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How did you become a fujoshi?

For me I used to only read shoujo and josei manga. I thought yaoi was weird and couldn't understand why other girls liked it so much. Then I read a BL doujin and it was a slippery slope from there. I don't read shoujo or josei anymore. All I read is BL.


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I watched Black Butler at 13 (or maybe i was a few years younger, aha) and fell for the Ciel/Sebastian dynamic instantly – I didn't think it was weird at all. Then again, my previous/fundamental experiences with media were like, Toonami, Syfy's Ani-mondays, South Park, and reading Anne Rice novels with my mom so lol. My mother was very free with what content I could and could not consume + too busy to really moderate what I looked at, so long as it wasn't straight up porn.

Also. BL spaces were also so…fun, I think is the word I'm looking for. It was genuinely nice to squeee with a bunch of girls over 2d boys, especially since I didn't get the appeal of 3dpd shit like 1d and twilight.

Plus, they were a haven from weeb moids. I could deal with, and was more or less comfortable around, women calling Sebastian "smexy~ xD" or whatever…not so much dudes detailing all the ways they'd violate Orihime.


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When I was like 13 with hetalia and my first ever main ship was itacest I think and my friends weren't into yaoi yet and so with the combination of gay and incest they thought I was fucked up when I tried shilling it lmfao


Discovered porn > hentai > loli > shota > yaoi (> TL/otome/yumejo stuff)
It was a very long journey that started in my childhood. I discovered yaoi in my teens.
My first yaoi was probably a SasuNaru fanfic, or some doujinshi.


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I was obsessed with anime at a very young age, watched very inappropriate stuff, I know what yoai was but the first doujinshis I read were yata x fushimi ones on MRM. ever since then I still read yaoi doujinshis even though I don't watch anime anymore.


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are you me? literally same journey. somehow didn't even fathom people could be gay until i came across yaoi doujins online based on shounen anime or hetalia, well after all the hentai/lolishit i was subject to

i do remember that my first ever yaoi OTP was kawoshin though, i could just tell they were the meaning of 'one true pairing' to me. i miss the euphoria of finding a ship to actually be invested in for the first time


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Was about when I was 12. I got very into Naruto and there was a lot of shipping in those communities. Of course I gravitated towards other women since those were the most tolerable places and got involved into he shipping scene there. Overall I ended up just being a part of the BL community in most of the anime I would continue to watch and it was very fun! I felt like it was finally a place to express being a weeb with other weirdos as well as a place where women could be a bit more open about their sexual fantasies.

Now I am a degenerate shotacon and pushed out of most online communities but I can save that sperging for /ffs/


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I remember reading Clamp Detective School and Card Captor Sakura when I was 6 or 7 years old because they were at the library and my mother would always take my siblings and I there to practice reading as much as possible. Even when I was that young I noticed that Toya and Yukito were meant to be a couple despite not even knowing that homosexuality was an actual thing, but I don't remember any of this in the French dub of the anime for some reason. I also had a crush on the blue haired guy in Clamp Detective School and wanted him and the blond guy to "be a couple" as well. Thanks for nothing Clamp! I read X1999 for the first time just last year and I was shocked to see my very first fictional husbando as a handsome adult.

The first time I actively looked for doujinshi was when I was in high school, I was trying and failing to find Hetalia, Tiger & Bunny and Ace Attorney doujins in English on Livejournal back then. Everyone was progressively moving to tumblr back then but I didn't know about it at the time so I never looked for it there and only made my first tumblr account in early 2012.


Samefag but I liked kawoshin when I was like 10 years old, I also thought the TV suddenly broke during that one scene… I somehow never thought about reading fanfics or doujins of them back then though.


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i stumbled upon koisuru boukun when i was a kid, extremely young and obviously had no business doing so, on youtube. flipnote hatena, vocaloid, and KH 365/2 were my life at the time and there was also this infamous emo yaoi flipnote series that i was obsessed with. from there i started reading fanfic.

i think my otps were from hetalia, free!, and some rps kpop ships. even before that i was unconsciously shipping male characters together in the shows i watched. but back in the era of tumblr and when free! was airing is when i became a hardcore fujo, listening to BLCD's, reading doujin, all of it. my friend in middle school also liked yaoi, and was probably the first fujo i've ever met in person. i found her super "hardcore" at the time, she watched things like papa to kiss in the dark and no money while i liked free!. i remember one of the girls in my class at one point telling me how she shipped two of the guys in our class and being so shocked kekkk

i think i have an attachment to fujobait type of franchises now because a lot of my first otps came from them


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My best friend in middle school. Also the first Fujo I ever met. And HER first Fujo was her cousin, who was much older than her. Looking back on all that… Wow I was happiest as a kid and teen in middle school when I got into all that. Life was so much more monotonous before I found BL.


