No.3281[Last 50 Posts]
A new bl game general after the last one was locked because of the missing thread pic. What's your favourite? Did you play one recently that you'd like to talk about? Is there a BL game localisation you're looking forward to?
last thread
>>361 No.3287
>>3281>fav game My favorite has always been Shingakko. It's atmospheric, horror,the writing is perfect, has nice cast and art. I pray that one day everyone can enjoy this game in eng, since now everyone is willing to use mtl or learn Japanese just to play it.
>game im playingLaughter land. Great writing, it has goofy moments that make me laugh but it's a great game so far. Also playing messiah. Always liked vampire stories.
>localization I played almost all bl games out there so I don't see a point waiting for localizations, but localizations mean more people to talk about that game! In the case nie no machi (even though it's going to be censored), luckydog and masquarade. Luckydog1 is from my top ones too.
I'm waiting for haiiro, satsujinki and ooe in the meantime. And news about Tokyo gentou and cage remake.
>>3290can confirm there is an "ok boomer" joke and they joke about 'zoomers' as well. If you really want to play it, f95zone has had a download link since it came out.
I'm reading No Thank You. It feels like a breeze of fresh air after the annoying minigames in Slow Damage. I also get the anons I saw talking about the similarities between both VNs now that I completed one route. I'll take my time doing the other routes, allegedly I unlocked almost half of the dialogs in that game in one route so I guess the cases/investigations are always the same regardless of the chosen love interests? By the way, I'm surprised by the high number of sex scenes, I was actually a bit annoyed by it at some point because I wanted more plot.
>>3294I really wanna give No Thank You a try, how similar is it to room no.6 tho? as even though the atmosphere in that game was great, the total lack of actual romance and the straightness of the characters was really unappealing to me
I can definitely fuck with a blvn that has more of an emphasis on storytelling than romance but I still want some romance and actual homo characters to be there
>>3295I can't compare it to this VN because I haven't tried it, but from Hiroyuki's route,
the characters do have feelings for each other even though it takes time for them to realize it. I'll see if that's also the case with the other guys later. Maybe another anon can answer your question better than me.
>>3295nty mc is a raging homo ya. the guys are all technically straight again with one basically asexual but it isn't dwelled on the way it was in rn9 because the mc completely disregards it. they all progressively fall in love him (and his dick) in their routes, some very obviously romantic and some a more complicated kind of love. lkyt has the most traditional romance of the parade games, but nty has better characters and a less oppressive atmosphere if you're someone who has to be in the mood for that sort of thing.
8 h-scenes per character is kind of crazy to take in if you didn't know how horny the game was going in kek. that's another thing they didn't find their footing on until lkyt where they halved the amount of sex.
>>3290The only way to translate a meme is to replace it with a familiar meme. What was the original text?
>>3295Hiroyuki route is decent but the other are pretty much that. Worse one is the glasses guy route, absolute shit and boring as fuck dead fish sex.
>>3299Why did you hate Ryu's route nona? It's one of the most popular, I thought the story and their relationship overall was the sweetest. His first H scenes are
technically dubcon so I guess if you're not into that it makes sense to dislike the sex with him until later, but his reactions were too funny to call him a total dead fish.
>>3300> It's one of the most popular,Like where? Most reactions I've seen back then where people being bored as shit and the character just doesn't do anything. I have no idea why you even spam this mediocre VN in two chans
I played the nty trial (jp) and the voice actor is different? Did they change?
>>3303Yeah, he originally had a different voice actor, I don't remember who but it was changed to the new one before release.
>>3301I think a lot of Paradefags just latch super hard onto it because it's one of the only options for seme protagonists. But I think NTY is garbage and NTYfag's avatarfagging should be toned down.
>>3306In my case I just randomly bought it on sales a few years ago and decided to give it a try recently. I liked the one route I tried but it's not the most amazing thing ever either. I'm going to start Maki's route next.
>>3305Do you maybe remember who it was nona?
>>3309Sounds like paradises takaras va but I may be wrong.
>>3306I think it's literally just one anon. NTY has like one route apart from that it's repetitive shit and barely BL
>>3304>Why so angry? Ryu had the most doujins from what I've seen and in any random old polls like this stellaworth one Haryu would win a lot no matter the topic. On the contrary, I've never seen anyone call it boring. That's because almost no one talks about this game, but it was a common opinion on release
>There had to be some reason why he ended up being the one they chose to rip off the most shamelessly in SlowDamageSD didn't rip off anything
> The whole appeal to the type of dubcon in his route watching the character try desperately to hide their pleasure and gradually become unable to do so as time goes on.He's a literal oneahole for most of his route
>>3311It's not, I've seen many anons post about picking them up in the past few months. I'm not sure why two anons get agitated whenever those games are brought up (well, I suppose sdfag has her reasons). I understand you're probably sick of hearing about them if you didn't like them, but if anons want to discuss something besides Nitro+chiral and Hashihime for once, I say let them.
Try to start a discussion about a game you do like instead of complaining about what you don't. Ntyfag was effective in drumming up interest in her favorite games by talking them up and posting cute fanart and memes of them. Vns are a niche medium and most anons are only aware of the bigger titles, untranslated works in particular are alien them. Periodically yelling into tiny imageboard voids until a unicorn who played your obscure 20 year old bl game falls right into your lap is an awful strategy if your goal is to shift the focus onto other games for a change, instead you should be active in encouraging new people to play them.
>>3312>SD didn't rip off anythingLol
>it was a common opinion on releaseBut sdchan, where sauce? Old english cuckchan posts? You weren't there, you didn't play the game until a month ago and you barely paid attention to what you did play because you did it just to be contrarian to the anons agreeing that SD totally copied it
>>3314>But sdchan, where sauce? You're replying to a different anon, that isn't me kek.
>>3315You have the same vague criticisms as her and the same typing style, but if you're not her you're not her. Sounds like you just didn't get it then? Hate to link a plebbit post here and I swear to god I'm not the op selfposting but this girl is a passionate sperg about it I enjoyed it from the start, but her writeup of it made me appreciate it more.
Some of you need to calm down lol. Anyway, After doing Hiroyuki's route, I started Maki's route and it's a lot more boring because Haru just talks in his general direction and Maki barely reacts. Maybe that will change later in the route though? I should have picked one of the two other guys instead.
>>3316NTA, but nona ngl I thought that was you when I read the post there haha. You both seem very passionate and autistic spergs about nty that's why. Being an oldfag I know how popular nty was 8-7 years ago. BL localizations were super rare so everyone played it. Maki and Kouichi wasn't everyone's cup of cake I remember that. But majority liked the game.
I think it's a good game (gave it a 7 or 8 idrm). What I would change is cut down some porn and put settei stuff in. Or make a fandisk. AU, POVs and prequel scenarios to make more sensei.
I'm still in Reis route in slow damage, and not a fan of it so far but I'd like to see what similarities it has to it.
Can you list some if you can?
>>3318Nah, I promise I'm not her, this game just inspires passionate autism in the people it clicks with because there's nothing else that scratches quite the same itch.
Here are some comparisons from the last thread:
>>3019>>3021>>3108 No.3320
>>3319Thanks nona and I get you. If you check archived 2013-14 4chan bl threads you'll see how much nty was shilled. I'm also an autistic sperg myself about my favorites after all, so I do get you.
>>3320Thanks for saying that, nonnie. I'll try to tone it down anyhow kek
>>3314>LolNice repy. Did you only play 2 vn in your life that you think NTY is somehow original?
>But sdchan, where sauce? Old english cuckchan posts? You weren't there, you didn't play the game until a month ago and you barely paid attention to what you did play because you did it just to be contrarian to the anons agreeing that SD totally copied itNow this is some schizo posting. What the fuck are you talking about?
>>3319>>3320NTY never heard of Acid Town or most Yakuza stories I seee.
>>3315I legit have no idea of what the fuck shes' talking about, but no surprise someone obsessed with something utterly mediocre like NTY sees ghosts. I remember reading people opinions on BLOG and /y/ and plenty of anons were disappointed by it after all the shilling, it was just a mediocre, repetitive VN where half of the love interest were bored during sex.
>>3324Is Acid Town over yet? I forgot about it, it's been so long since I read the beginning. It's dumb but I never noticed how yakuza stories are popular in BL, no wonder KHR was so popular with teenage fujoshi in the 2000s in hindsight.
I've been reading Acid Town right from the very beginning, exactly when it was released, and re-read it a couple of times because it only gets about three chapters a year. I can confidently say that Nty and Acid Town have zero similarities to each other. It does have more similarities with Slow Damage, though. Both Yuki and Towa have similar backgrounds, but unlike Towa, Yuki had a very loving family and sacrificed himself for his brother. Yuki was exploited by his brother's father and was sold to the Chinese triad boss and to other old men.
Acid Town is also lowkey a love triangle story, but because of the super delayed updates and the sensei's repetitive declining health, we haven't gotten an update for a long time. There are just a few hints that Yuki likes Hyoudo and not his best friend, who is in love with him. It's a great work, and I hope that it get completed in the end.
You are right about yakuza stories having similarities. Twittering Birds' protagonist, Yashiro, also had a similar background to Towa and Yuki. And a character from Canis Speaker arc. Yashiro is similar to Towa, but unlike Towa, who doesn't have much of a personality like all Chiral protagonists so far, Yashiro is a very complex character. He is funny and can be very cruel to those who care about him. He doesn't want to get close to Doumeki in order to protect him and because he doesn't want to love again.
Secret societies with perverts exist in a lot of visual novels and media; even Squid Game had one. So I wouldn't be surprised if, for example, a writer got inspired by a visual novel and made a similar story. Many BL writers to this day are inspired by the Year 24 Group queens. Inspiration is different from plagiarism. I find both NTY and Slow Damage to be mediocre games, but unlike NTY, which was Parade's first game, Slow Damage took nearly nine years to complete and it wasn't their first game,they could have written a kamige. Parade has since then improved a lot. And NTY characters at least had personalities, unlike the Slow Damage blank states.
