>>326I'm done with the first episode and wow, that shit is cute as fuck! I love how he's supportive to his fudan bf, so cute. So true.
>>322Fudans look like THAT??
>>334Feels like the show is setting up Bisco with Pawoo which I already suspected would happen, but I just wish it would catch on with japanese fujos so there can be homo doujins.
I'm really looking forward to it, but I don't have a netflix account. A friend asked if I wanted to use her account because she has a subscription that allows 2 people to watch different things on different devices at the same time so I'll try to make her watch the first season at some point.
>seasonal sportshit
It's so tiresome.
I watched the first few episodes of Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa wa Yoru and have been meaning to finish it lmao. Fun fujobait so far. Great OP. Kuro Gal ni Natta kara Shinyuu to shitemita, which I'll give a [bisexual warning] for, great explicit yaoi scenes though. We can post shows with actual fucking on this board, right?
>>797>>334That seems neat. I might try and catch up before the finale.
>>793For it's sake it better. There's too many random sport anime each season.
>>815Fairy Ranmaru is dangerously underrated. I really appreciated that we finally got an anime with men that had properly drawn muscles instead of anatomically incorrect legs and abs for the purpose of a joke. The outfits were sexy and we had genuine BL. I wish it got more popular, I'd love to support it more.
>>799I only watched the first episode with fujo friends and even they said the pandering felt forced. I had no idea what was going on because of how different scenes seemed disconnected from each other. Should I give it another try?
>>826Well, I remember liking it! I think I remember the second episode being better than the first. I'll come back and tell you if I finish it haha.
i currently watch sono bisque doll (my dress up darling) because i am bored. turn out i enjoyed than i thought & man gojo wakana is so cute.
i might watch this for gojo alone.
>>799can you redpill me? i am interested because JJK mangaka read it.
>>793i can feel it sis. it gonna be the next kurobas/HQ/yowapeda, the boys just scream fujobait kek. but when it will get aired? because if its fall, they will compete with yowapeda new season
>>832There's no release date yet they just keep saying 2022 :( They've been releasing character PVs once a month.
I recommend this manga so fucking hard though
the art is kind of ugly.
i'm tired of sports anime bro
>>887i barely remember watching this. i still have the first few volumes of the manga and a box set for the anime that came with some cards. i just remember liking the manga more. now i need to dig that stuff outta storage and read/watch it again
>>884>i'm tired of sports anime broSame. Fuck man, hope the Olympic related pandering starts fading out and it goes back to just sport manga adaptions.
>>884Eh, I'll gladly take that over shit like Sasamiya.
Good for them. I enjoyed it.
why cant they animate a harada manga. fuck
>>904Harada's pubes would be too much for the average animator
>>904I am waiting patiently for either Yatamomo or color recipe anime.
>>905Not imagining them using CGI to animate the pubes.
kiss scene with pawoo was so predictable yet I'm sad to say it still made me kinda seethe. Not that it matters though; the shameless amount of blatant fujo pandering throughout the entirety of the anime makes up for it imo lol
That being said, I really liked this anime a lot more than I expected to. Thank you to all the anons who mentioned it ITT I probably wouldn't have watched it otherwise.
>>919>it still made me kinda seethe.Honestly, I know I'm just another seething fujo but they barely interacted so I genuinely think that pairing is about as developed as Tirol's chest.
>>919>>923People on /a/ acting like that kiss means they are omg totally married and they fucked and that the homo is just a pity bone they threw at fujos, but the homo has been going on for the entire show. You have to be a blind waifushitter to ignore all this homoeroticism. That kiss felt pretty forced and fanserviceish and then it was followed by the gayest scene I've seen in a long time (and I watched Sasamiya this season). Not to mention the ending, and the fact that both characters were totally into it, not just Milo. So yeah it sucks that the het kiss had to ruin the mood but /a/nons are overreacting to it. I think we won this one.
>>924If anything, it felt like they were throwing the waifushitters a pity bone so that they wouldn't go apeshit when their "totally heterosexual manly man" main character "platonicaly" cuddles another man kek
Well, whatever. we got a bunch of cute scenes with bisco and milo anyway so im not complaining.
>>924>>923that kiss is what i mean when i complain about "hetshit". forced hetero romance out of fucking nowhere.
I'm one of those people who's tired of sports anime but I guess I'll just put on my clown makeup and wig and check it out.