I remember in middle school a couple friends were into Gravitation, Loveless and shipping Kingdom Hearts characters. Personally I didn’t get into BL until highschool, I watched Evangelion and read the Antique Bakery manga. The high school also had Tokyo Babylon but I didn’t “get” it back then


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No booly pls


Lol okay but how the fuck?


Hand holding balls


Around the time when Free! came out I was an active tumblr user that was interested in the show cause of the cute anime boys, and through following blogs that posted about the show I was introduced to homo shipping and eventually the BL game Dramatical murder. After that I was hooked.


it might've been around, 5th or 6th grade? i had a friend that was a huge fujo and got me actively into anime. the first time i shipped yaoi was probably with katekyo hitman reborn or something, or vocaloid. this girl is a fakeboi nowadays, though its no big loss since she was the worst case of weeaboo brainrot i have ever seen. still is.


older friend showed me yaoi bases on dA -> ane djs -> seedy bls -> western media shipping mega moment -> only reading bls because i couldn't relate to the girlies in shoujo (hint: i'm a lesbian) -> now is prime minister of fujodom w my friends.
i think i was 11-12? and now i'm 25.
but the real gateaway was vassalord, and from then on i was HOOKED.


i was a pretty damn sheltered kid, honestly. we didn't have cable at home so i watched pokemon and yu-gi-oh, the only anime that aired on regular broadcast channels, and a shit-ton of PBS. the first inklings of my fujo awakening were probably from some homoerotic masterpiece theater show.

around the end of middle school, i discovered that if i fiddled with the tv just right, i could watch channels we didn't pay for. there was a lot of visual static, but the audio came through just fine. so i started watching a shit-ton of sci-fi channel instead. stargate atlantis was the first fandom i actually got involved in. i just followed the gay ship trend, i guess.

got into homestuck after that, followed superwholock from afar, flitted from fandom to fandom but didn't have strong opinions about any of them. finally discovered the existence of anime at the end of high school and i guess now here i am.


I’ve always watched anime, so one day at like 10 or something i stumbled on the classic “the tyrant falls in love” and i didn’t even question it but i didn’t know the term “yaoi” nor did i think it even had a name so i didn’t search for it. But that one scene stuck for years, and it activated me just paying attention more to fujo fanservice in normal anime. when attack on titan came out and eren x levi got immensely popular that i couldn’t miss it in any aot tag so i finally rediscovered yaoi


before i become fujo i used to be himejoshi or yurifag, it doesnt help at that time old BL were suck such as junjou romantica, boku no pico and okane ga nai that it turn me off. and then i discover shota fetish from one of hetalia fanart.
>went curious
>check the series
>become hetaliafag
>discover a godly homo hetalia boys fanart
>become fujos

now i just become casual BL enjoyer or male chara liker. i dont know if it just me being old or my taste changed but current BL just doesnt appeal to me anymore and it same with current joshimuke media..the boys doesnt really appeal me.
i just enjoying homo content from BL ship from series that cater to general audience (like shonen boys, vidya character and mobage boys) because most of the male character in that genre appeal me more.
also i read hardcore homo doujin more because i get so much degenerate content there kek.


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I was really into Naruto when I was a wee lass, but all the NaruSasu shippers got on my nerves because Sakura clearly deserved the boy of her dreams, so I joined a yaoi hate club on DeviantArt, and it was all downhill from there…


>hate yaoi
>read yaoi to find new reasons to hate it
>why can't i stop reading
a surprisingly common fujoshi origin story. i think i've gotten into a few of my more niche fetishes this way, too.


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I once read The Wize Wize Beasts Of The Wizarding Wizdoms by Nagabe and wasn't the same. This man sucked me into the kemono/furry BL, and after discovering more BL authors like him and started watching more anime I turned into a fujoshi.


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I was in love with Sasuke before I even understood romantic love. No joke, I used to tell people I wished he was my brother (including my actual bio sibling kek). But thanks to run of the mill anime misogyny, I hated Sakura and had no one to ship him with… except Naruto. It helped that they have great chemistry and literally kiss in episode 2. I read fanfiction on the family computer, drew them during school, talked about them to my friends…. Picrel is exactly the sort of low res fan art I saved from google images and left on the desktop.


kekk nona that's so cute


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I think I got into it during the Naruto days in my late teen years. I remember seeing NaruxSasu everywhere at the time and really liked seeing them together like that. I guess that then extended to me liking seeing qt anime bois together and it just went from there. I of course was super into Sekaiichi at the time too and remember my first experience with watching more sexually explicit BL being clips from Ai no Kusabi on some hentai site, the forced masturbation clip in particular, and being enamored with the dynamic.

