like there's no story so far even though I reached the point when
Rei shows up again and already knows him. No.2830
>>2829omg the VN crashed TWICE IN A ROW, Madarame's route is officially the worst one, I'll just skip it and maybe redo it another time if some of you somehow manage to convince me it's not that bad.
>>2830>>2829you ain't missing much unless you want to see his bare ass and the
blond towa comeback. everything beyond knowing who madarame is to towa is irrelevant in the true route. madarame has one of those rotes where you'll only like it if you like him.
idk WHAT is up with all the crashing but it made me want to rip all my hair out too
>>2831It crashed a third time kek it has to be a Jast Blue thing, I already had issues with TnC and Sweet Pool before that were even worse.
Ok I'm done with Madarame's bullshit, all I got from this was seeing his ugly haircut in the good ending so I'm glad I stopped caring. Time to fuck Phoenix Wright or whatever.
>>2807I understand your feelings. Personally I rationalised it as the theme of the third route being that
Yomi and Jurou were in a mutually toxic relationship and Jurou was doomed to never truly get what he wanted. So it was fitting that they never fucked normally in human shape. No.2836
Madarame's route was so boring and badly written no seriously it feels like it was written by a schizo with how fast Towa was ok with Madarame's bs that now I'm really enjoying Fujieda's route because at least this one has a proper story. I'm glad I'm finally getting answers in this route but at the same time I guessed almost everything that's explained. All the previous hints about Towa's past and mother reminded me way too much of Yatamomo and Black Butler specifically, I guess that's why.
>>2848Good then, I'll start NTY soon in that case. Maybe even tonight after work, and I'll be free this weekend so if it's not too long maybe I'll be able to binge read it. If I like NTY I'll also try this studio's other VNs.
>Jast does because they're hacks.I legit thought they did that because Steam forced them to. I bought their VNs on the Jast website instead to avoid this shit. I'm gonna read Lamento soon, I'm not looking forward to them trying to localize it given how they handled Slow Damage, if they ever manage to afford it to begin with given that the voice actors are expensive. I remember Jast asking on twitter if we were ok with them releasing VNs without the voice acting before saying they don't plan to localize Lamento anymore so I'm 99% sure they considered removing the voice acting in Lamento to cut costs. This is insane. I hope they won't fuck up Paradise.
My impression was that Jast releases "All-ages" versions because adult games on steam are less visible in the search and recommendations system for obvious reasons while mangagamer just doesn't care about visibility.
>>2852Does it really have a huge impact on sales though? I wouldn't be surprised if that shit attracted underaged zoomers to read VNs that aren't made for them at all instead. I can't even imagine how you could make an "all age" version of Slow Damage that doesn't ruin the story given its themes without replaced sex scenes with something very different, like what Nitro+Chiral did with its previous VNs when porting them to the PSP or PSVita.
>>2852I don't think n+c games are going to get recommended to anyone not already looking for bl games nor do I think anyone wants to play an all ages version of a bl game like that, they usually add extra routes to censored console releases to give you a reason to buy them. Maybe I could see it for hashihime but it ruins the n+c games if you havent already played them.
Do you think it's better to buy Mangagamer VNs on their own website or on Steam? An anon said they don't censor anything on Steam but Steam isn't compatible with Windows 7 and 8 anymore so while I use Windows 10 right now I'm a bit wary of what could happen later.
>>2859I personally always like to get these VN releases from the publisher's own website cause it means steam doesn't get a cut. Maybe it's just copium but this is such a niche industry that I imagine every bit is going to help and I feel no need to get steam achievements or broadcast these purchases to my friendslist anyway.
>>2859agree with
>>2860, mangagamer always appears to be in a state of borderline turbulence and could probably use the little bit of extra help
>>2860>>2861I see, I can only see the prices in USD on their websites so I didn't think about comparing them to the ones on Steam in euros. I didn't think about Steam getting a percentage from sales as well. I already bought NTY years ago on Steam so I'll start it today or this weekend, but I'll buy some stuff soon from Mangagamer's website, I think I'll get Room n.9 and Hashihime first.
If anyone hasn't tried it yet and is willing, I'll go and recommend Tokyo onmyoji. It's my second favourite BL game after Hashihime. It has a cool urban fantasy setting and I enjoyed the way the protagonist is written. He's a competent fighter who already has experience with men and his personality is snarky but caring when he needs to be. The fact that there's also a bunch of minor bad ends where the protagonist gruesomely dies gives me type-moon nostalgia and I dig that sort of thing. The only downsides I can think of is that one of the routes is more of a joke route without any real plot and the game's choice system for getting onto the route you want is a bit vague. The 'common route' is a series of exorcism cases where you can build up points with guys depending on which case you pick and which choices you make in the case. You do get some hints on which guys will show up in a case and maybe I'm just stupid but on my first run I didn't get who I wanted and I very quickly decided to just stick to this guide for the sake of convenience. So yeah, I really enjoyed this game. Yotsuya best boy but I don't think any of the love interests were bad. Even the guy I thought was gonna be a rapechad actually turned out to have depth.
>>2864I was interested in this because I like onmyoji and yokai shit but the ugly art style filtered me.
>>2865>the ugly art style filtered meUnironically the most insufferable type of vn player there is
>>2864Thanks for the rec. I don't think I'll try that one any time soon because of my backlog but it does seem interesting. I'll add the guide in my bookmarks just in case.
>>2867No problem. Just figured I'd throw it out there just in case anyone was looking for recs.
In other news I noticed that Jast blue put Paradise up for preorder now on their site but I have a backlog of my own so I'm wondering if I should really go for it. Then again, in my region it's only 16 bucks which is absolutely nothing compared to other stuff I buy these days.
>>2876I'm also interested in Paradise, I won't buy until I see how the translation is. If there's a demo I'll download it though.
>>2698>>2699>>2702Thank you for the fun facts, nona. I adore both of these games(RN. 9 especially so) so I hope that you get around to scanning the official books one day.
>>2891>boys love game>has boys but no lovethe game was fun but i was disappointed when i finished it, even masquerade had more romance.
>>2892Plz expand? 'Straight boys forced to do gay stuff' is one of my fetishes, but I like there to be some 'gay for you' or 'unhealthy gay via trauma bonding' in there.
>>2892that's why ending
C is the goat
it could be because so much of the bl I consume is shipping with a slightly-more-than-fwb dynamic but I didn't miss the romantic love that much in the other routes. I think their platonic friendship and watching it be tested in increasingly fucked up ways that do permanent damage no matter the end was what made the game work. it made everything feel more real.
>>2893they go in as straight, platonic bffs but after they get kidnapped and forced to do weird sex stuff, they can't ignore how good it feels and how bad they wanted to fuck eachother, but in most endings
(all but one out of six, literally) their relationship takes a dark turn and they
don't end up as a couple in the true end.
