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In which we talk about how great Teru is.


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He's got some screws loose in his head, but he's cute so it's all okay.


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I am jumpscared by the OP pic.


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Picked specifically because I just started Mob Psycho and it made me laugh so much.

I should be on to the next season today. Who tops in you guys opinion, Mob or Teru?


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>Who tops in you guys opinion, Mob or Teru?

Mob is always a bottom no matter the pair.

Glad you like the show, it's easily my favorite ONE work and the anime adaptation is so expressive and colorful.


On the one hand, you're right, mob is extremely bottom regardless of anything else. That's true.
But imagine power bottom teru trying to bully mob into topping him and them both being cutely bad at it. Imagine. At least once. I think it'd be sexy and funny.


teru is cute!!!


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I read a pretty good fic the other day where Mob dubconned teru and I guess he was technically 'top' at the time, depending on how you looked at it. Anyway that was pretty spicy imo.

Mostly though I agree that he's a bit too passive for the role and would be better suited as a bottom.


Please share with the class, nonna.



Primarily, it's not the writing itself (which is kind of subpar imo), but the concept that really did it for me.


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probably a long shot, but does anybody have the other half of this video?


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Which one?


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All of them. Absolutely all of them. No exceptions.


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This thread made me want to buy a physical copy of the anime and it's so frustrating season 1 is already OOP.

After market prices are ridiculous, you'd think something so popular would be in circulation a little while longer, or be more readily available.


damn is it really that hard?

I'm about to finish season 3 and I think this may just be my new obsession.


So can we talk about how bad a friend Teru is?


depend. in ageswap AU, definitely mob


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