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Let's bring this thread back!

Best incest ships?
Brothers or Father son?
Inseki: Is it ever good or is it always a cop-out?
Is twincest wincest?


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>Best incest ships?
Osomatsu-San introduced me to incest so any from that series is good, even then my OTP is Suuji.
>Brothers or Father son?
Brothers is best, father son I don't really look much into but I'd be down for some recommendations.
>Inseki: Is it ever good or is it always a cop-out?
Feels like a cop-out tbh, but if they've been raised since childhood it can still lead to some fun drama.
>Is twincest wincest?
Yes yes yes, something about twins being in a relationship with each other is mesmerising. It's like a divided person trying to become one, is very romantic.


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Woo-hoo, I love the NEETs too! Could mix and match them all day. I think for that series in particular you also have the dynamic of a bunch of horny brothers all of the same age incapable of getting a girlfriend, so it only makes sense that some or all of them would start experimenting with each other.

>Feels like a cop-out tbh, but if they've been raised since childhood it can still lead to some fun drama.

Whole-heartedly agree with this. I had to remind myself that one of my ships needed a warning recently because it didn't even dawn on me that some people interpret it as incest. I think that if the story sets up like "Two children are adopted at the same time" that's one thing, but if its two adult who technically happen to be adopted siblings it really doesn't mean anything.


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>Best incest ships?
I'm a big fan of brocons. There is nothing better than one brother being unhealthly obsessed with the other.
>Brothers or Father son?
Both are great, although I do tend to gravitate towards brothers a bit more.
>Inseki: Is it ever good or is it always a cop-out?
Cop-out, for sure. If they've known each other from a young age then it wouldn't really bother me, but it alwyas ends up being that they've only known each other for two years. Honestly, it feels like many creators want to appeal to incest connoisseurs but don't want to actually interact with the taboo so it oftens ends up as weird lacklaster faux incest.
>Is twincest wincest?
Absolutely, twins are the best! The intimacy of such a bond is so incredibly mesmerizing. You can't find it anywhere else.


>Brothers or Father son?
both, both is good, as long it's not grooming or CSA. the best dynamic is always the younger half of the pairing taking the initiative and being the pursuer.
>Inseki: Is it ever good or is it always a cop-out?
can be good, but rarely is
>Is twincest wincest?
depends. if they act like they are one and look exactly the same is quite boring and i pass. if they act and look diferent it's cool.


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>Best incest ships?
I’m with >>3430 and >>3429. I was really into Osomatsu-San back in its heyday and shipped Ichi and Jyushi. Even before that, my first exposure to incest was Hitachiincest. Then Elricest. God, I miss when liking incest was normalized in fandom.
>Brothers or Father son?
Brocon for sure, but I’m not opposed to dadson. I just never actively seek it out.
>Inseki: Is it ever good or is it always a cop-out?
It’s a cop-out when they’ve known each other for a short amount of time. If they’ve been raised together since adolescence and refer to each other as “brother” I wouldn’t mind it but it’s still not “real” incest.
>Is twincest wincest?
Absolutely. Twincest is my most sought after yaoi dynamic, and I wish there were more anime boy twins out there that are possessive and madly in love with each other.


Agree younger one is always best as the pursuer otherwise I tend to be squicked out.
Prefer fatherson, but I'm more interest in uke dad dubcon than the other way around.


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>best incest ships?
Clay/Orel is one of my favourites, extremely sinful too and the idea is Orel growing up to dominate his dad is so fun
>Brother or father
Both are really fun, love the taboo nature of both, especially a son growing up to be bigger and stronger than his dad and domming him
Eh, bit of a cop out but if they still call each other and think of each other as family it's still fun
>Is twincest wincest?
Fuck yessss, something extremely beautiful and compelling about seeing two identical people fall in love, if they're not identical its fun too


Wow, never considered this ship before, but it's astronomically based. Any more pics? Any fic recs?

Also, do you prefer canon depiction of Orel grown up, or would you rather go with the proposed ending for the show that would have had Orel go goth?


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Ah I haven't really interacted with the fandom in years, ah I'm so sad we missed out on goth!Orel… The fact that moral orel got cancelled pisses me off to this day fr fr adult!Orel is really cute though


You are unfathomably based. I didn't bother to check for fanart but the thought did creep on me when i watched it


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>imagine Shido finding out not only is Akechi his son but he's also a raging faggot and opting to discipline him the same way he does with all his whores
>imagine Akechi crossdressing to seduce his dad as the ultimate 4D chess move
>imagine Joker and company walzting into Shido's mind palace ship, encountering Akechi and then Akechi being held at gunpoint by cognitive!Akechi who's a slutty drag queen dressed in the same prostitute uniform his mother wore
>imagine Joker getting ntr'd as cognative!Akechi milks Akechi to completion as he screams his father's name


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Itacest was my first incest ship and I still love them. Top Feliciano supremacy


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Yay, an incest thread!
Best incest ships?
Too many! But my favorite at the moment is definitely TennRiku. They're the best example of a brother complex dynamic and one of the few ships that I truly believe that they're canonically in love.
Brothers or Father son?
Inseki: Is it ever good or is it always a cop-out?
Can have potential in it's own separate way, but it'll never be like incest…
Is twincest wincest?


I've always loved seeing them together in fanart, even if I dropped the anime after the first episodes haha. Maybe I'll give it a second chance in the future because, like you said, twincest is wincest and both of them look adorable.