Hello acid town nonnies ♥
>>3325OK IIRC Kyuugo had multiple surgeries throughout the years in her arm and acid town getting serialized in a magazine that releases every 3 months doesn't help at all. If she misses one issue for health reasons that's 6 months. She also seems to be focusing more in her new manga, Hitsuji one. Manifesting that Acid town will successfully get completed.
Speaking of KHR, Omerta and Saezuru were heavily inspired by it. Yoneda Kou has released multiple KHR doujins and Karin hired more than 4 KHR seiyuus kek.
Also Hyoudo my beloved.
>>3322HAHAHAHA my fucking sides anon. These two are the reason why I keep browsing these two imageboards.
>>3324Acid Town is one of my favorite BL manga of all time and I second that it has no similarities to NTY other than being a yakuza story with a fucked up sex dungeon backstory protagonist, and that's the least of what SD and NTY have in common. As for what tards on /y/ and blog thought in 2013, I don't particularly care. Times, tastes, and expectations for what a BL game should be have changed since then, partially because of what that game did; it was completely unique from both its contemporaries and its predecessors not only in the realm of bobge but in much of BL in it's entirety, and it was well recieved in Japan and the rest of Asia even if the insignificant blip on the map that is the English-speaking bl game audience of megaweebs gave it a lukewarm welcome.
>>3329>Acid Town is one of my favorite BL manga of all time and I second that it has no similarities to NTY other than being a yakuza story with a fucked up sex dungeon backstory protagonist,You can draw enough comparison between NTY and SD if you want, but you won't do it.
>As for what tards on /y/ and blog thought in 2013, I don't particularly care. Sorry for pointing out people don't like it?
>Times, tastes, and expectations for what a BL game should be have changed since then, partially because of what that game did; it was completely unique from both its contemporaries and its predecessors not only in the realm of bobge but in much of BL in it's entirety, and it was well recieved in Japan and the rest of Asia even if the insignificant blip on the map that is the English-speaking bl game audience of megaweebs gave it a lukewarm welcome.Please, it's hardly a beep compared to most VN and that was when VN were still decently popular and we hardly get tl. It's a boring VN where sex scenes are with dead fishes and the story is told in the same way 4 times. Even the devs acknowledged the lack of real BL feeling and romance.
>>3281Is red light actually BL? The complete lack of female characters and male protag plus male routes made me think this but apparently it isn't?
Also when does lemures get good? Maybe I'm just incredibly impatient but I just started playing and it seems really slow so far
>>3333Aka aka? It's shounen-ai. There's no proper romance or sex in any version, but I still recommend it, I really enjoyed this one and the direction they took instead of plain old romance for the characters' relationships with eachother. I also just adore the look and vibe of this game.
>>3332I don't really care to argue with you about this anymore SDchan, everytime it's like talking to a brick wall. But have fun sperging out everytime someone praises anything made by parade or shits on Mid Damage in one of the few places they can without edgy self-inserting tifs jumping down their throats.
>>3333>Also when does lemures get good? Maybe I'm just incredibly impatient but I just started playing and it seems really slow so farI think it gets interesting near the end of the common route but gets to the real good shit once you hit Sakura’s route and the game stays good after that. The twins are kinda fillery and are the weakest part of the VN (plus they’re kinda ugly looking to me) but the stuff involving Sakura and Hinata is fantastic.
>>3334>I don't really care to argue with you about this anymore SDchanOnce again, that’s not me.
I don't care if that's sdchan or not, shitscord dramas always retarded and unrelated, why do retards keep bringing their personal drama here and not take it to their respective shitscords?
Sd chan might have retarded and braindead opinions and taste but regardless of how much she gets on your nerves, doxxing and stalking another woman (even if she's indeed retarded enough to share her personal info on a shitty forum like lc or whatever), this is peak moid gross stalkerish behavior! Really gross nona, do fucking better in your life! Lost all my respect and I loved reading your spergs. Big disappointment.
>>3337I don't have any personal drama with her nor am I stalking her, I don't even hate her, she's just some sperg who picks fights with me. I've never once interacted with the dc, her, or any of its other users off anon either. Anons on the other board have been complaining about it for a long time, all I know about it came from their posts, not my own experiences. She posted her own personal details here
>>>/ot/5201, not any other site, and she's been [getting banned for] posting invite links to that public discord across multiple imageboards, this one included, for years. If mods think it's a doxx they can feel free to delete it, but she should also ask them to delete her post in the friend finder thread and her past posts shilling the discord here.
>old school fujoshi
>pfp is the agp from subahibi
kek what a retard
>>3338You could just send her a message and resolved it there you know? Instead of posting here on a public forum discussing bl games, making a "calling out post". How is this relevant to here in the first place? It should count as doxxing since you are associating a poster with someone sharing their socials but always depends on the mod and if there is a post somewhere that along the lines says "I'm sd chan, add me here/my socials here" I'm backing down, but there are hundreds of people with the same retarded writing as hers and shit sd taste all over social media.
Can't believe I'm whiteknighting sd chan from all people but I'd do the same for every fujo getting doxxed. (Not irl creeps/criminals but if by being a retard and annoying sperg is doxx excuse, that's moid incel 4chan behavior sorry).
>>3341i need this vn translated NOW!! it has literally my every fetish
>not one but TWO yanderes>features angst about being a homo battyboy, both the succulent raven haired cumdump and the blond cock holster are actual homos who have always liked men and have angstfilled moments >the yandere fags RAPE THE PROTAGONIST TOGETHER?? >public sex and general humiliation>one route features pimping the protag out to all the closet homos in the school>one route has mc revenge rape the black haired semen demon and they get caught in the act and drama ensuesneed need neeeed this be localized, extremely hot cgs too
>>3343You can just mtl it. It's short and just slang, nothing notable. Masquerade and Koibito Yuugi were far better.
>>3342It's not intended to be an actual call out post. She intentionally posted her own discord account in another thread here, intentionally sent invites to the public dc she owns in past threads here, and I linked to the post. None of that information was private, that is by definition not doxxing. Part of my post was made out of genuine concern for her own stupidity, she should ask the mods to delete hers. But it is irrelevant now and we should move on.
>>3344those both look good but i'm not that into effeminate looking protags, i'd use a mtl but im retarded with tech
masquerade does look rather promising though… does it have any of my mentioned fetishes anon-chan?
>>3344True that it's mid but the cgs are gorgeous
>>3347Masquerade is similarly a nukige full of degen sex in a school setting, rape, and humiliation, no yandere though (and it's not that good either). I never played kobito yuugi because it looked boring.
>>3347Both games have a lot of fetishes. Masquerade protagonist is a shy push around boy and has extremely low self esteem and one of the things is bc he has a huge dick even tho he's a 1,50 cm manlet lol. He gets bullied by the blond character and coerced threatened to do stuff. Blond is the typical "i bully/torture/rape the one I like" early 00s seme type but does he suffers the most bc of that in the game. There are multiple endings from the mild cliche ones to the dark ones that have the protagonist going full degenerate schizo and starts torturing the LIs along with the kidnapper. One of the endings has him starting his own degenerate sex cult after the event. The cop is the biggest masochist out of all.
>i have to save the children please torture me instead ♥The nastiest shit happened to the reporter though poor guy was forced to piss and shit himself in front of everyone and other gross stuff happened to him. I'm trying to forget the fact that he voiced August in Shingakkou. Megane best boy along with the cop. It's a troll game if it had better art it'd be more popular. You can wait on that one because it's coming out in English soon by JAST.
Now Koibito Yuugi.
All the LIs are schizos. Different types of schizos from the ape rape dude, to the shizomegane who gang rapes other LIs with his yakuza bff, to the osananajimi who becomes schizoslut and peak schizo oniichan who is very delusional and will do everything in his power to have his otouto depend on him. The happy ends are cliche like reading an early 00s manga.
>i like you that's why I raped you>doki doki he likes me that's why he did it >but we ate both guys>well love above all kek I forgive you Then you can play the "dark ends" where the real shit and fun begins
Foursomes, mindbreaks, netorare, yakuza involved, ryona, reverse rape/mindbreak even dog rape (eww)
Both games are wild. Koibito doesn't have a chance for localization though, at least voiced. It might be more expensive than Shingakkou kek.
Ok cool? The anon you’re replying to still wasn’t me kek.
Pretty much all this does is just create pointless drama, but if you want I can ask the admin to delete this since I’m friends with her kek.
>>3334>I don't really care to argue with you about this anymore SDchan, everytime it's like talking to a brick wall. But have fun sperging out everytime someone praises anything made by parade or shits on Mid Damage in one of the few places they can without edgy self-inserting tifs jumping down their throats.I don't like slow damage though kek.
>>3348>True that it's mid but the cgs are gorgeousI mean… they have some rare fetish but they are just OK
Why do you give a fuck if random fags on the internet doesn't like your game, find it overrated or shit and take it so personally lol? Find someone who does? My personal kamige doesn't have more than 3 10s on vndb for example (2 of which 10s are by me kek). Not to mention my favorite characters are on the bottom in all polls.
>>3353did the fight start because someone was snapping at random people for liking it? anon boards are just extra combatitive in general
anyway, there should be more omorashi in bl games. its always dog fucking, poop, and bloodletting, never the cute kinds of degeneracy.
>>3349>>3348I love retarded nukige shit so I'm kind of interested, I'm hoping masquerade is good, the blond slut sounds like a cute bully and the reporter guy is totally my type so that's a plus
Kobito sounds mental, the idea of a character who hair goes around raping the love interests in a bl game is insanely funny to me idk why
The anons saying the sex scenes in NTY were just the love interests acting like dead fish while Haru does his thing were not kidding, I'm not done yet with the VN but only Hiroyuki seems to actually get into it at some point so far. I'm not sure what to read after this one, but I have a bunch of books to read and games I want to play so it's not an emergency.
