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What is the best setting for a BL series and what do you want to see more of?

>Time Period

>Sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary
>Character Ages


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I love fantasy, especially sword and sorcery, and feel like it could be the perfect setting for exploring unique and interesting BL dynamics. Aside from a few ships, the lack of actual BL media with fantasy (not urban fantasy, btw) is disappointing. Sure, theres some elves getting ugly bastard'd by orcs doujin out there, but I mean dramatic shit like LOTR. LYKT. was the closest I've had that itch scratched, and that very fun VN The Frozen Kingdom (BL inspired by Conan is godtier thinking).

Dying earth, romantic fantasy, grimdark, mythological fantasy, ect. I think the possibilities are endless, we need shit like a Bloodborne inspired BL. I guess there's Danmei but I don't care for it.


> I guess there's Danmei but I don't care for it.
Honestly I associate Danmei more with historical fiction even though it is very fantasy, I guess it just doesn't scratch the same high fantasy itch that something like LOTR does.

>I love fantasy, especially sword and sorcery, and feel like it could be the perfect setting for exploring unique and interesting BL dynamics

Agree since in addition to standard BL archetypes you can also play with different fantasy races and their socio-political differences. Speaking specifically of LOTR I always though an underrated component of Gimli/Legolas was the dwarf/elf aspect of the relationship.


>BL inspired by Conan is godtier thinking

I'm honestly surprised that there isn't more, it seems like a logical setting for BL considering everything about it.

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