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 No.3281[View All]

A new bl game general after the last one was locked because of the missing thread pic. What's your favourite? Did you play one recently that you'd like to talk about? Is there a BL game localisation you're looking forward to?

last thread >>361
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I'd say hashihime but I'm very biased and never even played Lkyt.


Is anyone here going to check out Masquerade? Judging from the impressions I've seen it seems to just be torture porn for the sake of torture porn and while that's not my thing personally it may appeal to people who liked hadaka shitsuji.


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Police boy detected interest peaked. Know nothing about it, but I do like Naked Butlers.


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Looks pretty bad but the cola scene is funny


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I will finally play omerta, the story looks rather dark but not over the top (at least I think so) and right up my alley.


Is it free to download somewhere?


Finished masquerade (still have a few more alt CGs to get but everything else is basically done)
It’s very stupid and silly but the route where the protagonist became a sadist and turned everyone into his sex slaves was kinda hot, same with the super abrupt romantic endings (I legit wonder how many writers this game has since half the time it’s almost geikomi)
I wanted sensei to have a sex scene too though in the sudden romantic BL ending! My boy Numata didn’t get a coke enema to just get a kiss! He wanted the dick!


The scene with the cows is fucking nasty though, that’s the downside to the sadism route.


>I wanted sensei to have a sex scene too though in the sudden romantic BL ending! My boy Numata didn’t get a coke enema to just get a kiss! He wanted the dick!

Interesting that there aren't bad ends and romantic ends for each character. Though based on what little you shared I'm surprised the game has romance at all. >>4338 this really doesn't scream cute ending.


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That’s what I mean by sudden kek
It literally goes from a scene of the protagonist either getting spanked or whipping a his rapist bully to lovey dovey sex under the stars or tsundere to lovey dovey sex in the bully in his huge ass mansion in a matter of minutes.
If it’s not right now it’ll probably be up in a few days (I just bought it though)


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Just beat Absolute Obedience/Zettai Fukujuu Meirei which was fun, but I wouldn't decide it as "good" very smutty with some campy characters and great designs. Fun time if you want something more light-hearted.


I believe this and the historical shota game were some of the first BL translated into english officially and I always wondered whether this would actually give people a good impression of the genre or not. I got both games on sale once but haven't gotten to them yet.


By shota game I assume you mean Enzai? I think Enzai is better written than this one but I don't like the characters as much. Enzai is 90% just abuse and bad things happening to MC. Absolute Obedience even when it dabbles with fucked up things never feels dark or miserable in the way Enzai does so it's more fun to play.


Yeah, I meant Enzai. It sounds like I'd probably prefer absolute obedience as well.


My pet theory is that they attempted to hit both the gay, and the fujo audience. And just managed to drive off the former, and sort of satisfy the latter.

Gay dudes do like BDSM stuff more than the average het, so they got that one correct. But the gay dudes I know find most yaoi ukes to be wet blakents and often look too underage (even when well overage) to fap to, even when girls are able to shlick it just fine.

Most of the translated VNs around were for men, and were fluffy fuwa fuwa school romances.

With that in mind, localizing Enzai first was such a dick move. I liked Enzai at the time and have a fondness in my heart for it, because I was 13 and enjoyed visual novels and it was the very first yaoi one I played, but I also vividly remember the complete brain-break when the guy got penetrated by a baton and then had to drink piss.

That said, Absolute Obedience was a fun game, very much 'like the eroge but for the girls' despite the fetish-y content, things were not too extreme, and even if you weren't into the fetish in question, you could still enjoy it because the boys were Ok written and hot. Sadly, I think Enzai had already done most of the damage.


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You said it way better than I ever could. Enzai is the game you play because almost nothing else is translated. It's way too intense to hit a widespread appeal normally and if it didn't have a localization I don't think anyone would be clamoring for it to be translated. Absolute Obedience is a fun time and casts a much larger net in terms of content and appeal.