I like the other boys more than these two, hopefully they'll get some bait as well.
Not to be a downer but this anime is so goddamn bland. From its character design to its plotline, it's all so boring… I'll stick around for the fujobait and cgi horses though.
could never get into this series because i always kept wishing for the girls to be boys
does it have any fujob8 at all or is it just a good story?
>>994It has canon BL and and extreme fujobait that may be canon in the future
>>998>It has canon BLoh wow, something to look forward to.
i'll admit i've now blown through the first few chapters with ease – guess i was too young when i first tried to pick it up (a few years ago).
>>1000The anime probably won't get there, they are only introduced in the very last chapters released, though there is already some drama with them (they are both alive though)
The mangaka is an open fujo
>>1006Look what? Fucking hot?
>>1006>reeee if she's a fujo then why does the only other guy right now look like this?The manga has a bunch of male characters
>>1007that beard is ugly nona.
>>1008i'm only on chapter ten, so i've yet to see them.
>>1009>that beard is ugly nona. You finding the beard ugly means she's not a fujo?
>>1013do you want to kiss
Anon what is this? I'm confused.
What do the different reactions to his dick mean?
Disappointing second episode. Hopefully they rank up on the homo later
I'm watching it today starting from season 1 since I haven't seen it before, I only know about them from doujinshi and that's about it
Just started watching season 2 and when they showed up I felt Nier automata flashbacks.
>tfw I've been so deep into watching Kamen Rider that I have forgotten about the existence of anime shows.
Damn, time to watch this thread to put more anime on my list
>>1720I thought I was the only one who's read the manga. I'm looking forward to the anime but of course it'll get zero discussion as usual.
>>1724This show looks cool. I want to watch it, but there aren't any guys to ship with David :(
>>1730Yeah, there's honestly nothing in that regard.
The girls are cute enough though and he does have a quite nice older/younger bro relationship.
That being said. I'm the type that's happy enough even if there's only one very cute boy. If there's a series with this archetype but with more gay though, I'd be all for it.
Usually "mentally unwell" archetypes tend to be either too "uwu" and fem though, like Suicide Boy or just not the central character. I like mine with a stronger exterior and more extreme reactions, a real downward spiral.
>>2391So excited for the anime coming out soon. Started reading it a few months ago and I love everything in it. Especially the characters.
For ships, been really enjoying Kabumisu. Aside from those two, Chilchuck is definitely one of my top 3 favorites, which was very hard to pick considering I love them all.
>>2392>>2393Woah nice glad people who have read it exist on here. Also, didn't realize the anime wasn't out yet just saw the keyart and assumed it was this season or last. Just concluded what feels like the end of the first arc so I should be done and ready to watch the anime as it airs later.

I know some characters I haven't gotten to know like Kabru and Mithrun are popular so I'm excited by the fact that there are still several people the party has yet to meet.
>>2395Got baited with the intro and the almost hand holding, but I'm reminded once again to jut goddamn avoid male directed media
>ass shot>work harassment>feminicidethe cheapest drama to bait in the edgy guys I guess, I'll give it the three episode rule but goddamnit I just want to turn off my brain and I just know it won't work with this
>>2398I don't remember any ass shot but… all these things are portrayed negatively?
How do you even live?
>>2399>How do you even live?Been doing definitely better, avoiding all the rape scenes "but showed in a negative light"
Hopefully I will be able to read some good fanfics out of this, the concept is interesting
>>2398This show was clearly going to deal with unfair deaths, did you think that only men would be dying?
(Though for the most part, that is true). No.2402
>>2398Don't watch/read Chinese series with a contemporary setting if you want to avoid shitty boss stories.
>>2407I don't think my love for "cute boys doing dubiously gay things" alone will make me continue this show. I like the characters but I find all healing anime to be tediously boring.
>>2508Is this show or is the manga any good? I heard the mangaka passed away. Is the manga finished?
>>2510I don't know anything about the manga. I picked this up among other seasonal anime and I've been enjoying it so far. It's a weird mixture between absurdist comedy and thriller elements.
>>2510This manga was completed before the author passed away. Anime only, I've found the show to be pretty fun, but you can tell they might have skipped around a little. From what I hear, the manga is fun and I'm planning on reading it after.
>>2516Didn't even realize this had an adaptation this season. Thanks for posting I love this manga!