>>3353What is your game/fav characters?
>>3357[spoiler]Nonke Ippatsu Tabehoudai[/spoiler]
>>3359looks like a based version of No Thank You
>>3360It's so good nona. It's my personal kamige. I ignore all the haters and give it all my love.
>>3358I mentioned this in the previous thread too but I'm really intrigued by the setting. I'd like to know how they incorporate the BL in a political drama.
>>3362it seems a bit complex for a mtl, i really hope it gets picked up at some point
the idea of homosexual relations in the diet is a very interesting premise indeed
What's your fav blvn that doesn't have an English translation?
>>3371We need more useless MCs who add mothing to society. Lol
NTY didn't leave a lasting impression on me, and I think it's because of the lack of romance, except maybe in Hiroyuki's route sort of. It made me not care about the sex scenes at all, I skipped them at some point to see more of the actual plot. I also found it weird how some yakuza characters didn't have portraits even though you'd assume they would be important enough to have one, like the guys Haru is supposed to kill because they're competing against his own organisation. Anyway, it made me not want to read Room No.9, at least not now. How's Lkyt? Does it have more romance between the MC and his love interests? Please tell me the MC is less obnoxious than Haru. I'm considering starting this one soon. Either that or Hashihime whatever, I can't remember the full title.
>>3371He's just like me fr. Yo I wish this had a translation I wanna know what happens to this guy.
>>3371The more shitty and useless the uke, the better.
>>3376This game simply did not pander to fujos, not even in the completely accidental way most JRPGs tend to do. I think that's why it has no perceivable "fandom" in the way games like this normally do (Engage also had this problem). Sure the game is objectively good, but it does not linger in the mind. Outside of the furshit (Ramona CUTE!) I never see anybody talk about it anymore.
>>3377it has the option of proposing to male supports as a male protag and it has zero fandom impact? that's actually incredibly disappointing
Haiiro no Arcadia and Tokyo Satsujinki can now be purchased nonas!
>>3379haiiro no arcadia looks promising based on premise alone, the character art looks really good too
anyone else here tempted to get into a vn just because it has a character that from the vndb page alone you can tell you'd like?
picrel no.1 is from a het/yuri vn but he's apparently an evil homo who hates his lesbian daughter since she's open about her desires among other plot related reasons, he's an old man for most of the story (which is okay for me as i'm an old man appreciator) i'm a sucker for tragic villains so it's insanely tempting to get into but idk if i can get into a vn that vastly features content i'm not that into just for the occasional epic old man homo
picrel no.2 is a cutie from an untranslated guro nukige, which id be fine with since i liked Euphoria lol. he actually gets an ero scene but he's crossdressing during so idk if thats really a win but better than nothing, the biggest detriment is the fact that he's almost definitely gonna face a grisly end, he's so cute though..
Picrel no.3 is from a typical waifu vn, he's a cutie who occasionally sexually harasses the mc, he's a prominent character throughout and gets a cg with the mc and stuff is kinda teased but that's it. he's honestly so cute i'd play the game for him but idk if i can sit through a whole waifu game for him even if he's a prominent character, i tried watching the anime adaptation of this vn ages ago for him but couldn't bc it was such a dull show, the vn is apparently better
i have such a bad habit of searching the "homosexual" trait on vndb and finding qts in non-bl vns, i actually don't mind reading het if it's story is compelling enough, reading bokuten paid off since the token homo got a whole arc and just having a focus on him and finding about his crush was endearing enough, i wonder if hetfags ever get invested in bl media bc it has a cute straight girl in it lmao, i remember reading a forum post about a guy who watched no.6 and got really upset at Saki being cucked lmao
>>3381I played Fraternite and I don't know if you'll like him. The dude likes the main character a lot and iirc he is gay in general but he thinks that the main character only likes women so in order for main character to like him back he needs to become a woman. The cult girls lowkey brainwash him too into becoming a woman so he starts to crossdress and fucking old fat men pretending to be a girl and then cuts his dick and bleeds to death one day in front of main character.
I recommend tantei seven. The plot is very retarded but main character is goofy and perverted like haru from nty not pretending though that's his real personality. One of the love interests is a cute boy his friend and he starts cross dressing etc and fucking around but main character doesn't mind him in the end and accepts him as a man and they have a happy gay ending.
>>3382Samefag,I play eroge and most bl love interests that I've encountered were like male LIs crossdressed and mc was usually like he is a dude but so like a woman so I'm not gay mental gymnastics. Rarely I've seen a satisfying end where they end up gay and mc finally sees and accepts the LI as a man instead of LI changing his gender or keeps crossdressing.
>>3381Fraternite is good underneath all the disgusting porn, if you actually liked Euphoria I'd say play it. Nemurenu Hitsuji is fun with some cute boys too. So based that Akutsu Ryou ended up neck deep in yaoiland, I love his work.
>>3382aah that's rather unfortunate, i could sort of tell from viewing the cgs that something like this was going to happen though, he has a cute design though, shame theres likely zero fanart of him as well since he's a guy from a nukige
I'll probably give Fraternite a shot at some point since i liked Euphoria (I'll probably give Minikui Mojika no Ko a shot when it's out in english too)
tantei seven sounds promising! he's definitely a cutie and his design doesn't look female at all, nukige with homo routes that don't feature the gay option being a full time trap is nice too, having the gay option fully turn female by magic or whatever is fully horrendous (don't get me started on gay options that are later revealed to be reverse traps fuck that noise)
Picrel is apparently a full on gay option, no crossdressing or anything, the mc is straight up bisexual, he only gets a proper route in the spinoff though
>>3385He looks so cute nona thank you for the recommendation! Do you have any other recommendations with cute boy routes stuck in eroge games? I like abbadon that had real bl routes and a full bl spin off game and the bl route in school days was funny kek.
>>3374How did you download it? I just got a dead link.
>>3387ahh i need to give abaddon a look at some point! ngl i think a vn that has a bit of everything really interesting, the blond freckled boy is especially cute and i like the look of the bl spinoff too (the fact that the boys you can get gay with can end up fucking the girls in the game too kinda irks me but i'm not gonna complain bc bl being included in general is pretty impressive to me, kinda wish you could toggle the het content though lol)
Smh i remember fucking cross days, the idea of crossdressing to fuck your crush's cheating bf and prove his infidelity or whatever will always be hysterical to me
ngl i don't know a huge amount of eroges with actual gay endings that don't feature crossdressing or gender bending voodoo, i remember majikoi having a joke ending with the gay rapist character where if the mc fails to get close to any of the girls he gets his back blown out with him in a public toilet lol, if i recall correctly even Clanned had a gay joke ending
i've got into multiple eroges just for the cute side homo, i got into dracuriot for the gay vampire but the artsyle is a bit too cutesy for me, i've been playing donha donha for the gameplay and Zappa in that is kinda hunky, shame him being a homo gets mentioned like twice
>>3392>if i recall correctly even Clanned had a gay joke endingYeah! With Sunohara. No.3398
>>3394>homo hikikomori boyPICKED THE FUCK UP, do i have to read all of h20 and subarashiki to understand the story?
>>3395when he plugged the console into his ass omfg
>>3398>do i have to read all of h20 and subarashiki to understand the story? Most likely no
I know Subahibi is pretty much completely unrelated and is just in the same series while the other two I'm pretty sure you also don't have to play and they just share some cast members.
But yeah he's incredibly cute and I love hiki boys so so much.
>>3399d-does he get lewd scenes? bonus if he's not crossdressing during
>>3256Sorry for the late reply anon. Did you play any more of Hanakage? I would love to hear more of your thoughts on the game since I'm not able to play it myself currently.
>>3381I don't know if he's homo, but the haraguro boy from this galge is cute.
Probably not gonna play it though.
>>3405He's adorable, so many cute boys in galges and nukige smh
>>3404Oh nice! Very surprising his crush doesn't get any scenes though… Is he crushing for someone who's not the protagonist?
>>3406His crush is the protagonist but I think it's the type of eroge where the female characters have sex with other members of the cast (or possibly each other, it is sca-ji after all)
>>3394I hope it comes out and is good. I saw some backlash for it a while back, but I don't know if it's the same team or what the deal is. I loved Subahibi, and while SakuUta doesn't have the same horror tone, it looks very good. Do you know anything about the fan TL team?
>>3398There are apparently some references to H2O, but they're entirely separate stories, from my understanding.
>>3403No worries anon! I'm still very early in the game, not because it's long or anything it's actually not long. Problem is the writing is pretty hard, has a lot of keigo and words that are no longer used, even my translator couldn't find them but at the same time I love the writing. It's very poetic and aesthetic. It really looks like a hidden gem of a game. I should play more of it.
The voice cast is amazing too. Half of the cast is in diabolik lovers haha. The art is very pretty and so are the osts.
>>3333>Also when does lemures get good?Sorry for the late reply, but in my opinion, it never gets good. It's all right, and isn't offensively bad or anything, but the whole plot felt kind of lethargic and melodramatic. Sakura's route is probably the best, but I couldn't appreciate the story outside of that route. I also found one particular segment of the game (the
escape-the-room part) unbearable. Your experience may be different, though.