Then there was Black Butler with SebxCeil and my teenage self constantly squealing at any interaction they had because I liked their aesthetic (still do actually). Then it extended to reading a lot of BL manga on various aggregator sites, some of which don't exist anymore, that I am still in the middle of "reading" to this day actually.

Then we come to more recently with VNs and my first one being Dramatical Murder. I then went on to watch a complete playthrough of Sweet Pool on Youtube because I didn't feel like going through the trouble of downloading it. I've also played quite a bit of Naked Butlers but meh I don't like it much. Played through Hashihime as well. I'm kind of reading SD and Lkyt but since my Japanese (yes part of the reason I'm learning Japanese is for BL) is so poor going through them is a slogfest.

Alongside VNs I've been watching dramas and reading raw BL manga as of late too and struggling with those also because of the aforementioned comment about my Japanese ability in addition to my stubborn refusal to use English subs now. I wasn't really actively a part of any communities back then and even now (aside from the lurking and occasional posting on the chans and discord servers) I kind of just silently indulge in my degenerate hobby alone for now heh

God I love BL so much I think I have a problem..


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I was on tumblr circa 2015 and I saw some humanized FNAF fan art, looked it up on google, found a fanfic with the word "Yaoi" on it. I liked the fanfic (lol) so I looked up what "Yaoi" meant and I have been hooked ever since. I'm way more picky now than I was back then, but I still enjoy it the same if the story is engaging enough.
Picrel not mine.


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Early 2009, got my first PC. 9 year old me was so into anime, type in google anime and save fanart of random anime I've never seen before. Pic of anime boys kissing comes up on one of the random sites I'd stumble upon, shocked and horrified. Next day go on computer again, how could such a thing exist? how??
Google anime boys kissing. Never looked back ever since. Watched Boku no sexual harassment full on YouTube with Spanish subtitles, not understanding what they're saying but skipping to the sex parts always. 2015 comes and the first full yaoi series I watched from start to finish was Sekai ichii hatsukoi, Jonjou romantica followed afterwards even though it should be the other way around. I've read many early 2000s yaoi back in the day, yaoi hands never bothered me at all.


I was mostly a yurifag at first, then got into hetalia and the rest is history


I discovered what doujinshi was on a yugioh fansite in the early 00s.


I think I was 14 when I got into anime and was very into Death Note. I knew at this point what yaoi was from cartoon fandoms and didn't really like it because it interfered with het ships I liked. I browsed deviantart everyday and found lots of stuff about L/Light but just ignored it. However once Mello appeared in the anime he became my favorite character and I just consumed every fanart out there. Eventually found vanilla Matt/Mello doujins and that helped me little by little to get into more raunchy stuff. Like magic I was converted and fell deep into the ship. It helped that I had a friend who shared my tastes and became a fujo too.
After that I couldn't help but get into BL ships in every fandom I got into. Het ships weren't interesting to me anymore and GL was something I didn't particularly seek. I watched junjou romantica in youtube and a couple other BL anime and then I searched for BL manga because I wanted to know more about the genre.
Back to the present, I've easily read over 1000 BL manga by now. I'm even part of a scanlation group. My new interest is danmei novels.


Kek this exact pipeline happened to me too. I hated fujos so much and didn't understand what was so great about yaoi (due to being a lesbian) but then I read some BL "ironically" because I wanted to make fun of it, ended up being hooked on it, later became a full blown fujo myself after starting dating one. It's surprisingly common which is why I can't take spergy anti-fujos seriously.


Funnily enough, I saw other people shipping guys together and I wondered why they liked it so much. So, I tried it out on my own. My first ship was a literal crossover crack ship. It was Pinescone, a ship between Wert from Over the Garden Wall and Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls. Afterwards, I found out about Hetalia and that's when I started to ship even more.


Lmao I was perhaps 14 yo in 2010 when a female friend on Twitter shared lots of Ouran pics and at first I was grossed out or found it cringy idk. Gave it a try and loved it. But since I’m not that much of an otaku I ended up shipping musicians, video game characters, etc.

I’ve gone through a shaming and self censoring phase the past years, so slowly trying to go back to enjoying yaoi in general.
This IB is a godsend.