>'unhealthy gay via trauma bonding'heavy amounts of this in 2 endings. you'll love end C, A too if you're a superperv into
mob, rape, ntr, male bitch, abuse, etc. No.2896
>>2895What was ending C? [spoiler]the sex room ending?[/spoiler]
Honestly the dark endings where my favorite. I loved the slow feeling of them getting addicted to sex until they couldn't get enough while trying to resist all the way. Sorta like "once you try the forbidden fruit, you can't get enough.
The [spoiler]the hard fuck in the last route was hot too even if it ends with Daichi crying post sex[/spoiler]
>>2896yeah C was the one where they
get super depressed and lose the motivation to finish, instead they fuck forever. that pov switch, the heavy tone, the part where seiji snaps and tries to kill daichi just to make it all end but can't bring himself to, the cock warming and frotting… absolute kino, gave me chills. I can see how parade's often depressing and non-romantic games are an acquired taste, but I for one can't get enough of them.
>>2864Thanks for the recommendation. I've owned this VN for over a year, but I haven't found the motivation to start it. I think I'll finally give it a shot this week; the potential for horrific bad ends and the Hashihime mention sold me (Hashihime is my favorite BLVN, too). Is there a recommended route order to avoid spoilers, or am I safe to read whichever route looks most interesting first?
>>2899You can just do whatever order you want. Instead of there being one overarching plot that's shared between love interests with a true ending, this game gives each guy his own storyline after the common route.
did anyone go see (or stream) the live Lamento: Beyond the Void on stage?
>>2914I didn't even realize it was out, did you get a chance to nonna?
>>2915no, there's regional restrictions on watching the stream and my VPN doesn't work… sadge
>>2916sorry for double post but I forgot to add the link to the streaming: No.2922
I started NTY two weeks ago, chose one of the love interest and never touched it again later because I got lazy. I need to go back to it. Is there a "true route" or I can do all the routes in whatever order I want?
>>2916Nta and I have trouble accessing DMm tv too. It's so sad. I really wish it wasn't region locked.
>>2947NTY has been on my radar for some time, but I've been playing a different BL game recently, so it's probably going to remain on my to-read list for a while. Out of the BL games specifically made by Parade, I've only played Lkyt, and I found the setting and the plot to be very interesting. It felt a bit grittier and more grim than a lot of BLVNs I've read, and I really liked that. There were lots of good fights and a sort of hopeless atmosphere hanging over the whole cast of characters. I don't know how it compares to Room No. 9 and NTY, although I'd imagine they'd be similar by virtue of being made by the same company. I think you're right in saying you'll enjoy Lkyt, or at least I hope so, because I'd like to see more people talking about it. Are there any other BLVNs you're interested in trying in the future?
>>2947glad you're having fun with it, nona!!! haru is seriously one of my favorite characters in anything ever
>>2948if you liked lkyt, you'll like the other two and vice versa. unconventional couples, high media literacy hurdles, bleak scenarios, (sweet/)tragic endings, fully fleshed out characters, and the sex are what they're known for.
semi-related to RN9 talk, where my friendly lab:unlock translation? they delayed it and never updated

on the surface it looks just like a tennouji RN9 cover
>two friends are trapped in a room together and forced to complete 10 tasks across a 10 day period as part of an experiment, suffering and rape insues)but aside from the core concept, it seems different. instead of watching two childhood bffs relationship and mental states slowly be ripped apart, it's a utsuge set in the luckydog1 universe featuring two amnesiacs and you play as the researcher, with your goal being to help the two recall the memories of their tragic pasts. and then they get emo. I've heard it's heavier on the gore than RN9 but light on the sex and what there is is not hawt. biggest downside is it has no music or voice acting.
for all the shit some people give the parade games, them having their swag stolen by both of the biggest companies in bl vns is evidence that they're doing something right. Saw and Breaking Bad yaoi were sick concepts.
>>2876So I found out that Paradise has a piss scene in it and I'm gonna have to pass on that. I can't explain the logic behind why gore doesn't bother me but piss and shit does, but that's just how it is.
>>2951I’ll probably pick up RN9 and NTY next Steam Sale, as that does sound like the vibe I go for in VNs. Thanks for your thoughts on them! NTY is particularly interesting to me because I’ve seen a lot of discussions on how Slow Damage borrowed… rather liberally from it (unfortunately, I’ve been unable to actually READ those discussions, on account of spoilers). I wasn’t the biggest Slow Damage fan, personally, but I do enjoy picking apart similarities and differences, and just comparing which work did it better, so I’ll probably have fun with NTY when I get around to it.
Also, you are so right for this; I’ve been wondering about Friendly Lab, as well. I’m a big fan of utsuge in general and the premise is interesting. Weren’t we supposed to get a Luckydog1 translation, too?? I personally don’t care much about voice acting, but the lack of music is a little concerning. Either way, hopefully we hear something soon.
>>2953>I’ve seen a lot of discussions on how Slow Damage borrowed… rather liberally from itI won't spoil it but they do have a lot in common between elements of the love interests (you can tell who was who just by looking at them let alone playing their routes), mc, structure, themes, plot beats, etc. and some of it gets excessive to a fault. like how the drug thing that felt sorta random in sd is the driving force of the main plot of nty from the very beginning.
>Weren’t we supposed to get a Luckydog1 translation, too??I totally forgot about this
>mangagamer: luckydog1's translation is nearly complete!>may 2023rip
most of the routes have fantranslations in english and spanish but now I really want to know why tennenouji's official tls keep going dark lol. I've heard good things about friendly lab though (like how it's a more hands on game where you can do weird shit to the boys like feed them bugs and rotten food which just sounds fun to fuck around with lmao) so yeah fingers crossed at least that one surfaces.
>>2954Soon after making my last post, I realized both NTY and RN9 had gone on sale without my notice. They are both in my Steam library now (although it’ll be a while before I start either, as I try not to have too many VNs in progress at one time). Now, I have no excuse not to read them.
>like how the drug thing that felt sorta random in sd is the driving force of the main plot of nty from the very beginning. I agree that the drug thing did feel random in SD; in fact, I’d say there were quite a few plot elements which felt incredibly disconnected from the overall narrative. I just chalked it up to the route structure of VNs, as it’s not uncommon for side routes to feel superfluous to the overarching plotline. I’ll admit that in SD, the drug route was probably my favorite because it was the most entertaining (I can acknowledge it wasn’t necessarily GOOD). There’s another route in SD that was strange pacing-wise, where most of it was build-up, and when I reached the actual meat of the route, it kind of… ended. I’m curious if there was anything borrowed from NTY in that route, as the pacing and manner certain elements of the plot came together felt out-of-place (I also thought it had minimal connection to the true route). I won’t go on about why I didn’t like SD, as I understand it’s beloved by readers for a reason and I’m probably just missing something. Also, I apologize for derailing by complaining about SD; I know that wasn’t the point of your post. I’m hopeful NTY might be more aligned with my preferences, as there still were elements of SD I was able to appreciate.