>>3373I personally preferred NTY over Lkyt, but I liked them both. The protagonist in Lkyt is very different from Haru (I found him less compelling), but is much more subdued. He's kind of just a sweet kid, but he's not harassing the other characters or anything like Haru does. In my opinion, the romance is probably similar in prominence to Hiroyuki's route. The guys seemed more into the h-scenes in Lkyt, from what I remember, than some of the guys in NTY were, if the NTY guys' lack of enthusiasm was a negative for you. I found Lkyt's setting more interesting than NTY's setting, but the plot, humor, and protagonist were weaker. Lkyt has a very hopeless tone, so if you're into darker stories and
utsuge, you'll probably enjoy it. The characters in general are much more toned-down and subdued than NTY's characters. I think Lkyt is worth a shot if your main issue with NTY was Haru, as Tasuku is not comparable to him at all. However, if your main gripe with NTY was
that the romances weren't super happy, or that the story was too depressing, Lkyt may not be for you. I also love Hashihime a lot, so I don't think you could go wrong with that one, either.
>>3374What made you pick Silver Chaos as a first VN? It's a pretty old one, and seems like an interesting choice compared to some more popular and modern titles.
>>3381I was also tempted by your 3rd picrel in the past. If the premise of the VN didn't sound so dull, I would've absolutely read it by now. Maybe one day, but it just doesn't seem worth the effort, given what the story's about.
>>3408ah it's cool it's all separate, i saw all the various spinoffs and connected universes and got a little spooked, as long as i'm not lost reading it
>>3410ah i see, i really like the art style and some of the boys are total cuties so i may just stick with it at some point just for that, if i can mow through galges for side homos then i'll probably be fine
and aaaa yes the green haired homo is such a good boy, i suffered through a couple of episodes of the anime adaptation of his vn and it was honestly the most brain numbing shit, apparently it was even poorly received by the actual fans of the vn so that's saying something, the cutie in question got a couple of cute scenes of him harassing mc and blushing over other boys and apparently he later teases mc whilst dressed as homura akemi but suffering through that shitshow wouldn't be worth it
idk, maybe when i finally read sweet pool i'll read his source material since i can tell it's absolute saccharine
>>3418His voice being basically the same tone Megumi Ogata uses for Komaeda kun only doubles the cuteness…
Eroge shouldn't make such adorable characters and then not give them a route! Hmph!
>>3418>i can mow through galges for side homosI've had my eye on Dracu-RIOT for the vampire doctor guy, so I completely get it.
>idk, maybe when i finally read sweet pool i'll read his source material since i can tell it's absolute saccharineSee, it looks like brainless fluff, but it is tagged as a nakige, which I hope means there will be SOME semblance of a plot. I am worried it'll be more like Nekopara, though.
>>3427the vampire guy is a massive cutie but his occasional antics isn't enough to ensure all the hetsex with moeblobs, i've heard qt green haired boy's source material has
some political intique or drama or whatever but idk if it would be worth it… him basically having the same voice komaeda is so perfect tho
>>3478I remember a few months ago finding the translator's twitter account and she posted about how proud of herself she was of some of the most retarded changes she made because "lol muh meme screenshots"
>>3480smh i'd take a faithful translation over memeshit and "misgendering" any day of the week, woman you translating content featuring gang rape and actual sadomasochism no one is here for your retarded reddit humour
and i overall enjoyed the final route for slow damage but
i'm still sad fujida didn't keep his original look it was way fucking hotter and the contrast between him and towa was so hot, i understand why he changed his look but it was still depressing, also as much as i loved the scene where he just suddenly beat the fuck out of towa and raped him in a kid park due to how much it shadows their robbed childhoods, the way fujida never really apologises for that even after learning out the truth about towa is kinda batty to me especially since fujida is not a rapechad like madarame, i know towa enjoyed it but still, eiji and his nerd gimmick annoyed me during the other routes but he was actually fucking cute without his retarded sunglasses, also Mayu was a qt but they kinda ruined him with him being an otaku, still love his long hair and tattoos, massively unpopular opinon but rei was my favourite LI, hope his debt gets sorted out in the true route No.3543
I wanted to try Hadaka Shitsuji, It's a bit old, but it's been a while since I've read a twisted BL vn, the last was Sweet Pool.
>>3543I really wanna play Sweet Pool but I know it'll depress the fuck out of me, hadaka shitsuji looks crazy and I've saved them both for a rainy day, idk if HS is really dark or just has some quirky cgs tho
>>3544Reading Sweet Pool on a rainy day is going to make you want to off yourself.
>>3544>sweet pool>depressingI was laughing my ass off the whole time and everyone I know whose played it did the same. What tard is crying over the nitro+chiral omegaverse meat shitting game?
>>3546ehh I think many people who got into it found it a tad depressing, maybe you didn't like the setting or the characters so didn't feel the same.
I liked it but I didn't get attached to the characters so I didn't really feel anything for them, thou I wouldn't really call it omegaverse
>>3548I liked it, just in a kekky way. I've heard of middle schoolers crying over it but middle schoolers cry over minecraft smp fics and lowbrow YA lit. I don't know why a functional adult would unless it snuck up on you during pms week, it's goofy and the characters are superbrainlets. It's like a yaoi softcore porn b movie.
>>3546Funnily enough, the most depressing parts of the game were all the ones about the MC's big sister. I found it sad how they loved each other and just kept being separated by a lot of crazy circumstances, it felt a lot more real than the rest because for once it didn't rely only on supernatural events.
>>3549>>3548>>3550From what I've seen of it, it's the atmosphere that seems appealing to me, the sense of dread and it being a gay counterpart to saya no uta, the blonde guy looks like a funny retard too
Atmosphere is honestly one of the most important aspects of a visual novel other than the characters imo, this is why Enzai left such an impact on me (even though I never finished it) it left you feeling the hopelessness that guys felt throughout
Though if I don't enjoy the characters I'll probably just skim through it, I don't really care for omegaverse so sweet pool being the og omegaverse is a bit of a turn off, the mc having magic meat hormones that makes me want to shag him is retarded imo just let them be faggots
Also I heard there's some biblical shit about how the meat mc shits out is from the sinners of Sodom or something, I remember reading some tumblr post ages ago calling this homophobic lol
>>3564He literally did nothing wrong.
>>3565the fact that one scene where he's fucking Azuma in the woods didn't turn into an orgy is such a wasted opportunity
>>3549>the characters are superbrainletsin their defense, they are high school boys, not exactly known as the pinnacle of maturity :p even though the art style makes them look weirdly old.
though I'll admit I'm biased, sweet pool was my first n+c so it has a special place in my heart, plus the soundtrack is still godtier for the atmosphere.
that being said, mpreg/omegaverse vibes are some TIF shit I can put straight in the garbage
>>3564He has no right being this sexy
>>3576Interesting thoughts! For me I ONLY cared about Matsuda and his routes and openly hated Takara and thought his route was rushed as hell. I liked Mitsugi in the other routes but I didn't really feel like him and Azuma had the type of ship/chemistry that I was looking for (I know Azuma is desperate but falling in love with someone who was basically throwing him into ponds and acting like a complete child to him a few days ago was kind of a stretch for me…)
Personally my favorite ending was Matsuda's bad end where he kills everyone and Azuma then kills him, it was really nice and dramatic on top of Matsuda being super entertaining during it.
>>3579That's fair! I cak definitely see why people enjoy Mastuda's characterization. His bad route was definitely the most insane route of the vn (the sex in the woods, Matsuda going insane and killing everyone, Uchimura trying to fuck lol) and was definitely a fun route
Azuma and Mitsugi's back and forth was so fun though, Mitsugi is a dick but the way the two gradually understand each other is very endearing, the way the two interact genuinely comes across like they're both mutually tsundere and seems to make up for each other's flaws and balance each other out, I liked how in Mitsugi's bad route it's Azuma that goes mental instead as it definitely makes sense for his character
And yeah smh, Takara had so much potential but the way they dealt with him is so rushed, one of the final lines in his route being "I don't think he really wanted to kill me…" When he does that in his lesser bad route is really silly and the way that its just a minor choice that leads to him choosing to kill/imprison/set free Azuma is kinda wild as there's a whole dialogue tree with the other two love interests
Ngl it makes no sense to have the final/true(?) route be the shortest, it just made the vn and all the drama leading up to it feel so rushed
I really hope the two spinoffs get released in English (I can't hack setting up a MT) since I've heard it fleshes everything out a lot more, normies really got spooked by Matsuda route though lmao, interesting since characters like that have always been part and parcel of blvns (I remember normie fujos getting infamously upset about Mink when he's an arguably mild example and in latter years I've seen them whine about Madarame) it seems like most Mitsugi enjoyers dislike Matsuda or like him only as a neutral presence in other routes but he definitely serves a purpose as an engaging character in the story and him being abusive isn't just used as a standard yaoi trope
Nonnies are you playing the new nocticulent game?
The boys are cute and the art is really appealing. I still prefer nucarnival.
Are there any serious and better-written games similar to Slow Damage? I recently read it and it just really didn't hit the spot but the art and the thematics were great. I enjoyed most of Hashihime but the latter endings and [spoiler]Kaoru's route[/spoiler] just felt like Kurosawa turned into a rambling schizophrenic out of nowhere which really soured my mood (but again the art and the themes/references were great). I've been eyeing the older n+c games (Lamento & sweet pool) and Paradise, as well as Shingakkou.
What would you all recommend for a relative newbie? I don't really care about the guys being attractive or likeable because I usually read for the story and relationships. Bonus points if there's violence and drugs like in togainu.
>>3588No, thank you!!! is slow damage if it was good, slow damage ripped an embarrassing amount of themes, characters, and plot points from it and botched them all. All of parade's games are essential if you want something unironically well written.
>>3589nta but I played Slow Damage and then NTY right after that one and while both have very similar themes, scenes and characters in several routes they gave off very different vibes imo. So in a way NTY is a good recommendation, but whether anon will like it or not is going to depend on her personal tastes too.
>>3589Should've added that NTY is also on my list. The nonas in /fujo/ were saying it's like if Slow Damage was written by someone who actually knows how to write those themes. Something about the writer being a gay man with the same kind of baggage? Either way, I've been eyeing the parade games for a bit now, I didn't even notice they were all made by the same developer. Thank you.
