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File: 1658282734195.jpg (142.43 KB, 873x1200, c3-Usagi-3-14-MRM.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex


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this whole manga is kyaaa fuel


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Know literally nothing about Breath of Fire but this doujin page is wonderfully tasteful


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It's 7am and the yaoi is hitting a bit differently today


funny pannel i wonder whats the sauce nona


aww that is really adorable…


I didn't want to include because it's a foot fetish manga
The cover looked a bit sus to me but the tags didn't mention what it includes so I went for it. Only one chapter in English so here's the Korean translation. I do not recommend this manga but only because you asked.


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Going on month three of waiting for an update… Sigh.


Anon this got dropped.


TT_TT is that true… Wtf they never even got to touch pps. This is bull shit


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Anon didn't mention it but the reason why it got dropped is because it got licensed. So there's still a chance to read about them exchanging dick kisses except now you'll have to pay to do so.


File: 1671309080376.jpg (Spoiler Image, 286.99 KB, 890x1257, Mitai-na-Koto-Shiyou-26.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex


I keep up with the jp raws/releases but this did actually get recently updated by some anon group.



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