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Discuss about hetalia, post pics/videos/fics/fangames about your favourite ships, moments, etc.


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does anyone remember this? little me used to jam out to it like every day


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Hetalia is what got me into yaoi, too bad my first ever OTP just had to be italy/romano kek
God bless that stupid show

Anyone remember the fandom blowing up everytime the Olympics came by?


Based. I liked germancest. Also you just restored parts of my lost memories holy shit. It was in cute fun though, even though it may be cringe, the fanarts and stuff was super cute.


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Call me basic but this is my favorite Hetalia ship. Also I hate how the modern Hetalia is countryhumans, makes me cringe and want to rip my skin off.


>Also I hate how the modern Hetalia is countryhumans
what the fuck is 'countryhumans'


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>what the fuck is 'countryhumans'
She doesn't know…


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More than a decade later GerIta still owns my ass, I've yet to see another pairing strike that dumbass comedy duo/wholesome husbands balance as well as they do

Good times. Hetavision too.


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I love GerIta very much! <3


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Hetalia was my peak middle school fujo weeb obsession. It was THE fandom for me. It is also what got me into BL, and it will always hold a special place in my heart. I wish young fujos knew what it felt like to be totally wild and free like in the height of the Hetalia days. It was so carefree. I don't think I'll ever find another anime guy as hot as Russia. He's the closest thing I've ever had to a proper husbando. RusAme is my favorite ship.


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>Hetalia was my peak middle school fujo weeb obsession

In middle school my friends and I used to roleplay as hetalia characters DURING school with the shitty fake accents and all and we were all semi homo with eachother due to us shipping characters and being in character
I still wince at remembering me saying 'Doitsu' in a shitty italian accent in the hallway cause I wasn't good at accents so I just sounded like Mario


Yesssss oh my god same! I was also the Italy of my group. I know I should cringe, but I only feel warm, fond nostalgia when I look back on those days.


>roleplay as hetalia characters DURING school with the shitty fake accents
You're one of these latecomers who only discovered Hetalia because of the horrible American dubs and absolutely ruined the fanbase for everyone normal? Please say no.


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I am cringe but I am free
Idk this was all like 11 years ago we were just dumb teens


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Everyone! Remember that brotherly love is the most pure there is!


I take that as a yes then… As long as you weren't one of these people who were spamming crazy shit in normal conversations on lj and on forums like cosplayers doing a nazi salute in front of jewish fans or in front of graves or spamming horrible fanarts of Norway everywhere when the mass murder with 70 students happened I guess it's not too bad.

Unrelated but I regret not getting all the volumes of the manga when I was in Japan just because I didn't have enough space left in my suitcases. I should have avoided buying big artbooks I ended up selling later, I guess I will buy them next time as soon as I arrive in Tokyo.


Kinda had a similar experience, minus the accents. We assigned everyone in our friend group a different country and I remember being Britain. I remember when my friend back then, who was America gave me a kiss on my cheek and I couldn't stop thinking about it. In my mind I just told myself I thought about it so much because I used to ship UsUk so much. In the end, I used my hetalia ships to project my own crush/es I had.I really liked UkCan, but there wasn't that much content of it.

On another note, newer fans lose their shit over ships like UsUk and FranCan because it's seen as a sort of incest lol. If only they could have seen how it was years ago…


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I'm surprised there are still newer fans joining Hetalia considering the whole premise could be seen as "problematic". The mainstream opinion nowadays is that Hetalia is just glorified racism or something.


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Maybe cause newer seasons keep coming out


i remember roleplaying as hetalia characters irl with a friend. not larping but, we would pass notes in the gym during lunch (kind of like, collaborative story-telling/d&d, except we were writing out yaoi smut lol).


>horrible American dubs
I love the English dubs as much as the original Japanese. They took so much liberty with the script that they are basically two different shows, kind of like Ghost Stories.


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Saying this as someone with huge nostalgia for the original Japanese version of the anime and who snobbed the dub hard when it first dropped, the dub is the best way to experience the Hetalia anime imo.
Even in the original version it changes and omits so much stuff from the source material to begin with, you might as well watch the balls to the wall insane dub version for shit and giggles and then go read the webcomic fanslations if you're interested in Hetalia's actual canon.


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same here, I rewatched Axis Powers and World Series not long ago and I was surprised to find out that I still loved GerIta. They're cute and goofy!