NTAYRT but your theory is pretty sound and I had never thought about it from that perspective. Like for a lot of grandma fujos, Enzai was my first because it was the only translated one back in the day and it was so intense I can never forget the shit I saw in that game, the piss drinking and being raped with all sorts of objects with blood dripping everywhere were so intense my little teenage mind was forever tainted by it. I was always wondering why the fuck they picked up such an extreme title instead of something more vanilla but trying to reach the male audience would make sense.

As for Absolute Obedience, I don't even remember any obscene fetishes being in it, at least in comparison to Enzai. It's a shame I've lost my copy ages ago, it could be a fun game to revisit.



I did! I used textractor with deepL and it was pretty much 70% understandable! great story, great characters, pretty nice sex scenes.
The music and art are beautiful and it's right up there with Shingakkou in my top BLVN list!


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What is probably new merch announced (gotta love Aoba’s thong)+togainu no chi stageplay!


Where are Aoba's teeth?? Did he get them removed to give better blowjobs?


Yes, but in his case they're now called gumjobs


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That's what you get for dressing like a hussy


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Akira assrape irl in 4k ultra HD LET'S FUCKING GO!!!


They more do interpretitive dances to represent sex in the stageplay adaptations


I know nonnie, I'm just being facetious. I'm still dying to know how the infamous scredriver scene is gonna turn out, though…

TnC is low key my favourite N+C game so I'm happy it's finally getting adapted after literally every other property that isn't Slow Damage.


I genuinely had no idea Togainu would still be relevant in the current year. I'm impressed.


It's a classic, I'm not surprised at all. It's old enough that the first fans can be nostalgic and will spend a lot of money on merchs or in that case of that new project.


this is my sign to play the VN isn't it?


I've been giving it a playthrough currently myself anona, the third person storytelling and the infodump at the start took a lot to get used to as well as the edgy setting but I'm slowly getting into it, Rin is very cute but I'm gonna go with the recommended route order


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When almost every single side character tries to rape you at some point and the plot tries to justify it by saying that you inherited magical rizz from your deceased grandmother.


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Does anyone else find it interesting how BL games make up such a small amount of JAST's library, and yet, their "Hot This Week" category seems to consistently have 5-6 BL games on it? They're not new games, either. DMMD has had a fan translation for more than a decade, for example, but it still regularly tops the charts. Why don't they try to make more money off of BL games if there's an obvious demand? I still don't understand their decision with Lamento, even if it is a super long game.


I hadn't ever considered it but that is weird. In the back of my mind I'd always assumed that BL titles were riskier to translate officially since while a lot of women will still play a standard eroge most men won't touch yaoi with a ten foot pole. If they have the data to suggest that the BL titles are best sellers though I don't understand why you wouldn't grab new releases as they come out.


It’s possible that they didn’t get the rights for Lamento but they could still just as easily translate the huge backlog of VNs from pil/slash (Shingakkou in particular please!)
They’re always going on about “if it sells enough!” But we never see that mentality with their VNs for moids that don’t sell nearly as well kek.


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It’s not their current top 5 all around but it’s still BL titles in the top 3 of the entire site (also it’s extremely rare that Slow Damage or DMMD aren’t in the top and second spots)

I saw yuri fans on twitter complaining when their official twitter made a joke about it by going “IT NEEDS YURI TO EVEN IT OUT”.


>I saw yuri fans on twitter complaining when their official twitter made a joke about it by going “IT NEEDS YURI TO EVEN IT OUT”.
Even funnier because, upon a cursory glance at the site's tags, there is the exact same number of yaoi and yuri games for sale right now. I don't know the context, but the only reason the chart isn't balanced is because people aren't buying the yuri games…


>Why don't they try to make more money off of BL games if there's an obvious demand?
Weirdly this is something seen in more than just bl and games. For some reason a company or creator will see that women (fujos in this case) are their best and most money-making market and the dumb companies with double back and continue to try and market to men while the smarter companies will drop their male audience and fully target women. The dumb companies will tend to either go bankrupt or become smaller, while the smarter ones will flourish if they marketed to women properly. I’m not actually sure why companies do this other than their higher ups being out of touchz


I don't have any official numbers but this supports how I always believed that men pirate way more than women. I've seen 4chan anons blatantly brag about how much they pirate VNs and they look down on women for not doing so. IIRC Good haro is someone who works for mangagamer and confirmed as much but I have no source of that statement on hand. Maybe someone else here does or at least remembers that?


