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Happy Yaoi Day! What are you doing to celebrate?


I wanted to get a cake but couldn't. I also wanted to reread several BL manga but got lazy so I'll do that later this week. I let a friend borrow some of them two weeks ago and she didn't give them back to me yet so I can't read some of them until this weekend.


I plan on baking a cake and getting some 801 candles to place on top of it!


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Oh wow HAPPY YAOI DAY everyone! Hope you all have a good time. May all your ships get great fanart, fanfic and become canon. And may you come across new work that hits the spot for you just right. And great RP partners if you RP. I wish that for all of you.
Anyway, lately I'm into forcing AI to write romantically tense scenes between random ships. I am gonna keep using this highly-invested-into, powerful technology for these meaningful purposes. Happy 8/01! (Perhaps we should also claim January 8th, double the celebration).


Nothing much, really. Completely forgot about it this year unfortunately so I'll just be reading manga and drinking whiskey.

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