When I got into the series back in the day, I yearned to go to one of those Hetalia Day get togethers, but was too scared to go.
I might not have been able to stomach the latest season, but it's still dear to me. It's the first series that made me look up for doujins. I still think Arthur in the Dark to be one of the best out there and UsUk isn't even my cup of tea.


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Back in high school I used to giggle and fantasize about Hetalia guys during history class and the thought of imagining them in the events that took place during WWI and WWII would help me pass this class tremendously. Sadly I didn't but later passed after retaking it. I just find history to be kinda boring and sucked at memorizing things. Though I also remembered showing my history teacher Hetalia and was he was conflicted when he looked it up. We never showed it to the class because it wasn't educational enough and I guess he find it kinda cringe too but I'm pretty sure other Hetalia fans have done the same. Hetalia still holds very dear to my heart.


You have reminded me that I turned in Hetalia comics for assignments in history class. I’m sure the teacher loved my use of anime chibis to explain war and other serious historical events.


oh my god in 9th grade we had to read an english book and do a presentation about it in our foreign language class and i chose Auf Wiedersehen Sweetheart. i don't even know why i did it i could easily pick another book that wasn't… y'know.. fanfic. or gay.
we ended up not doing any presentations (for reasons unrelated) but i did tell about it to my teacher and that's how i discovered my favorite teacher was homophobic.
allthough i do find these memories cringe i still hold the characters and anime very dear to my heart. i have never been able to find anything like this


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what do fujochan hetaliafags anons think of takes like this? it's sort of tiring having to hide liking hetalia because of autists like this


not to get too political here, but i tend to be pretty sensitive about nationalism, especially japanese nationalism, in media. i don't watch attack on titan precisely for that reason.

that's my own choice, though. i don't like the series and i'll tell people why i don't like it, but i really don't care what you think of it as long as you don't make it political yourself. if you like attack on titan because you think levi is hot, so be it; if you're going to argue with me that it's some paragon of anti-fascist literature, i'm going to exit the conversation as fast as i can. in the end, it's just anime. it only becomes a problem when you make it more than anime.

the other thing is, there's media out there that's way more blatant about its political leanings than any of those series. consider that one light novel where the main character was proud of his kill count in the nanjing massacre, for example. the yellow reply in that image really is right: all this is doing is just watering down the meaning of such terms.


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Isn't it incredible how a couple of pictures of some dumb teen-aged cosplayers are still ruining the fandom for everyone else almost ten years later?

I could go on and on about this topic but to keep it simple, most of the criticism Hetalia gets is warranted as it does have some pretty cringe-worthy and biased takes, but thinking just because something is flawed or problematic it shouldn't exist is black-and-white purity culture nonsense and it's only creating more toxic environments online. I really hope this trend of "media shouldn't require a single ounce of critical thinking for it to be good" dies as soon as possible so we can start openly talking about cute country-tans on main again.


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I don't listen to what tumblr says
And honestly all this "Hetalia is racist" talk that started to surface last years in really stupid because it just means that the people who make these posts completely miss the point that APH is a light-hearted satire series not meant to offend anyone


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Hetalia was what got me into yaoi in the first place. I wanted to read the normal manga but found a doujinshi instead lol
Also prussia will always be best boy


I don’t care anymore if people think I’m a white supremacist or racist or any other -ist. If anything, these types of people made me that way, not silly shows like Hetalia.


I agree that hetalia was WIDLY offensive before it got serialized but i don't remember the series ever being antisemitic. At least not the original japanese version, i don't think jewish people or nazi are ever mentioned.
Also, do you guys think himaruya pretended to be male all this time? I'm like 90% sure she's a fujoshi using a male pen name.


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>i don't think jewish people or nazi are ever mentioned.
I agree with you but to play devil's advocate here, what people are complaining about is a character based on Nazi Germany existing at all. Yeah, he represents the people and not the government and yeah, you can avoid calling him nazi outright in the show, but there's still this big fat elephant in the room that he is Nazi Germany and never portrayed as being in the wrong, so I can see why someone would take offense to that.

I actually think part of the problem is people walking into the show believing it's just gonna be cute humanized country shenanigans (so what Hetalia became after getting serialized), when in reality early-Hetalia was very focused on taking the piss out of the military and warfare strategies specifically, so people don't realize WW2 being tackled isn't a political statement.

>Also, do you guys think himaruya pretended to be male all this time?

I'm starting to believe the "he's actually multiple people" theory, with the artist being a woman. Imo that would also explain how he's apparently been pretty much all around the world multiple times and knows at least one person from almost every country, I refuse to believe a single Japanese mangaka has that much money and free time, let alone social life.