>I totally forgot about this Mangagamer doesn’t have much in the way of BL announced for the near future; I think Luckydog1 is the only one listed on their site. Six BLVNs made it onto the top 25 of their licensing survey this year (more than last year), although I’m aware that survey doesn’t affect anything. Still, I’m hoping they’ll start picking up more titles because if not, there’s not much else to look forward to from them. The whole “fucking around with the boys” thing does sound appealing for Friendly Lab; it’s kind of what I’m hoping to see in RN9 (you know, having to make equally awful decisions in terms of what you’re going to subject these poor anime boys to).
>>2955awesome! have fun nona
>There’s another route in SD that was strange pacing-wise, where most of it was build-up, and when I reached the actual meat of the route, it kind of… ended(spoiler about sd only)
madarame, right? if so, yeah, very much so. if rei, no. rei is the most different from anyone in nty, basically the only thing he has in common with the guy who he'd be closest to of the 4 (hiroyuki) is that they're both the "inexperienced virgin" type of route that's supposed to not have much to do with the main plot (at first glance).and same on mangagamer, I saw nie no machi on that list and I really hope they pick it up so I can hold everyone I know at gunpoint and force them to read it next lol. they're going to be translating adelta's ooe too I assume. they did her other ones in only a year so expect that in 2025.
>having to make equally awful decisions in terms of what you’re going to subject these poor anime boys toyup, you can't force them to eat bugs but the experiment in rn9 seems crueller
and much more degen overall
now I'm thinking about hiroshi… I've seen dozens of stinkpieces about nty, and haru, ryu, and maki as characters, but not much about hiroshi so I'll sperg about his route myself
haru's relationship with him has the most sweet and playful tone and it's the most appropriate with it being comprised of two bright, energetic boys around the same age. but it's subtly peppered with these weird little statements from haru that range from ominous to passive aggressive to creepy. red flags, something we learn dear hiroyuki is a pro at ignoring as the route goes on. it makes a perfect starter route, because you're either learning about who haru really is *with* hiroyuki, the sole member of the main cast who couldn't immediately tell haru was sus, or you get to pick up on those red flags yourself and feel smart for knowing something was up after all at the end.
in the end, we find out all haru's weird behavior was coming from a place of intense resentment. despite being peers, hiroyuki is ironically the one love interest haru couldn't even begin to relate to deep down. he can't stand his endless supply of optimism, innocence, and faith, things that were taken from haru a very young age (he was only 6 years old when he became a "test subject") that hiroyuki is still able to hold onto as an adult even under the most dire circumstances. he rejects his affection, seeing it as grossly misplaced, and pretty much thinks he's a dumb, stubborn pickme who is delusional for thinking haru is good deep down or that he can fix him. he's so fed up he feels the personal desire to kill for the first time in his life. their dynamic and situation directly parallel the story of taeko and her daughter yufumi, down to sharing some of the exact same dialogue lines. thematically I think bad end 2 feels right here. hiroyuki's unwavering trust in a man who has been sending up red flags any normal person would've been able to clock from a mile a way and now has a loaded gun pressed against his temple with the intent to kill is what tips haru over the edge and he kills hiroyuki. of all the BE2s, this is the only one haru regrets killing his partner. so, so good. I love the feel of hiroyuki and maki's routes back to back too. all that said it may technically still be one of my least favorite routes just because I like the others even more, but piyoshi will always be #1 piysohi.
>>2957Thank you! I’ll probably post my thoughts about it whenever I start reading, and I’m excited to finally be able to read what others have said in the past about NTY. And yes, I did mean
Madarame, not Rei.
>they're going to be translating adelta's ooe too I assume I’ve been hyped for Ooe since its initial announcement, and if Mangagamer doesn’t pick it up for some reason, I will lose my mind lol. Everything about it looks absolutely amazing, from the art to the genre to the premise. I’m a massive fan of mystery novels, especially those from the Golden Age, and that appears to be one of the primary sources of inspiration for Ooe. I was really happy to see Shingakkou also made it onto the list again (and it actually moved up to the top 10), but it pains me to know it's probably a lost cause due to that issue with the VAs. Likewise, Nie no Machi has some really appealing art (of the sprites/CGs I’ve seen, anyways), and there are never enough gory horror BL games available in the west. Nie no Machi is also supposed to be getting a new Steam/Switch release in Japan this year (some sources state it’s an international release, but I'm not sure if that's accurate), so fingers crossed that’ll serve as an excuse for someone to translate it!
>>2952There's a non-18+ version that's set to release some time after the initial release. Might be worth considering, if you still are interested in the game?
>>2971After thinking about it some more I felt like if the rest of the game seems appealing I could just mash enter through the piss scene.
>>2973nta but it is a little insane that of all the shit going on in paradise it's that scene that you can't handle. it's just a crazy violent sex game directed by the CAGE lady but with none of the soul those games had.
>>2974I don't actually know what happens in that game. I've only seen that one comment and I was just grossed out cause I don't like that fetish.
>>2975NTA and this is not really related, but the one fetish I absolutely cannot handle is vomit. I can take piss, gore, noncon, really violent shit… but if it's vomit? I'm out. I know it doesn't make any sense but vomit is a huge turn off to me. I play series with gross stuff and luckily vomit is not too common but idk why.
That's why
the minor vomit scene in Hashihime almost filtered the fuck out of me. It wasn't even a sex thing, but I was just like, 'ew, why???'.
>>2978None of those nonas but same. I can associate almost anything else with edging/orgasm but vomiting just makes me think of bad times, even though
I spent most my earliest periods waiting for vomit to signal relief from cramps. You know how much bliss that should be, and yet it still didn't affect how I feel about vomit.
I don't mind just the existence of vomit, some manga and drama use it to make a character look pathetic and in need of care without focusing on it too much, but when it's done as a kink it has to be visible and the action/feeling described, and that's too much for me.
>>2975its a violent uke suffering sex game. like reverse hadaka with less degen and more guro.
>>2981NTA but is it worth playing for the horror elements or did you find it shitty overall?
Soo this is gonna sound a bit weird but is there a way to play these games (I'm especially interested in Sweet Pool and Lykt) without installing them to a pc (so portable)? I have a computer but my nosy bastard brother uses it from time to time and peeps around. Pirating would be nice but honestly I wouldn't mind paying. I used to watch playthroughs but no one does them anymore.
>>2990Probably not what you're looking for, but there is a full playthrough of sweet pool on YouTube under the username Misskatonic. There's also a release for PS Vita, but only if you can read Japanese. Can't help with Lkyt, but maybe another nona will have a better answer.