Its true, but even the women who do pirate stuff will eventually financially support a series they love one way or another in my experience, either by buying merch or buying the official release once they are no longer poorfags. Men will not buy it period, and then complain about their stuff not selling. Personally, i do pirate whatever i can, but i will buy officials for things I really love as well just to show support.


>pirate whatever i can, but i will buy officials for things I really love as well just to show support
This is also my personal experience. Women also tend to drum up more interest in the things they love through social media and fanworks, so even if they don't directly pay they are responsible for the IP getting money it would not have otherwise gotten. Men tend to not be as giving with praise outside of waifuposting.


I honestly don't know if I've every bought a VN with the exception of Ace Attorney. I refuse to buy non-physical media and unfortunately most VNs never get a physical release.

That being said my DVD and Blu-ray collection spans 3 sheleves so I feel like I'm doing my part.


Personally I'm a pirate of convenience. I don't pirate games anymore because online platforms like steam make it easy and convenient to buy them and with VNs in particular I buy them from the publisher's site so steam doesn't take a cut.


I still pirate because im not paying for a trash product, im playing it first and then ill buy it if it impresses me.


I don't really have any money to buy a new game now so I'm watching a Slow Damage walkthrough on YT. Its so fucking slow.
I would still purchase it to show support because we are not getting anything unless we drop money. Everyone else gets catered easily since the majority of the straight games combined outnumber the BLs.


I don't look down on buyfags but I consider streamers somewhat stupid because they're people that want to pirate but don't understand something as simple as torrents. I notice a lot of these among zoomers and it pisses me off. I was fan of a comic with a HUGE online fandom but almost none of the English fans ever bought them but now, 6 years later, they're still bitching about the cancellation, as if these things weren't connected. Men hated the series so it was on women to save it but no, they rather read eye-bleeding inducing LQ versions with watermark because they cannot even pirate.


You’re mad that people don’t pirate but then you’re blaming them for the reason a series went under? Sounds like you’re really not any better nonna.


>I would still purchase it to show support because we are not getting anything unless we drop money.
I hate this, but you're correct. It's so frustrating when I KNOW we spend a lot of money on stuff. I feel like a complete conspiracy theorist, but I swear we sometimes get objectively inferior products, like Slow Damage's English translation, so that companies can say that fujo stuff doesn't sell.


>JAST USA says that Slow Damage is number 1 seller
I mean it clearly sold well in spite of its shitty translation. I think companies are legitimately just retarded and would rather the few measly crumbs they get from male otaku compared to the amount of money they could be making from us instead.


I am saying that both is very stupid. Not buying a series someone is a legit fan of is really stupid, especially if it's doing badly. Being too stupid to click a torrent is also stupid, particularly if they prefer eye-cancer versions with watermark instead. Doing both at the same time is the stupidest.


Fair enough?


To be fair fujos are way harder to please I think. In a sense I mean. Fujos are attached to specific characters and dynamics, men pay for everything that has pantsus and big tits or sexualized lolis or femboys.
The companies can't tell before which series and male characters might be a hit and which won't. Like look at the hype around Orb for example. It's a 26-episodes long series about mostly super serious, adult men in 15th century's Poland having debates about planets. It absolutely doesn't sound like something that would be a hit anywhere, especially not among young women. And yet, it is.
They are now slowly starting to make merch. I hate it. But I sadly understand it. Fujo love is hard to predict. You cannot just shove a bunch of bishounen or guys with muscles into a series and call it a day like you do with female fanservice that otaku will eat up and buy 300 dollar figures of.

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