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what are some series you like that are not explicitly BL, but might as well be? i know sports anime is like that but there's a whole other thread for that

pic rel, i love relationships where it's a huge will they won't they and the fics that follow also there's nothing more gay than dying in the arms of another man




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This topic always ends up all over the place with wildly different degrees of homo because >opinions.

If I were to narrow it down to something more specific such as creators that were kinda wanky with fujo pandering in interviews and shit, then I know of Tiger & Bunny, Yuri on Ice, and Gundam 00.

Of course as always, actual in-series homo levels are still subject to >opinions, but at the very least the main staff on these are on record straight out of their mouths for transparently egging on fujos.


Soukyuu no Fafner


Kengan has a fuck ton of canon homos but I don't really care for the actual pairings that get egged on


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Is is wrong that omnipandering shows are actually what I consume the most instead of BL? Not even things with obvious fujobaits, but just regular shows where the men are written in a regular "normal" way and the dynamics just simply work.
I had so much TTGL porn saved on my old PC. It was what singlehandedly made me into a fujo.


I get that feeling. Due to the very premise of BL a lot of BL works will just have romance as the entire plot without much else going on and it's not as interesting to read or watch as an adventure/action series.



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This whole anime is a BL in disguise


how is TTGL omnipandering?? i thought it's only famous for yoko's tits


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Hey, I did a logh thread on /f/ a while ago, wanna talk about it over there?


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This is the best post. Romance can be great, but I wish more BL works had some meat.

Dropping Vatican Miracle Examiner here. If you enjoy B-movie shlock and so-bad-its-good cheese this show is pretty fun and might and might ad well be a BL.


I'm so interested in the relationship between these two, but I just can't get through Berserk because I'm a softie and it's too mean for me…


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I've been reading Madou no Keifu, the characters are pretty cute. It's also about a dude being a dad for a orphaned child, wich is a trope I usally enjoy.


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>Tiger & Bunny
Honestly thought this was yaoi before I watched it.
Good show, but I was disappointed it wasn't actually BL.


i got my intro to this through djs so i was super dissapointed watching the show … like uhm?


That's because you gave yourself high expectations without even noticing. I watched the first season when I was in high school as it was airing in 2011 and it seemed super gay to me. I didn't know where to find BL doujinshi until way later and didn't even bother with fanfics. It's been so long, I should rewatch it actually. I just watched the first episodes of season 2, no idea if it's good.


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Obvious choice, but I'll drop Devilman. Personally love the OVA most, but Crybaby is probably the most BL-like.


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OH YEAH i was actually pleasantly surprised with Devilman Crybaby.


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Read Shigurui after someone posted it in the /y/ BL thread, already had it on my radar but never got around to it. Can't say it was really a surprise, but I had to post some of this art somewhere.
However, I did not expect how straightfoward it was in the last chapter, I'm refering to Fujiki's flashbacks


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For a series where the main character is dead set on his female love interests, it was surprising reading Re:Zero and seeing all the fujo pandering. Subaru is incredibly flirty with other male characters, and uses his body for validation from men and women alike.

Its too bad that the show cut a lot of his banter with other guys out, especially Julius, Subaru basically breaks the poor boy's heart multiple times.

Recently its been taking it farther, even Subaru crossdressing as a "dancer" and turning into a shota. Don't know what the author was thinking, but its not bad especially with some of the new characters' designs.


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How, she says, forgetting the most popular TTGL character by far


Same for me, men are a nice side dish only and I can read the porn later on the side. Mecha is the best for this, aside from sports anime. They always have fujopandering in mind.


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Out of all the wild shit that went down in the show, nothing could prepare me for the proposal scene.


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SamFlam was an amazing ride. I loved every second of it.


And Gotou admitting indirectly he's a virgin too. Fuck it's such an underrated masterpiece, I need to rewatch it someday.


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>And Gotou admitting indirectly he's a virgin too
I honestly could not stop laughing. They're so dumb. I love the superhero virgin boyfriends.


Fuck I really need to rewatch it. Maybe I should start collecting physical copies of the anime I really like, just a small collection. I tried to make my friends watch it when it was still airing but they never did and I didn't want to tell them spoilers to convince them.


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The Guillotine Gorilla scene is not unlike the Mami scene in Madoka where you have to spoil people a little to get them interested in a "basic" show (although Madoka no longer has this problem due to its popularity now, I do remember having to pull teeth to get friends to try it and finally just sent them the Charlotte fight).