>>2990Sweet pool has console releases but like the other anon said none are translated and they're all very censored. There's also a censored cersion of sweet pool on steam if you actually want to play it censored. Nothing you can do about Lkyt unless you have a steam deck and can play it on that. It has some funny emergency escape screens you can set up though.
>>2991>>2992I know about the playthrough but the sex scenes are privated/deleted, and I mean I really wanted to see those kek but I guess I can settle for that. Too bad for Lkyt, I know there was some streamer guy who wanted to play it so who knows. Thank you so much for answering anons!
>>2993You're welcome, but why don't you just set up a separate user profile to play them? You can choose to only install them on one profile
>>2993You're welcome! I just remembered there also used to be a blog on tumblr with a playthrough or a link offsite to their playthrough, as well, but I don't recall the name, and I am unable to look for it right now. I'm sure you could find it, but if you can't, I can try to search later. Potentially, you could also purchase an external drive, buy the games on JAST/Mangagamer, and then download them onto the drive. I’m too computer illiterate to know if this would accomplish what you're wanting, so this might be bad advice. Either way, I hope you get to enjoy sweet pool, at least; it's a great horror story.
>>2994Afaik not every program allows for separate user installation, and I'm not familiar with how vns normally work (do they need to be installed? Do you just download an .exe from the site?). I could try setting up a virtual machine though…
I also see there is one tumblr user who has some uncensored vns (mainly nitco+chiral ones) that don't require installation but they're uploaded on fucking baidu, and that requires a client/spyware program for downloads.
>>2995Drive installation could also work but I don't really know how to do that, it's a bit complicated. I'm kinda computer illiterate too.
>>2996Sweet pool (and all the other Jast nitro chiral games) actually does need to be installed and I don't know if it gives you the option to install it separately, but I know for a fact Lkyt. doesn't need to be installed, you download the files, extract, and play. It's actually really easy to set up an external hard drive to boot from like that other anon suggested too, I remember doing it in middle school to aid in jailbreaking all my game consoles and torrent movies and games kek.
>>2999Yeah, your thoughts echo mine as I played through it. There's clearly an audience for it but it sure wasn't me in the end.
>>3000I think they were more targeting gay men over fujos
>>2999I only started it a month ago and never had the free time to go back to this VN, now you're making me worry a bit about whether I should continue or not. I tend to care more about the plot, imo there should be good sex scenes from time to time but they need to be justified for me to care.
>>3002If you’re reading mainly for plot you’re not gonna get much.
I’d say what they do going from the first route to all the others is kinda interesting [spoiler] but it also just makes protagonist literally pull the ‘I was just pretending to be retarded card [/spoiler]
Doesn’t help that no one really seems to have any sort of romantic feelings or much character development. Everyone outside of Hiroyuki (and Haru obviously) doesn’t even seem to enjoy sex and just views it as this annoying chore they have to deal with which only adds to them feeling like a chore for the reader as well.
>>3003>Everyone outside of Hiroyuki (and Haru obviously) doesn’t even seem to enjoy sex and just views it as this annoying chore they have to deal with which only adds to them feeling like a chore for the reader as well.Then I'll just do Hiroyuki's route and see if I'm motivated enough to try the other ones after that. It's the route I already started anyway. The guy with the glasses annoyed me and has a stupid haircut so I'll keep him for last. Are the routes good enough on their own or do you need to do all of them to understand some scenes and foreshadowing?
>>3004Don't listen to that sperg, she developed a vendetta against it and everyone who liked it because people both here and on the lolcow BL thread keep bullying her favorite game and have pointed out that it's a pale immitation of it kek. Hiroyuki's route is kind of the worst but it's still great, he's a cutie and it's the best to start with narratively. You do need to do all of them to understand the full plot of the game, they do foreshadow eachother and there's a mechanic where once you complete a route, you unlock new scenes that were omitted in your first playthrough so you'll need to do them all at least twice, Inui's three times, to learn the full story. You can play it just for plot, but if you aren't paying attention you'll get confused like any other story with a complex narrative. After finishing Hiroyuki's route is when you get to the meat of the plot and you find out why it's classified as an
utsuge, Haru's backstory and reason for being there, etc., the happy SOL business basically there so finishing that and deciding if you're interested enough in what's going on to continue would be a fine decision.
>>2999>>3003Hi, Slow Damagechan. You said yesterday on the lolcow thread during your meltdown when a bunch of anons said they hated Slow Damage that you had only just started No, Thank You!!! and hadn't even finished Hiroyuki's route, and now it's the only one you're talking about along with some thoughts copypasted from upthread. Are you sure you played the whole thing and aren't just excitedly trying to shit on it and defend Slow Damage again? Lol
It has a plot, a great one, I can explain it to you if your media literacy isn't fully developed yet, but I recommend just playing the whole game first. I can at least point out all the similarities between it and Slow Damage, but it'll take me a long time.
Ngl I haven't played NTY but I always thought it was a straight out porn game so I'm a bit surprised that people can be dissapointed that there's too much sex.
>>3006So what do you suggest then? Are each route short enough to be completed in one day so I can read the VN little by little, or should I binge read it to not forget important details?
>>3003Nona, I wish you'd tagged the spoilers properly. I don't mind whatever issues you have with the game, but it kind of sucks to have what I'd assume is a big twist for the first route ruined.
>>3006Can you go back to lolcow if you want to continue your retarded argument? I get wanting to defend your shit taste but this isn’t the place for it.
>>3009It's not a short VN, I'd say somewhere in the 30-40 hour range depending on your read speed. I'd recommend just following the Hiroyuki Maki Inui Ryu order and "100%ing" each route before you move onto the next. If you have a lot of freetime, you can fit in one per day and as long as you're paying attention you probably won't totally forget anything important. I remember I ended up just replaying the whole game the second I finished it because the last two endings I got made me so depressed all I wanted was to go back and experience the sweet SOL moments with Hiroyuki again kek, still to this day it's one of the only VNs I've ever bothered to revisit and I've heard other people who the plot really clicked with say they did the same thing. I thought it was boring or expected it to be porn only at first too so you're not alone there, I put off playing it for a while and eventually had to restart when I finally decided I wanted to beat it. It was only after first finishing Hiroyuki's route that I couldn't put it down and I now consider it my favorite VN, not just of the BL ones. It's like a Hashihime made specifically for the crime drama/noir spergs.
>>3013>If you have a lot of freetime, you can fit in one per dayI really don't… Sounds like I should just read it little by little and binge read it during the weekend then. I have a video game I want to beat first though.
>>3014Yeah, that'll work. About a third or a fourth of a route per day with more on the days I had extra time was what I ended up doing on all my runs (well, I think do that with all VNs unless they're really short).