>>3591I was getting sick of the repeated and reused tnc plotlines/cliches in Slow Damage, I'm sure NTY will feel like a breath of fresh air in comparison. I appreciate that you mentioned it.
>>3592If you like something fun to dissect that will stick with you, they're the best of the best. It takes a lot of skill – and either some very unfortunate life experiences or dedicated research and empathy – to take a plot as simple as that of low-budget psychological horror porno Room no. 9 and proceed to do so much with it. Its central theme of ||sexual or psychological abuse carrying the same weight as physical abuse even if the scars it leaves aren't always visible to the human eye|| wasn't exactly subtle but I still found myself captivated by the way it was presented. Every choice, no matter how insignificant on the surface, has consequences on the outcome of the story. The player is given a front row seat to the main couple's gradual debasement (or devoted mutual perserverence depending on their choices). The complex humanity baked into Daichi and Seiji as characters and the actually subtle ways their dynamic was communicated played a key role in what made the game hit so hard. It's as close as it gets to my idea of perfect smut.
All three parade games have their own strengths and weaknesses, but a distinctive style persists throughout as does Amemiya's phenomenal character writing and themes of ||various forms of abuse – including the acts themselves, the consequences, and what leads someone to commit them in the first place –, finding happiness in a doomed world, the will to live, grey morality, and realism||. Favorites will vary with personal preference. Some won't like them at all; the sex scenes can get vulgar and drag on and his penchant for bittersweet to outright tragic endings is polarizing to say the least. Others will see them as gulps of fresh air in the ever cut-and-dried fantasyland of bl. It's both a shame and a testament to his range that people play the games just for the smut and dismiss them as nothing more, not that I can blame them given the medium of choice. They possess a level of intricacy I rarely see executed so well in anime and anime related media, an almost cinematic, noir quality. He might've made a great film director, but evidently his passion lies in unabashedly horny yaoi.
>>3594I only played NTY so I can't speak for the other VNs but at some point I just skipped the sex scenes as much as I could. They were annoying tf out of me and getting in the way of the story imo. I didn't like the characters enough to really care either way though so obviously I'm biased. Everytime the plot got me more curious about what would happen next Haru was like "hm I think I want to suck some dick today!" like bro calm down a little. I want to try Lykt (not sure about the spelling) someday because the setting seems interesting. Do the guys and the MC fall in love with each other or are there just sex scenes for the sake of it? I think I'd rather have romance in that VN this time.
>>3595NTA but from what I remember, Lkyt has way fewer sex scenes than NTY, and I feel like the story took longer to build up to them. I think Parade's games usually depict more complicated character relationships than a straightforward love story, so it's kind of difficult to say if you'll be any more satisfied by the romance in Lkyt. I think the romance in Lkyt is a bit more straightforward than NTY, but it still has some elements from NTY that you might dislike,
much like NTY, this VN doesn't have a happy ending. I personally preferred NTY's characters, but you might like Lkyt's more because they're more subdued and less silly. I didn't like the protagonist as much as I liked Haru, but your opinion may be different because he's a lot less obnoxious than Haru. In my opinion, the two VNs are different enough from each other that it's worth giving Lkyt a shot, even if you didn't love NTY.
>>3597From what you're saying I should like Lkyt a lot more.
I don't mind sad or bittersweet endings as long as they're consistent with the rest of the story. I won't start it now because I want to finish a few things first though.
>>3594Thank you for the thoughtful write-up. You're making me even more excited to read NTY. When I saw people in the steam reviews complaining about it being dark and containing dubiously moral scenes I had a feeling it would offer more than just torture porn.
I only played Hiroyuki's route in NTY and I felt so empty after both good and bad endings One day I'll finish it.
>>3600I forced myself to complete that game to get my money's worth and I ended up feeling that about the entire game, honestly. On some level I wish I could get my money and time back but at the same time I imagine taking a gamble is just part of trying out new media and sometimes you're going to lose that gamble.
just started finally playing togainu no chi and i can't lie the third person narrative and the way it starts with a barrage of information was kind of jarring but i'll hopefully get used to it, dunno how i feel about the mc but i doubt he'll manage to be as edgy as Towa, looking forward to the blond shota and the og rapechad
>>3286seconding this, i really like proactive protagonists so a yandere mc sounds interesting (and hot)
>>3626Yeah I know he's probably gonna be my favourite, his design is adorable and from what little I've read about him I can tell he's gonna be a favourite
Dunno if I wanna go with him first though BC I don't wanna pursue the cutest character first yaknow
>>3642i've been wanting to check it out at some point too, maybe when I'm done with my backlog of translated vns I'll pick it up, the art style is pretty cute
>>3643ooh, I've definitely found some decent looking titles through doing that, you have to wade through a lot of traps though
I've done something similar with the homosexual tag, also maybe give homosexual/bisexual hero a try
>>3645wait there's voiceacting in it? kinda unconventional for a western blvn, jock studio looks promising, the character who's a homophobic gay porn star sounds funny as fuck
When the fuck is the translation for Luckydog 01 coming out, it's been literal years
>>3643I love doing this. You find a lot of interesting stuff that way. Key word "interesting," not "good" lol. I've also tried it with the "boy x boy romance" tag. I used to try to download as many free games as I could find, too, just in case they got lost some day.
>>3647It's been over half a decade; I'm starting to believe it's been dropped or something. Friendly Lab (same company) also never released in English??? Very weird.
I guess "1st Degree: What a Lovely Summer" is what I'm going to be reading right now. Weird that when you start it up you need to select which route you want to take. I wonder if there is a "true" route once you finish them all.
>>3644>ooh, I've definitely found some decent looking titles through doing that, you have to wade through a lot of traps thoughReally I think for a VN I'm willing to deal with traps or even bara its just the furry landmines I don't want to touch with a 10 foot pole.
>>3648True, I always fear that in the back of my head for any game without a physical release of some kind, but for niche games like gamejam projects or indie VNs the threat of becoming lost seems much more pressing.
>>3649>its just the furry landmines I don't want to touch with a 10 foot poleThere's nothing more disappointing than seeing a premise that sounds interesting and then realizing that it's a furry game. It's happened to me a few times, too.
>>3651Yeah fucking sucks when you see a cool name or premise and you click on it only to find 12 foot tall naked wolves. For all I know its Shakespearian but I ain't touching it.
>>3649This novel is/was (I guess we'll see if I do the other routes) positively mid for the record. Like pure porn without much substance or plot and hardly long enough to justify playing at about an hour and a half for a route. Though after I read through the first route I looked up the company and found a bit of an interesting rabbit hole. Its actually a spin-off game to a kickstarted VN called "1st Degree" a dark BL where the MC becomes involved with a serial murderer and starts developing violent tendencies himself. From what I can gather to get the "True ending" you needed to have played through at least 3 routes in which you would end up murdering the love interest. Interesting premise and it made $8,184 on Kickstarter well surpassing its humble goal of $2000. You can see where this is going right, 2017 Kickstarter and no game? Yep, dead project.
Kind of a shame, while the plotless porn of the side-game didn't interest me the idea of a dating/murder game does. Weird that the even put the resources into making a spin-off before the main title was released.
>>3653Please read this and tell us what happens kek
>>3653You know what, since the 'turning a lesbian straight' is a thing that guys do and don't get shit for it, I'll give it to the writer. Not my cup of tea, but if the writer wants to do it, who am I judge.
>>3657Is Angel actually gay, or does he just fuck everyone and everything?
Agree that if they author wants to write a cringe self-insert VN she should be able to, the art doesn't even look that bad. But it's also not my cup of tea. Wake me up when there's a demon boy OC Hazbin Hotel multi-route VN.
>>3653Now that I'm rereading this
>Innocent female customer How is she innocent if she's soliciting prostitutes? Surely that's the least innocent thing you can do
>>3663Canonically, he's gay but as a prostitute he's straight for pay as well, he initially thought Charlie and Vaggie were soliciting him when they first met so he freaked out and told them he charges women extra
>>3654Yeah the contrast is really off-putting, she kinda looks like a vtuber
>>3657Yeah I think it's pretty weird but guys don't get shit for all the coomery they depict Tracer and other canon lesbian characters in so I won't judge the female equivalent
>>3656Oh I will, it's free and should be pretty short anyway so I don't see the harm, the voice acting seems decent too
>>3664>>3654It appears the self insert is a literal vtuber, she seems to mainly like eroge and loli so it's interesting that she's latched onto Angel so much
>>3653Oh my god. I had to look this up because I did not think it was real kek. I am so confused by this??? Like, some Vtuber effectively made a shipping fic of her self-insert loli character and one of the dudes from Hazbin Hotel, and it's being sold on the official JAST storefront? Absolutely insane. I cannot wait for reviews on this to come out.
>>3652>Yeah fucking sucks when you see a cool name or premise and you click on it only to find 12 foot tall naked wolves.There's a particular horror VN I feel exactly this way about. Interesting premise, appears to have multiple BL routes, but god, are the buff wolves/bobcats/sheep an effective way to keep me from ever touching it.
>Yep, dead project. How disappointing. It sounds really cool. I have stopped even trying anything still in development because something seems to come up, and the games never get made. Now, I'm of a mindset of "I'll believe it when I see it," which is too bad, as I'm sure I'm missing out on a bunch of interesting games. Like your picrel said, it's irresponsible to take people's money if you have other commitments. I fel kind of bad for all the people who donated, but it seems like this happens a lot, unfortunately.
I started reading Lamento with a friend today and we were shocked by the creativity and innovation in how the game is presented. It feels so much more like a project out of love and passion for making a game over newer nitroplus titles. They probably seem like tiny, meaningless details, but I really like how the text and portraits can appear anywhere instead of the usual lower half alignment and the animations and dynamic portrait changes mid-line blew me away as someone who's never seen that before. What happened? Did people not like those effects, and that's why they weren't present in later games?
