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So anyway, I'm reading Devilman. Have any other nonnas taken the plunge?

My boyfriend pointed out that the art style reminds him of Popeye. Actually. I can kinda of see it.


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Also just a general devilman discussion thread. I love this ship. I know it's not actual BL, but it's a bit BL adjacent?


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Devilman is just really fascinating. I went into the original manga without knowing anything besides that it was groundbreaking and controversial and made to appeal to teenage boys by having gore and tits.
I still kept on reading because it's goofy in an endearing way and the artstyle is charming. I got completey sureprised when the genre changed from edgy comedy to tragedy. The characters gains more depth and their came some interesting social commentary(nothing really deep but still nice to have in a manga originally made for edgy teenage boys). I actually cried in the end because the story wraps itself up in a nice tragic way. I'm a sucker for characters who are doomed from the start


Glenn Danzig's Devilman tramp stamp lives rent free in my head


I’m more of a Getterfag.
Hayato best Dynamic Pro boy.


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Never read the manga. The only Go Nagi series I've actually read the original of is Cutie Honey which I thought was a let down and way worse than every anime adaptation.

I love the dark atmosphere of the Devilman OVAs, easily my favorite iteration. Has anyone else seen the 1972 series? Very odd take on the franchise and makes it a corny monster-of-the-week show. Fun, but lacking a lot the edge I like from the OVAs.

Here's some art by Clamp btw. I love it when established Mangaka make fanart.


I started reading it tonight because of this thread kek. Decent so far. How's the anime compared to the manga, worth watching?


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The humor is very cheesy but I actually kind of enjoy that. I remember some of the panels from memes of it being generally very silly.

But outside of the silliness it can be dark and I like that. I haven't reached the end yet, but I know what happens due to watching the ovas and crybaby and some of the anime. Bleak.

The OVAs are really lovely. The colors, the animation, the feeling. The anime was fine yeah, nothing to write home about.

watch everything that ever came out for Devilman tbh. It's worth it. I'm glad you were inspired to read it, I'm getting closer to the end now myself ahh.




I always wanted to post this somewhere.
Currently reading G.


Superb shit nonna


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I agree with this.

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