For the anon(s) who wanted to know how Slow Damage relates to NTY… apologies for how cringe analyzing these gay porn games to this degree is but *inhales* (1/2)
>plot centered around yakuza, child abuse, and organized crime, specifically human and drug trafficking>apathetic, free willed slut mc who is the failson of a yakuza boss in his 80s>technically bisexual but favors men for one reason or another>hobbies include hedonism and wandering aimlessly around his city>is more concerned with the reactions of his partner(s) than his own pleasure during sex>the game has you piece together his unfortunate backstory which is teased throughout in various ways>this backstory involves being pimped out and tortured in horrific ways by parent who is the owner of a secret and highly exclusive sex trafficking ring from childhood>this parent is a psychopath and doesn't understand human emotions, part of the reason why they do this is to satisfy their curiosity>they're especially fond of mc as mc is the most similar to them of any other human they've known but still very different>amnesia/memory issues you're misled to believe were caused by one thing revealed slowly over the course of the game to be caused by severe ptsd from the horrific torture they experienced>mc bears large, mysterious scars eventually revealed to have been given to him at that dark time in his youth>mc had a close friend in the torture dungeon who often talked about a family member coming to save the two of them and running away together. at the end of the game, this friend is revealed to be a relative of one of the love interests, and they died at the hands of a major character, with their death greatly affecting mc. >mc is given a job and housing by a caring 45 year old man with fatherly qualities>man is a soft, protective dadcon love interest who makes drugs for yakuza on the side walter white style. route involves uncovering his drug side business, his motivation for starting it in the first place, involvement/knowledge of the trafficking ring, bondage and aphrodisiacs
as well as sex the love interest is very hesitant to participate in because of his perception of the mc as a son figure, a sudden emotionally sparked murder attempt on the mc he's ultimately unable to follow through with, and the two partaking in sex on the drugs he makes in at least one end.>love interest 2 is mc's cute virgin coworker who around the mc's age with a somewhat lighter route pertaining to drama in his personal life; not as much to do with the main plot as the other routes No.3021
>>3019 (2/2)
>love interest 3 is a rough and violent older guy with lots of tattoos and scars, long history in organized crime, strong and silent/stoic type with a gap moe for liking fluffy things. route involves the most violence and the two physically fighting, rape of the uke, and discovering that the love interest and mc have so much in common in the grand scheme of things it feels like like they were made to be together; like they're the only ones who can truly understand eachother and they have a unique relationship because of this. also touches on his backstory and discovering even he can be sentimental about old friendships. route ends in a huge shoot out with the yakuza.>love interest 4 is a megane in his late 20s whose cold and calculating nature is all for show; a defense mechanism. route involves discovering his true personality, the tragic cause for his trust issues, and his motivations for his current occupation, namely finding his long lost sister who was kidnapped as a child by who is eventually revealed to be the mc's parent's human trafficking ring, with the help of the mc. this only makes things more complicated for the megane as he has to process all this devastating information and his mixed emotions about the mc he doesn't get a long with let alone trust, he has a good cry about it, but in the end he accepts mc as another fellow victim and even learns to love him.>bonus: chapter based structure and cut-ins between scenes with the game's logo - small but cannot think of any other bl vn that do this the exact same wayPhew. That summarizes both games in their entirety, too long to keep in one post here, and made up only of the things they share off the top of my head. It's not all either, there are several other things like Maki's story about Yuuya and Hachi being very similar Madarame's breif backstory with Towa and his half-brother, and the story of Fujieda's sister and mother being identical to that of Saito Yufumi and her mother. It cannot be understated that NTY was literally inspired in part by Breaking Bad, it is a well-known BL game and the only one to have such a concept, and having a love interest that bears such striking similarities to the unique
dadcon Walter White of NTY is already a smoking gun. These aren't just a series of common tropes both games happen to have. Like it or not, don't really care, I understand it definitely isn't for everyone, but it's a flat out lie to deny any inspiration was taken. The core differences outside the obvious aesthetics lie in the writing quality, depth of the characters, and endings with SD taking a more randomly sappy approach than the depressing ones of NTY. Everyone who doesn't care, please don't hesitate to hide these long autism posts, thank you.
>>3024I'm glad you enjoyed it! Kamiosaki wasn't my personal fave but I really enjoyed
the rural horror elements in the first part of his route. It did a great job at building up the tension and paranoia in the family. I hope this game did well enough that more Holicsworks titles will be brought over cause they have some interesting ideas. I've been told Taisho Mebiusline is likely too much work to localise cause of the difficult language use but there's also a game called Tokyo 24-ku that intrigues me. The premise seems to be a political drama and that's not a concept I've seen before in BL a game so I'm curious about it.
I've been trying SO hard to remember the name of this bl game from the early 2000s. All I remember about it is the human boy protag being brought into a fantasy world or some kind of purgatory, with the love interests being angels and demons. The art style was really pretty. As far as I remember it's kind of obscure especially in the west? Please help kind anons
>>3021Not SD anon but I just think it looks better. That said I salute both your passion, and well, everyone's got different tastes.
>>3032You're welcome! I had the game installed but never got around playing it. Good to hear my guess was right
>>3026>>3027Yeah I'd be down for both of these too. Whether they get picked up eventually or not I'll have to put them on my JP learning motivation list.
>>3029It's a good looking game if nothing. No matter how shitty I think it is, I don't hate anyone for liking it or preferring it over NTY. I just like comparing them and sperging about all the ways SD ended up botching what it took. The bants with SDchan gives me an excuse to finally get all those thoughts out of my system so I'm taking advantage, but I feel a little bad about annoying anons who aren't interested. At least you can hide entire posts here…
>>3036I enjoy reading posts from people who hate slow damage even more than me and I think SDchan's opinions are funny.
>>3037Same, and I'm too afraid of offending people to voice my own opinions on SD, so I like reading others' posts because it makes me feel less crazy for not thinking it was good.
>>3038>>3037It has more than enough shills as it is, it's only fair that the true and honest haters get their time to shine
But no hard feerings, SDchaaaaan

me love you long time
I wonder if the no thank you sourcebook exists somewhere translated or scanned. I really want to read about harus past.
I just finished Room No. 9, and it was way better than expected. For anyone who’s played it, I have some stupid questions: Are the 6 endings the only ones? I didn’t quite understand what the point of the experiment was or why Daichi and Seiji were chosen, specifically. This isn’t a complaint, as I don’t mind ambiguous endings and I like speculating on my own, but I feel like I missed some content. My CG gallery says I have all of the CGs except one from the common route. Also, were the writings of Alfred van Vogt that Seiji referenced supposed to mean anything thematically/symbolically, or did they just list a random sci-fi writer? I’ve only read on of his books, which wasn’t relevant to the VN at all, but that was a long time ago, and I did not enjoy his writing enough to explore it more deeply. Seiji also referenced Heinlein’s The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, which I have not read, but a lot of the themes Heinlein employs in his books I have read kind of do align with this VN. I didn’t know if these books were supposed to be hints at the greater objective of the experiment, or if I’m overthinking a nukige with a plot that was an excuse to put anime boys in a SAW-type situation, which is honestly more probable.
