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A thread for images and discussing BL with medical themes. Characters that are doctors, nurses, patients receiving treatment, medicine or drugs being a central part of the story, hospitals and infirmaries being featured, medical procedures etc. I've noticed these themes becoming more popular especially after Slow Damage that maybe there could be a thread for it.

>This is not an /ex/ thread and should not be treated as such, i.e. no guro or ryona (graphic violence or extreme abuse).

>Do you like medical themes in BL? If yes, what's the appeal?
>Do you find medical themes common in BL?
>What kind of BL has had such themes? Have you read any fics or seen any related art? Any darkfic themes you like?
>What about it do you like the most? Any particular thing you find appealing?
>Anything that crosses the line for you?


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Small dump


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I have loved this theme forever, and I agree that it seems slow damage is making it even more popular. I've always been a fan of menhera or hospital themed works. Even just bandages and stuff. I think I find hospital themes because I love angst, dark themes, and character with mental afflictions. Hospital works or AU always have these kinds of things.
I didn't used to find the hospital theme common, but I think due to the increase in menhera fashion, the theme is becoming more common. Also not too be edgy, but I also really love suicidal or completely fucked up characters. I have a lot of art I can share if I can find it in my unorganized mass of files, kek.


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Please, do post art! I've also loved menhera for a very long time and I feel like it's a cope from having to deal with a lot of chronic medical issues since childhood and mental health problems in my adulthood, there's something so weirdly soothing and relaxing about it even when it's angsty and fucked up.


I can't think of many BL that have this kind of themes besides maybe two. There was one short story/chapter by Suzuki Tsuta about some hospitalized guy who meets a mysterious high school student and I can't remember the title, and one manga by Owal about some surgeon and some guy in a sales department but it's just a pretext for them to meet in a professional setting and then they fuck. I think something too detailed or realistic would hit way too close home for me if a main character were a patient. Probably.

>Slow Damage

I should get this VN someday but I always forget about it. Same with DMMD now that I think about it.


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Such a pretty art style!


Eichi Tenshouin jumpscare


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The artist's name is inplick. I love her content.


Slow Damage is dogshit just like DMMD, don't waste your time


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Aww, why do you hate DMMD? Not all routes are equal but it's got that clear Nitroplus budget behind it.

>>Do you find medical themes common in BL?
I do not, lot's of nurse and doctor boy fanart like pic related but I don't actually see the topic come up much in BL works.

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