The first season is not the best, I can understand why you'd drop it. But it's worth it, especially for the incest! The second and third season get muuuuuch better, and they get an angst arc!


I see, that's good to hear. After I'm done with the series I'm watching, I'll start the anime for these two then. Thank you anon!!


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I'm currently obsessed and have been obsessed for a few years now with Adrien/Felix from Miraculous Ladybug. 'Tis a shame it's not more popular. I really want to catch up with the show, but I dropped it a few seasons ago for being shit.
In the past, I've enjoyed a lot of the incest ships like Sam/Dean, Hikaru/Kaoru, Thor/Loki back when I was into those fandoms. Also does self-cest count? PitchPearl is also one of my otps.


Hmm, good question, I suppose it depends how the selfcest is handled. I know a lot of fanworks treat the two characters as twins which is incest related though just as often its more a "dark persona" which I would say is seperate.

Its incest-adjacent for sure.


>just as often its more a "dark persona"
I know what you mean. There's quite a few Danny/Danny fics where they're treated as completely separate entities and were never as one. I'm also reminded of Linkcest where a lot of fanworks treat them similarly, as two separate entities. I will always prefer selfcest where the character goes through the whole "oh god, narcissism" crisis because it's infinitely more interesting. Especially because a lot of times when they're treated as two completely separate characters, they'll never address the fact that the two characters look so similar.


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Yes! The narcissism crisis is so good and I just can't find it believable if its never brought up, its like doing an incest fic without addressing that the characters are related its just weird and I don't understand the point. Though I also similarly like playing with that narcissism crisis with identical twins even of it isn't literally a split person.

I could never get into Link/Dark Link because Dark Link has no personality but I used to really enjoy 4sword shipping especially based on the manga.


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Another TennRiku nonnie! I 100% agree that they have to canonically be in love with each other. They are literally constantly pining for each other like lovers, constantly worry about each other, and don’t get me started on the duet song… they are the embodiment of twincest is wincest
Come to the dark side!! The anime is a very good adaptation of the game but it’s behind by a few chapters I think. There’s translations of the game too if you’re itching for more after that! iDOLiSH7 is honestly a fujo masterpiece that’s worth experiencing.


I just got into i7 and they’re definitely my ship of choice! Even if I want to strangle Tenn sometimes, Riku is tooo pure and I know he’d be the happiest by his brother’s side.


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I'm watching naruto currently and my god itasasu got me feeling suicidal. They are literally the definition of doomed yaoi. They hurt me both emotionally and physically because every time they're onscreen together I am forced to watch them make the most retarded decisions known to man. They were so obsessed with eachother when they were little, but when they're grown they suddenly don't know how to talk to eachother anymore.. I straight up screamed when Itachi told Sasuke he will forever love him right before dying (for the second time) this man is the biggest brocon I've ever seen omg!


Good to see someone else with the same brainrot. There wil never again be a relationship like theirs. I just wish the ship was more popular, there are not enough fanworks about them.


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Which two are these? The colors are really pretty here.


Aoi twins from Enstars


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>>3569 Already answered but they're the Aoi twins from Ensemble Stars. Canonically they are incredibly close and see each other as the most important person in the world. Though Hinata, the older one is implied to be a bit angsty and hides his pain and true feelings from his brother so he doesn't burden him.


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Thanks for the reply. It seems really interesting- I don't know if I'd get into enstars but the fanart is always really pretty.


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Yeah, idol stuff isn't for everyone. The gacha itself is honestly pretty unremarkable but the anime is cute so if you're every curious for context I would recommend that.


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Enstars has some amazing incest ships. I love ReiRitsu the most. It's so sweet how much Rei cares about him and I just love Ritsu’s tsundere side pushing him away. Rei calls Ritsu his "pretty sweet angel" in this screenshot and says he loves him… the fujobait is insane in this game but I fall for it each time. I also think Ritsu cucking Rei with Tsumugi is funny KEKK. Aoicest is pretty cute too but I haven't read many stories involving them. I need to get back to reading


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> Best incest ships?
For me, it has to be the cozmez twins (Kanata/Nayuta). They have a tragic backstory and they feel like they have nothing but each other in the world. They're so unhealthily and toxically codependent on each other that it's unreal.
> Brothers or Father son?
I see brothers more often in media so that's what I tend to like, but if the dadson dynamic is compelling I'll enjoy it.
> Inseki: Is it ever good or is it always a cop-out?
Absolute cop-out, though I may be biased because I was subjected to seeing people talking about a certain Genshin Impact ship like it was a war crime to enjoy it for years. I was disappointed to find out that they weren't blood related kek
>Is twincest wincest?
YES! Brocon is good, but the dynamics feel so much closer if they are twins…


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>Top Feliciano supremacy
This. It's amazing. There are a few good fics of top feliciano on ao3 but I wish there were more… I'm tired of rereading the same ones (though I love them)


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This shit has made me so fucking retarded. I'm obsessed with the dynamics here. Red haired bitch is either fucking his brother, his nephew or kissing his son. The angst that comes from it is top tier to me.


Wait until you find out his nephew is also his brother


Isn't his son also his nephew?


Yes I know that's even better!


His son is his double nephew. And his nephew (Horus) is also his double nephew who is also his reincarnated brother

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