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A thread for fanfic discussion. Recommend stories, talk about tropes, and post your own work!

Old Thread: >>3


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And here are some Ao3 shipping stats for this month. The work % one is fascinating. Can not imagine my ships making up 70%+ of fic content.


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I've five unfinished fics lying around that I haven't had the motivation to finish.

What do you guys do to get yourselves in the writing mood?


I'm so invested in my anime and videogame bubble that it takes me off guard when I see how much content is produced for live action tv/movie stuff. Genuinely feels like they live on a different planet.


Same, there are series I've never even heard off before realizing they had thousands of works on Ao3. Our Flag Means Death, 9-1-1, Young Royals? Maybe it's just because I don't have any streaming service or even a TV antenna anymore, but it's insane how big things like that hide right under my nose.

I love how consistently high Bungou Stray Dogs are on these charts, never seen it myself, but it's nice to see a non-shonen anime so high up.


>Search pairing
>giant 100k word one shot collection
>crtl+f one of the characters names
>0 results

Why do people do this? I'm in a big Boku no Hero mood because of all the posting here recently and its happened a few times.


I really wish there was a way to punish people for improper tagging, especially in big fandoms like BnHA. Or at least a native option for "never ever show me this fic again" (I use Ao3 savior but I've had it hiccup on me enough that I want something concrete). If there's one thing ff.net got right it was only allowing 2 characters to be tagged.


I really just wish they would create a native option to pernamently blacklist. Its so weird to me there isn't a toggable one, especially since it take a while to perfect a search in big fabdoms.

And yes it's stupid people can just tag pairings that don't even exist in the work, or even worse 300 word crackfics with 20 ships tag and no actual relation to the fandom. Its garbage and is just clutter.


I got tired of constantly typing my blacklist in the search results so I just have a general M/M bookmark with the necessary keywords blocked which is a decent workaround.

It seems like AO3 only put effort in having a basic blacklist and tagging system and then completely gave up afterwards. There's so many features they could add to make the QoL better but they don't. I'm still annoyed they haven't implemented a main and sidepairing category. Even if there's otp: true you can still lose out on good fics that tag other pairings. The sites been up for years, what the fuck they're doing with the donations is beyond me.


In their defense I imagine there is some degree of jenga code at play with some of the obvious QoLs like that. I'm more annoyed that tagging culture has gotten very weak. I've gotten so butthurt about it that I keep scrolling when the tag list for non-porn is more than 2 lines.
About half of it just goes to keeping the site up.


AO3 still has the best tag system overall even with the pitfalls. I like that I can search, say, an episode title in the "Search within results" and someone probably tagged it even if it isn't a "canon tag." AO3 is miles ahead of FF.Net for actually finding what I'm looking for. It is a shame a minority of users are using it to write paragraphs or purposely mistagging in large fandoms.

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