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I was on a trip to Japan on June and July for three weeks, went to BL events in cafes and I miss them so much. I wish we had this kind of stuff outside of Japan but BL is too niche for that. Even super mainstream TV shows or books don't have temporary events in cafes and restaurants, at best you get themed restaurants in theme parks like in Disneyland.

I went to one for the release of the second drama CD for Sonna ni iu nara daite yaru even though I can't find scans for the second volume and I have no clue when it'll get released in my country. I went twice and of course the author came there and gave autographs right between these two dates kek. I also went to emocafe in Shibuya for a collab with three manga, but I was only interested in Happy Shitty Life. Some older elegant women were talking to each other behind me in Japanese and my Japanese is far from perfect so I have no clue if one of theme were Harada or if they were talking about her. I also met a Chinese or Taiwanese girl there who asked for help to take pics, girl if you're reading this I just want to say hi! In both events I was the only very obvius gaijin in the room but some girls didn't give a fuck and came to me to trade coasters, armed with google translate, that was pretty cool. I'm definitely going to Japan in two or three years and hoping that I'll find more similar events. I was super lucky that they happened when I was there because it wasn't planned at all, I found out about emocafe because some anon on lc talked about it and I found out about the other one because of Niyama posting about it on twitter. I can't post pictures but I guess it's for a better cause.


You should post the pics once imageposting comes back. Let me live vicariously through you.
>I wish we had this kind of stuff outside of Japan but BL is too niche for that.
Me too, but I suppose publishers aren't willing to shell out money for an event if they don't have a guaranteed audience. I recall a couple of years ago that there was a fanhosted Haikyuu cafe in New York. Even fanhosted events aren't that common sadly.


I wish you guys were there to experience it tbh. I went there alone so I felt a bit lost at first. I think the closest thing I've heard of in my country was some MGS5 themed cafe in 2015 in Paris for the release of the game. Since I can't post pics I'm going to post links to the twitter accounts of the cafes, maybe you'll see some Japanese girls posting their own pics.
>Stellamap cafe in Akihabara (nearly got lost on my way there, fuck google maps): https://twitter.com/SofmapCafe/status/1675851312980975617

>Emocafe (it was one event for three different BL manga but I only knew Happy Shitty Life): https://twitter.com/emocafe_collabo/status/1691751906316550554

I bought some merchs too but nothing too fancy. I regret not getting the drama CDs for Sonna ni iu nara daite yaru a little because Japanese CDs are compatible with CD players in Europe but I was worried about breaking them in my suitcase on my way home. Not BL related but I went to Artnia (the Square-Enix cafe in Shinjuku) to eat pancakes and didn't buy anything there, and I went to Q-pot cafe for the Harry Potter collab, but Q-pot jewelry is expensive for what it it imo. I think I missed on the really cute HP themed stuff because I mostly found clothes, wallets and handbags. I wish I didn't forget about going to the other Square-Enix cafe so I could have been to the FF16 release event. If you ever have the opportunity to go to such events, the food is good but not amazing. I don't drink alcohol but if you do you'll have plenty of choices for that.


Lately some artists I follow keep posting about a local fan meet for ORV shippers they go to, and they bring stickers and other fan made merch with them, and have cakes and things. I'm quite jealous really. I can't imagine being able to find fans, let alone shippers, at a locally organised event. Hiring your own venue would be easier than hoping a company does an official event, but getting people to exist and turn up is another story.


I'm readin Akuheki and I LOVE Daimon! Hot, kinda psycho, sweet and he's great at intense, romantic sex. I hope they clone his character type into many other BLs cus I love his combination of tropes. I must state again he is GREAT at sex.


The end of the world with you is going to be released this weekend in France, and since it's by the mangaka who made Pornographer I'm sure I'll love it so I'll buy the volumes and read them. I'm looking forward to it. The same publishing company made no announcement about the second volume of Sonna ni iu nara daite yaru unfortunately. I was in an event for the release of the second drama CD release for it in Japan this summer and I hesitated to get the second volume there just in the meantime and didn't do it because the community manager of the publishing company said they'll announce something about it "soon" on twitter but I'm still waiting! Fuck them!

Also, Lala no Kekkon is going to be released in France soon as well, is it good? I never read the scans beyond the first chapter but that was long ago and I don't remember it very well.


Lala no Kekkon is great, I'm a big fan of feminine bottoms who aren't straight out crossdressers so I enjoyed it thoroughly. The characters and plot were interesting and the sex scenes were honestly superb.


I see, let's hope that the sex scenes will be uncensored then. I have to check when the first volume will come out exactly, if it's this week I'll go on a shopping spree this weekend.


Nevermind it was released last week, I'm going to treat myself this weekend then! I'll check if they have more stuff at the comicstore too and maybe I'll also get Yatamomo because I read the scans long ago on MRM and I forgot enough about it to enjoy reading it again.


I'm so jealous nonnie, I don't think there are official English translations to Yatamomo or Lala no Kekkon so the latter only has a really shitty fanmade one that's definitely machine translated. It seems that a lot of prolific BL works get French translations, is there a specific publisher that does them?


It's complicated, there are specific publishers specialized in BL and GL and hentai and they use different brand names depending on the genre, and there are some that aren't really specialized in it. Lala no Kekkon is published by Noeve Grafx and I only know them because they also publish Veil by Kotteri which isn't even an actual manga but more like an artbook and it has a lot of different series. A lot of older series were published by Asuka which was bought by another publisher so now Junjou Romantica and Viewfinder are own by the French branch of Crunchyroll and the cover won't be the same between the Asuka version and the Crunchyroll version so a lot of fans who started these series 15 years ago are angry at them right now.


I bought the books I wanted, and I think I'm going to hate Noeve Grafx because they didn't uncensor Lala no Kekkon. I just quickly checked, I'm busy so I'll read it later. Between that and what they did during last year's Japan Expo I think I'll pray they don't get publishing licences for other BL manga I like. Same with Taifu, fuck them but that's because they'll probably never release the third volume of Oni to Tengoku.


Late I guess but I guess now I could post pictures. I posted some of them on twitter already and I don't want anons to find me this way though so I'll have to sort which pictures I haven't posted yet. And now that fujochan is a bit more alive maybe I should post in a more active thread too.


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Happy late new year, nonnas! Any BL resolutions this year? I set a goal of reading 50 manga this year since last year I read less than 10.


My goal is to complete my collection of manga and buy another bookshelf for it, and be caught up with official releases of BL visual novels in English (because I know enough Japanese to understand when the voices don't match the subtitles and I want to see uncensored dicks). I'm doing it right now actually, I'm playing DMMD right now and will keep playing more stuff later little by little.


Didn't have one before this post, but reflecting upon it now I think I want to write a one-shot story each month. I was horribly inconsistent last year and ran out of writing steam in the middle of the year. This time I want to try to be on some sort of schedule.


I should try to get through my BL game backlog. I have a gaming backlog in general but you get the idea. I've also started practicing art more and I'd like to become good enough that I can draw BL art to be proud of.


I want to finish my BLVN projects, especially the original one (one is a fanwork). The more I enjoy BL, whether it's fan content or canon, I get more of an itch to get my own work out there, even if there's a super low chance anyone will see it since it's really short and I have no idea what platform I can actually post it on since it'll be nsfw.


I wanna write more fanfiction this year, and also try drawing some. I wrote a lot of fanfiction multiple years ago, and I want to get back into it. I don't think my writing is probably too good, but most importantly I wanna finish some works.

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