>>3667Lamento has Nitroplus funds backing it so it can afford to be flashy if you play DMMD or Slow Damage you'll probably notice it as well.
A lot of VNs are just super low budget.
>>3667I agree, the UI and animations stood out to me too, and it's impressive how consistent it remains throughout the entire game
My guess is that despite the extra work it takes to achieve that look, it probably didn't become a selling point on its own so devs just stuck to the standard lower half style to save time/money
If I ever felt a need to make an indie VN, I'd love to emulate Lamento's style, it's so pretty
>>3668I did specifically mean n+c games. It feels like even more of a shock because before this, we'd read Slow Damage and it just didn't strike either of us as "that" incredible. What I saw in both DMMD and SD were what I'd expect from a fancier, higher-than-average-budget developer, but knowing that n+c were capable of this 18 years ago and stopped doing it makes me sad.
>>3669>My guess is that despite the extra work it takes to achieve that look, it probably didn't become a selling point on its own so devs just stuck to the standard lower half style to save time/moneyThis is what my friend and I were thinking, too. It's such a shame, it adds so much to it without being too visually extreme.
>If I ever felt a need to make an indie VN, I'd love to emulate Lamento's style, it's so prettySame. I really wish other games took this one style quirk and imitated it. When you've clicked through tens of other VNs with only slightly different UIs, it feels like the freshest breath of air you could take.
>>3670>Still, even with all the fancy additions, it didn't feel as creative or dynamic. I've found that none of their other games had the same atmosphere as Lamento in terms of setting and worldbuilding, either. There is something very different in terms of the vibe it gives off, although I don't know what that 'something' is.I can't put it into words, either, but I totally get you. The style and art of Slow Damage were captivating and great but they just didn't stick around as much. Not to mention that Lamento has stereo audio?! Even the charmingly ugly 3D CGs n+c still uses in their games are somehow idyllic while they looked odd in their other games. They really need to make another game with worldbuilding like this. I feel like I stumbled upon a gem nobody's ever told me about before.
>>3670>although I don't know what that 'something' is.It really is the fantasy setting, a very elaborate one at that. It's funny that Lamento is still kinda the only game second to Slow Damage that doesn't have a 'neutered' version (no porn) even though Lamento translates a bit better without the sex than something like Sweet Pool or TNC.
It has the feel that it's trying to be a proper visual novel than just a BL game, at least that's how I remember it given the common route was incredibly long lol
I wonder if Lamento was Chinatsu's proper passion project more so than TNC (which was the studio's debut) back in the day, even though it released just a year later after TNC.
Also, a fantasy setting BLVN during 2006? It was truly ahead of it's time then and nobody else has really been able to capture the same feeling ever since. What's funny is that catboys have always been kinda all the rage since forever, but Lamento's the only game that has it as it's entire gimmick (and it doesn't result into being a cringey mess)
>>3671>I really wish other games took this one style quirk and imitated it.To add to this, I can't think of any other big-name BL games that do their text box like this. I'm sure there are some indie games or something, but I can only think of galge (Muramasa, Demonbane, and Swan Song) that do it.
>I feel like I stumbled upon a gem nobody's ever told me about before.AYRT and yes! It's so different from the rest of their catalogue, and in a way, it is kind of a hidden gem since it was never officially released in English. Obviously, it isn't actually that obscure in comparison to all the untranslated indie games out there, but it's so easy to overlook.
>>3672>It has the feel that it's trying to be a proper visual novel than just a BL game, at least that's how I remember it given the common route was incredibly long lolAYRT and I also got this vibe. It was truly innovative for its time, and I wish more BL games would try that approach (more emphasis on being a VN with the BL elements still present). Obviously, it's nice to have a mix of both types, as there are different audiences they appeal to, but I personally want to see more VNs that are straight-up fantasy/mystery/horror with the BL added in. Like, the kind that would make straight guys lament the fact that it's a BL game because they're too scared to play it, but heard the story was fantastic. I just remember how much the setting stuck with me, and I loved the fact that it wasn't just set in a fantasy world, but a fantasy world on the brink of an apocalypse.
>Lamento's the only game that has it as it's entire gimmick (and it doesn't result into being a cringey mess)I think it's partially because their being catboys is secondary to the rest of the setting. As in, the story itself doesn't entirely focus on how the characters have animal ears. There's so much other stuff going on that I started to feel like the fact that they were catboys was just a natural consequence of the setting, if that makes sense?
I'm glad to see this Lamento love. At this point in time it's my third favourite BL game after Hashihime and Tokyo onmyoji and I'll admit that this ranking is heavily skewed in favour of my personal hyperfixation towards historical japanese settings and Yokai. I definitely agree Lamento has certain unique vibes to it that I didn't feel in the other chiral games I played. I think the soundtrack in particular helps in setting the moody atmosphere.
>>3672> It's funny that Lamento is still kinda the only game second to Slow Damage that doesn't have a 'neutered' version (no porn) even though Lamento translates a bit better without the sex than something like Sweet Pool or TNCi heard whispers that there was going to be an "all ages" version of slow damage which is kinda crazy since it's the one n+c title that absolutely would not work without the sex and freaky shit
really sad Lamento hasn't gotten the love it deserves as well, hopefully it'll get an official translation eventually
>>3677I have not played that particular VN, but I have played plenty of ports that "clean" the game and imo most don't really make a difference they usually keep any plot-related text and just don't show the CG.
>>3679Glad to see you putting the best Dmmd ship in the spotlight.
I actually have only ever gotten standees in zine bundles are these official or doujin products?
>>3680The nitro chiral stuff is all official, the ADELTA keychains are fanmade.
Most stuff in Japan and China get official standees made.
>>3679>ClearHow does it feel to be so based? I'm also glad to see the cutest boy Youji there on the podium (idc what anyone says he looks adorable in that outfit).
>>3679This is so cute nona! Especially love the Aoba and Clear nendos, I person favour Noiz but I have a soft spot for Clear too
>>3682>How does it feel to be so based?'luv moe
'luv white hair
'luv robots
'luv forced amputation
simple as.
Does anyone know where I can find a working download for Masquerade? I tried aarinfantasy, but every time I downloaded it, it said the file was corrupted.
>>3688Oh damn it's out now? Have you tried f95zone?
>>3689No lol, I was trying to find a Japanese download
>>3775>>3776Ah he's so gorgeous anon! Love his exposed tummy
patiently waiting for the english localisation of luckydog 7 is actually driving me insane, i genuinely don't know why it's taken these hoes so long
>>3776>>3779very cute! i've been saving up to get his nendoroid at some point, Towa is so adorable
The new Adelta game is out. Anybody planning to read it in Japanese?>>3786>luckydog 7This project seems to be cursed.
>>3824Nah because I'm too tapped in the head to figure out how to work a MTL, I'll definitely spoil myself with the vndb tags tho
>>3787It irks me to my core, I can only replay Enzai to satite myself for so much longer…
has anyone played taisho mebiusline? i've been eyeing it for a long while now…
>>3828I wish! I heard positive things about it for years from people who are good enough at JP to read it but my skill level is way too low.
>>4007>Mature cast of gay guys, so drama can focus on more interesting things than "but we're both men" BUT also avoids being a preachy gay rights PSA>Character routes being isolated stories that don't follow the same overarching plot beatsOoh you've sold me anona, I'll have to check it out when I finish Togainu no chi
>>4037More salarymen please! I want cute office romance stories, maybe with a bad-boy yakuza route thrown in for a bit of spice.
>>4037Something with lovecraftian psychological horror vibes would be neat. Like a group of college guys finding some sort of forbidden tome or artifact and things eventually spiral out of control.
>>4037Anything non modern and anything involving monsterboys or god-boys. I especially want more niche time periods that aren't explored much. Yaoi in the Yayoi period…
>>4037Anything samurai is fine or something involving occultism and a pairing between a god or satan and MC. Plus points if it's either European early modern age or post-apocalyptic. I prefer if the supernatural being is based on actual religious/folklorist traditions opposed to be a modern fantasy type of demon/god and I want the guy who is paired with him to be some seasoned mature occultist, so not random teeny that finds a magic book or something.
The samurai shit can be whatever but I prefer it if the MCs are the only gays because I want it to focus on history and a non-romance plot and feel more or less realistic. Also wished that their designs were cute but not conventionally attractive. I grew out of my generic bishounen phase when I hit the early 20s for some reason.
>like Lamento and LkytI hate how I always overlook these VNs because steam isn't showing them for my region. Can only get them via mangagamer and can't even pay with paypal shit because that crap is blocking +18 content. Fuck all of this man.
>>4046Maybe I should have added that I am talking about men not shota. I am not into kids and their personalities. Afaik the homosexual relationships back then were always between samurai and some young servant(s) not between men.
>>4048Yeah I get you, men exclusively into men and who had adult male partners seem to have been much rarer. Although apparently during the time boys and boy roles were banned from the theater, adult men suddenly became hot to people. There were also many male prostitutes older than 18 who pretended to be younger or just dressed like they were. Although since this is about samurai, you could have your main couple with an unconventional relationship but the most important thing is probably making society's views on it as accurate as possible. Like, I've read historical Japanese fic that just transplants western taboo views on homosexual relationships. From what I understand, nobody would really care if two men were fucking in private as long as they were having children with their wives.
>>4049>From what I understand, nobody would really care if two men were fucking in private as long as they were having children with their wives.Yeah this is my imagination too. The most realistic thing would be that at least one of them had a wife and 1-2 kids and maybe make him older to explain him having to be around less commonly? If he got the kids early and they already reached a certain age he doesn't have to play the father's role and fuck off to do politics or participate in wars and other stuff. The other one could either do the same or have a special role, or a fake family or simply lies about it or whatever you want. I have no issue if one of them is older, I often even like it.
