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Hi Fujochan.
In honour of Paul-Frank and the 1920's story where the shorter rich dude topped (sadly eaten by recent update), I have decided to try my hand at making a BL video game.

I have at my disposal:
-RPGmaker MZ and the chipset contained therein.
-A character maker that can do a decent amount of customisation.
-Ability to make Fantasy or Modern games (Also historical to some extent, think 1800's countryside).

What I need from you guys:

-Character Design
-What kind of game? Mystery game? Dungeon crawler?
-Setting ideas

I can't make something super long, so let's aim for a cute short game.


This is very interesting! It definitely sounds like a fun idea. October is around the corner so, why not make a horror game? Or maybe just one set in during Halloween?


i can make the music just tell me the vibe~~


I second wanting a halloween theme. I've made video games using unity before, and while I don't know how to use rpg maker, if you need any help nonna, don't be afraid to ask. Maybe a horror theme would be too hard (because someone might need to come up with a scary monster design, and as someone who worked on a horror game before, it's a lot harder than it looks). But I think at the very least, we could come up with some good puzzles.


yaoi themed puzzles?!


OP here.

That sounds like a great idea, thank you! I think jazzy sounds versatile and could suit, but other nonas are free to input, and you're free to take whichever of our prompts that you like.

Thank you, I appreciate it. I think we can find some generic monster-themed designs on the interwebs. Nonas are free to do that, or I can go hunting, whichever comes first.

Maybe with a scary twist, like vampires? Thinking out loud here. 3-5 puzzles is probably a good number to aim for.

Maybe we can aim to have it done by the end of October, but I'm sick as a dog and also visiting, uh, let's say 'Transylvania' in a bit so no promises.


Op is the game gonna be safe for work? This is very important kek


i think the horror game idea is good
no need for a scary monster design
it can be like those anime where the evil monster turns out to be a misunderstood cute girl
except its a cute boy in this case
but yea then the protag becomes friends with the monsterboy and through that he learns he was gay all along or something
make it something lowkey depressing but cutesy
like the monsterboy was banished from somewhere for liking to kiss other boys and also cursed for it (thats why he is a monster)
and the protag was looking for the monster as a suicide attempt bc he feels alienated from his peers for multiple reasons
the main one being how ppl made fun of him for never scoring
but the reason is bc he actually isnt really into any girls at all
so it turns out he just had a really bad case of boylovosis
it was terminal


Worksafe? IDK. If nonas wanna put sex in it, go ahead. Nonas will have to do the writing though.

Boy x monsterboy? Coming out story? Sounds fun!

>What kind of monster do ppl want to see? Ghost? Reanimated cadaver? were-rabbit? Tanuki?


Reanimated cadaver!


OP here
Ok, let's go for frankenstein boyo!
This is easy for me to do too, since the chipset supports rural Frankenstein early 19th century Germany stuff.

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