>>2517I hope you'll enjoy it, it's a really good adaption IMO. It has some (thankfully very rare) CGI parts that look weird and a few skipped scenes but I think it's as good as an adaption could have been.
Some scenes that I loved in the manga but didn't cry over made me tear up here. Though it's hard to say whether it's solely the effect of voices, music and character acting or if certain things just hit harder now because I have changed myself. I read the manga 10+ years ago.
>>2520I find the main ship kind of boring, but I really like the secondary one. The boss giving confidence in his work and the employee healing his loneliness would be great.
>>2521I'm watching it and enjoying it, but I'm not feeling this age gap ship. So far the MC has better and more meaningful interactions with pretty much every other character.
>>2525Really? The whole "they inspire each other", or the promise to take the photo or the talk and the grave.
>>2531Messy frotting and mutual handjobs are still an option.
>>2531Definitely Toto topping
>>2544I'd like to know as well. I'm assuming the movie will never actually make it to theatres where I live cause they only ever have stuff like popular shounen movies or makoto shinkai's works.
I went into Cherry magic/30-sai made doutei completely blind and it's actually cuter than I expected. It's like the clumsy boss anime but actual BL.
>>2733I hope it's good. I heard omegaverse is also very popular overseas so I also hope my sisters across the seas are as happy as I am.
>>2733i'm not even into omegaverse but i'm oddly very excited for this lol
>>2741I'm shocked that it's popular enough to have an actual anime with the premise. Also not into it, but happy on principle.
>>2764I watched this expecting a cool war sci-fi story until it got hijacked by a super robot after which I watched it expecting a cool super robot story but then said super robot turned out to be a super goofy homosexual.
Well now I watch it for the sci-fi war, super robot AND the gayness, so guess this is still a win. Also, bless the mild ryona, Isami strangely hot when he's angry or suffering and Bravern is moe as hell.
>>2868Right? I suppose the show's logo makes it apparent there's more than serious military stuff to it but boy did it take a turn and then just keep turning, kek. I'm super happy to have picked it up, the ED nearly killed me when I first saw it. I love the whole of the main trio but yeah, Bravern is a total joy.
>bless the mild ryonaTrue!
>>2869I try to go in mostly blind so I didn't expect any of it. The only thing I do is to look at the promo art to filter out the isekai and romcoms.
But this series proves again that the best gay is surprise gay in series that aren't romance. Before it started I remember hoping for some generic bro moments between the MCs so that it would get a bit of art by people with fujo goggles. And I didn't expect any mecha besides to military ones. How things have changed lol. I surely didn't have an obsessive gay mecha and public gay frotting on my bingo card.
Honestly do this more often. Even fujo audiences aside I noticed that gay shit rarely even drives hetero men away from a series as long as there is action and comedy. And as long as the gay content is openly gay and not insecure gay pandering or relationship drama.
Notice the resonance for Bravern vs that of Buddy Daddies. BD tried to attract the exact same fanbases, but without having the balls. It didn't help them. Fujos gave up on it but the men didn't watch it either.
>>2870It just has enough to it that it can leave multiple people engaged, imo. People wanting to learn what's up with Bravern and the DDrives, Bravern and Smith, or just see more action/its brand of humor in general. There's well-drawn seriousness beneath all the gay and that puts in a lot of work. So yeah, I'll have to agree with surprise gay being nice. It's certainly the most fun!
>BDI've never watched it but most of the time I see it mentioned someone brings up how 'aggressively straight' (lmao) it was. I won't speak much on it ofc because I haven't watched but I imagine that just doesn't do much for anyone. If you shy away from any and all connection between the protags no one is really going to get invested in them as a pair, either via shipping or simply as a protagonist duo they enjoy. There are plenty of ships where one/both of the characters are overtly straight but it must have done some serious bludgeoning to end up thought of like it is.
>>2871>I've never watched it but most of the time I see it mentioned someone brings up how 'aggressively straight' (lmao) it was. I won't speak much on it ofc because I haven't watched but I imagine that just doesn't do much for anyone.When I watched Buddy daddies I felt that besides one of the dudes being a skirt chaser I didn't even get the impression he had much of a positive relationship with the other hitman for most of the show. Their dynamic almost felt like "Grownass man still being taken care of by his mother" more than anything else. So yeah to me it definitely didn't feel like the male leads were shippable.