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Code Geass makes me so nostalgic. SuzaLulu really was a great ship. I don't think anything has approached this pinnacle of melodrama since.

(pic is an actual spoiler btw)


Are we allowed to say black butler? Well, it's not unexpected unless you're dim


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Read this one recently, disappointed it never continued.
A shame the idiot director had to ruin it.

What's this one about?

I think I saw this one on /a/ for the memes lol

This one was so big in the 2000??


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Yesss OP. I fucking love code geass and suzalulu in general but the most insane thing to me is how gay the anime was while having a lot of scrote fanservice, i always felt it was added in because otherwise the show would just have too much faggotry without it kek.

Some others that come to mind are jojo and hetalia, but i think everyone collectively agrees these are pseudo-BL.


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Every time I think about these two I always work myself into a fit of rage. They definitely deserved better.


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I'm bored, I'll write down a list of manga and anime that aren't BL but might as well be, I'll probably complete it little by little and maybe post the list here once I feel like it's complete enough. It's just going to be a personal reference for whenever I feel like watching or reading something but I'm uninspired but if it could potentially help anons, I'll try to make it seem coherent.

I get it, I like all sorts of stories as long as they're fun and/or well-written enough. As for TTGL I only really liked the first half, what made me watch it until the end was Simon and Kamina's relationship. I lost it when I saw Kamina hug Simon at the very beginning, I just had to see what was going to happen next even if I saw a shit ton of spoilers from when it was airing.

I watched the first season just a few years ago and forgot to watch the second one, I'm a dumbass. I will try to soon enough.


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Tactics is in a really grey area of BL vs Not-BL since the authors actually made BL doujinshi of the characters, but was anyone else a fan? A while back I found the manga and was super into it until I got to the end of the scans where the story totally shit the bed with the flashback showing that the MC wanted to fuck his mother as a shota. Yeah, that was certainly a choice. It definitely ruined my image of Kantarou, who I had really liked as a protagonist up to then.
And then I think the manga was on hiatus until like 2019 where the authors were continuing it on Pixiv, and I haven't tabs on it since then, so I don't know if there's been more since.
Anyway, I really enjoyed how balls-to-the-wall the fanservice and shipbait was throughout the manga. So much Haruka bullying, it was great. They just let it fly. So I was pretty disappointed to eventually try the anime and find that the plot was maybe 90% original and although they added some fanservice of their own, they toned down even the bits that were kept, like changing out Haruka in a collar to the kitsune girl, and making Haruka angst over a girl he didn't give a shit about in the manga. The OC loli added to the main cast was also annoying, glad she died.

I do still hope I get to see the end one day. I should reread the manga again just for the rollercoaster again. Also, Sugino best boy.


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Whenever I organize my webm folder lately I see this clip of one dumb lad and his octopus.

I remember the manga of this being more blatant with the best friend being reincarnated into the little dragon. Also shower scenes with the older guy that emphasized that he wanted to vamp-out on the kid, but then they introduce a princess with a matching baby dragon and I lost interest somewhere.

Started reading this recently. He asks Leon to live in his home, and Leon says "I want to be your friend.", so I'm sure some people will claim that's no homoing, but I'm pretty sure the weight of that sentence is "I want to be your equal in this space nobody judges us in, not a live-in servant you picked up who must bow down whenever someone's watching".

They're not the ones who got shat on the most.

I knew a yumejo who was a big fan of Tactics and got very defensive about it not being gay and none of the characters have ever had gay tendencies. I thought it was funny because kid me couldn't get into it, weren't my types even if the subject/genre were.


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Putting this in its own post because it may be controversial given the series has an open harem and starts throwing girlfriends about, but man I was not expecting this relationship to get so amicable and horny sounding. There's a whole bit about pining for one another just like my fanfics, and yes they get doujinshi.


>I knew a yumejo who was a big fan of Tactics and got very defensive about it not being gay and none of the characters have ever had gay tendencies.
LMAO. Ok, I could see how you could think this if you only watched the anime, but the manga was just so blatant. I swear there were like multiple occasions where some girl would be about to molest Haruka and Kantarou would show up, and there were all those parallels between Haruka's past evil gf and him. I wonder what your friend's reaction to the official doujins would be.