>>4050I am planning to get both now since they look interesting. I am a bit mad that I overlooked them for so long though and that I cannot buy them on steam.
>>4056Aaah same here but I'm a Mitsugi enjoyer personally, I do enjoy Matsudas brand of testosterone fueled rapechad though, I really hope we get the fandisc since there's still so much I want to learn about in universe that the original vn didn't cover, I really wanna meet the mc's coworker for instance and Takaras dad
>>4057He's probably gonna bald early from all that manliness though kek.
>I really hope we get the fandisc since there's still so much I want to learn about in universeEveryone says that the fandisc is like basically the second half of the first game which makes me wonder why they didn't just also translate that and sell it as a two pack instead of masquerade.
>>4085vndb doesn't have anything tagged that sounds like het ( Yaoi isn't tagged either, but it says "male friendship" so it could provide good fuel or be one of those fujo adjacent things that aren't directly meant to be fujo but fujo compatible. That depends on the actual content of the story and dynamic so it's hard to tell without playing it.
>>4090>Episode 1 is out, but I think it's supposed to get continually updated with new episodes over timeHate how video games are now adopting the WIP fanfiction model where they release in parts and you have to wait years inbetween them, or, worst case scenario, they get abandoned, except at least when fanfics stop updating, you never spent any money on them.
>>4093I agree so much, and I really don't see people in VN communities talking about this enough. There's a non-fujo VN which released in episodes, and you have to pay $20 for each of the 4 episodes, Each episode is approximately 5-10 hours long, depending on your reading speed. Each episode is basically just a route. You're paying $80 for a 40-hour VN with 4 routes. It's the exact same monetization model as those mobile games. I hate it so much.
I really want to play Boyhood's End, but not if I'm unsure if it's actually going to be finished. I can't justify spending that much money on an incomplete story.
>>4107Ah that's unfortunate Ive had this on my list for ages since the characters looked rather cute, I understand some characters being locked in the first playthrough or having a recommended order for your playthrough but enforced just runs me the wrong way too, I like making choices, are there bad ends at least?
>>4107Oh, I remember playing this but I didn't think it was good. The choice on who tops or bottoms during sex scenes was an interesting novelty but otherwise I just didn't find the plot or characters any interesting.
>>4107I don't mind enforced playing order, but it's bizarre to have an enforced order when the game appears to be around 8 hours long??? Like, how much plot is really happening in this game to warrant that?
>>4128>>4112It had a "mystery" so the enforcement comes from the fact that as you completed each route another would unlock there are multiple endings for each character, good, bad, ect. So there are choices but bleh, I think if I was more invested in the characters it would be cool because there is trial and error, but in practice it just frustrated me since again there were only a few I cared about and being forced to redo a route was annoying enough that I don't think any true ending would be worth it.
>>4114Yeah honestly the ability to decide seme/uke was the coolest part and it should be implemented in more VNs.
>>4146I heard about it before. I've been told the writing for the routes varies in quality quite a bit. Never played it myself cause my JP would have to be a lot better than it is now.
>>4161China always makes the best BL shitposts
Anybody played 大穢 yet? How long is it? How is the gameplay? Why does VNDB list is as having two parts?
>>4037Mecha BL and modern/future war settings with sexy uniforms. 1930s East Asia settings. More horror BL games. I loved UUUltra C, so anything with kaijuu really.
>>4039I love salaryman uniforms!
>>4040I wish more VNs plagiarised Sweet Pool… Too niche, I guess.
>>4041>Yaoi in the Yayoi period…That would be all the rage.
>>4045Lkyt is on Steam (though it might be the censored version): can pay even with a PaySafeCard there. I highly recommend it as a method.
>>4051Lamento only has a fan translation (look it up on Aaarinfantasy).
>>4165>>4162This looked interesting to me, but the price was absolutely crazy given its length. How has it been so far? Is the Steam version censored?
>>4168>Lkyt is on Steam (though it might be the censored version)NTA and it's not censored! I bought it on Steam a while ago, and everything was there.
>>4170> but the price was absolutely crazy given its lengthSteam has frequent sales at -50% and more. From what I've seen, it gets discounted quite often.
The only version with sex scenes is the DVD version (I think?), but it might not even have English subtitles., I've done 3 out of 4 endings (thanks to the helpful tip in the Steam community).
>>4220Not very high waisted trousers either. This kind of thing is pretty common with any historical setting when it comes to suits sadly, it's kind of like the everpresent beachy waves of historical costuming.
When those details are included though, it makes a big difference.
>>4144I just got 100% completion. I went into it without any expectations but I can definitely feel the love you mentioned. I don't always like tsundere MCs in BL but I thought Lucil was a fine character. I liked both of his love interests too and the way in which all of the endings contributed something to the overal plot and backstory. I'll have to listen to the drama CDs next.
>>4227>>4231This one's on my list because of the nice art and the fact that I couldn't find a lot of fantasy VNs that weren't moidshit, let alone yaoi. If you two both liked it, I'm really looking forward to it.
>>4233Yeah, if I try to remember other fantasy BL VNs I know of there's Lamento, Kuro no tsuki, Silver chaos, Galtia and Angel's feather. Those last two don't have a full english patch and I found Kuro no tsuki bad enough that I never finished it.
Way overdue post,
>>3667 here. I hope nonnies don't mind the reviewfagging.
We finished the game a few months ago and most of my opinions are still the same. Asato is definitely my best boy, his route felt the most organic (and probably most safe for people who aren't really into the heavier aspects of BL, sans the bad end scene), and we liked him so much that we still send each other the askn we come across and follow lamento artists just to see more of it. As for the side endings and the other two, they weren't really doing it for me. It's already hard to really enjoy side ends/bad ends in most n+c games (minus Mayu's in sd due to its hilarity) so the devils not being all that impressive was expected. Rai's route struck me as an otome route for bpdchan Konoe self-inserters over a real love story between two characters. I'm a bit bitter, I was secretly rooting for him to be the best because I really liked his design and initial attitude towards Konoe. As for Bardo, it was also pretty good at the start, but the game (at least personally) has a tendency to set up something fun to look forward to and ends up turning it in a direction that fucks everything completely. I just sat there thinking how cringe he turned out even if the premise of his jealousy was cool in concept. The overarching story of Konoe's relation to Leaks and the little romance between his dad and Leaks were great, though. As it is for other n+c games, I only really enjoyed one route, but I really appreciated how the story was told and all the non-romance elements built up an amazing world. I'm glad there are still fans of it around who draw fan art and comics.
>>4253>Rai's route struck me as an otome route for bpdchan Konoe self-inserters over a real love story between two charactersI'm so glad someone else shares this opinion because he always ends up being the most popular boy in discussions online. I really didn't like him at all, which is a shame because his design is nice. He felt a little too husbando-esque or something for my taste. Even his bad ending, from what I recall (sorry, it's been a few years), gave me mixed feelings because from what I remember,
unlike the other two boys, he doesn't do anything fucked up or evil to the protagonist.>Asato is definitely my best boy, his route felt the most organicI agree that Asato's route felt the most "canon," and that's usually what I tell people to pick on a first playthrough. I also tell people he is the most compatible with Konoe. It's actually kind of crazy how much online consensus seems to be that Rai is the "true route" when Asato makes the most sense thematically and in terms of characterization. Unfortunately, I thought Bardo was the most fun character-wise (in theory, at least, but I also just like older characters), but I acknowledge he is kind of ugly and his route does him dirty. It does piss me off how cringe they made parts of his route, as being a lot older than the rest of the cast, I think he should've had more stability and maturity than what he displayed.
Was Asato your favorite character overall (counting side characters)? Leaks was my absolute favorite character in the VN. I also thought Firi was fun, but he didn't get enough time in the spotlight.
>>4254>that Rai is the "true route" when Asato makes the most sense thematically and in terms of characterizationRight? Rai had the most choices, the longest route, and the most CGs, if my memory serves me right. It's so odd. They made the "true route" the least BL-like.
>I thought Bardo was the most fun character-wise>I think he should've had more stability and maturity than what he displayedThat was my problem with him, too. It felt like I wasn't looking at the fun, 40-something geezer he was introduced as at the start of the Ransen arc anymore, even if it was all an act to begin with. His writing could've fit him if he were a decade or two younger, but then it wouldn't make sense for him and Rai to be so tightly tied together. That's why I'm not a fan of their routes even if they're fine as side characters like they are in Asato's good end.
>Was Asato your favorite character overall?I would say yes. I like it when two characters struggling with similar things find courage in each other and move on from their painful pasts together. Him and Konoe being so close in age also makes it the most natural out of all, as boring as that makes me. The parts of the story with him and Kaltz were also very good.
I have to agree that Leaks is among the best overall characters, though. Every time he was on screen I kept smiling from how dramatically evil he is, he really put me back in the early 2000's. Firi was a bit annoying, but his "betrayal" scene was crazy good, so I can't say I dislike him.
Should I start Lkyt or Hashihime first?
>>4287I'd say hashihime but I'm very biased and never even played Lkyt.
Is anyone here going to check out Masquerade? Judging from the impressions I've seen it seems to just be torture porn for the sake of torture porn and while that's not my thing personally it may appeal to people who liked hadaka shitsuji.
>>4338Is it free to download somewhere?
Finished masquerade (still have a few more alt CGs to get but everything else is basically done)
It’s very stupid and silly but the route where the protagonist became a sadist and turned everyone into his sex slaves was kinda hot, same with the super abrupt romantic endings (I legit wonder how many writers this game has since half the time it’s almost geikomi)
I wanted sensei to have a sex scene too though in the sudden romantic BL ending! My boy Numata didn’t get a coke enema to just get a kiss! He wanted the dick!