>>2871BD was like two teams made two different series and tried to merge them. The writers clearly aimed for fujobucks, but one of the MCs had to clarify that he wanted to bang women at least once every episode and the two characters had zero chemistry with each other because they were afraid of making it too homo.
Same with the genre itself. You got cartoony shit where characters are funnily running through point blank range bullet hells like looney tunes and then you get other characters that blow up or get murdered by a single shot because now the plot wants it so. They couldn't come up with a reason for making the girl stay with the MCs so her mother got terminal cancer. But that wasn't enough, she was also shot and killed before she even had the chance to die from the illness (the MCs also killed the girl's father btw. but it's never brought up).
The whole series was awfully designed and suffers from a genuine lack of direction imo.
>>2872>I didn't even get the impression he had much of a positive relationship with the other hitman for most of the show>>2873>and the two characters had zero chemistry with each other because they were afraid of making it too homoYeah, that's what I was figuring. Wanted to make sure things were capital S straight at the expense of everything else. I have absolutely no idea how that could happen beyond outright failure in settling on a cohesive direction like
>>2873 said.
Like, seriously. At the very start someone had the base understanding that two dudes + cute kid had appeal. Maybe they didn't understand that that alone wouldn't be enough? That there'd have to be, I dunno, facets to that characters that made people like having them in that situation (and therefore want to see more of them after things are all said and done) rather than driving home "erm acshually it's just a job for both of them they don't really care all that much about one another kk?"
What a fascinating fumbling of things.
>>2873>They couldn't come up with a reason for making the girl stay with the MCs so her mother got terminal cancer. But that wasn't enough, she was also shot and killed before she even had the chance to die from the illness (the MCs also killed the girl's father btw.Absolute lol.
>>2871It wasn't aggressively straight but it also wasn't much of anything. People have far more energy for hating Buddy Daddies than the show ever had for its own story, I don't really get the obsession. Like you say, there's far more straight characters who get shipped fine. eg. after the beginning BD never shows the guy actually dating or hanging out with women, just one staring look at some in the street remembering how he used to drink before the kid, and a line near the end saying he had been drinking in a hostess club. Meanwhile Chris Redgrave from High Card flirts with women constantly, takes them on dates, and even got caught with a woman's earring on the passenger seat of his car (further evidence he really was up to something that wasn't taking his little sister for day trips), and we are all in on Chris or Finn taking it up the ass from the other. No doubt, those two are an endgame and Vijay is watching.
>>2872I shipped them since I'm into those sorts of dependent dynamics especially with emphasis on food and sleep arrangements, and I appreciated them spending an ep to teach the guy he can't live without his buddy any more, while the other got the he's-just-like-the-girl-you-once-cared-so-much-for with flower symbolism and verbal encouragement, it was right out of a fanfiction playbook. But the delivery the whole way through was hollow like they didn't have their heart in it, despite how big a deal fucking up with their contacts and breaking off with the dad was. They risked their lives for each other and it still felt like nothing much, the whole crime and assassination business wasn't even heavy. It reminds me of cheap LN adaptations where the director misses the emotional mark the whole time, but it had a more consistent budget and better designs. On paper the events are dramatic, in practice it's lacking.
Anyway enough of that, look at my boys. Please don't die next episode, you need to plant seeds.
>>2678cherry magic is so cute! i'll be honest though i'm more interested in the side couple than the main couple kek
The the tentacle cockpit scene from the new Bravern episode makes me admire how well the team that makes this series is resonating with the fanbase. I wouldn't wonder if they had seen all that fanart and thought that it was actually a great idea for gay fanservice lmao
>>2988I know that feeling. Every time I go back to /a/ I inevitably regret it. I've already been avoiding threads for series that have a little girl in it but threads for anime aimed at women such as otome reincarnation are also bothersome cause every single time a woman makes a mistake or is socially awkward someone will go "muh woman moment" or the local rape autist will ramble on about otome rapechads. BL anime threads are either just dead or there's the weekly 'homodachi' general thread that's 90% pointless arguments.
Doesn't seem like there'll be much to watch next season, at least bait wise.
I wonder how many people will give the omegaverse show a try.
>>3030Honestly made me hysterical. I'm gonna miss them, aaa.
>>3044Here's hoping for a total surprise.
>>3044I dislike omegaverse so I'm skipping out on that. I imagine the gayest thing I'll be watching next season is the new Touken ranbu anime simply cause of the male only cast.