BRUH. It's embarrassing how RTMI that looks, please don't tell me it's some generic isekai (it probably is, right…)
At least I can probably just read the doujins…


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It's not an isekai, but it is a light novel series about a reincarnated maou going to magic school. Which sounds generic as all hell but hear me out: its core appeal is that the MC is comically overpowered, and the author can pull everything and anything out of their ass to solve a bad situation. For example, in S1 he beats up a bully using the beating of his own heart, and when Time itself tries to kill him he has quips like pic related. He has a fanclub of school girls literally singing his praises and producing high quality artworks of him in the buff, and despite every god in their in-universe canon being out to stop him once and for all his priority is mama's mushroom gratin and a happy class group.

Personally I love seeing ballsy "no u" bullshitting and what complete nonsense they'll come up with next time. S2 has had a voice actor change that's got people pissed off, and needs revising the first season to make sense, but I'm excited to see how much stupider they can get. Reading LN fans talk about it is fun because they always have this tone of "oh ho ho you ain't seen shit yet", like they're really giddy to show you the height of absurdity.


I remember watching this too and got the same impression about these two guys. It is too bad about the VA scandal, the guy also voiced Ronove in Iruma-kun.
It's cool to hear they get doujins.


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>not explicitly BL, but might as well be
Any old nonas remember Get Backers? specifically the relationship between Kazuki and Juubei, also i laff when i remember some of the promo art of Ginji and Ban for the anime.

Oh this looks so cute, I love the soft artstyle.
I recently watched Buddy Daddies and felt utterly disappointed. I've been looking for wholesome dad content and this seems promising.


>Started reading this recently. He asks Leon to live in his home, and Leon says "I want to be your friend.", so I'm sure some people will claim that's no homoing, but I'm pretty sure the weight of that sentence is "I want to be your equal in this space nobody judges us in, not a live-in servant you picked up who must bow down whenever someone's watching".

The ENG TL is not the best (I saw a lot of miss TL), but the JP text nuance is more akin to "I want to be friends and just that" with the implications that Gato wanted more.

It's a pretty good work but deeply unpopular even with fujos, maybe if it had an anime. Author herself is clearly a fujos,I think she she ships Zechs/Aster or maybe even Zechs/Leon though I do not like the second one.

It's not weird, same reason people flock to shounen stuff, bigger potential for storytelling


Drunk as fuck right now so maybe that's why but that second image is the funniest thing I've ever seen i cannot stop laughing at it


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You should see the rest. The staff really was after that sweet fujo money
I recently read somewhere that the mangaka is a fudanshi so, that's that.


This is my OTP! Ah I'm always so happy when somebody in the world also knows of this show. It's really not very good at all and there are about a thousand things I'd fix about the show if I owned the rights.

Still I really loved and still do love it. It's so funny that in the manga Ban is actually tinier than Ginji. They make him out to be tall and intimidating in the anime when Ginji is definitely bigger. Imo Ginji being bigger and still sheepishly hunching down and relying on Ban to help him is much cuter.


Man… I should finally watch this…
Peak aesthetic.


I watched it on TV but always missed some episodes because it was on TV soon after classes when I was in middle school. I should try to read the manga someday, I've heard that the anime isn't a complete adaptation because it caught up with the manga at the time of release.


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Same anon but I forgot to say, the manga's writer is also the guy who wrote the story for Fire Emblem Fates (and a shit ton of other manga including the masterpiece that is Kindaichi's Case Files) and he gave us the first explicitly canon bi love interest, I will always trust this guy. Pic related.


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Your friendly neighborhood fujo is here to peer pressure you into doing so.


I don't remember much of it since I watched it looong ago but it was a comfy watch, i didn't care at all about the fights, i was all about the lighthearted moments and the buddy-buddy relationship Ban and Ginji had going. I also loved the OPs and EDs, -especially- the second ED. Uff, it was so fucking corny and gay i loved it.
>Imo Ginji being bigger and still sheepishly hunching down and relying on Ban to help him is much cuter
that's so moe wtf. Noni you should drop some fic recs if you got any.

omg I didn't know that!! interesting


Oh fics, the Get Backers tag is tragic and I don't feel there's much to rec. I wrote a fic for them two years ago and it's still on the first page. I'm actually planning to write more for them since they're so underrated.


I trying to watch the anime last year and I knew something was off! Stupid teen chubby chaser me was always attracted to Ginji because I remember him in the manga looking like you could use the guy as a mattress, he was so wide and soft. The anime he sometimes looks like he shrunk and his clothes might fall off, so it didn't quite match how I remembered things.

(sorry if this doubleposts, I keep getting site errors)


That Gundam 00 compilation film that had Alejandro fuck Ribbons. Can't find it on Youtube anymore, sadly. I should make a webm one day.

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