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A thread for discussing BL manga/anime that have deeply effected you. Not necessarily something you would recommend to another person, but a BL that months or years after reading you still think about or return to.

Stories you relate to, world building or character development you can't stop analyzing, character designs you love, art styles that have influenced your own art, a book that triggered the start of a kink, or the best rendering of your kink you've every seen. Was a strong memory formed by reading it with a friend, or being one of your first? If for any reason a BL has left a large impact on you, go ahead and share!


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Yami no Matsuei (even though it's borderline BL, depending on your interpretation).
It was such a well-crafted drama. The anime aged very well, in my opinion.


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I loved this manga when I was younger. I couldn't even tell you most of the plot right now it was so long ago, but it's one I have such fond memories of.


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I remember no. 6 being incredibly influential for me at the time, sadly I didn't get to enjoy the surprise homo as I spoiled myself but I remember the relationship between Nezumi and Shion and how they were made for each other
A more recent example would be Sarazanmai, the amount of homoeroticism in that anime could power a small town, a wacky goofy Kunihiko Ikuhara anime with bl in the spotlight was deeply kino


OT but where is threadpic from? So so cute





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Wasn't sure if I should send this but that second image is a screencap from a fanvid for the fanfiction series The Other Side of Twilight. Artist did a couple more videos with more polish later.

Along with the Damaged series you could say these are classics in the fandom, though personally I hate how Lost in Paradise shits the bed by changing Tsuzuki's backstory/personality and having him kill poor Sakaki.
I'll always point to them as examples of how YamiMatsu fandom wants a continuation and then have no idea how to give Hisoka freedom to explore without removing Tsuzuki somehow. Everyone wants to address the elephant in the room (Enma's schemes, Tsuzuki's nature and past), but they don't want to lose the buddy cop investigations, so they come up with ways of having their cake and eating it. Damaged honestly manages to feel very like one of those investigations at times too and does a nice job expanding the jobs in Meifu.

Having been in and out of the fandom over the years I think can safely say that tons of readers couldn't tell you the plot while they were reading it, especially in the US where we only got this shitty translation that just throws out entire plotlines when they didn't understand the sentence. It's testament to its endearing qualities that everyone still loves the cast as much as they do despite the actual story behind its meandering getting totally lost in the west.



mods, obliterate this yuritard.


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Various of things in my younger years eventually yaoi-pilled me, but I think fanon yaoi has impacted my taste in anime media the most, one of the first ones was picrel Kizami x Kurosaki from Corpse Party (an osananajimi kind, albeit one that doesn't end pretty). People created great yaoi of them on tumblr and ff.net that truly tickled the fujo in me, and inspired me to learn to draw anime boys better. Funnily enough, when I checked back, Morishige x Kizami is the most popular yaoi Corpse Party ship.

Hetalia yaoi doujinshi was I think the first lewd yaoi I stumbled upon, my reaction was very much akin to Kagami reading Gauron x Sousuke haha.

Ragna X Jin from BlazBlue is what truly incest-pilled me and I still read fanfiction of them from time to time (Their dynamic as well dubcon/noncon fanfictions probably impacted my tastes greatly). A great pair for if you wanna read about an insanely obsessive little brother. Brothers entwined in a fate that cannot help but keep binding them together. Pretty easy to see why even the games themselves joke about their very incestuous bond.

As for actual yaoi anime, I remember watching SukiSyo on YouTube which bewildered kid me at the time, I don't remember much of it, but I should eventually watch it again.

In the end of it all I am mostly a fanon fujo, though I still indulge in canonically yaoi stuff from time to time.


>Ragna X Jin

Great taste for hatefucking.

I actually haven't played Corpse Party and from an outsiders perspective I assumed it had a very male fandom. Interesting gateway series.


Yeah Corpse Party in the end is still mostly anime girl fanservice in the end, quite a few yuri-bait and panty shots of the female characters. So while its fanon was my gateway yaoi I'd only recommend it if you can sideline those things for the anime guys.

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