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a thread for cross-dressing. post traps, femboys, etc. whatever works for nonas to read. be sure it's bl (or otherwise, a m/m "slash" work).

op picture is amachin wa jishou.


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Lio's just the right sort of "androgynous" for me. I'm kind of surprised he doesn't more often get shoved into dresses and stuff in fan-art.
Then again, Promare seems to be old news now kek.


Oh! Are androgynous bishounen accepted in this thread and not only traps? I have significantly more content to share of the former than the latter.


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i seem to recall an entire au that featured him as a cheerleader? maybe it was galo, though. some kind of gym teacher/student thing.

yes, andro bishies are more than welcome. it's crossdressing + traps after all.


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In that case I am once again here to yell into the void about the mobile game Onmyoji and how fucking gay it is. Specifically, I am here to yell about Taishakuten and Asura. It is like 100 degrees at my current location and my brain is too fried to make a convincing argument, so I will just say that these images are drawn by Taishakuten's official artist. If any of you nonnas would like a "movie" to watch at some point, please check out these many cutscene videos summarizing their event, which involves some truly wild shit like timelooping and Asura becoming god in order to rewrite reality so that everybody loves his angsty bf:

I want to talk to other people about this game so badly, but it's impossible because there's so much "problematic" content, so the western fandom's takes are all incredibly bad.


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i've been wanting to get into onmyoji (some of the designs are really cute – see picrel) but it being a gacha game turns me off.
are the rates as cancerous as other gacha?
>official artist
seems like chinese fujos get away with a lot more than jp ones do.


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Gacha rates are shit, but it doesn't matter because the game hands out SSRs and pulls like candy. It's not uncommon for even f2p players to have full collections.

You get an SSR/SP given to you in the reward shop for every event (roughly 1 or 2 a month). There are summoning events where you are given a free SSR every x summons, usually around 100 or so. It's not a pity but an extra SSR that gets dropped in your lap, so it doesn't reset if you get any in your pulls. There are usually around 2 summon events a year where the first SSR/SP you pull is guaranteed to be one you haven't gotten before, which is great for finishing off your collection when you're only missing a few. There are shards for each shiki that can be traded between players and allow you to summon that shiki when you've collected 50 of them – if you join a good guild, shards for older shikis will often just be handed to you for free by veteran players because we simply have no use for them. When a new SSR/SP is introduced, there are ranking events that will give you shards for placing in the top 10k or whatever, with top 100 getting the entire 50 shards. It's possible to no-life grind these events if you really want to get the shiki asap without spending money but I don't recommend doing it unless you hate yourself. Overall the game is very generous.

Additionally, if you don't care about pvp or bragging rights leaderboards, getting SSRs doesn't even matter. Many SR/R shikis are very good, with some of them even being actual meta. Team comp and the quality of your souls (equips) is more important than shiki rarity. But on that note I will warn you that the game is a grindfest, soul stats are RNG and then which substats rank up when you level them is also RNG. If all you care for is PvE and being able to see the story, it doesn't matter much, but I know there are some people who physically cannot stop themselves from minmaxing if the option is available to them despite hating it. If you're one of those kinds of players then soul optimization will be a nightmare.

>that pic

Seeing this outfit always makes me sad because it was supposed to be an official outfit for the adult version of the char, but CN fans complained that it was too cutesy/housewifey and didn't suit him so it ended up getting scrapped. I'll never forgive them…

>chinese fujos get away with a lot more than jp ones do

She's actually Japanese and deletes all her gayest stuff shortly after posting it. But of course, it's the internet, so people have it saved anyways. But the CN side also has the official artist for the char you posted, who is a fudanshi and has drawn actual porn of the adult version of the char.


>that first pic


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Dropping some more pics here


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https://mangadex.org/title/351f9e46-7b6a-4afb-a31b-24a0d9751bec/bara-no-maria found this on mangadex the other day. it's a bit confusing to read (maybe translation issues?) but if you want a quick and dumb read, it's pretty fun.

i appreciate your write up nonny. i think i'm ultimately too lazy for gacha grinding though – guess i'll just continue to appreciate the art from afar.


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If you only care about the story you don't really have to grind at all, the pve content is all stupid easy. Stat optimization is really only for autists like me. But I totally get it if you don't want to put up with gachashit, mobile games are by far the worst thing to happen to the gaming industry. Right up there with preorders.


does anyone have manga recs btw? i've already read the op pic + manga like hibari-chan + prunus girl.


Maria Holic and Cage of Eden have good trap characters.



I watched the movie it was beautiful I loved it, but I cant do gacha games anymore. whats the name of the artist though and where can I find more of their art

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