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Boys love elements in videogames thread?


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Atelier series is usually slim pickings for BL but I like these two from the newest game (Sophie 2).


Not sure if true but isn't final Fantasy like gay as fuck? Judging by the amount of fujos it has I assume I must have some BL ships slipped here and there


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Oh interesting, tell me more? The last Atelier I think I'd say was "gay" was Mana Khemia on the PS2 (it even has a couple of fujo characters)

I wouldn't say, with some exceptions like FFXIV where multiple male characters flirt and are obsessed with (you) the series is very hetero. I think XV has huge fujovibes but it also has a canon straight romance.


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Going to contribute that the couple in the OP picture are Sorey and Mikleo from Tales of Zestiria, universally considered gay.
>The boyish main character and his sassy beautiful bestie
>Mikleo is referred to Sorey's "one and only" in the game and by the producer of the game
>Developers of the game said that Sorey wouldn't work coupled with a woman
>The game has a few in-jokes about Sorey and Mikleo being lovers
>The game's ending outright confirms it
>Moids seethe and try to ship Sorey with the girl character who joins the party for like 5 minutes in the beginning and fucks off for the rest of the game
Picrel, it's another cutscene from the game heavily implying their romantic involvement.


I'm not an FF expert but no, not really. The fans are fujoshi but the games don't provide that much fanservice except for Dissidia but I guess it's because it's a sausagefest with Terra just minding her own business.


FF fujos feel like normie tier fujo to be honest.


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I'm not in the fandom but so far I say stay wary of the het FF fangirls, didn't they create a FF house or something?


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In my experience the het FF7 shippers are still arguing with the same arguments since 1997 about which love triangle ship is the MoSt CaNoN while the gay shippers are just off in their own corners shipping Cloud with every dude in the game.


It's Tifa lets be real. Aerith dies.
It's not rocket science. Het FF7 shippers are so dumb.


ff7 het shippers have taken to screeching about how probwematic uwu sefikura fujos are now


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I truly think Adachi/Doujima is canonically plausible, especially factoring in P4AU. Mostly one-sided on Doujima's part given how Adachi is, but reciprocated love isn't completely impossible.

I know Souji/Adachi is the more popular pairing, but I've always shipped these two and think they have an underrated dynamic. A lot of people boil it down to "Shut up Adachi!" but there is just so much more with Doujima going on beneath that gruff exterior, and labeling him simply as a drunk absent father strips him of all his complexities.


I don't know anything about Persona, but this pairing appeals to my tastes


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Rune Factory recently allowed marrying the bachelors while playing as a guy in RF5, so that's nice. Wish they did it sooner since I love the guys in 3 and 4.
I used to be into this ship a while ago! Their relationship is interesting to think about on a deeper level


Adachi would have never murdered anyone out of entitlement and sexual frustration if Dojila fucked him in the ass at the beginning of the game.


This is very true! Lol


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rare pair moment


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I was trying to think of where to post this thought I had and I guess this thread will do. On my twitter homepage a retweet introduced me to the Hero x Erik ship and the art I've seen so far was cute enough that it made me start playing Dragon quest XI out of curiosity. Of course I already owned the game to begin with cause I enjoyed a previous dragon quest game and figured I'd enjoy this too, but this was a fun reason to push it to the top of my backlog list.


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Surprised that Ike hasn't been mentioned yet. He's the first character that comes to my mind when I think about gay coded characters in rpgs.
>absolutely uninterested in women
>only caring about the people close to him especially his childhood friend and strategist whom he openly expresses the desire to protect and have at his side
>both he and Soren ending up travelling the world together and vanishing somewhere far just to not be seen or heard of again
I'm not too big on IkeSoren myself, or even Fire Emblem for that matter, but I appreciate how gay Ike seems.

lol I stumble across those two frequently and I enjoy them a lot despite not knowing jack shit about DQ.



I'm unfamiliar with FE, but I always love these types of male characters. Surrounded by fawning women, but they don't give a fuck or are actively gay and don't even realize the attention. Always super funny.


My boy! I really hope PoR/RD get remasters or remakes or at least ported to the switch because I am dying for more Tellius. It really is astounding how gay he is, even with the English localization toning it down and trying to create romantic tension between him and Elincia in PoR.
Engage is reviving the "is Ike gay" discussions in FE fandom and it is absolutely hilarious. They're really hammering it in, what with him still having no interest in women and only calling another man(who looks like Soren, hmmm) beautiful.

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