>>3046More like because Ranmaru
>>3044 Fujo anime has been so dry lately, unless you care about the domestic shows. Bucchiguri was the only one with some cool designs and plot but then the show wound up being garbage. Shounen isn't as fun to ship homo from as it used to be, either.
>>3052>Shounen isn't as fun to ship homo from as it used to be, either.I don't want to doompost but it seems like newer shonens have figured out how to leave the really compelling homo out of their writing. So sad. Peeking in on popular shonen was my go-to "I've read everything good in the older/deader fandoms I like so I will watch this and know the most popular ship will click with me and then I get to skim the cream off the top of 10k+ fics on Ao3" media. After MHA ends there's really no new overwhelmingly gay popular shonen to fill its shoes. All of the newer big yaoi fandoms I can think of these days are gachashit. (╥_╥)
So apparently I won't be watching Touken ranbu kai cause it isn't being simulcasted on a western platform and the only fansub on uses MTL subs. I'm surprised at this considering previous Touken ranbu anime were simulcasted as usual.
>>3044I feel like there is nothing good airing at all, at least not regarding good male character designs. So far I only liked Shuumatsu Train and it's an anime about girls.
Omega show has everything I dislike so I'd skip it even without the ABO part. I can't stand family stuff and the designs aren't my thing either. Guess this is a season to catch up with OVA and manga I haven't seen or read yet.
>>3071I saw the thumbnail before and didn't even watch the trailer because the design is just so ugly. The fighting concept might be interesting but every other chara and the animation style looks cheap.
>>3118Yes! It's pretty fun. Love the OP/ED and there's a ton of really cute boys. Hibiki my beloved… hope it stays an enjoyable watch.
>>2869I was expecting the ED scene to actually happen or be alluded to in-show. Silly me.
>>2870Buddy Daddies tried to attract fans of big robots, robotfuckers and military otaku?
>>2873>The writers clearly aimed for fujobucks, but one of the MCs had to clarify that he wanted to bang women at least once every episode and the two characters had zero chemistry with each other because they were afraid of making it too homo.Where Buddy Daddies failed, RobiHachi succeeded.
>>3030The more Isami rode him, the more obsessed he became kek. How will he ever explain his RPF story hours to Isami?
>>3057Crunchyroll added it a couple of days ago.
>>2873>. The writers clearly aimed for fujobucks,I think the writer was just writing what he likes, which is homos.
>>3119I was neutral about Hibiki until episode 3. Now I am intrigued, I completely misjudged that guy. It seems like they skipped a bunch of scenes this time that make his backstory even better though, so I recommend looking into the manga. I guess this is the last nudge I needed to visit my comic store and get the manga tomorrow.
That aside, holy shit Red is a genuine psychopath. I hatelove him so much, it's hard to explain to be honest.
>>3122>Where Buddy Daddies failed, RobiHachi succeeded.RobiHachi is such an enjoyable underrated series, I can only recommend it. Another anime I am fan of that I have seen being mentioned in Bravern threads is Space Battleship Tiramisu. I basically love it for the same reasons as Bravern.
>>3138It was a fun ep, but yeah, a little obviously fast even as a current animeonly. I'd been planning to pick up the manga when I can, but this ep definitely spurred my decision further. Though I have been told by other anons that uh,
Hibiki doesn't exactly have a fun time as things progress and considering he's already
down a limb/scarred from this ep, I'll just have to see how that goes. Poor dude.
Hard agree about Red, btw! He's a fucking nut and it's awesome.
>>3140>spoilersYeah, it's extreme. I didn't expect them to go that far, I have seen pics from the manga and wow. On the other side it makes me respect him even more. He goes through the kind of suffering that they usually reserve for villains that deserve it. He could become insanely cool for this though so I am intrigued. I didn't expect any of this development, I assumed he would be the nice sidekick that only exists to be a cheerleader for the MCs.
Recommend reading the manga, at least the parts involving content for this episode, since they skipped a bunch of important Hibiki and D dialogue that develops their relationship and shows more about Hibiki's and D's pasts.
>Hard agree about Red, btw! He's a fucking nut and it's awesome.Feels good finally having a legit psychopath again. Crazies are a bit rare and when they appear they're usually laughing maniacs, but I consider them more interesting when they're rational and manipulative. Red seems calm and controlled and he is even funny. But then he casually reveals his mindset when he talks about his victims, says things everybody knows is a lie or turns around to murder his SIC. What the hell.
