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New Monster thread, old one was locked because of the dead OP image. Post whatever strange boys you love, half animal? mythological? Paranormal? Eldritch? Terrifying? Anything else? All welcome!
Old thread >>972


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Hell yeah monster boys 2.0
Here's some cute ones I got.


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Let's goooo!


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I wish there was more symbiote styled yaoi, it's an intimate concept with potential, you'd think there'd be more of it.


Loved this guy's Evil Armor
Both the symbiosis stuff, slow loving corruption, and the pathetic side of MC


I do too, or really any scenario where its bassically two people sharing one body


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Originally a street performer on Jap twitter, but it's a pretty cool monster boy design.


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How do you nonas feel about "The Summer Hikaru Died"? Personally I think the art is amazing and the eldritch supernatural being has an incredible design. I really enjoy the horror and the early BL stuff were nice, but the mangaka dropping the BL aspect as soon as it got big makes me sad. I'm probably still gonna read it because I like it regardless of the BL, but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
Honestly I guess if I wanna see eldritch BL, I should be the one to make it or something lel, I would love to see a "The Thing" kinda creature take the form of a cute boy fall in love with a normal human.


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I'm a sucker for horror manga in general so I'm enjoying it either way.
I do think that despite Hikaru setting the bl aspect down and turning it more into a gay metaphor, it was an interesting enough of a premise that a few artists are already coming out with their own spin on it. For that, I'm cool with it, whether it's just bait or canon, it doesn't change that much for me, personally.


That is fair, the horror is very well done so it definitely scratches the itch.
I checked the BL in your pic related tho and I really enjoyed it, doppelgänger yaoi is a very fun concept, I'm now looking forward to the full release.


did they actually do that? that's insanely unfortunate, ngl i would settle for it being unresolved/unrequited as long as the emo boy kept being a homo but having it shoved aside fully for the horror aspect is kinda bullshit, especially when the premise was more "gay boy deals with his crush being replaced by an eldritch being" was the main draw of the seires


The emo boy is still gay, it's mostly people upset that the eldritch guy's part was set aside as he's not human and doesn't understand human emotions.


Well the issue is more how the BL stuff are being faced out. Yoshiki (the emo boy) is still gay but now doesn't really feel that attracted to "Hikaru" now that he's accepting his crush is dead. "Hikaru" said he doesn't feel sexual attraction and can't even imagine such emotions.


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that's such a boring direction to go in especially since the early chapters and oneshot pretty much stated that the original hikaru loved yoshiki back but never expressed it due to his own insecurities, to significantly dial back the emotional drama to appeal to a more general audience or whatever is so shit and i hate when authors do this (the writer of kuroshitsuji being a topical offender) hikaru seemed to clearly feel horny for yoshiki on multiple occasions so this is so retarded especially since the mindfuck aspect of yoshiki lusting after/being in love with "hikaru" was such a fun and freaky concept (yoshiki has such an amazing design as well and seeing him all fucked up is the best) hopefully the homos later relapse but god what a waste of good gayshit
ah this was a fun read, seems like it has lots of potential and the main couple seem really cute, i thought the black haired one was gonna be the "alien" but i was pleasantly surprised it was the genki one instead


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I'm unironically coping that the BL will come back, like "Hikaru" will end up learning how to love or to feel attraction or something seeing as he's very attached to Yoshiki without really knowing why. But alas, that's just wishful thinking. I'm just happy other fujos got inspired by the story to make more eldritch BL.


it would be a massive kick in the teeth if they don't relapse back into that sort of story, the main appeal for me was how destructive such a romance would be… i'm hoping too that this is just a set back and it goes back into being full homo soon, regardless a horror series with a canonical gay lead is too good to just drop


I'm sure the author will realise one day that she's been playing the good girl for palatable taste and will be bursting out, and we'll have a full eldritch monster horny scene, maybe paralleling one of the earlier one, and emo boy will be "guess I wasn't aroused by the Hikaru human form anymore but this"


Well, she managed to avoid the curse of live action adaption got the anime adaption down so who knows, maybe with that done it'll come back.


I didn't know it already got an anime adaption, I hate that anyway it always ruined my hype when the manga art is already nice to begin with. Damn author sold out its soul pretty fast


Eh, I'm so tired of live action adaptions where they set up the mc with a female idol anyway, I can't blame her.


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What's our opinion on miniboys? I see the appeal of them being cute, but porny? Hard to do well.


Picture this: A scientist pinning a cute butterfly/insect boy to his board after lovingly ogling him and preparing him for a display. The insect boy is a masochist, squirms and moans under the expert hands of his beloved scientist master


But see, how does he fuck butterfly boy? This is where I struggle, all the foreplay is well and good, hot even, but I need some penetration in my yaoi and miniboys cant do it.


NTA but object insertion maybe? Like a pen or a q-tip?


No penetration but giving full body stimulation using only hand motions is hot.


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Thoughts on transformation?


I don't like how the halfway transformation looks (muzzles are always a huge turn off, and there's something oddly fetal about those tails) but I like strained expressions and the drama of it. Fast transformations work better for me than dwelling on it.


Heavily depends on what they're turning into. I like the idea of slowly growing fangs, claws, or talons, but not paws or whatever is happening in that first image. >>3638 is right in that I'd rather the "gross" stuff be done fast.


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Should kemonomimi be a seperate thread or are they monster enough for monster boy thread?


Cute L! I'd support them having their own thread, maybe on /flf/?


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The fact that canon mermen are ao rare makes me sad, you see a lot of "Mermaid AUs" which are cute but compared to the swarth of Vampire and werewolf stories fishboys are rare. The best pairing imo is marine biologist/mermaid with scientist boy thinking he's discovered a new fish only to be suprised by merman.


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Snake dude


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Lamias are under-rated, the idea of one who curls themselves up when they're shy or embarrassed around another boy is very cute.


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Thoughts on Analog horror kun? (I actually don't know if he's meant to be that, but he looks like it)


Slenderman/12 year old girl might develop a crush core.


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I've got no standards I'd read a story with him.


I feel like this bundle is relevant to the nonnas of this thread:



>click on a couple of M/M ones that don't give much away with the cover
>only non trans one is the ebihime one
I mean that was about what I expected, but.


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Love mermaid boys so much


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This game looks like the most interesting thing in the bundle. Invisible Man is an underrated monster-boy.

There's a few more, but yes it has tranny stuff so I wouldn't buy the bundle itself. If it was just m/f and m/m I would though since there's a few interesting games and comics, it's just I don't want to monetarily support the other stuff. If anyone is curious here are all the ones that seem to actually be gay for buying individually.



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> invisible man is actually see-through so the MC can see his dick and his come inside him.
I see the vision.


Invisible-kun can probably surprise monsterfucker MC by sneaking up on him and just taking him anywhere. It'd be like a next level version of the "better not make noise or else they'll see you."

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