>>3065>what the point of the experiment was or why Daichi and Seiji were chosen, specificallyno, thank you spoilers:
suegami, dad of that game's mc and owner the organization seen in both, is a full blown psychopath and he uses these experiments as a way to better understand other people. their bodies, emotions, bonds, what they're willing to do for those bonds, how they change, how much suffering they can endure before their will gives, etc. it's his side hobby funded by the organization's premium yakuza business. their clientele is the 1% and of course it has government ties too. tl;dr the organization is like this fucked up, overwhelmingly powerful force that can't be messed with, it has a heavy sci-fi vibe. they also watch people like hawks so most likely the boys were scouted because of their relationship and daichi's gf who gave him the tickets was a plant. in ending E, the police say daichi needs a witness. his only one is seiji who abruptly disappears, kind of a weird ending. but with the context of what the organization does to people who try them in mind, you can deduce seiji was kidnapped as a punishment for daichi's actions. F. if only it had a fandisc or something.
>>3055If you buy a copy, I think scanning the text with your phone and putting it into deepl or google translate will suffice. There's a haryu shupper on tumblr who translated some excerpts from it, but she said she didn't want to translate the whole thing because she wants people to buy it themselves to support parade and I have to agree with her there. I think it's worth buying for that sickass cover alone, I love an edgy Haru.
>>3066Thanks for the explanation. I have not yet read No, Thank You, but it's helpful to know they're connected more deeply than just being made by the same company.
>>3019>love interest 2 is mc's cute virgin coworker who around the mc's age with a somewhat lighter route pertaining to drama in his personal lifeGood post, but you missed something pertaining to that character:
In that LI's route, he has a connection with a 21-year-old searching for his older brother, just like Mizuno in Slow Damage. The older brothers are both involved in criminal activities, while their younger brothers seem more scrupulous to an outside observer. The aforementioned 21-year-olds both have a semi (or outright, in Sorato's case) incestuous relationship with an immediate family member. Both appear normal and well-adjusted at first glance, but are secretly hiding a more violent side that appears when they reach their respective breaking points. I know it's not as major as the other things you listed, but I was surprised by how similar these two characters were. Even their designs are somewhat alike.
>>3108>one of them is a fight autist>one of them gets raped by his momI’m not seeing the connection here. Granted I think NTY and SD have pretty much nothing in common aside from both being BL. Even then they’re going for separate demographics with SD going for more traditional fujoshi who also likes guro while NTY goes for the type of fujo who’s less into romance and likes
more masculine bara inspired body types.
>>3108Damn, you're right. I didn't catch that one. I hated his part of Slow Damage so much I blocked it out kek. I wonder why they would copy a high profile peer company's flagship game in such a lazy way, no subtlety. Nitro+chiral had all the time and money in the world to come up with an original narrative. Clean dishes should've been the main game, not temu nty with a preteen edgelord twist.
>>3112Hi sdchan, your cope is resilient as usual. It targets their existing fanbase of people who don't play many other bl games more than it does traditional fujos, because it wasn't well recieved by the latter, not half as well as nty was. At best you could argue it's for people who strongly prefer style over substance. One of the universally biggest complaints people had with the game was its forced, poorly-written romance, even people who liked it found it distracting. It faired worse in that area than its muse, which made the deliberate choice to focus on fleshing out the characters themselves in order for relationships and chemistry to occur naturally, rather than having to rely on romantic melodrama. It's not 2005 anymore, stories with a touch of realism click with today's fujos better than something like togainu no chi. I'm saying that as someone who can appreciate both types of stories.
I'm shocked how many people like NTY nowadays, back in the days I remember most people being disappointed.Though I guess it may be the same anon in both place.
I found it really boring and dull, half of the love interests were like dead fishes and the plot felt unfulfilling.
>>3115a few anons really like it, myself among them. the clockup games with solid plots are polarizing in general. you either love them to pieces or you can't see what others see. they have some great talent under their belt who can pump out a gem every once in a blue moon, but they only have consistent quality in their bl games.
>>3136Honestly, I can't because I haven't played it kek. I was just panicking because I wanted to bump the image from the front page and was trying to find things to post. I am excited to play it eventually, though, despite the mixed reviews!
>>3141What other JP VN have you played anon?
>>3144I have played Miracle Noton, AM:200, Angels Feather, Shounentachi no byouto, Messiah, Gakuen Prince, Soshite Bokura wa, Shinkon san, almost all Vivid Color games, Prince PuriPuri, Shingakkou, Kannagi no tori, Piyotan, Kichiku Megane, Laughter Land, Sukisho, Bara no ki ni bara, Fanatica. Lasting Snow, Mori no kioku, Koibito Yuugi. I don't have all of them installed anymore so I might be forgetting a few. What about you?
>>3141What genre is it? The whole rural setting combined with a ritual thing sounds super interesting. I'm assuming horror because of the Higurashi comparison. Also, does anyone else know of any rural horror-type BL games? The only one I can think of that kind of fits is Kamiosaki's route from Tokyo Onmyoji…
>>3156Steam games are all censored basically, they don't allow R18 content. But you can download the R18 patch. It's free on Jast's website. No.3161
>>3160Correction. They do allow R18n content, the reason you barely see it in VN releases is that they're absolutely retarded regarding content rules and that R18 content gets yeeted to its own section, so most devs just make patches and call it a day.
May as well just get JAST games on their own storefront. They have sales too and you don't have to bother with getting a separate patch.
>>3025this genuinely looks so good, the route with the closet homo sounds so juicy
shame it'll likely never get translated
>>3025Oh fuck! Politics is my BL kryptonite lately, this looks so good. Time to learn Japanese.
>>3167Eh you never know. Paradise and Nie No Machi both got TL and were two of the big ones. What else is left? That one, Kintouka, Shingakkou and…?
Shingakkou will never be TL because of voice rights, but I don't know what's the obstacle with the others.
>>3169>KinoukaIsn't THAT big (also just an absurdly overrated, mid-at-best game with unpleasant CSP asset art) and there's very little demand for it to get translated compared to many games, like Omega Vampire, Kichiku Megane, Luckydog games, Pigeon Blood, Omerta, Dystopia no Ou, Mebiusline… etc., probably even Si nis kanto and Galtia.