When I was younger I was super into Hetalia and stumbled upon a Canada x America doujin while browsing Youtube. Afterwards I just started gravitating towards BL doujins on sites like Tumblr or Yaoihaven


I borrowed some raunchy bl from a girl I knew when I was around 13/14. It wasn't anything good, just your run of the mil 2000s type and at first I was just reading it for laughs. However, the extra had a taller bottom with a exhibitionism kink which honestly caught my interest. Afterwards I started looking for more stuff, even came across this western novel hidden in the school library that, thinking back, probably shouldn't have been there considering it had graphic gay sex but eh, I was probably the only one to read it.
Looking back, I was never really interested in female characters and even as a kid would try to avoid them and look for "male bonding" stories so it was probably going to happen one way or the other.


It all started when I was ten years old and dicking around on the internet. I was really into the Suite Life of Zack and Cody at the time. So, of course, being a curious little kid, I eventually stumbled onto the gay incestuous fanfics. I was instantly hooked, and it's been downhill ever since.


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Well, when I was like 11-12 I didn't understand why people liked shipping characters in general. With fujos I did not get why they liked so much these yaoi mangas/anime because I thought the drawings were ugly ##sorry, nowadays I kind of see their charm## and also because: "They're women imagining two dudes together romantically wtf cringe".
Then I saw a lot comments in facebook about "Oh em geez, creek is canon >W<", "REALLY??". Went to google to search about it and ended up looking for TweekxCraig fanart.

I literally had that purist mindset that you see nowadays more present in social media but as soon I hit 13 I went full fujo.


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Can't say for sure, but in 2009-2011 around the age of 11-13, I think my first exposure to yaoi/bl was coming across Gary x Ash and SasuNaru fanart while searching for Pokemon and anime pics on Google Images. I was confused at first to see two guys being paired up with each other and became more curious as time went on as I got into more anime and video games. I was mind blowned after finding out about gay anal sex by inserting the dick into the butthole which I could have never thought of since I was already expose to straight porn.

My peak fujoshi age was when I was 14 and was super obsessed with Shungiku Nakamura's works and Hetalia. I watched all their anime, bought several Junjou Romantica manga with no questions asked, saved shipping fanart, yaoi porn and R18 doujinshis into a flashdrive that sadly doesn't work anymore. Also watched Sensitive Pornograph which was my first yaoi hentai and was super nervous if anyone walks in since I didn't have a phone at that time and was using my brother's computer/laptop with earphones plugged in so privacy was limited. My friends were weirded out by me and my obsession but they just think that I'm a shy quiet girl that tries to open up by being quirky. I just like hot dudes and seeing them together is double the fun plus it was the only thing that I can get off to without the female focus moidshit which is in most porn until finding out femporn/yumejoshi way much later. I still still enjoy these two to this day.


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I was shipping before I knew what it was. I remember getting online for Pokemon stuff and getting super annoyed Ash/Misty was everywhere when it was "obvious" Gary is what got him going. I was middle school aged. To this day rival ships are my kryptonite.


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bump dont scroll


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Well, that was fantastic, thank you very much.


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My two childhood friends introduced me to a number of anime and manga including shounen ones, and they were also the ones to start showing me cute pictures of the boys from the shows together, romantic and not
Since I wasn't always satisfied with hetero relationships in different shows and fanworks, either because of the way the characters themselves were depicted- this primarily refers to the women and girls- or the dynamic between those het couples, it wasn't hard for me to turn to yaoi instead
I also liked 90's gay flicks and such, they probably helped in making me see bl as a potential romantic development for the characters


I used to google image search yaoi porn as a kid


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Yugioh back in the early 00s. I already had an autistic obsession with the series, thought the guys were hot, then I stumbled upon doujinshi scans on a fansite and was basically like "wtf I like this" and went down a rabbit hole and found Japanese fansites, etc. It was the perfect culmination of things to drag me in.


damn, i don't remember making this post… nona are you me? i got into it the same way


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I had to think for a good while till I pieced the bits of memory together.

It started subconsciously when I was saving cute-gay DBZ doujinshi in the early 00s. I liked it, but wasn't aware why.

Then, few years later, a fujo friend talked about Sephi/Cloud to me and we lent each other our manga. Some of hers were shounen-ai and this is how I discovered that I liked the chemistries. Loveless became a guilty pleasure of mine. I had mixed feelings about it, but it was the final push I needed to realize that ambiguous friendships and romances between guys intrigued me more than the typical f wallflower/m hero or femme fatale/self-insert I was used to see on tv.