>>4362The scene with the cows is fucking nasty though, that’s the downside to the sadism route.
>>4362>I wanted sensei to have a sex scene too though in the sudden romantic BL ending! My boy Numata didn’t get a coke enema to just get a kiss! He wanted the dick!Interesting that there aren't bad ends and romantic ends for each character. Though based on what little you shared I'm surprised the game has romance at all.
>>4338 this really doesn't scream cute ending.
>>4364That’s what I mean by sudden kek
It literally goes from a scene of the protagonist either getting spanked or whipping a his rapist bully to lovey dovey sex under the stars or tsundere to lovey dovey sex in the bully in his huge ass mansion in a matter of minutes.
>>4361If it’s not right now it’ll probably be up in a few days (I just bought it though)
>>4372I believe this and the historical shota game were some of the first BL translated into english officially and I always wondered whether this would actually give people a good impression of the genre or not. I got both games on sale once but haven't gotten to them yet.
>>4373By shota game I assume you mean Enzai? I think Enzai is better written than this one but I don't like the characters as much. Enzai is 90% just abuse and bad things happening to MC. Absolute Obedience even when it dabbles with fucked up things never feels dark or miserable in the way Enzai does so it's more fun to play.
>>4374Yeah, I meant Enzai. It sounds like I'd probably prefer absolute obedience as well.
>>4373My pet theory is that they attempted to hit both the gay, and the fujo audience. And just managed to drive off the former, and sort of satisfy the latter.
Gay dudes do like BDSM stuff more than the average het, so they got that one correct. But the gay dudes I know find most yaoi ukes to be wet blakents and often look too underage (even when well overage) to fap to, even when girls are able to shlick it just fine.
Most of the translated VNs around were for men, and were fluffy fuwa fuwa school romances.
With that in mind, localizing Enzai first was such a dick move. I liked Enzai at the time and have a fondness in my heart for it, because I was 13 and enjoyed visual novels and it was the very first yaoi one I played, but I also vividly remember the complete brain-break when the guy got penetrated by a baton and then had to drink piss.
That said, Absolute Obedience was a fun game, very much 'like the eroge but for the girls' despite the fetish-y content, things were not too extreme, and even if you weren't into the fetish in question, you could still enjoy it because the boys were Ok written and hot. Sadly, I think Enzai had already done most of the damage.
>>4377NTAYRT but your theory is pretty sound and I had never thought about it from that perspective. Like for a lot of grandma fujos, Enzai was my first because it was the only translated one back in the day and it was so intense I can never forget the shit I saw in that game, the piss drinking and being raped with all sorts of objects with blood dripping everywhere were so intense my little teenage mind was forever tainted by it. I was always wondering why the fuck they picked up such an extreme title instead of something more vanilla but trying to reach the male audience would make sense.
As for Absolute Obedience, I don't even remember any obscene fetishes being in it, at least in comparison to Enzai. It's a shame I've lost my copy ages ago, it could be a fun game to revisit.
>>3828I did! I used textractor with deepL and it was pretty much 70% understandable! great story, great characters, pretty nice sex scenes.
The music and art are beautiful and it's right up there with Shingakkou in my top BLVN list!
>>4441Where are Aoba's teeth?? Did he get them removed to give better blowjobs?
>>4442Yes, but in his case they're now called gumjobs
>>4453They more do interpretitive dances to represent sex in the stageplay adaptations No.4455
>>4454I know nonnie, I'm just being facetious. I'm still dying to know how the infamous scredriver scene is gonna turn out, though…
TnC is low key my favourite N+C game so I'm happy it's finally getting adapted after literally every other property that isn't Slow Damage.
>>4441I genuinely had no idea Togainu would still be relevant in the current year. I'm impressed.
>>4457It's a classic, I'm not surprised at all. It's old enough that the first fans can be nostalgic and will spend a lot of money on merchs or in that case of that new project.
>>4455>>4457>>4459this is my sign to play the VN isn't it?
>>4460I've been giving it a playthrough currently myself anona, the third person storytelling and the infodump at the start took a lot to get used to as well as the edgy setting but I'm slowly getting into it, Rin is very cute but I'm gonna go with the recommended route order
>>4564I hadn't ever considered it but that is weird. In the back of my mind I'd always assumed that BL titles were riskier to translate officially since while a lot of women will still play a standard eroge most men won't touch yaoi with a ten foot pole. If they have the data to suggest that the BL titles are best sellers though I don't understand why you wouldn't grab new releases as they come out.
>>4564It’s possible that they didn’t get the rights for Lamento but they could still just as easily translate the huge backlog of VNs from pil/slash (Shingakkou in particular please!)
They’re always going on about “if it sells enough!” But we never see that mentality with their VNs for moids that don’t sell nearly as well kek.
>>4566It’s not their current top 5 all around but it’s still BL titles in the top 3 of the entire site (also it’s extremely rare that Slow Damage or DMMD aren’t in the top and second spots)
I saw yuri fans on twitter complaining when their official twitter made a joke about it by going “IT NEEDS YURI TO EVEN IT OUT”.
>>4567>I saw yuri fans on twitter complaining when their official twitter made a joke about it by going “IT NEEDS YURI TO EVEN IT OUT”.Even funnier because, upon a cursory glance at the site's tags, there is the exact same number of yaoi and yuri games for sale right now. I don't know the context, but the only reason the chart isn't balanced is because people aren't buying the yuri games…
>>4564>Why don't they try to make more money off of BL games if there's an obvious demand?Weirdly this is something seen in more than just bl and games. For some reason a company or creator will see that women (fujos in this case) are their best and most money-making market and the dumb companies with double back and continue to try and market to men while the smarter companies will drop their male audience and fully target women. The dumb companies will tend to either go bankrupt or become smaller, while the smarter ones will flourish if they marketed to women properly. I’m not actually sure why companies do this other than their higher ups being out of touchz
>>4565>>4570I don't have any official numbers but this supports how I always believed that men pirate way more than women. I've seen 4chan anons blatantly brag about how much they pirate VNs and they look down on women for not doing so. IIRC Good haro is someone who works for mangagamer and confirmed as much but I have no source of that statement on hand. Maybe someone else here does or at least remembers that?
>>4575Its true, but even the women who do pirate stuff will eventually financially support a series they love one way or another in my experience, either by buying merch or buying the official release once they are no longer poorfags. Men will not buy it period, and then complain about their stuff not selling. Personally, i do pirate whatever i can, but i will buy officials for things I really love as well just to show support.
>>4576>pirate whatever i can, but i will buy officials for things I really love as well just to show supportThis is also my personal experience. Women also tend to drum up more interest in the things they love through social media and fanworks, so even if they don't directly pay they are responsible for the IP getting money it would not have otherwise gotten. Men tend to not be as giving with praise outside of waifuposting.
>>4575I honestly don't know if I've every bought a VN with the exception of Ace Attorney. I refuse to buy non-physical media and unfortunately most VNs never get a physical release.
That being said my DVD and Blu-ray collection spans 3 sheleves so I feel like I'm doing my part.
>>4576Personally I'm a pirate of convenience. I don't pirate games anymore because online platforms like steam make it easy and convenient to buy them and with VNs in particular I buy them from the publisher's site so steam doesn't take a cut.
>>4580I still pirate because im not paying for a trash product, im playing it first and then ill buy it if it impresses me.
>>4567I don't really have any money to buy a new game now so I'm watching a Slow Damage walkthrough on YT. Its so fucking slow.
I would still purchase it to show support because we are not getting anything unless we drop money. Everyone else gets catered easily since the majority of the straight games combined outnumber the BLs.
>>4575I don't look down on buyfags but I consider streamers somewhat stupid because they're people that want to pirate but don't understand something as simple as torrents. I notice a lot of these among zoomers and it pisses me off. I was fan of a comic with a HUGE online fandom but almost none of the English fans ever bought them but now, 6 years later, they're still bitching about the cancellation, as if these things weren't connected. Men hated the series so it was on women to save it but no, they rather read eye-bleeding inducing LQ versions with watermark because they cannot even pirate.
>>4587You’re mad that people don’t pirate but then you’re blaming them for the reason a series went under? Sounds like you’re really not any better nonna.
>>4585>I would still purchase it to show support because we are not getting anything unless we drop money. I hate this, but you're correct. It's so frustrating when I KNOW we spend a lot of money on stuff. I feel like a complete conspiracy theorist, but I swear we sometimes get objectively inferior products, like Slow Damage's English translation, so that companies can say that fujo stuff doesn't sell.
>>4589>JAST USA says that Slow Damage is number 1 sellerI mean it clearly sold well in spite of its shitty translation. I think companies are legitimately just retarded and would rather the few measly crumbs they get from male otaku compared to the amount of money they could be making from us instead.
>>4588I am saying that both is very stupid. Not buying a series someone is a legit fan of is really stupid, especially if it's doing badly. Being too stupid to click a torrent is also stupid, particularly if they prefer eye-cancer versions with watermark instead. Doing both at the same time is the stupidest.
>>4590>>4589To be fair fujos are way harder to please I think. In a sense I mean. Fujos are attached to specific characters and dynamics, men pay for everything that has pantsus and big tits or sexualized lolis or femboys.
The companies can't tell before which series and male characters might be a hit and which won't. Like look at the hype around Orb for example. It's a 26-episodes long series about mostly super serious, adult men in 15th century's Poland having debates about planets. It absolutely doesn't sound like something that would be a hit anywhere, especially not among young women. And yet, it is.
They are now slowly starting to make merch. I hate it. But I sadly understand it. Fujo love is hard to predict. You cannot just shove a bunch of bishounen or guys with muscles into a series and call it a day like you do with female fanservice that otaku will eat up and buy 300 dollar figures of.