I'm still a beginner at Japanese but VNs are less painful now. It' s impossible to find BL recs for learners though. Are they any games to look out for that are particularly easy or difficult? I was thinking Gakuen Heaven but it can't be hooked (except maybe the voiceless PC version). Otherwise, I have Mahoutsukai to Tenshi to Akuma, Tsumi naru Rasen no Ori -Whispers of Iscariot-, Nessa no Rakuen, Kintouka, and Galtia on my VNDB list. It would suck to play something really good with lower comprehension and bad grammar but I keep getting bored of the otomes I've tried.
>>3141That's too bad it didn't live up to its potential. The side couple mechanic sounds especially good.
>>2745Same! I tried Clear's route but just couldn't get into it.
>>3171nie no machi is very, very easy to read, I think am2:00 too
>>3169>KintoukaIsn't that getting a fan TL, unless something has changed?
>>3172I thought Nie no Machi was harder for some reason. I'll look into both. Thank you!

>>3176IIRC it is but the bad endings aren't going to be translated.
>>3178I checked again. The only thing that will remain untranslated are the rape scenes. The bad endings will be translated unless they feature rape.
>>3176>>3178>>3183Only the common route it's getting tl.
>>3183>The bad endings will be translated unless they feature rapeThe absolute state of translators. Still hope it dont get picked for a real translation over literally anything else ( ͈—́ ̫ —̀ ͈ *)zzz
>>3150I'd say it's more mystery than horror but there were parts where it felt like playing a horror VN. I didn't know Tokyo Onmyoji had a rural setting, I assumed it's set in Tokyo.
>>3171Shinkon-san Sweet Sweet Honeymoon is slice of life that's beginner friendly. Nessa no Rakuen isn't too difficult either because honestly it's only worth playing for the h-scenes which you don't need much japanese knowledge for.
>>3190Has the dated feeling of borinh mid 2000s bl about relationship and family drama, but it desperately tries to yank on your heart strings with added heavy themes of death. The story itself is ok but it doesn't feel like a bl. I rarely agree with comparisons of bl games to otome but this one really feels like an otome except the mc got sex changed. It has an obnoxious monologuing mc who is not intended to be as unlikable as he is, only one good route and two shit ones, one route has cheap melodrama about being gay, a lot of screentime given to lame het couple yet the romance between the boys felt forced and unnecessary. The person who is translating everything but the rapey bad ends falls in line with the type of person who I always imagined it appeals to. But honestly this game would've been better without the sexual content altogether, it added nothing to the experience. The h scenes were a disaster but there were also a lot of lewd jokes and an uncomfortably horny female character that turned me off. And I'm sorry but those cgs are atrocious lmao in a fundamentally bad, bland, 20 likes on pixiv way. Otome and shojo fans who make a couple exceptions for bl will like it more than fujoshi.
>>3193>I didn't know Tokyo Onmyoji had a rural setting, I assumed it's set in Tokyo.It is for the most part kek. However, in one particular character's route, they travel to a rural setting for the majority of it. It has a lot of rural horror elements and family drama, which is what I was referencing. Sorry for any confusion!
>>3194>Otome and shojo fans who make a couple exceptions for bl will like it more than fujoshi.NTA but bad art isn't a dealbreaker for me, personally. I've seen people online hate on this VN before, so I assume it must really be that bad and I have minimal interest in it. I am curious what you meant by this, though.
>>3200I've known some fans of b list otome and shojo who are reluctant about picking up bl works and when they do settle on something its more of the same except y/n has a dick, sanitized bl within their comfort zone.
>bad art isn't a dealbreaker for meI'm not a picky eater either and I love many ugly eroge, but cgs that look like they were illustrated by a wikihow artist who didn't give a fuck about what they were drawing aren't doing it any favors.
>>3203>more of the same except y/n has a dickI totally get what you're describing, and I hate when this happens. The whole appeal (for me, at least) is to watch two characters with their own dynamic interact. Self-insert and bland protagonists absolutely ruin it for me.
>cgs that look like they were illustrated by a wikihow artist who didn't give a fuck about what they were drawing aren't doing it any favors.This made me laugh. I'm going to look up a CG gallery now because that sounds hilarious. One of my favorite BL games has some goofy art, but I don't mind because of the excellent characters and story. If Kintouka doesn't have that, though, then the bad art is just insulting instead of charming.
>>3146NTA, but can you please tell me if lasting snow and Hanakage Ochita Mitsuka were any good? An anon recommended these to me a few years ago but never elaborated.
Which one was your favorite anon?
>>3206Yeahhhh if the game was better I could overlook it but its this rigid poorly composed and lifeless work that makes you say "this is really a full price game made by a company?"
>The whole appeal (for me, at least) is to watch two characters with their own dynamic interactMe too, I avoid most otome because I don't like the way they handle that so it's the last thing I want to see in bl. So you could say Kintouka goes against my tastes, but my tastes arent unreasonable, so thats why I think it appeals more to otome players than visual novel fujos kek. It doesn't have near enough redeeming qualities to overcome the otome feeling. Give omega vampire a tl first xD
>>3194>, a lot of screentime given to lame het couple yet the romance between the boys felt forced and unnecessary.I hate your type, the type that reads BL VN and keeps writing how the BL feels unnecessary and could be removed. I kept reading the same shit about Hashihime and it's so dumb.
>>3218Here are some of the ones that have the problems I'm talking about. It might be more noticable while playing the game.
>>3215What do you mean? I don't avoid otome and galge because of hetero couples. The flat characters everyone casts away their established character traits to fall in love with and uninteresting scenarios are grating, bl is better because it has less of this and gay sex is hotter. The hetero couple the writers seemed to care more for than their bl couples I mentioned in that quote was insult to injury. Hashihime is the furthest thing from this game.
>>3219>Here are some of the ones that have the problems I'm talking about. It might be more noticable while playing the game.yeah those ones seem bad but looking at the gallery I mean the art doesn't seem that bad? It's def better than a lot of old BL art. Someone in this thread mentioned old stuff like Kichiku Megane Luckydog and I find the art there very bad for example, peak 2000 yaoi art.
>>3219>What do you mean? I don't avoid otome and galge because of hetero couples. The flat characters everyone casts away their established character traits to fall in love with and uninteresting scenarios are grating, bl is better because it has less of this and gay sex is hotter. The hetero couple the writers seemed to care more for than their bl couples I mentioned in that quote was insult to injury. Hashihime is the furthest thing from this game.A game written as BL will always be significantly different than one written as a non BL, you can't just "remove it". It's opinion I see about a lot of BL that focus on the plot which i find annoying. I saw identical posts about Hashihime about it "not having enough BL" and "you coud have removed it and it would have been the same".
>>3220I give those a pass because they're so old. They're ugly-cute, Yura has achieved icon status. This game is from 2017 and the weirdest thing is Galtia, the game the company made before this, looked fine.
