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For all the nonnas who love emo boys. Post 2D emo boys and their boyfriend's, recommend manga/anime with these type of characters, etc.

Does anyone here remember "Honeydew Syndrome"? It's worse than I remember, but I found it somewhat charming when I re-read it recently. The MC and most of the supporting characters are somewhat emo.
It might be a stretch to call the MC of "Sweet Heart Trigger" emo, but he got the bangs and he self-harms. He's a weirdo but I like him. I'm patiently waiting for the new volume's release.
Anyone here got any recommendations? I'd love to hear.


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Let's not forget the OG emo ship, I remember soem artist on deviantart had a gallery full of art for this ship, I appreciate the dedication.


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>Emo boys
>No hooni
Let me fix that


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Hooni never struck as emo to me, he's more of a depressed neet a bit like Tomoko from Watamote


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Take me back


These are all too perfect, thank you nonna. Especially the guy with white hair and cat ears in the first picture, I'm in love~


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Found this on pintrest, I think it's funny.


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Posting from the bootleg Aoba webcomic, would post in >>>/wes/ but this thread is more fitting


Hell yeah it's 2005 again


Flashing lights warning! Don't open if you have sezshurs


Anyone else had an emo sasunaru phase?

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