>>3142>Yeah, it's extreme.>He goes through the kind of suffering that they usually reserve for villains that deserve it.I do not doubt. Back when I first watched ep1 people were already vagueposting about him and I'm just like 'what happens wtf?'. I hope it does lead somewhere for him, and isn't just miseryporn for miseryporn's sake.
>they skipped a bunch of important Hibiki and D dialogue/shows more about Hibiki's and D's pastsIt's definitely on my backlog. Fast as it was I still liked their interactions during the ep so that'll surely be fun to have a little more of while reading.
>Red"Pleasant to be around until they're suddenly not" psychos are awesome, and he's shaping up to be a good one. Like you said, the casual flipping back and forth between personable and absolutely unhinged is a rollercoaster.
>>2733ngl I don't really like omegaverse in general so maybe i'm missing something but I really didn't get the drama in this
so the main couple supposedly are worried about facing discrimination because in their society, alpha/omega relationships are looked down open
but… shouldn't that be the norm providing that alpha/omega couples are able to reproduce and secondary same sex couples such as alpha/alpha and omega/omega can't I presume?
Maybe I'm missing something since once again I don't really read much omegaverse but genuinely this concept didn't make sense to me, I initially started watching thinking that the drama would just be that they're a gay couple which would have made way more sense but the issue is that they're in essence this universe version of a straight couple?
>>3191I'm no omega expert but iirc omega and alphas are usually rare. Alphas are cool because they're tall and smart and business and shit but omega are too annoying to deal with because they're always horny and they make other people too horny.
>>2407I just finished watching this yesterday. It's…not my usual genre but it was really nice. Shirosaki is so moe. Hakuto is so moe. All the side characters were likeable and also the randos reacting to the main cast were great (including a few fujos). Hopefully the manga has a lot more material where they get more screentime, especially Shirosaki's family and Momose's cute ex-coworker. And also good fan content on twitter. I can't get enough of these idiots.
Hot guys doing angsty things is still king but we need more cute boys doing cute things too!
>>3195Glad to see someone else who enjoyed it. There's something special about the type of moe from grown men in suits.
>>3191I was surprised by this too. Seems like it's something unique to asian omegaverse, because all the omegaverse fic in English I've seen was the opposite. Maybe it has to do with more homophobia in asian countries and wanting there to be a homophobia-analog? I mean, alpha/omega being het lite is what I hate so much about original flavor omegaverse, but making the het-lite m/m ~actually oppressed~ despite the fact they can have kids and an ~extra special het bond leaves an equally bad taste in my mouth.
>>3199honestly it would have been a better comfier watch with more understandable drama if it wasn't omegaverse, i've tried to get into the genre but honestly it feels like i'm essentially reading het
>>3145I have yet to understand my own feelings about Red and whether I consider him hot and cool or hateable. Might be complicated and just be both, which is a good sign. Feel similar (albeit to a lesser degree) about Blue. Yellow might be interesting as well, but I don't know anything about him other than seeing his permanent grin.
I hope that this series will gain some fans in the future, I am in need of fanfics and doujinshi.
>>3199>>3191Huh, that does sound weird. In my (to be fair, very limited) experience, Asian omegaverse follows similar rules as Western omegaverse in terms of worldbuilding. Which dictates that although omegas are discriminated against, alpha/omega relationships are still the ideal. If any relationship style is looked down on socially, it's usually alpha x alpha or omega x omega.
>>3235>Might be complicated and just be both, which is a good sign.I'd say so. I just started the manga (chap 14 currently) so he hasn't shown up too much more outside of what I've seen in the anime, but I think I can pretty safely look forward to it because man, I've really been liking the manga as a whole. I
am in the academy arc now though, which I've seen anons complain about, but guess I'll just see for myself? You were totally right about the Hibiki/D interactions and backstory getting skipped. Very unfortunate (and outright nonsensical as a decision in the case of their backstories) but oh well.
>Yellow/BlueThat's p similar to my own thoughts, actually! Yellow might eke over Blue a little bit in simple having more of my curiosity, but yeah. It's still early so it's hard to really say too much about the DKs, Green is definitely lowest for me though atm.
>Fics/DoujinsI hope so too. Ridiculous amount of cute dudes aside, it's just cool so far.