Another few years later then in 2007 I turned into an actual fujo when I actively started to ship a bunch of .hack//Roots/GU guys with each other. I also made an online friend on deviant art who was a fan of my art and she was into this too, was a lot of fun. She was the first English speaking person I ever talked to. I mainly liked Endrance/Haseo and Ovan/Haseo back then a few years ago, more than a decade later, they finally added a postgame even in which you can save Ovan and like a lot of other characters you can marry him if you want. I wish I knew what my own self from back then would have felt like if I knew this would happen lol


In early 00s if you didn't ship Yami Bakura and Marik you weren't considered a fujo.
Same with Yami Yugi/Yugi.


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I remember finding FFN when it still had the column contributers and reading 2x1 fanfic for Gundam Wing after I watched it on Toonami. It actually didn't do much for me at all, I liked it as an action show but it did prime me to think about anime men kissing each other.

Then I started watching YuGiOh and ohhh shit, it was off to the races with prideshipping!!!


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Other than seeing a bunch of Sonadow/Sontails art back in the day, when I was like 9 or 10, looking around for Dragon Ball Z fanfiction and fanart, I came across a angel fire site that had a bunch of Truhan doujins from the 90s and fics on it, (along with some other Dragon Ball ships). That was my first time really being introduced to the inner depths of all things fujo.


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I blame Yu Gi Oh for basically all my tastes and fetishes. I think it was the first time I found fujo content online. It's really funny to me how many of you are the same! YGO really had some great boys, huh.
I only really got invested into exploring Fandom stuff when I read FMA a bit later though, the fandom was so lively and vibrant on LiveJournal and I fell in love with both the source material and the people enjoying it. I really miss those days.


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This ship turned then 10 year old me into the degen fujo i am today. Ah how i love seeing buttsex of my own country


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I am so sorry nona but rusame is my NOTP and now i am enraged this means we will have to organise a fight in front of your local towns supermarket. Waiting you there at 6pm.


rip nonna you will be missed


I don't know if anyone here is old enough to remember, but there was this old fan video they used to show at cons in the early 2000s called "This is Otakudom." I was already somewhat aware of homo in anime but hearing so many homoerotic jokes combined with Tamahome and Nakago flirting in an overtly sexual way just broke my brain. I watched it at a community anime club so after seeing it I started constantly talking about yaoi to impress the older girls there. They took me under their wing and introduced me to the way of the fujoshi.

I'm eternally grateful to them for corrupting me. Having IRL fujo friends is truly a blessing.


How do you meet irl fujos? Could I find one at a con near a BL booth?


Your question seems a bit suspicious nonna, why do you want to meet irl fujos? If you can elaborate with your motive I have some tips.


NTA but I cant see why someone (presumably a fujoshi) on a fujo board wanting to meet fujos irl would be suspicious


The ones I met were at a community anime club run through the local college but you could probably find them through school (if you go to school) or cons. Seek out other anime fans, especially girls who like male-heavy casts, and be open about what you like. You might not meet any fujos, but you'll probably find girls open to reading bl at least.


A lot of us want to meet other fujos…

Should there be a friend maker thread? It's not like this is LC and we'll all be doxxed


Nta technically there is a friend thread



Consider it PTSD from previous events before this site was created, if you know then you know.
If that's the case then what I usually do since I do not go to school or college anymore is that I always have a BL related keychain hanging from my purse, usually has Aoba on it because he's the most recognizable in terms of being a yaoi boy. Being a big autismo this method have helped me weed out the no yaoi anime fans I come across in daily life and the fujos would approach me whenever they feel comfortable, for example when doing grocery shopping or if I'm out on business related meetings. I've met a fujo store manager because she noticed my keychain, I always keep it on tables and in places they can notice, I don't pull it out when I notice there's more moid than women since the fujo will probably be automatically uncomfortable that way. In conclusion just have something on your person that indicates you're a fujo and they'll eventually approach you, gotta have patience too because not everyone will be as courageous. Best of luck!


Honestly I have a hard time remembering what exactly it started with, but it was a mix of me stumbling upon fanfiction of pop-punk bands I listened to, along with South Park, my first anime Soul Eater and Kingdom Hearts. This all happened around 2009 and it was like a yaoi switch flipped in my brain.


Started off as trying to get my hands on any Naruto doujins I could read in english growing up, regardless if it was BL or het to then shipping picrel in full earnest
Surprisingly after moving on from Naruto I was more into yuri and didn't read any yaoi since then until about 3 or 4 years ago
Now once again I've been reading fics/doujins of KakuHida, despite never even keeping up with Naruto after their arc kek
>I was confused at first to see two guys being paired up with each other
Surprisingly I never felt that confusion, just "oh, these two look good together" when looking at yaoi
It always surprises me to hear others being confused when first discovering it (but maybe I'm the weird one here)

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