>>3221>A game written as BL will always be significantly different than one written as a non BLNot always. Most bl games are plot or at least character driven. Its plot is mediocre by bl standards, it too would be more at home in an otome kek.
>I saw identical posts about HashihimeApples and oranges. The games are nothing alike, including where their weak points lie. I don't agree with stupid people who say Tamamori could've been a girl and nothing would change or the bl was unnecessary even if some of the routes were, well,, you know :v
>>3219Kek the one with the torch does look like a Wikihow article.
>>3215>I kept reading the same shit about Hashihime and it's so dumb.How would Hashihime work without the BL? It's literally a plot point that drives most of the events in at least one route.
>>3231what even is kintouka about?
>>3232It's about a guy going back to the island he used to spend his summers as a child and reconnected with his group of friends. It's very long and deals with themes like death and generation trauma. Personally I liked it and most JP users I've spoken with rate very highly. No idea what that anon is even about, especially because there is no "horny female character" (the only female character I can think of maybes makes a couple of jokes about how attractive the MC is in like… 60 hours and she has a boyfriend?). A lot of that criticism is odd to me, most of the routes are "romance focused" so cutting the ero and the BL would be like…??? It plays also nothing like a 2000 BL which are often short and more edgy focused (Shiki and TnC being the poster-child for the 2000 to me). If anything it feels more modern BL where you can't tell who is the seme and who is the uke on first glance. The main character is also derederee and enjoys sex with his love interest which makes it more "modern" imo.
A lot of CGs are bad yeah though, but there are also some good ones. Overall the characters are attractive to me.
>>3222Galtia still had unfinished/weird CG, it's also much more "old BL" feeling, due to it being mostly rape iirc.
>>3141I miss when old bl used to make you chose between seme and uke. Though I guess it's also how BL games moved from "generic male character" to more established characters with certain dynamics. Speaking of Riba I wish Ore No Shita de Agake got a TL, JAST recently picked a VN by the same artist.
>>3177Definitely go with Nie no Machi for your first BL VN. The beginning will be painful but it will get better. It will also get TL in english soon though, but without the ero.
>>3134I tried it a bit, but I'm not sure I'll stick with it. I was surprised how short and lame the ero was though, after people the MC's moans.
>>3241He's cute! Please more screens!
>>3228>How would Hashihime work without the BL? It's literally a plot point that drives most of the events in at least one route.The thing about Hashihime is that the romance is not "very on screen" for most of it, a lot of people who play in the beginning wonder when the "BL is even going to start" which imo why it's so popular because it feels written like a story where two characters fall in love inside of it rather than going by x set of BL tropes, at least as far Minakami's route goes. It basically requires you to look at the whole route's again and re-examine the characters' motivations. It's very plot heavy with focus on genuine story twists and themes.
>>3219That hand in the second one, damn. I already set it up and I'll still play it eventually, especially if
>>3233 likes it. The boys seem cute and the music at the beginning was lovely. Hopefully Galtia is good. A lot of VNs seem to have stiff, mediocre art though. On the other hand, I've seen a few otome fans complaining about games with beautiful art and an all-star cast failing in other areas. I've played very few VNs so I can't say much, myself.
>>3200Thank you for the rec too! I added Nessa because I love Middle Eastern historical/fantasy aesthetic and also dark-skinned, light-haired anime boys so that's fine.
>>3206>The whole appeal (for me, at least) is to watch two characters with their own dynamic interact. Self-insert and bland protagonists absolutely ruin it for me.You've got that right. I probably try to hard to see the personality in otome protags and become attached. Someone casually said something like "Who care's about the protagonist's backstory?" in a group I was in and just…why?
>>3233I downloaded it but I already started 2 AM since it was short and looked easier. It sounds like it's a good game though.
Anyway, how's that ryona in Paradise?
>>3244Nona, I read the VNDB page for this VN and both protag and homo boy seem keeno. I want this cute council president to top the depressed boy and make him feel loved (or vice versa). Maybe drift into sex friends and then develop feelings?
>>3250ehe, in homo's chapter he actually has a crush on the slutty male nurse and he's jealous towards protag-kun for receiving a kiss from him to resuscitate him after he tried to unalive himself
i think they have a really cute dynamic together and protag can even convince him to confess his love to slutty nurse
>>3200I think Tokyo Onmyoji is too much for my japanese skills but I'd like to play it eventually. Having a different setting for a specific route sounds nice.
>>3207I can't tell you my favorite because I actually haven't played both… Hanakage is the one Vivid Color game I have yet to play but I liked the prequel Hanamachi Monogatari. Lasting Snow is a cute game but nothing special. It has three separate stories about boys who all go to the same school and you play through their daily life. I liked the boy who got bullied and cut his wrist the best, he was cute. The school life parts were a little boring at times. I don't like high school settings very much which is why the game wasn't that good to me personally but overall not a bad game. Objectively better than Hanamachi.
>>3254Thanks for your reply anon! I'll definitely give it a try! My friend's favorite character and story also involved the boy who committed suicide, if I remember correctly. Actually, I've tried playing Hanakage a little these days, only did the prologue tho, and it seems like a really good game. Pretty depressing though, but what to expect from a game about a fallen aristocrate who was forced into prostitution? I heard that there's [spoiler]incest[/spoiler] in it too, I think it's in the true route? It's a sequel to Hanamachi. The Japanese level is pretty high and quite difficult tbh, but I enjoy the keigo and poetic writing. The art is very pretty too. I'm familiar with most of the voice actors from otome and previous BL games. It also seems to be quite short in length.
>>3255Finally, I was so interested in this game, especially after watching the opening, and the music sounds great.
>>3258When I was more active with learning japanese I played through a bit of the game with a text hooker. I gave up pretty early into my first route cause it wouldn't hook properly and it was difficult for my skill level in general but from what I played the MC seems really likeable. I do recall that he's won a lot of popularity polls in JP BL fandom and I can see it. I also enjoyed that he didn't seem too bothered about gay stuff. Early in the common route he engages in playful flirty banter with one of the love interests and there's a scene I got where
MC fucks a gay prison guard in the ass as part of his escape plan. No.3267
Can you recommend me a bl game that has a yandere/obsessive protagonist?
>>3267Naked Butlers, but I might be the only person on Earth who likes it.
>>3268Kichiku Megane maybe
No.3271 is out fujosisters. Was going to wait for this because was more interested and pre-ordered arcadia,but this goes on cart too. Surviving on water only for a while but totally worth it!
>>3267ego to koukai no dilemma
>>3271Boys in suits ♥
Looks great. Here's hoping it's good!
>>3274Finished reading the trial and the protagonist is a c u t e. ❤
It is very promising, if you have a soft spot for holic/LD games it hits you right in the nostalgia :vv
The animations and osts kino. I like the art a lot cute designs. Sold it to me hehe.