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Lately I started Silver Diamond, and I got curious what you Anonettes had read lately.


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Rumspringa no Joukei, at first I went lol what Amish BL but it was really cute and I love the art.


I've read this one too, such cute art and story!


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I'm a slow reader and I'm still on Crimson Spell. It's been a while since I've read it so I should re-read it since I have all the volumes. Can't wait for the final one to come out.


>another based crimson spell enjoyer
I need to get back to rereading it again too, this manga never fails to impress me, it has everything I ever wanted.
>sexy mage dude
>long hair
>sexy prince
>sexy beast transformation
>good story and world building
One does not ask for more at this point.


Read My Little Inferno recently. Loved it, but I was disappointed when the seme was revealed to just be a hacker. I don't picture a buff dangerous guy when I think of a hacker, and it took a lot of the tension away from the dynamic. It also made the cruelty of the first chapter feel out of character.
The author talked about this in the second volume, and she completely changed the story midway and went for something more wholesome, and it shows
I enjoyed it anyways, but it was in a different way than expected.


I really really loved the art and the relationship with the guy with the piercings, i just wish the seme was meaner

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