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I'll post the link in OP. It's a really good BL and very short, maybe takes about fifteen-twenty minutes to read.

Summary: A man is stalked by the boy he bad touched as a child. The boy has now grown up and is romantically obsessed with his abuser. Unfortunately, his abuser isn't into him anymore.

Tell me what you think? :) I kinda wanna liven up this board. Also it has a minor moment of shota, but it's not graphic, it's only alluded to.

Kiseki to Amedama



Oh, also it's got sexual themes and censored dicks but I feel like that's most yaoi so why am I even warning anybody…


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He's so hot, I love older guys with stubble. I don't have time to read right now, but I'll give it a shot later.


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Nishin is based, love this author's works


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What a great idea!

I think fucked up stuff is better as one-shots. I feel like even well-written fucked up stuff gets tiresome after a certain length. That being said if you want a long m/m manga about abuse, Moto Hagio's "A Cruel God Reigns" is considered a classic.


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What's your favorite work of theirs? Mine is probably Heartless, the one with the incubus and the gay dude in the wheelchair and the mind reader bro. I was actually gonna post another thread later… Spamming the board with Nishin supremacy. Pic related, he's got the cutest hair.

I agree that it's nice that it was so short and bite sized but I also kinda wish it told me whether Luca was shot or not. I wonder what happened after the credits rolled… What was your favorite scene?

Ohh I'll check this manga out then.


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Someone posted this in the comments, it's from the artist's blog
It shows what Luca went through in prison and the end implies that Luca survived but got suicidal


Can you link their blog? I've never seen this. These images are rad as fuck



>What was your favorite scene?
When the hat came off and his hair was cut like the new kid's.


when you're that desperate for abuser dick I guess.

I was pretty shocked when he revealed himself.


>What's your favorite work of theirs?
Feeding Lamb has got to be not just my favorite work from them but one of my all time favorite BL stories

I like Andy's yandere like behavior and that compared to other stories from the author it's kind of in the middle when it comes to cold dry cruelty of the world the characters are in and moments of interpersonal gentleness they show, if that makes sense

It's not entirely misery porn set in a bleak uncaring place like some other one-shots but the relationship isn't as lovey as with the main couple in Heartless or Hollow Portrait

I keep thinking about how it could somehow work out, to its best ability, between Brandon and Andy and not result in Bran being slowly tortured to death or mutilated and broken beyond repair


Ah I love that one. I love how dark and yet, loving, Andy is. Actually the reveal of him being a monster early on was interesting because he'd seemed so delicate. I really liked how he was written. And I liked that Bran was a pretty shitty person rather than an uwu baby.

I don't know how things could've worked out. Bran had too strong a will to play along imo.

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