Himaruya studied in NYC for at least a year didn't he? And if he lives in a big Japanese city and stayed in touched with the friends he made in NYC I can believe he knows people from all over the world.


I still can't bring myself to forgive them for the way they portrayed s.korea and france in the earlier strips but i'm glad that they at least tried to redeem themselves with the serialization. The series still has a grip on me to this day because I find the character designs extremely cute and thanks to being based on real events and countries you can ship almost anything and it would still be canon-adjacent. I think it's also the first series where i enjoyed a pairing antis would call "incest" (usuk, although at the time i didn't consider it like that cause they aren't related).


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Any fellow Edelweiss shippers here?


hetalia fans help me out a little bit, i'm trying to think of all the instances the characters were shown to have very blatant gay feelings for each other
right now i compiled
germany -> italy
italy -><- hre (mutual)
sweden -> finland
spain -> romano (i know this one and the prussia one might have been retconned but they were canon one-sided feelings at some point)
prussia -> italy (both of them)
france -> everyone?
that one scene where it was heavily implied japan and greece had sex

and some of the more debatable ones:
france -><- england ? (i mean the sexual tension is clearly done on purpose and it has too much pandering to be purely rivalry so it's semi-canon to me)
england -> america (this one is the most debatable one BUT i think himaruya knew what he was doing here and england gives him chocolate for valentiens day in the same strip that made germany feelings for italy canon)
norway -> iceland (i always thought this is brocon pandering)
romano -> spain (debatable because romano is a huge tsundere)
do you guys remember anything else?


I was getting canceled long ago for shipping France and England together, they weren't even my main ship to begin with and the reason was because France was creepy so they accused me of being just as creepy as he is irl. Weird times.


>canceled for shipping france and england
thought you can only be cancelled for shipping usuk these days? if we go by that logic literally all the hetalia ships are problematic to some extent because they fought in wars, owned colonies, tormented each other, are related etc. you can even twist it that gerita, which is generally seen as a very vanilla ship, is incest because italy said he has germanic blood too lol


It was on deviantart even lol, lost like 3 of my deviantart Hetalia friends and then got spammed by different hetalia accounts that I'm disgusting, I only had like 10 watchers so that hurted me as a 15 year old. It still doesn't make sense to this day


gosh that sounds rough, you were probably caught in those weird fruk/usuk wars. the kids on deviantart were rather intense about it but fun fact, nowadays is more socially acceptable to ship fruk


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Yes!! Yes I was! And that was after I was getting canceled, it opened up like a whole can of worms and I couldn't sleep for a week so when I saw these other accounts with bigger followings having similar issues and just pointed to being a ship war made me feel a lot better. There was also a crazy subsection of gerita fans who hated itacest, not because it's incest but because it's not gerita. Picrel, I can't believe they're still at it.


heck as if himaruya gives a shit about incest when he made belarus the biggest yandere brocon


anyway this is like saying everyone who watches south park is racist, homophobic, pedophilic, the works. it's just a silly little cartoon lmao.


do you guys think there is a chance of himaruya redesigning s.korea and making his portrayal more accurate/less offensive? I would love to see some funny strips about kpop




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Never got into shipping in this series, but I had the biggest crush on America when I was younger.


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I love this official art. The first one looks like they just got married and the second one looks like the cover of a cute BL manga with a school setting. I don't even normally ship this but this art might single handly change my mind


I have multiple ships in Hetalia and it was the first series where I really got involved in shipping.
But weirdly enough I can't think of the characters as hot or attractive because I have been into it since I was a kid. So I kinda see them as family members.
I have no problem joking about their sex lives and shipping them with each other but I can't bring myself to read r18 doujinshis and fanficition of them. My inner 11 year old gets embarrassed. Hetalia is the only franchise where I feel like this


Cute, I love AsaKiku.


I used to absolutely love this ship
One of my first gay anime ships


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Anyone who was into geraus know what happened to this artist. All I know is she deleted everything one day and her tumblr is non-existent. It's weird because she was just starting to become more active on twitter when this happened


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dropping some vintage hetalia tumlbr memes here because i dont know where else to post these




With the continued popularity of things like Country Humans and other attempts to bishie-fy countries do you think Hetalia is to blame or is there just something innately appealing about humanized countries?


Well drawings of humanized countries have always been a thing. Like all those old political cartoons.

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