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Hello fellow fujos~
Since October is coming soon I've thought of making a Halloween thread for us, so that we can post anything that focuses on BL and Halloween. If you have spoopy BL recs please tell us about it! This isn't /ex/ though so let's keep things jolly!


Please I need horror BL recommendations, both doujins and fics are welcomed


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Here is a few, though they're a bit more "horror" than "spooky".


Here's a spooky-ish asakiku (hetalia) doujinshi.

I have some other art and stuff laying around. I'll see if I can find it.






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The best month!

Anyone have any good seasonal games or VNs?

I think this year I'll watch through Twilight Zone, still looking for an anime to compliment it.


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Dang no one ever suggested anything ohnoes also never got around to watching Twilight Zone, only thing I watched this year was Zombi 2 (1979) haha. Lackluster spook month for me.


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Does anybody know about pic related? Pretty sure it's a pixiv manga, it has some good monster boys and I've always wondered what the deal was.


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What's the copyright name? Don't recognize them, but they look cute.


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It's tagged with "獣人バビロン", so that's probably what it's called. It does seem pretty cute, though.


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Happy to see more Jiangshi this year, it's such a neat design.


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"Jujin Babylon" interesting, bird boy is super cute wish there was English information.

I know right? Such a cool and underrated monster design.


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Might as well also mention this one, it was written by the same author as "Boys of the Dead", the covers seem pretty interesting and "Halloween"-ish too.
No clue what they're about though.


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Happy Day of the Dead


I really really love wings coming from the middle or lower back. Something about it just feels sexy to me, while wings higher up seem like a weighty burden.


idk given the anatomy of birds, having the wings coming from near the shoulder feels more correct
but i agree that lower wings look better when the wings are small
like, if its gonna be those huge majestic wings, put them on the shoulder
if they are more like decoration and couldnt ever hope to lift the person they are attached to, put them lower down

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